
tbswhen i  mouseover it it says " 4 unattended notification(s) "00:00
kc2bezYou can disable the notifications00:00
tbsthere s no option like that, like others have00:00
kc2bezright click on the icon00:00
tbsthere s  no option  for disablin g it also, at least i cant fin d00:01
tbsi guess it s in a groub with wifi icon00:02
lubot<HMollerCl> in lubuntu? lxqt-notificationd00:03
tbs"status notifier plugin" i guess00:03
lubot<HMollerCl> yes00:04
kc2bezyou can remove it from the panel.00:04
tbsi don t wanna lose all plugin00:04
kc2bezit should only remove the status notifier plugin00:05
tbs"it" ?00:05
lubot<HMollerCl> @tbs [<tbs> "it" ?], the action of remove00:05
lubot<HMollerCl> you could also disable the autostart of the demon.00:06
tbslubot: i dont understand anything from HMollerCI00:06
tbsi thought u would continue saying somethings so i didn t ask:D00:06
lubot<HMollerCl> sorry00:08
tbswhat is it?00:09
lubot<HMollerCl> there are 2 ways of removing notification00:09
lubot<HMollerCl> one is to disable the miniaplication, notifications will run but wont appear.00:09
lubot<HMollerCl> The other option is to disable the demon (small app) that manage notifications. So no notiications will be "listened" when programs send it.00:10
kc2bezhere is a link to the manual page for the panel which may also help. https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/5/5.1/lxqt-panel.html00:11
tbslubot: i wann a do "one " how to do?00:11
kc2bezright click on the panel select manage widgets select status notifier and hit the - button to the right.00:13
kc2bezthen close the window.00:13
tbsthat way i ca nt see wifi icons too, like i said i dont wan na lose all plugin00:14
kc2bezWiFi is a different widget00:15
tbsi did it again   now an d wifi disappared, also quassel IRC icon was there and it disappared too00:16
kc2bezhmm, perhaps it isn't a different widget.00:17
kc2bezI stand corrected00:17
tbsthat aside, with ur code it went so well, installing lubuntu-desktop kc2bez00:20
kc2bezok good.00:21
tbsit s n ot perfect cuz it in stalled 3 m ore apps00:21
kc2beztry this for the notifications:00:21
tbsand i really dislike kwallet00:22
kc2bezfrom the menu go to preferences LXQt settings desktop notifications00:23
kc2bezin desktop notifications click advanced00:23
kc2bezthen set unattended notifications how many to save to 000:24
tbsit worked00:24
tbsi thought that but also thoughht it wouldnt work:D00:25
tbsi tried steam  now again, it doesn t work00:36
kc2bezdid you get an error?00:37
tbsit downloaded somethings but i can t open it at the end00:38
tbssorry, i needed to look something00:39
tbsno, it just doesn t open  anythin g00:40
tbsa window appaers about updating steam, then it disappaers in 3 sec, then   nothin g happen s after that00:41
kc2bezIt might take a bit.00:41
tbsi downloaded file from steam web site and did same with it00:42
tbsso i don t think it ll lunch00:42
tbs thanks for help guys, good  night and sleep well^^00:54
kc2bezGood night00:55
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest12640
sappheirosIs amarok okay for lubuntu 18.04?05:10
tomreynit is available. and there are probably bug reports, did you look at them, yet?05:12
sappheirosno ... after i finish updating linux-firmware etc, i will go look for them05:13
sappheirosso available in the synaptic package manager means it's compatible?05:13
tomreynwhile you use standard apt sources, yes05:14
sappheirosis there a music player you prefer? i am trying to organize my music library and add ratings (like the 5 star rating system)05:14
tomreynthough keep in mind that packages in "universe" are community maintained05:15
sappheirosi got used to windows media player and itunes decade(s?!) ago05:15
sappheirosso i got used to rating songs05:15
tomreyni'm not the right person to discuss this with, don't use music players a lot.05:15
tomreyn(and i don't use lubuntu.)05:16
guivercsappheiros, amorak is Qt4 based; so isn't available for 19.10 or later so don't fall too in love with it.05:27
* guiverc just realizes it was likely removed before 19.10; removed from debian in 201705:28
sappheiros;( but i just installed it i thought05:30
sappheirosyou're saying it will be gone when i get a new computer? :(05:30
sappheirosi thought lubuntu switched to qt405:30
guivercI used to use it, switched to clementine (though I do like audacious for GTK+ environments; so it's my 18.04 Lubuntu choice);  Lubuntu uses Qt5 from 18.10 up, GTK+2 (LXDE) in 18.0405:31
* guiverc clarifies, used to use it, as in amorak05:31
sappheiroswow, amarok's a pretty gorgeous player05:31
sappheirosor maybe i'm just tipsy05:31
