[12:13] wxl: You might want to say something in #lxqt ? [13:26] Also, @HMollerCl would you like to join #lxqt to comment about the issue? I am already talking with agaida, he says we should fix it. Can get you the backlog if you want. [13:44] @The_LoudSpeaker [Also, @HMollerCl would you like to join #lxqt to comment about the issue? I am a …], I'm a little busy now, could you save the log so I can read later? [13:44] Sure [16:48] https://phab.lubuntu.me/D68 [16:51] That's what I got 🙂 [16:56] Then an "arc diff" could have saved me the effort. ;) [16:58] Anyway, do you have upload rights? [16:58] @RikMills [16:58] Not at home right now [16:59] Oh. Okay. Enjoy the holiday, i will put you also as one of the reviewers from next time. If you don't mind. [17:00] 👍 [18:32] If you are not busy, someone please follow up on that guy in support of he needs any help. [19:06] Sorry, Christmas day here still. was busy with the family.