
tripelbOh what did I too. Downsloads vanished. What I did waa drag it onto the desktop.  18.04   {i went to trash and moved all to a new folder but that wasnt downloads nor the files from it.}00:55
tripelbCannot find /home/cname/Downloads please check the spelling and te5y again.00:56
tripelbCannot find /home/cname/Downloads please check the spelling and try again.00:56
Bashing-omtripelb: ls -al /home/cname/Downloads - where cname is "your" account name.00:58
tripelbWait. Sorry. I was blind bashing-om00:59
tripelbIt sits on my desktop under the window.00:59
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tripelbAnd yes cname is my account name not my computerne.01:01
tripelbBashing-on what I meed is to learn how to grep. Someday.01:09
tripelbThanks so much.01:09
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
phionawhat happened to our updaters? it seems i have gone weeks without it updating.03:16
OerHeksmaybe your mirror is on holliday strike, uni ?03:22
phionaOerHeks: nope. im not on university.03:23
psiphrei'm having trouble getting a multi-head setup to work.  fresh windows refugee, fresh install as of yesterday.    some things that i have tried based on advice here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/eit3dd/windows_refugee_trying_to_get_multiple_monitors/03:37
vbgunzhello. I'm losing my mind here. I've been at this for hours. I've encrypted / and /mnt BEFORE using the installer. after install, I've edited crypttab, fstab, default/grub and updated-grub and for the life of me I can't get grub to ever prompt me for a password. I'm losing it. I've tried every goddamn iteration except for the one that'll prompt me for a password. any foolproof walks through for very stupid people on this?03:58
vbgunzI've been through dozens of walk-throughs and have tried way too many things. grub never prompts for a password and I always end up at the initramfs prompt03:58
FaTaL_GGIs there some setting I can check to see if my bandwidth upload is limited on my ubuntu machine from the machine itself?04:35
FaTaL_GGI use the machine as a router, and all clients through it have no issue getting the 1GB upload to the internet, but speetest cli tells me I get 4-5MB up.... 863MB down04:36
lalitmeeHey guys, I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and Dell Inspiron 7580. I don't know why my laptop fan starts making noise as soon as I start my system.05:34
lalitmeeanyone as any idea about that05:34
lalitmeeI am using NVIDIA driver 43505:34
lalitmeeI am so tired of this problem. And one more thing that my system is only 5 months old.05:35
queskerhow can I see what version of openconnect I would get if I installed ubuntu?  before installing06:11
queskerI basically need 8+ and needs to have p11, gnutls, and stoken linked06:11
asphyxiaanyone have trouble with the dummy output ubuntu 18.04?06:36
romulasWhen are we getting the latest stable kernel? https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.4.7.tar.xz06:48
romulasFrom kernel.org06:49
romulas5.4.7 should be the stardard kernel (unless there are upstream bugs)..06:53
tomreynasphyxia: what do you mean by "the dummy output ubuntu 18.04"?07:12
aberranthas anyone seen any ntpd "CLOCK: time stepped" messages this afternoon/evening?08:45
aberrantmy ntpd associations are going in and out of sys.peer08:45
GoodTimesImmortdownloaded and installed anaconda 4.7.12 but when I launch with anaconda it gives me "error: A sub command must be given..."09:12
AugustusCaesar24does it matter to ubuntu if a picture is jpeg or jpg?09:14
ducasseAugustusCaesar24: no09:15
ducassethe extension is completely irrelevant09:15
ducasseuse 'file' to determine file type09:15
ryuoAugustusCaesar24: in general no, but some things use the file extensions still as a quick hack to divide by file types still.09:16
max12345hello all, I have troubles getting steam proton to launch my game correctly. I have done it before on a different install so I know it works, I just don't know how did it. if there is a more appropriate channel, let me know.10:58