sappheirosclementine hm? ... ...05:32
guivercQt5 was released in 2012; amorak was never upgraded from Qt4 to Qt5 so it's in it's last days05:32
* diogenes_ uses DeaDBeeF for ages and won't switch to another player.05:33
sappheirosthank you for this warning.05:33
sappheirosso amarok developers lost interest?05:34
guivercI don't know sorry05:34
sappheirosi'm guessing clementine isn't compatible for 32-bit 18.04? ...05:53
sappheirosheyyy there are 32bit versions05:54
wxl!info clementine bionic05:54
ubottuclementine (source: clementine): modern music player and library organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1+git276-g3485bbe43+dfsg-1.1build1 (bionic), package size 4359 kB, installed size 16994 kB05:54
sappheirosooooooh clementine looks very nice06:13
wxli use nvlc but i'm weird like that XD06:13
sappheiroshttps://www.codeproject.com/articles/109639/nvlc hmmmm06:17
sappheiroslooks like a coding hobby to play music06:18
sappheiroslike soem people build their own [other object] for fun06:18
wxlum https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/eoan/en/man1/vlc.1.html06:18
sappheirosoh. what. is nvlc a synonym for vlc in command prompt?06:19
sappheirosi gotta go to bed. :<06:20
sappheiroshow to not need sleep any more06:20
wxlnope, it's a synonym for `vlc -I ncurses`06:20
wxli like mate personally :)06:20
sappheiros(my head)06:24
guivercsappheiros, for x86 I usually opt to use `cmus` (terminal based music player)06:27
sappheirosguiverc: neat, but ... hm ... i'll check it out, thanks06:32
wxlok, new game: every time someone mentions a command line music player, sappheiros has to drink06:33
* wxl sips french sparkling apple cider06:33
* guiverc is jealous, no lovely apple cider06:34
* guiverc got to have some last night though (dec 31)06:34
wxli was going to say, you should be well into the new year06:35
guivercyep, ~17:3506:35
sappheirosi'm not necessarily opposed to that idea ... ... but i do have to work tomorrow ...06:35
sappheirosany idea what gstreamer plugin clementine is vaguely saying i'm lacking?06:36
wxli didn't say WHAT you had to drink06:36
sappheirosif the devil's in the details, then you are a saint06:36
sappheirosmaybe i will give clementine gstreamer1.0-x to see if that'll make it happy -- or is it a bad idea to install packages unnecessarily?06:37
sappheirosor maybe i will RTFM of clementine06:37
wxlit isn't uncommon that media players want toms extra packages for different codecs and such06:38
sappheiros(basically i can't play the tracks in clementine's playlist)06:38
sappheirosand i keep. getting a firefox error saying my profile is missing wtf :(06:38
sappheirosi think -- "Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible." another thing to copy paste into duckduckgo+-google06:38
wxli've seen that happen if you remotely store your profile06:39
sappheiroshttps://askubuntu.com/questions/302891/firefox-profile-cannot-be-loaded-after-upgrade seems to be me after installing updates ~60 min ago06:40
sappheirosexcept 18.0406:40
wxllook at ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini06:40
sappheirosit's got text06:41
guivercsappheiros, re: streamer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  but I note my Lubuntu doesn't have the package it says to include; I can play all, but I do have gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly installed06:42
wxlyou could try to interpret it or you can pastebin it and i could do it for you but first based on that answer, you should check to see if the permissions are right06:42
sappheirosi think it's synaptic package manager triggering this error message06:42
sappheirosthe Locked=1 for the first one does seem suspicious06:43
sappheiroshum, the string before .default-release differs between blocks06:43
wxlyeah locked is not good06:43
sappheirosmy body yawning is wanting me to sleep i think06:44
sappheirosbody: "go to bed dammit" brain: "but computer is funnnnn"06:44
sappheiros"there, now it says unlocked=1 ..." (just kidding)06:46
sappheiros"that's why your computer's so slow -- it's running on all those 1's and 0's. change them to 9's and 8's ..."06:46
wxlwow, and no one has mentioned a single cli music player06:47
sappheiroswhelp, gooooodnight and good year everybody06:47
wxlsleep tight06:47
* wxl tucks sappheiros in06:47
sappheiros:3 <306:47
tbshello, is there anyone?07:45
tbskc2bez: hello, are you still here? so i can  try to get m ore help? :)07:51
tbshello, is there anyone?09:12
lubot<tsimonq2> tbs: Be patient :)09:23
lubot<tsimonq2> Ask your questions and idle here09:23
lubot<tsimonq2> You'll get an answer when someone can answer you09:23
