
hans_iirc there is a button you can press during boot to see... a bootlog, probably dmesg, what button is it?01:08
hans_(by default there's some pretty boot logo with a spnning thing instead)01:08
tomreynhans_: if escape doesn't work (i guess it may no longer work) then you can still modifying the kernel parameters01:11
JackFrostYou can change the boot line and remove 'splash', perhaps also 'quiet' for more verbose.01:11
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters01:12
JackFrostHeh, shiny.01:15
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
nikolamI have 7850 with DVI>VGA adapter on 1080p monitor and , while playing video in Firefox/Youtube and I turn on CRT monitor on Intel graphivs/VGA (i5 4570, intel 4600) in Xfce "Display" settings, then screen gets garbled on 7850/1080p screen11:34
nikolamScreen on radeon does not get garbled when I turn on second monitor on Intel, If I DON't play a youtube video (pause)11:36
nikolamBah it also garbles after pausing and some time is spent. But playing video, then pausing, switch it on right11:39
nshhas anyone noticed that workspace switching can get very slow (as in multiple seconds after pressing SUPER+F1/F2/etc.) and clicking in the picker sometimes doesn't switch at all?12:59
nshor thoughts as to what might be causing such slowness12:59
brainwashprobably compositing13:00
brainwashxfce settings > window manager tweaks > last tab13:01
nshwill check, thanks13:02
nshcertainly more responsive now but the picker still doesn't respond to clicks. trying removing it and adding again13:02
nshhmm, that's better now13:03
nshty brainwash13:03
luizsn00Tenho o adaptador: 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)mas no Xubuntu quando tento ativar o bluetooth ele não mostra nem o adaptador nem os dispositivos para parear. Alguém tem alguma solução para isso?15:23
luizsn00I have the adapter: 0a12: 0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)but on Xubuntu when I try to turn on bluetooth it shows neither the adapter nor the pairing devices. Does anyone have any solution for this?15:23
luizsn00When I give the command "hcitool scan" no device is found15:24
deadromhi all18:53
deadromnvidia GTX7xx and 18.04 - video (i.e. YT) tears tho nvidia-settings is set to vsync. what could I do about that?18:54
diogenes_deadrom, is composition on?18:55
deadromdiogenes_: check where?18:56
deadromdiogenes_: "display composit" in "fine tuning of window manager"? no, isn't.18:57
diogenes_window manager tweaks18:57
deadromyup. was off for reasons unknown to me. let's try...18:58
deadrommmmhm better but not good19:00
diogenes_deadrom, nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"19:04
=== Guest_90 is now known as mamamac
deadromdiogenes_: killed my Xserver19:08
diogenes_deadrom, hmmm it shouldn't have to.19:09
diogenes_deadrom, then your best bet is either compton or xubuntu 19.10.19:10
deadromI'll wait for LTS19:11
diogenes_good option too.19:11
braddoroI managed to break my installation of 18.04 LTS by killing my grub bootloader. Is this the right place to look for help?19:21
diogenes_!ask | braddoro19:22
ubottubraddoro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:22
braddoroI'm looking for a way to reinstall grub or setup the bootloader19:24
diogenes_braddoro, what happens when you boot?19:25
braddoroi tried running boot-repair but it did not fix it.  Here is the report if that helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/38yjc2Ymd6/19:26
braddorodiogenes_ Originally it booted to the grub_repair prompt.  After trying to fix it now it just does not boot at all.19:27
diogenes_braddoro, i'd re-install but you could try a live iso of MX Linux which has a boot repair tool.19:29
braddorocan I reinstall without losing my data?19:40
diogenes_braddoro, only if you have separate /home partition.19:41
braddoroI do have a separate partition with my data19:41
diogenes_then make sure not to format it.19:42
PataGarageHello i am new user of Xubuntu. I am satisfied with OS but my touchscreen isn't working. :(20:28

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