max12345I have switched to proprietarz nvidia driver10:58
max12345when I try to launch the game through steam, it says "running/starting" and then it just stops.10:59
corshmockI am wrong to say that if this file exists, then this command executed from / should find this file?  sudo find -name hda.img11:05
LaLaLars1corshmock: why sudo?11:06
corshmockLaLaLars I get permission denied without it11:07
corshmockand invalid argument with it11:07
corshmockI'm having the most horrible time trying to get bridged networking to work with kvm11:07
LaLaLars1corshmock: maybe locate works better? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=linux+find+locate+difference11:08
LaLaLars1corshmock: I think you get the permission denied because you do not narrow your search11:09
corshmockLaLaLars how would I narrow my search?11:10
geirhafind / -xdev -name hda.img11:10
geirhaavoids decsending into other filesystems, like /proc11:10
corshmockAt least there are no errors with locate, no messages, so I think it doesn't exist.11:11
geirhaall you know from that is it doesn't exist in locate's database11:12
corshmockOh dear11:13
LaLaLars1corshmock: run sudo updatedb before using locate11:22
corshmockThanks LaLaLars I've moved on to yet another tutorial now.  It just will not work for me.11:23
corshmockI'm on this one now11:23
corshmockand getting yet another error11:24
ulaashello, the new 5.4 kernel 20.04 breaks (distorted high volume) hdmi audio for me. where to report?11:30
=== LaLaLars1 is now known as LaLaLars
corshmockWhen I enter sudo virsh net-list --all, I get  br10                 active     yes           yes11:35
corshmockWhen I enter ip addr show dev br10, I get Device "br10" does not exist.11:35
corshmockI think this machine is possessed11:36
tomreyn!20.04 | ulaas11:41
ubottuulaas: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.11:41
tomreyn!bugs | ulaas11:41
ubottuulaas: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:41
tomreyncorshmock: use "brctl" to manage bridge devices, "ip l" to list links (network interfaces)11:43
tomreyn!alis | max1234511:44
ubottumax12345: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"11:44
tomreynproton is not really supported here11:44
ulaastomreyn, i will.11:45
tomreynulaas: don't miss the "Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions." hint, too11:46
max12345ubottu: thank you that's a really good tip.11:49
ubottumax12345: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:49
corshmockHas anyone ever created a bridge, it's active, and when you look for it's ip address it tells you id doesn't exist?11:54
BluesKajHey folks12:22
marcoagpintoBluesKaj! Hello!12:27
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto12:28
||arifaXHi any idea why I only get 1840x1030 display resolution with Ubuntu Mate on a Pi3?12:47
str1ngshello, after upgrading to 19.10 from 19.04 nouveau drivers no longer work. how can I disable nvidia and use nouveau now?12:48
prohack3rgood afternoon13:59
lje2610Hi all, I am looking for assistance with fixing my dual-boot setup, which has been broken, after moving Ubuntu-partition from shared SSD to seperate SSD. I have described my issue here: https://pastebin.com/1QFNy8Km15:01
mguylje2610: have you tried re-isntall grub to /dev/sda15:26
rapidwaveI just installed angular globally using NPM, but calling 'ng', it says it does not exist15:27
lje2610mguy, I tried repairing using boot-repair, which should re-install grub, right?15:27
mguylje2610: yes15:27
mguyWhat did you follow to do those steps15:28
lje2610mguy, followed a guide I found - basically told me to go with the recommended repair option.15:29
lje2610I can post the log-output from boot-repair, if it would help?15:29
lje2610mguy, the new Ubuntu location is /dev/sdb3, old one is /dev/sda415:30
mguyIs your bios configured to boot from EFI?15:32