tbshow can  i install steam, i cant see it at discover, muon and synaptic gives errors and doesnt start install.09:30
tbshow can  i install steam, i cant see it at discover, muon and synaptic gives errors and doesnt start install.10:20
Ascavasaiontbs - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=install+steam+on+ubuntu&atb=v174-1&ia=web10:27
tbsAscavasaion: i also searched for it10:34
tbsbut there s a bug when "veryfiying installation" so it cant start10:35
Ascavasaiontbs: Oh, then I don't know10:48
AscavasaionTry asking in #ubuntu  There are more people there, and I am pretty sue your problem is not lubuntu specific.10:48
tbsAscavasaion: thanks for trying to help  ^^10:51
guiverctbs, no idea if this is helpful (re: steam), but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve11:33
tbshello, how can i remove steam complately from system?12:07
tbshello, how can i remove steam complately from system?15:26
diogenes_sudo apt purge steam15:27
tbsdiogenes_: thanks, it worked^^15:31
tbsbtw do u know how can i run steam? it seems when i try to open it, it shows a window about veryfying installation than  closes in 3 sec, then n othing happens, so steam doesnt opens15:33
diogenes_tbs, i don't use steam, only wine.15:35
diogenes_try to install steam through PlayOnLinux.15:36
tbsdiogenes_: do u know maplestory?15:36
tbsokay, it s a game, i just wan ted to try my luck :)15:37
tbsdw about it15:38
diogenes_you can play it through PlayOnLinux (maybe).15:38
tbswell, it s hard really15:39
tbsdo u know about errror at discover? it says " be sure appstream configured right at ur system" and i can t see some apps there15:41
tbsdiogenes_: ?15:41
diogenes_tbs, i always use synaptic.15:46
tbsdiogenes_: okay, thanks ^^15:48
tbshello, i need 32 bit dependences to install steam if i understand and remember right,  can  anyone tell me terminal code?16:47
tbsi found why i get error from Discover, it s cuz i use lubuntu with turkish language -.- i m trying now english installation and there s no error -.- so it s not an  error actualy, it s something that make u force to use e nglish installation, i searched that bug at web  and it seems this bug s living since 2 years at least. it s a known bug from past. but they dont solve this. i tried kde with manjaro, there wasnt this bug, but at ubuntu there is. i wonder17:27
tbs how much they care about other languages. cuz it s been  at least 2 years or more....17:27
tbsi liked lubuntu really but it seems it doesnt like me:/17:29
tbshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cz75cMYHRM good presentation, i already respected to developers of lxde and lxqt18:10
tbsim  back, i restarted lubuntu after making language turkish, and now i have bug on my discover ^^18:46
kc2beztbs: The best thing to do is make a comment on the bug you created yesterday indicating the issue is present with Turkish language.18:49
tbskc2bez: i did it now, i hope they ll fix it19:13
tbsi watched that video19:18
tbsim not so good at english so i may understand wrong19:19
tbsare developers of lxde and lxqt are developers of lubuntu?19:20
wxltbs: PCMan is responsible for driving LXDE, but stopped doing so when he came out with LXQt. there's really no one that works with both.19:37
tbsis that man who presents at video PCMan?19:41
tbswxl: ?19:41
tbsi like both kde and lx but i dont like to see kde apps at lxqt  for some reason im  not sure19:43
wxlregarding your turkish/discover issue, i wonder if it isn't somehow failing due to the lack of turkish translations in the appstream metadata. appstream can be a real pain as you'll see i've recently discovered: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/fake-firefox-in-app-store/64619:43
wxlkde has been developing on qt for a long, long time. they tend to produce the most mature results19:44
tbsas he said, i also see black icon  when i try to install deb files with Discover19:47
ubottuKDE bug 406654 in discover "Pointless "Make sure that AppStream is properly set up on your system" message" [Normal,Confirmed]19:47
wxlyou should add to that and explain that it only happens with turkish19:48
wxlor at least it hapens with turkish but not with english19:48
tbskc2bez said same and i added it19:48
wxli think you mean your launchpad bug19:48
wxlthis is the upstream bug tracker; the one that the actual discover developers use19:49
tbsdo u mean i also should report about appstream?19:50
wxlno i mean you should go to the url i sent you, create an account there if necessary, and comment on that bug with your experience including the versions of lubuntu and discover you're using19:51
