
currybulleni installed a snap application called caprine (a chat client) on fedora. do i need to do something with snapd to be able to open links i click on in caprine in my web browser?00:23
cowsay_hey.. I'm using the vs code snap in classic confinement.  I'm trying to edit a site that I have mounted via webdav.  It gets mounted to "/run/user/1000/gvfs/dav:host=neocities.org,ssl=true,prefix=%2Fwebdav" and vscode throws the error "cannot open path of the current working directory: Permission denied".  I believe this is due to the confinement preventing access to /run.  is there any way to circumvent this or force it to allow access to specific00:43
cowsay_nevermind, i worked around it by using davfs2 instead of the Nautilus plugin (I guess??) and mounting manually to /media instead01:07
ogracowsay_, yeah, gvfs is still an issue, see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/difficulty-viewing-mounted-fileystems-via-samba-nfs-gvfs-interface/1468001:27
sdhd-saschaogra: can i sometimes ask you some questions about the rpi4 - kernel, gadget and core image ? here i have two arm cortex boards and want to build an ubuntu image for it ? They are rockchip and amlogic.10:59
sdhd-saschai wonder where the ubuntu-eoan/debian.raspi2/abi/5.3..../arm64/raspi2* files come from ?11:00
ograsdhd-sascha, from the kernel team :) it is one of the multiple snippets the debian package build creates its config from ... if you dont build for RPi i wouldnt care about it though ...11:44
sdhd-saschaThank you. I just copied and renamed the generic from arm for now13:04
ograsdhd-sascha, you dont need to copy anything ... just using "kconfigflavour: generic" in snapcraft.yaml is enough ... then you can use "kconfigs:" to override certain settings as needed13:47
sdhd-saschaogra: i already start building the kernel. And as next step. I want to figure out, where to modify the kconfigflavour. I started with your raspi2 snap13:48
sdhd-saschacurrently i have `kconfigflavour: rk3318`. But i think the build will now fail, because i don't know where the flavour comes from. I cloned the "debian.raspi2" directory to "debian.rk3318/"13:50
ograalternatively you can use upstream defconfigs like i do in https://github.com/ogra1/linux-multi-v7-snap/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L31 ... with the patches from line 39 (https://github.com/ogra1/linux-multi-v7-snap/blob/master/patches/configs.patch)13:50
ogra(thats a rockchip 32bit kernel btw)13:52
sdhd-saschareally 32bit ? Oo13:52
ograyeah, arm64 on boards with less than (or equa to) 4GB ram is wasteful nonsense IMHO :) (others disaree :) )13:53
sdhd-saschaok, that's a good point. I didn't thought about the ram13:53
ogra(arm64 binaries allocate nearly twice the amount of ram for no benefit)13:54
sdhd-saschathen i will change it back to "armhf"13:54
ograi.e. the core16 image on a dragonboard consumes ~90MB for the idling OS ... vs ~40MB on a rpi13:55
sdhd-saschau-boot i will took from here: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/u-boot13:56
ogra(dragonboard runs wpa-supplicant by default thats accoutable for the extra10MB over doubling it i assume)13:56
sdhd-saschaok - i hope one of the boards will work. The other one is a amlogic S91213:57
ografor a rockchip 32bit one i have https://github.com/ogra1/tinkerboard-gadget ... for 64bit there is https://github.com/ogra1/rock64-gadget13:58
sdhd-saschawow, i didn't found this. thank you :-)13:59
sdhd-saschafrom one device i found the dtb and dtbo. I know, i can decompile the dtb? But what should i do with the overlay ?14:00
ogranothing for the start :)14:01
ograi assume you have seen https://ograblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/13/patching-u-boot-for-use-in-an-ubuntu-core-gadget-snap/ and https://ograblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/building-u-boot-gadget-snap-packages-from-source/ ?14:01
ogra(old but should mostly still work fine)14:02
sdhd-saschathank you. Some months ago, i already experimented with rpi4 dtb and dtbo. But can't remember today :-D14:03
ograrpi is special ...14:03
ograthanks to the proprietary bootoader14:03
sdhd-sascha yes. we want uefi ;-)14:03
ogratry to ignore it if you buuild something that supports plain ubot14:04
sdhd-saschaHere is the thread for the rpi4 netboot stuff. https://www.mail-archive.com/u-boot@lists.denx.de/msg351580.html14:04
sdhd-saschaSometime i want to test netboot on rpi4 with u-boot. Without u-boot it works good.14:05
ograoh, thats quite some work ... i started working on that once before i changed teams ... take a look at alexander garfs work  https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16998214:05
ogranetboot work work with core without some massive changes to the initrd scripts14:06
sdhd-saschaYes, in the past, i could boot rpi4 kernel and ubuntu root on nfs14:07
ograsure, you can still do that easily with a classic ubuntu server image14:07
sdhd-saschaDid you work today or are you free ?14:08
ograbut the initrd scripts of core make a lot of assumptions and do a very special mount setup to achieve writable dirs on top of a readonly squashfs that in turn lives on the writable partition (there are several loops involved in the mount process)14:08
ograi'm off til mondy like most of canonical :)14:09
sdhd-saschanice :-)14:09
ogra(the company officially shuts down from christmas to new year for two weeks)14:10
sdhd-saschai read about that, on the forum :-)14:11
sdhd-saschaI'm still looking for the right job. that's why I'm currently fill my knowledge gaps14:12
ograwell, i assume you saw https://canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies already then :)14:13
sdhd-saschaYes ! :-) 6 or 7 years ago, i already wrote to canonical14:13
sdhd-saschadidn't get an answer. So i think i need to become better first14:14
* ogra needs to go AFK again ... back later ...14:16

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