lje2610should be, yea. However, I'm not 100%. I am booted into the old Ubuntu at the moment, so if there is a way to confirm, let me know15:33
mguyI don't think you can tell from inside the os15:34
lje2610output from "efibootmgr": https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WcksYxS8gR/15:35
mguyBasically you are trying to scan all your drives, generate grub entries, and then write them to the write disk15:35
mguythen boot from the proper disk that has that info to boot from15:35
mguyWindows updates always fubar my grub :(15:36
lje2610yea, this happened after I booted to windows to get a few files15:36
mguyWhy didn't you just mount your windows partition from linux15:37
lje2610files werent on the local disk - had to retrieve them using a login, which I could only access from windows.15:38
lje2610would I be able to create a new grub-installation on /dev/sdb1, and just boot to that, instead of sda? basically don't need anything from /dev/sda anymore15:39
mguyYou could install grub to either drive, you just need to make sure your BIOS is configured to boot from it15:40
mguyYou can test it by hitting F1 or whatever and choosing your boot device (depends on what system you have exactly)15:40
lje2610I am able to change the boot-order using efibootmgr --bootrder, however when I set it to sdb3, I get errors like these: Failed to open \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi - Not Found15:43
lje2610This was after creating a new EFI entry using efibootmgr15:43
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mclaren         :w16:57
mclaren     w16:57
mclarenlinks ko open kar ke16:57
lotuspsychjemclaren: not here please16:57
mclaren oh sorry16:57
mclarenmy terminal is bugged16:57
AircraftbluesLittle help please. I'm at the ubuntu 19.10 alternative downloads amd64 page and just not sure which life is the iso?17:18
hggdhAircraftblues: can you give us the URL?17:19
=== Tedster is now known as TedHartDavis
ioriaAircraftblues, i think you want 'mini.iso'17:24
AircraftbluesOk thanks. Now off to try ubuntu with qtile17:27
ioriaAircraftblues, that is a net install, you know right ?17:27
AircraftbluesYes I wanted the netinstall so I can choose whats installed17:28
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
davido_Is it possible to move my Ubuntu partition into some unallocated contiguous space?18:00
davido_preceding space18:00
pragmaticenigmaIt's possible, but it isn't easy as moving the data around. You will also have to "repair" grub and the MBR18:01
davido_The joys of dual booting. Reclaimed space from Windows, installed Ubuntu, then eventually managed to reclaim more space from Windows.18:02
pragmaticenigmadavido_: You can resize the partitions, which I think avoids the need to rebuild the MBRs and fiddling with GRUB18:04
davido_I don't think I can resize 'leftward'18:04
pragmaticenigmaI'm not expert in partitioning... but one thing I can recommend is make a back up image of the drive, then you could try it, but be able to restore things back the way they were if things go wrong18:06
davido_wise words. :)18:06
pragmaticenigmatook me many years to head those wise words18:07
davido_I'll just live with it for now. Eventually I'll swap out to a 2TB ssd and deal with the daunting task of migrating a dual-boot system to a different drive all in one day.18:10
pragmaticenigmadavido_: Personally, I would recommend starting fresh for both OSes. New drives are a great opportunity to get rid of stuff you're just no longer using18:12
davido_Yeah. That's reasonable, so long as M$ lets it happen without invalidating the key.18:13
davido_Eventually I'll just blow away Win, but it's useful for Logitech config software, ThinkPad dock firmware updates, etc.18:13
RonaldsMazitishello, I have problems setting project profile in kdenlive18:21
RonaldsMazitisit seems to have wrong profile on 1080p 60 fps = 25fps18:22
RonaldsMazitispurge might help|?18:22
azizLIGHTis ther ea command line version of moving mouse to top left and seeing activities18:27