tbsahh u mean  here https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40665419:51
ubottuKDE bug 406654 in discover "Pointless "Make sure that AppStream is properly set up on your system" message" [Normal,Confirmed]19:51
wxlyou might also want to include the results of `appstreamcli status` since that will show you do have appstream set up19:52
wxli also notice in comment 9 they find an error about one of the particular metadata pools.. i would urge you to open a terminal and run `plasma-discover` and see if you see any similar errors in the output in the terminal19:53
tbs now again  i need to create an account, why dont u guys use something like disqus:D19:53
wxlwell (a) disqus isn't open source and (b) you're talking about two totally separate bug trackers which are not run by the same "guys" (and girls!)19:54
wxlcould you please link me to your launchpad bug, by the way? i want to connect these two19:55
tbssure, give m e a min19:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1858011 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "Discover app bug, cant find some apps" [Undecided,New]19:58
wxlwhat apps (tell me as many as you can) can you find in english that you can't find in turkish?19:59
wxland does it also tell you "please check your connectivity????"20:01
tbsi added google earth yday  but it seems discover removed it when i  checked at english installation20:02
wxli don't think it was ever there, personally20:02
tbsbut still steam s not there for turkish while english have, i dont know much app  but im  going to try some20:02
tbsn ow20:02
wxlyou won't find non-open source stuff there, nor will you find stuff that is ONLY distributed by the developer (this is true for all of google's stuff)20:02
tbsbtw now im  checking it, i also see krita with both colored and black icon at same time20:04
wxli'm looking for a good example i can find so i can investigate the appstream data as i did with VLC on that forum post20:05
wxlwow slipping into turkish is hard. everything changes order O_O20:05
tbstell me if u n eed to translate somethings:D20:06
wxli think i figured it out20:07
tbsbtw just reminding, i dont see featured apps, it s empty for me20:08
tbsthere s a sentence for their place " please check your connectivity"20:08
wxlyep that's the one20:10
tbswhat s it20:10
tbstell me also so i can correct with my system ur fixing methot20:12
wxlwell i'm not fixing anything; just confirming and investigating your problem20:13
tbswell, i hope i could help u a little so with ur help others can fix this long term bug20:13
tbsso i can use linux easier^^20:14
wxl^ that's what comes out of running it in terminal20:17
wxli'm pretty sure the kdeinit5 lines refer to failing to connect over http to the "featured" section20:18
wxlHAH! https://github.com/elementary/triage/issues/620:22
wxlthat's NOT for discover but it's with another app store application with the same error AND it's turkish20:22
wxland there's a related bug on the same app with the same issue and also turkish https://github.com/elementary/appcenter/issues/116120:23
tbswell, i dont know mu ch but the only couse i could found is changing languages, so my guess is some turkish words are not there to complate some new things, translate needs to be updated20:24
tbs btw, do u know peppermint?20:24
tbspeppermint os i mean20:24
wxldoesn't turkish necessarily mean using combining diacritics?20:24
wxli don't really use peppermint or know much about it20:24
wxli know of it20:25
wxl(aside: officially now i think turkish is the most amazing thing ever https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_bird_language)20:26
wxlseriously, that is amazing20:26
tbsyeah, where they talk like that s near my city, Rize people have good history with also hawk and hunting with it20:27
wxli would love to go to turkey20:28
tbswhere r u from20:28
wxlfrankly, i'd like to go anywhere. the world is an amazing place. but turkey is pretty remarable. i actually have a teapot from turkey my wife's aunt got me20:28
wxlunited states20:28
wxlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_alphabet#Software_localisation <<< this might be our issue?20:29
tbsi have same idea as urs20:29
tbsbtw we have diacritics, yes20:29
tbslike ş=sh  , i think it s for making things easier20:32
wxlbut unlike some other languages, i think all of the members of your alphabet are represented in individual unicode characters, right?20:32
wxlyep it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9E20:32
tbsidk about unicode, also i don t think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_alphabet#Software_localisation  this case s a big problem20:34
