=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost [16:13] Is there any way we can get 6bdced2c@107-220-237-44.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net banned from #ubuntustudio? Keeps coming in and complaining and harassing, basically being a jerk. They don't get any response, but it's just toxic. [16:53] Eickmeyer: looking [16:58] hggdh: To be clear, he hasn't had any interaction with anybody, but the behavior in the chat is bad. [17:00] Eickmeyer: I had not been at #ubuntustudio for a while, so I have to rely on the logs. But the logs only give me nicks. I am guessing you are talking about 'vet' [17:00] hggdh: Yes. [17:04] ththey are aggressive and borderline obnoxious; I will stay in the channel and monitor [17:05] hggdh: Ok. Looks like it has been in the mornings (when I'm not even awake yet). I appreciate it. Mind if I lurk here until this issue is figured-out?