pragmaticenigmaRonaldsMazitis: You may want to find a forum or channel that is more focused on kdenlive ...18:28
pragmaticenigmaRonaldsMazitis: https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=26318:29
ioriaazizLIGHT, you mean move mouse with  xdotool and click ?18:33
azizLIGHTno i wanna call activities overview from a script if possible18:33
lotuspsychjeyou would need to bind alt+F1 then somehow18:33
azizLIGHTas a human being, i press super key and i can see it18:33
azizLIGHTor yeah alt f118:33
ioriaazizLIGHT, i think you still need xdotool or similar18:34
azizLIGHThmm, ok i will check that out. but am more familiar with binding18:34
ioriaazizLIGHT, xdotool key Alt+F118:34
ioriaazizLIGHT, i mean, it's already bound18:43
leftyfbhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/V3JrNCb728/  Can someone explain this? Seems they forgot to include these files in the package?18:53
iorialeftyfb, dpkg -L lxd-tools18:58
conrcan you activate vino screensharing via cli and not desktop?19:01
OerHeksleftyfb, is lxc a snap?19:02
ioriaconr, /usr/lib/vino/vino-server19:03
iorialeftyfb, i think that file is for the bionic pkg, not xenial19:04
conr`Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused`19:04
ioriawithout sudo19:05
conrsame msg19:05
ioriaconr, X or wayland ?19:06
conrso i ran `sudo apt install vino`, `vino is already the newest version (3.22.0-3ubuntu1).`19:06
lotuspsychjeconr: is remote access enabled on the machine?19:06
conri'm logged into remotely via ssh19:06
ioriaconr, then use ssh -X19:07
conrwhat's -X19:07
leftyfbioria: but it clearly shows in apt-file search. But yeah, dpkg -L doesn't show the script19:08
conrsame error19:08
conr`sudo service vino-server status` returns `Unit vino-server.service could not be found.`19:09
iorialeftyfb, i don't use apt-file a lot, but maybe it's unaware of your version19:09
tomreynleftyfb: xenial-backports has it, though19:09
leftyfbit should only take into consideration your sources19:09
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-backports/amd64/lxd-tools/filelist vs https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/amd64/lxd-tools/filelist19:10
iorialeftyfb, do you have backports disabled ?19:11
ioriaconr, vino it's not a service19:11
leftyfbtomreyn: ah, that was it. I wasn't running the version from backports. Thanks :)19:11
leftyfbI guess apt-file assumes the latest available repo which makes sense19:12
conrioria: ok how do i see if share sharing is active via cli?19:12
iorialeftyfb, ps -A | grep vino19:12
leftyfbconr: ^19:12
conrnop me19:12
iorialeftyfb, i'd check in sources.list if backports are commented19:13
conrno results19:13
lotuspsychjeconr: see also the settings for /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/19:13
leftyfbioria: it's already solved. I had backports enabled but lxd-tools wasn't updating on it's own from it. I had to specify the version19:13
iorialeftyfb, i see19:14
conrlotuspsychje: i wish i could, i'm remotely connecting via ssh19:14
conrthats why i'm trying to active screensharing via cli19:14
ioriaconr, export DISPLAY=:019:15
ioriaconr, xhost <ip>19:16
conrinside ssh?19:17
ioriaconr, what else you have ?19:17
conrwhat <ip> the devices ip?19:18
tomreynvino-server is a systemd *user* service19:18
conr`xhost:  unable to open display ":0"`19:18
conrits probably just not possible if vino-server is gnome only19:21
conrtomreyn: am i right?19:21
ioriaconr, the server is running X atm ?19:21
conrvino? no.19:22
ioriaconr, X is installed on the server ?19:22
conrwhats X?19:22
tomreynconr: if you have a running X server and X forwarding is possible on server and client then you should be able to make it run.19:22
ioriaXorg, the gui, the DE ....19:22
conri just have a default 18.04 build19:23
ioriaconr, ok, but 18.04 server or desktop edition ?19:23
conri think19:23
tomreynso with the default ubuntu gnome-shell based desktop (tty2) and the gdm graphical login (tty1)19:24
