[00:11] Ussat: you probably double checked but maybe it's iptables getting in the way? I'd also verify with tcpdump to see what's going on [02:19] Hey all, I'm trying to figure out how to run a Bionic Minimal image on KVM (specifically `proxmox`) without the use of `uvtool`. It looks like this is published as either a rootfs tarball, a squashfs tarball, or a QCOW2 image. I've tried using the image, but I'm not having much luck and the VM is just stuck booting forever. Where can I look for [02:19] more information? === tds2 is now known as tds [09:42] what's the proper way to configure networking in server 18.04.3 LTS? many examples I see talk about configuring /etc/network/interfaces , another mentions /etc/systemd/ however that's empty, another says netplan... [09:44] Fieldy: netplan is the default [09:45] mwhudson: okay, thank you [13:42] sahid: will networking-odl build with testresources >= 2.0.0? [13:48] sahid: are you looking at networking-bgpvpn fixes? [13:49] coreycb: nop i'm working in magnum and manila to merge them from Debian [13:50] sahid: ok can you look at networking-bgpvpn/-odl when you get a chance since the uploads are failing builds [13:51] sure i will [13:51] thanks [14:15] sahid: i'm going to bump babel to 2.7.0 and I think that'll fix the backport failure [14:16] sahid: except i'm getting that LP "Path translation timed out" error again.. [14:27] sahid: apparently that isn't fixed yet ^. i thought it was working but nonetheless cjwatson can work around it if we give tell him the repo we need. [14:28] coreycb: I bumped python-sqlachemy-utils if you are ok to merge it that to resolve the dep issue with masakari [14:29] and magnum seems to be ready [14:33] win 3 [14:33] sahid: any chance we could get to 3.36.0? https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/master/upper-constraints.txt#L310 [14:42] coreycb: why? [14:42] ah ok [14:42] i will try [14:43] sahid: thanks. the more we can get to align with upper-constraints the better, especially with an LTS. [15:35] coreycb: i think we are good with python-sqlalchemy-utils now [15:36] masakari still does not want to merge, 'im on it [15:39] sahid: ok. I don't think we want to merge masakari. [15:41] \o/ JUst a follow up from yesterday, syslog-ng issue fixed [15:42] and a big FU to syslog for having a different formnat for recieving UDP and TCP...could not just simpoly change the protocol :) === arooni_team_b is now known as arooni [18:43] Hello! I'm so close: 18.04 minimal install joined to Windows Server 2012 R2 domain but domain users are not found so I'm unable to authenticate using them. What piece of the puzzle should I look at? [19:17] adamsmith34, what are you using for the join? sssd, nscd? Did you edit /etc/nssswitch? [19:19] I've discovered that the sssd service failed to start. It appears that I don't have a keytab. [19:19] Editing /etc/samba/smb.conf now... [19:25] I did edit /etc/nsswitch.conf, to answer your question. [19:31] Yep, sssd.service failing to start because of the missing keytab was part of the problem. I also found a typo in my /etc/smb.conf file. However, now when checking with 'su - domainuser' I get a return of "su: SYstem error". Any ideas? [20:38] adamsmith34, there should be something more helpful in auth.log [20:46] Looks like it: pam_unix(lightdm:auth): authentication failure; [20:49] And other similar messages [21:07] It looks like the domain user authenticates but then access is denied. [21:08] pam_sss(su:auth): authentication success...pam_sss(su:account): Access denied for user: 4 (system error)..pam_acct_mgmt: system error [21:57] do you have to specify the mtu on a bridge interface if the mtu is already specified on the bridge port? (jumbo frames) [22:29] Heya guys a noob Q. I've installed ubuntu 18.04 on my server, created lvms etc, and now after a few months I've noticed that the default partition is tiny (like 3.9GB). Is there a way to increase that size without messing up the rest of the setup? [23:45] NwS, did you set up the root partition with LVM? If so see standard LVM tutorial on how to add to it. [23:47] NwS, if not, lots of slightly more hassle ways of redoing the partition. If you can handle having the server down for a period of time, then backup and restore onto a new partition is fairly straightforward and low risk [23:49] NwS, workaround, might be to just create a new partition, copy everything from, say, /var or /usr to it, and then mount that partition on /var.