=== daniel is now known as Guest89114 [04:45] hello, startup disk creator only works for debian based iso it seems, which app do you suggest for others? [04:53] tbs, we really only support Lubuntu here [04:57] guiverc: i understand, well, i have another question, how to set vivaldi as main browser? [04:59] tbs, i'm busy next ~30 mins [05:00] guiverc: okay, tyt ^^ [05:30] tbs, have you had a go with preferences->Default.Applications.for.LXSession (you were on 18.04 as I recall) x-www-browser is the default browser (or have you tried that and aren't getting anything helpful)? [05:43] guiverc: i use 19.10 [05:45] what i did is configuration center>session settings>default apps, i guess i culd add vivaldi, im not sure, but i replaced firefox at least, still firefox is default browser [05:47] sorry, I'll point you to https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/default-browser-issue/450 [05:53] i readed it now, it seems it s hard to do [05:53] well i have another qestion [05:54] guiverc: how can i install this? https://download.kde.org/unstable/isoimagewriter/0.8/ [05:55] it looks like a tarball, usually you expand and follow instructions enclosed within (INSTALL, README or a like named text file) though some tarballs have the instructions where you download it (not package inside) [05:57] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwarePackagingFormats and https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/manual-install.html maybe helpful [06:07] guiverc: i understand now, thanks [06:12] :) [06:30] Ok, this is driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to change the content of windows to a arker color in lubuntu? For example the file manager, it doesn't matter if I choose dark themes, the panels and content itself is still light... hop you know what I mean. [06:31] *darker [06:34] That is, I would like the light gray parts of the GUI to be dark, as the rest of theme. Currently it looks like this https://ibb.co/f222ccq [06:45] Guest_46, try adwaita-dark. [06:47] After sitting an hour playing around I got it working, all of a sudden I could choose gtk as qt style in lxqt apperance configurator...:) [06:48] Been installing some plugins, and one of them must have enabled it [06:50] execuse me, How do I upgrade from lubuntu 18.04 to lubuntu 19.10? [06:50] !upgrade [06:50] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [08:20] I just read a few messages at the start of the backlog. tbs: the ability to scroll through desktops by scrolling on the taskbar is available as a extension on gnome desktop. Not supported as of now in lxqt. Maybe you can file an issue with lxqt-panel on GitHub and request the upstream. [08:36] @LoudSpeaker, after trying to learn about how to do it from this chat and saw that it is a unique request, i opened new topic here https://discourse.lubuntu.me === lubuntu is now known as Guest5798 [10:26] Somehow, probably while installing some apps, some kde apps installed without my request. i uninstalled most but idk how to uninstall Kde System Settings. Can anyone help me? [10:28] do you know the package name or any file which belongs to it? [10:29] @@, sorry, it seems a whole package groub installed! [10:30] when i try to uninstall one it wants me to uninstall nearly 20 package... [10:30] i ll try and come back here [10:34] Careful. Might end up uninstalling half of your own system. I did that last time I tried to remove some packages from a PPA that were no longer required. [10:36] seems it went fine, but im not experienced enough to check them via muon, i could only use discover to be sure not doing anything wrong [10:36] tomreyn: how can i know package name? [10:37] if you know a file which belongs to the package you can use dpkg -S /path/to/file to determine the package name [10:37] this only works for packages which are currently installed [10:38] apt-file can be used to search for packages and files whether or not they are installed [10:39] to search for packages based on key words, use apt search 'KEYWORD1 [KEYWORD 2]' [10:40] "apt search" is short for "apt-cache search". see the man page of "apt-cache" for more information on how the search parameters work, which syntaxes are supported. [10:40] i said when i try to uninstall a kde package it wanted to uninstall about 20 more with it, it seems Kde System Settings s uninstalled too [10:41] tomreyn: sorry to take your time :/ [10:42] no problem. feel free to take note of the above, you might need it again soon [10:45] i tried apt search, it may be usefull in future really [10:45] i learned a new thing at least :) [10:56] i have another question, i cant make bigger the icons on quick launch with panel settings, and quick launch doesnt have settings. how to do? [12:01] (Photo, 1280x124) https://i.imgur.com/8wPEbwS.jpg execuse me, is there someone know, what happen to my laptop ? [12:01] all my directory become corrupted file [12:03] (Photo, 799x581) https://i.imgur.com/wjjafKm.jpg all my files on /home/user become x-corupted file [12:21] 大家好 [12:21] 朋友们好! [12:21] 都在干山呢 [12:22] 哈哈哈 [16:05] i have another question, i cant make bigger the icons on quick launch with panel settings, and quick launch doesnt have settings. how to do? === jay is now known as Guest90976 === lubuntu is now known as Guest52266 [20:14] , i cant make bigger the icons on quick launch with panel settings, and quick launch doesnt have settings. how to do? [21:30] i cant make bigger the icons on quick launch with panel settings, and quick launch doesnt have settings. how to do?