ioriaconr, ls /usr/share/xsessions/  (on the server)19:24
conrit is19:25
conr`ubuntu-communitheme-snap.desktop  ubuntu.desktop`19:25
ioriaconr,  connect with ssh -X user@server-ip19:25
conr`SSH protocol v.1 is no longer supported`19:26
conrnevermind i'm in19:27
ioriaconr,  xclock19:27
conr`Error: Can't open display:`19:27
ioriaconr,  export DISPLAY=:019:28
lafayWhy does ubuntu 18.04 boot me back to the login screen just because I click on an app or right click a file to rename it any help please19:28
krah1753Hello everyone19:28
ioriaconr,  it works ?19:29
conrnothing happens19:29
ioriaconr,  run again xclock19:29
conr`Error: Can't open display: :0`19:29
ioriaconr,  nope;   export DISPLAY=server-ip:019:30
conris that a zero or O19:30
conr`Error: Can't open display: 192.168.x.x:0`19:31
ioriaconr,  exit and connect with   ssh -Y user@server-ip19:32
conrok, same thing?19:32
ioriaconr,  ps -A | grep gnome-shell19:32
conr`  961 tty1     00:00:01 gnome-shell`19:33
lafayWhy does ubuntu 18.04 boot me back to the login screen just because I click on an app or right click a file to rename it any help please19:33
ioriaconr,  who19:34
conr`username   pts/0        2020-01-03 13:32 (wan ip)`19:35
tomreynlafay: is this a fresh installation?19:35
ioriaconr,  xclock19:36
conr`Error: Can't open display:`19:36
InteloCan I run ubuntu/Kubuntu with 1g ram?19:36
ioriaconr,  honestly, idk what 'wan ip' is19:37
conrioria: sorry that was my external ip19:37
tomreynIntelo: the minimal requirements are listed right on the download page19:37
conrIntelo: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop19:37
Intelotomreyn,  its 4g I think19:38
tomreynIntelo: you thnk well.19:38
InteloI have vps and want remote access to UI as well. Is there any thing I can do?19:38
ioriaconr,  export DISPLAY=wan-ip:019:39
Disaster_Areahey, I'm having an issue downloading videos with a firefox add-on but I think it's a ubuntu related issue lookin at the error messages. I think it's also related to an issue possibly that I have when running sudo apt-get update. Summary of the error messages: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kpSg9zSDZ7/19:40
Disaster_Areaoh and I'm on 16.0419:40
tomreynIntelo: your options: buy more ram and install it, use a less demanding graphical interface, run applications on the client instead, use a web ui such as webmin instead, give up on the GUI requirement and learn your way around the terminal19:40
lafay@tomreyn No i've been using it for about 2 months now19:41
tomreynlafay: did it work initially, though?19:41
conrioria: after xclock, it's been "thinking" for about 1min now19:41
lafay@tomreyn No Startedright away19:41
tomreynlafay: how did you install the system?19:42
lafayFresh install from a usb key19:42
conrioria: `Error: Can't open display: 136.x.x.x:0`19:42
lafayAll the research I did came back with a bug in gnone shell19:42
tomreynlafay: is the system fully updated? which reasearch did you do?19:43
lafayYes all updates are current19:43
ioriaconr,  export DISPLAY=:019:44
lafayI googled the error msg in the logs something about the whale is daed19:44
_Sym_lafay, see anything in dmesg or syslog?19:44
tomreynlafay: thisis just a symptomatic error message, the actual error would be before this.19:44
Intelotomreyn,  what does this means?  run applications on the client instead, use a web ui such as webmin instead19:45
conrioria: same error19:45
tomreynIntelo: do y web search for "X forwarding" and another for "webmin"19:45
ioriaconr,  cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | nc termbin.com 999919:45
lafay@tomreyn what would be the best way to display the logs?19:46
lafayBecause i see xorg alot19:47
lafayIs there a command i can use in the term to get the output?19:47
conr`X11Forwarding yes`19:47
Disaster_Areais it possible to upgrade GLibC to version 2.27 in ubuntu 16.04 or do I need 18.04 for that19:53