tbswhat i guessed about s not about letters but not complated translations20:36
tbsbtw if u r really think about visiting turkiye i can help20:37
tbsabout peppermint i wanted to sugggest u 2 apps there to try cuz u r in  developers team here20:39
tbsice and advert blocker app of peppermint is so good imo so i wanted to tell u about them20:39
wxlwe don't include ad blockers by default in firefox but they're available20:43
wxlfirefox is increasingly doing better at dealing with tracking https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop20:45
wxlthat's bby default20:45
wxland ice..... i'm not sure i'd want that to be a default thing.20:46
tbsby default? i also thought some ads i dont see i should have at firefox, i guessed this may be something n ew20:47
tbslet m e introduce u these two:D20:47
wxlyeah firefox is ALWAYS working on improving how it deals with privacy and tracking20:47
tbsice s creating a realy good way for securty20:48
tbswith it u can open different firefoxes like they are at different pc20:48
tbsfrom start20:48
tbswith that forexample if u login ur google account with one ice, with ur normal firefox google cant track u20:49
tbscan  track u sure but not ur email20:49
cevacinevathis is my first time using irc20:49
wxlwelcome cevacineva20:50
tbsi use ice for my bank account, and emeails20:50
wxltbs: google can track your ip though :)20:50
tbsyeah but actually i dont use much google:D20:50
cevacinevamost companies that have log in systems and logs can track your ip. correct me if i am wrong20:51
wxlrealistically anyone can20:51
tbsi just wanted to give an  example, it sure "can"  but we shouldnt make it easy for it20:51
wxlby accepting most terms of service you're necessarily allowing them to track you20:51
wxlbut they're doing it in a "quiet" way that your browser can't protect you from20:51
tbsi have both outlook and hotmail i use for years20:52
tbsu know u cant log in  both of them at same time, with ice u can:D20:53
tbsice also make page like a fullpage app, it makes browser games looks better20:54
wxli can see the value of it, but i don't see it as a "requirement" per se20:54
tbsu r right20:55
tbsi already didn t think u ll like it so much, i just wanted to show u somethi ng unique in all i saw cuz u r in team of developers here20:55
wxlthanks for that :)20:56
tbsab out Advert Blocker, it blocks adverts starting from system20:56
tbsu know probably ads plugings at browsers increase their ram usage about %10 or more20:57
tbsadvert blocker s a good idea for that meter i guess20:57
wxlhere's the appstream data for steam http://appstream.ubuntu.com/eoan/multiverse/metainfo/steam-installer.html20:59
wxlcompare to vlc http://appstream.ubuntu.com/eoan/universe/metainfo/vlc.html20:59
wxlnote that under the "Name" there's a "tr" version for vlc, but there are no translations whatsoever for steam21:00
tbsi also guessed it after i saw english discover doesn t have problem21:01
wxlwell, i'm guessing that's somehow related to the issue21:01
tbsi ca n use english desktop, b ut it s n ot comfortible21:01
wxli have a theory that the problem may lie with the metadata on the featured ones21:01
tbsu know stea m needs 32 bit thin gs, right?21:02
wxlin an ideal world, anyone should be able to usee lubuntu regardless of their language. that is certainly a goal for us. we have a whole "globalizatoin" team21:02
wxlyeah. that fact created quite a controversy21:02
tbsif u can tell me how to do in stall it, i can try it with english system to install than con vert to turkish21:03
wxlwell if you're using discover i guess the first step is converting to english -_-21:04
wxlah i see discover can't handle it anyways21:05
wxl`sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386`21:06
wxlyou need to do that first21:06
wxlthen discover should work (if you're using english)21:06
tbsokay, wait some mins, i ll come back after restart21:07
wxlyou don't need to restart21:07
wxlthis isn't windows after all :)21:07
tbsim now using turkish system21:08
tbsso i should restart first, right?21:09
wxlyou can just log out and log back in to swap languages21:09
tbsthat was fast21:11
tbsbtw nothing happened with this sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386, just wanted my pass and done21:11
wxlthat's the necessary part so now you can just install the steam-installer package21:12
tbsand now discover runs with n o bug -.-21:12
wxlin turkish???21:12
tbs no, i chan ged to english, i said21:12
tbsim going to install steam via discover then21:13
tbswhy u guys use ubuntu but not debian itself?21:14
