=== xevious_ is now known as xevious [11:17] For private files in public bugs, does Canonical have some form of private tracker to keep things historical internally? [11:20] JackFrost: if there are necessarily private files; make a private bug report. But it will get less eye-balls. Instead try to avoid the private file; eg. by refining/reducing the use-case [11:22] sladen: Actually that's not what I'm getting at, the bug was most certainly not private, but the testcase was. It was about a SRU that hit an issue (which amusingly didn't happen in the development series), and I'm hoping that a new release that's about to start filtering in will have that regression again. [22:23] Where's the latest documentation for +1 maintenance. I thought I did a proper +1 upload for vagrant + focal, but it seems to have gone into a black hole....