tomreynlafay: you can switch TTYs, login and run    journalctl -f    there, then switch back to the X TTY and trigger the error, and switch back to the journalctl TTY again19:53
tomreynDisaster_Area: you're trying to use third party software wqhich is incompatible with your ubuntu release. and no, don't try to 'update glibc', it will break yu r installation.19:54
lafayIf i trigger the error it will knock me back to the login screen and i will be disconnected from here19:54
tomreynlafay: connect here from a different computer then, or a mobile phone. or run a text based irc client on anopther TTY, such as irssi19:55
lafayWell i can just rejoin here what is the command i need to use in the term to do what you asked?19:56
lafayI don't pretend to be an linux expert lol19:58
Disaster_Areaok tomreyn thanks. I'll just work around the problem then, good to know that I shouldn't try and upgrade my system19:58
ioriaconr,  echo $DISPLAY19:58
conrioria: :019:58
ioriaconr,  again   export DISPLAY="wan-ip:0"19:59
tomreynlafay: if installing, configuring and using irssi from a !TTY seems complex, then maybe just get use some of the logs you have when it failed and you logged in again. the logs will still be there.19:59
ioriaconr,  then, xhost +19:59
tomreynDisaster_Area: i'm noit saying you should not upgrade ubuntu to a newer release, just that you should not try to upgrade glibc19:59
lafayWill the only log I ever see is that whale is dead thing20:00
Disaster_Areayeah, I understand. Haven't upgraded myself to 18.04 as I haven't needed it and I'm not very technical. Anyway, for what I need to do there are workarounds so it's all good20:00
lafayBut I will try and trigger the error and come back when it happens thank you very much for your help20:01
tomreynlafay: very well, good luck20:01
conrxhost + or  xhost20:01
lafayand just fyi it never happened with 16.0420:01
ioriaconr,  xhost +20:02
lafayOnly with 18.0420:02
conrits thinking20:02
lafayThank you again take care20:02
tomreynsee you in a bit20:03
ioriaconr,  ctrl+c; echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE20:03
conrioria: while its thinking?20:04
ioriaconr,  ctrl+c20:05
konradosHey. I just created a bootable drive with 'startup disk creator' - it said "done ok", but now I can't mount it, to see what is inside, is this normal?20:05
conrioria: echos blank20:06
ioriaconr,  ps -A | nc termbin.com 999920:06
Intelotomreyn,  so in x-forwarding ,the UI needs to be installed both on server and client?20:06
tomreynIntelo: yes, but drawing the graphical applications actually takes place on the client, which can mean less resource overhead on the server.20:07
conrioria: https://termbin.com/ynig20:07
tomreynwhere "server" = remote system20:08
tomreyn"Plex Media Serv"20:09
tomreynno Xorg20:10
conrtomreyn: ?20:10
rik__hi all, happy 2020!  i am unable to upgrade a 16.04 system to 18.04.20:11
rik__after applying all updates, i `sudo do-release-upgrade` but still get the message "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading."20:11
tomreynconr: i don't think X forwarding works with Xwayland (haven't tried, though)20:11
conrwhats Xwayland?20:11
tomreyn!wayland | conr20:11
ubottuconr: Wayland is a display server protocol (an alternative to X11) and library. Unlike Xorg, Wayland provides no central server component, but desktop environments' compositors make use of it (e.g. mutter, kwin, weston). For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org and !xwayland20:11
EriC^^rik__: how are you upgrading in apt?20:12
rik__checking syslog, the only message i see regards puppet: "Could not request certificate, Failed to open puppet:8140"20:12
conrtomreyn: how did it get installed?20:12
ioriaconr,  sudo systemctl restart gdm20:12
Intelotomreyn,  webmin is free? secondly, what if I install UI on server but do not run it. Just console based. Then use xforwarding?20:12
conrioria: done20:12
rik__hey @eriC!  i've updated both via the gui Software Updater and via CL apt-gt20:12