tbsi n eed som e tim e to download steam so i can  ask things:D21:14
wxlthe stable version of debian is behind the stable version of ubuntu; that's one of the major reasons ubuntu exists21:15
tbswhat ab out rolling?21:15
tbsi read that it s not bad21:16
tbsi have read*21:16
wxlthat's never been a model for ubuntu and given that it's based on debian which is also not rolling, it's extremely unlikely we'll ever see it21:16
tbslxqt team s at lubuntu21:16
wxllubuntu is ubuntu21:17
tbsbut forexample manjaro has lxqt too21:17
tbsso are 2 lxqt desktop same other than ubuntu and arch?21:17
wxli'm not sure i understand your question21:17
tbsor are you guys impruving things for mostly ubuntu?21:18
tbsi m ean  im pruving lxqt desktop E21:18
wxlwell our goal is ultimately to ensure that "lubuntu" works well together. when that involves a problem affecting lxqt overall, we do that work upstream with lxqt21:19
tbsb tw, i could install an d start steam-.-21:23
tbsjust need to remember my pass:)21:23
wxli can't help you with that XD21:23
tbsalso i just remember,  mint s also based on ubuntu, but doesnt have steam  problem21:23
wxlthe "problems" with steam started in 19.10. there's no mint version based on that yet.21:24
wxlmint is behind ubuntu21:24
tbsi ll recover steam pass tmorrow21:26
tbswell, i have now account at lubuntu web  site21:27
wxlwhich one? XD21:28
tbsfinally found21:29
tbsthis one u wanted me to comment about my bug report, right?21:30
wxloh not that one :(21:31
ubottuKDE bug 406654 in discover "Pointless "Make sure that AppStream is properly set up on your system" message" [Normal,Confirmed]21:32
tbsahh, i won dered why that ubottu shows that message so many times21:34
tbsi dont wanna create another acccount...21:35
tbsi feel like suggesting a n ew thin g to u :D21:35
wxlprobably won't work XD21:36
tbssince u can develop, pls develop an app like disqus so we wont need to create this man y account:D21:36
wxlstill won't matter. it's a matter of everyone accepting it which is unlikely21:36
tbsyeah, u r right21:37
tbsnow there s only one step left but even u cant help me( pass of steam)21:37
tbswhile u r here21:38
tbslubuntu icon s one of the bests imo21:39
tbsi like how lubuntu looks21:39
tbsi dont like charging icon at right side of panel21:39
wxlthanks XD i have nothing to do with it, though; i usually take whatever comes X'D21:39
tbsi remem bered an other question21:40
tbsu know workspaces21:40
tbswith its widget on panel if u use mouse whell u can change desktops21:41
tbsi saw at archman os community release of openbox, i  could change desktop with mousewhell on  task manager widget21:42
tbsalso those 2 desktops has different wallpapers21:43
tbshow can i do these at lubuntu?21:43
tbsthis s the os21:44
tbsi really want to do something smilar to this21:44
tbsi would use archman too actually but  this iso s not stable imo21:45
wxlit's a rolling release and it may be in part due to that21:52
wxlanyways you can configure openbox in different ways21:52
wxli HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE that "feature" personally but i can tell you how to do it :)21:52
tbsdont tell m e if  u don t like it21:53
tbsit would be so selfishly from  me21:53
wxlyou know what the best part of linux is? choices! just because i don't like something doesn't mean you shouldn't :)21:53
tbsi mean i wouldnt want to make u tired cuz of my sefish,  not nessessery questions21:55
wxloh it won't bother me any21:55
tbsi would want u to answer if u thi nk that way^^21:55
wxlperhaps i expressed myself too strongly. it doesn't bother me to talk about. i just don't want it on my computer :)21:56
tbsi like it so i wanna try21:57
wxli just got to find it21:57
wxloh wait21:57
wxlit's already there21:57
tbsim glad u found it21:59
wxlhere's the openbox documentation on mouse bindings http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Bindings#Mouse_bindings22:00
tbsi dont know about codes...22:01
wxlit basically says when you're on the destop, going up goes to the previous desktop and down to the next one22:02
tbsidk where to write those22:02
wxlthey're already there22:03
tbswhat should i do then?22:03
wxlgo to your desktop, move the mouse wheel and it should go to a different workspace22:04
tbsyeah, but i wanna do same on panel on task manager widget22:04
wxlgiven the number of contexts i'm not sure how easy that is22:05
tbsnormally i use one workspace22:06
wxli need to take off. talk soon :)22:07
tbsbut if i could do this and could put differen t wallpaper on  differen t workspaces i would use 2 workspaces22:07
tbscya later^^22:07

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