
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
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da_kingpinwhere are kwin application-specific settings stored?05:03
=== buzz_ is now known as Guest35660
IrcsomeBot1Simon was added by: Simon08:14
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BluesKajHi folks13:29
JarSsHello Kubuntu folks. I have to unrelated issues:13:32
JarSs1. default audio - I have a USB-amp connected to earphones, andI'd like to change that to the default. It seems to go back to HDMI-screen speakers (which are terrible) every time it goes to sleep, or when I start a new program that needs to use audio.13:33
JarSs2. my fonts seem to be somewhat messed up. I use Emacs, but nothing is wrong with the options there, the fonts are rendered somewhat weird. I did play around with the fonts and I'm wondering if there's a way to download  a package of popular  fonts, maybe that's where the issue is13:34
JarSsthanks :)13:34
joeybagodonutsGreetings y'all!14:21
BluesKajhi joeybagodonuts14:21
BluesKajhi Alabalistic14:38
Alabalisticho's the old year14:39
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== davidl is now known as djdl
=== emanuel is now known as emanuel_
jmzcI've got installed kubuntu 18.04 and , from two weeks ago, it doesnt receive updates ( by apt )18:00
jmzcno error18:00
Alabalisticjmzc, Open Discover and bottom left click on sources18:23
Alabalisticcheck if the right one is selected, or try sudo apt-get update and see if there is some connection problem18:24
jmzcsudo apt-get update18:26
jmzcObj:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/audio-recorder/ppa/ubuntu bionic InRelease18:26
jmzcObj:3 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease18:26
jmzcObj:4 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease18:26
jmzcObj:5 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease18:26
jmzcObj:6 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease18:26
OerHeksjmzc, what if you change mirror to 'main'?18:28
jmzcI dont see any problem18:28
OerHeksmaybe that mirror is days behind, some do close during hollidays18:28
jmzcok ...i'll try it18:28
OerHekssudo apt  update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # to get all hidden packages too18:29
jmzcbut i dont want upgrade to 19.10 , yet18:33
Alabalisticto upgrade to 19.10 you need to do sudo do-relese-upgrade18:42
Alabalisticso no worry18:42
OerHeksA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu18:43
OerHeksthe 'x not upgraded' part18:44
OerHeksand a recent kernel update, that needs a reboot, could hold up things too, iirc18:45
Th4ntisSo, is there a way I can change my network interface names from 'enps03' to the 'eth0' and have them still work? When Iedit the grub command line it all seems to work but I don't get any connection from my ethernet port when I do.22:34
IrcsomeBot1<Shreddies> https://youtu.be/TOob2Afydks?t=2119323:06
bpromptTh4ntis:   https://www.shellhacks.com/change-network-interface-name-eth0-eth1-eth2/23:10
Th4ntisThank you bprompt. I will try this23:11
=== saige is now known as saigel

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