
hetiiHello :)16:36
hetiiI have couple question about cloud-init/config files.16:36
hetiiFirst I use terraform template_cloudinit_config data object where I can provide multiple parts that are encoded to multipart mime object. Each part of this message container header for eg for filename like:16:39
hetiiContent-Disposition: attachment; filename="cloudinit.yaml"16:39
hetiihow this file or content is then reference in boot process?16:39
hetiifor eg can I embed https certificate for nginx daemon and use that mime object as a source data?16:40
hetiithe second question is about cloud init portability. So by default my openstack provider have ubuntu images that support cloud-init, but do I assume correctly that cloud-init from ubuntu have different subset of stuff then for eg. cloudinit for rancheros?16:42
meenahetii: wha18:16
meena… typing in phones is hard18:16
meenaanyway, given that rancher os advertises itself as being configurable via cloud-init, i don't think you have to worry18:17
hetiiWell I need to know basic thing regarding boot process and paths handling in mime mix of cloud-init18:18
meenathat's probably one of the areas i cannot help :( i try to avoid needing multiple files18:19
hetiiok, dont worry I will figureout18:20
meenaextrapolating from my cloud provider, your nginx cert will end up in /var/lib/cloud-init/instance/18:21
hetiiok thx will check it also:)18:40
meenai just installed https://pypi.org/project/pipx/ — and saw Creator/Maintainer Chad Smith. and it's not blackboxsw. Apparently there's more than one.?!20:12

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