ioriaconr,  ps -A | grep -i xorg20:13
ioriaconr, sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf20:14
EriC^^rik__: try sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade20:14
EriC^^rik__: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:14
lafayWell I triggered it all I did was try to lunch audacity lol20:14
ioriaconr, uncomment '#WaylandEnable=false'20:14
lafaygot knocked right back to the login screen20:14
conrrestart gdm20:15
ioriaconr, reboot20:15
ioriaconr, sudo reboot20:15
conrioria: should i ssh -Y again20:16
conrwhat's -Y20:16
ioriadisable auth20:16
rik__EriC^^, this complains about a lock file, lock-frontend20:16
conrhow is that safe?20:16
conri'm back in20:17
ioriait's not; it's a test20:17
ioriaconr,  ps -A | grep -i xorg20:17
EriC^^rik__: seems it's still updating, give it a few mins perhaps and try again20:17
conr`  916 tty1     00:00:00 Xorg`20:17
ioriaconr, xclock20:18
conr`Error: Can't open display:`20:18
ioriaconr,  echo $DISPLAY20:18
conr`echo $DISPLAY` or with :0?20:19
conrexport i mean20:19
ioriaconr,  that ^   then    if fails  export DISPLAY=:020:19
conrnevermind, it returned blank20:19
ioriaconr,   export DISPLAY=:020:19
conr`-bash: export: `DISPLAY:0': not a valid identifier`20:19
rik__EriC^^, ok separating the commands completes the update.  it then tells about some linux header files i don't need, and a held-back squliteman:i386 package.  but then reports 0 updated, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.  seems OK?20:20
ioriaconr,   DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 ; export DISPLAY20:21
lafaytomreyn Well I triggered it all I did was try to lunch audacity lol20:21
conrioria: ok20:21
ioriaconr,  xclock20:21
conr`Error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0`20:21
lafaytomreyn got knocked right back to the login screen20:22
EriC^^rik__: seems so, try upgrading i guess20:22
ioriaconr,  export DISPLAY="wan-ip:0.0"20:22
ioriaconr,  xclock20:23
tomreynlafay: open a temrinal and type: uptime, then post the one line it returns here20:23
lafaytomreyn 15:23:56 up  1:10,  1 user,  load average: 0.05, 0.19, 0.3020:24
conrioria: waiting, but looks like it will timeout again20:24
conrth wan-ip is just my isp external ip, how would it get through my network firewall?20:25
rik__EriC^^, did an autoremove just to make sure the headers weren't the issue, then retried do-release-upgrade.  still doesn't go(:  same "install updates" message20:25
tomreynlafay: let's see whether it fits: what's the output of     journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999920:25
EriC^^rik__: maybe it's the held-back thing?20:25
conr`Error: Can't open display: 136.x.x.x:0.0`20:26
EriC^^rik__: try to do sudo apt-get install squliteman20:26
ioriaconr,  exit ssh20:26
ioriaconr, xhost 136.x.x.x:0.020:26
rik__EriC^^, still generating the same puppet certificate error in syslog, too.  what's puppet doing as part of a apt-get operation?!20:26
lafaytomreyn https://termbin.com/ouql20:27
conrioria: does this have to be ubuntu -> ubuntu or can it be macos -> ubuntu?20:27
ioriaconr, are you on macos ?20:27
EriC^^rik__: odd20:27
conrconr: maybe :)20:27
conrbut i have a ubuntu device too i can use20:27
ioriaconr, maybe it's better20:28
conrioria: start fresh and i'll use my ubuntu device to connect to remote ubuntu20:28
rik__EriC^^, that sqliteman issue was it!  installing it and now it goes!!  you the man!!20:28
ioriai'd say so20:28
EriC^^rik__: great! enjoy!20:29
lafaytomreyn and I got the sorry the whale is dead thing again but with this added: Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.Shell.desktop20:29
conrioria: just run xclock?20:29
ioriaconr, yes20:30
conri see a clock20:30
ioriag. will20:30
rik__o&o, thanks again EriC^^20:31
conrioria: whats g. will?20:31
ioriaconr, nvm20:31
tomreynlafay: the first cirtical error which leads to the 'fail whale is dead' symptom is the many (EE) lines like this:    Jan 03 15:10:06 Enterprise-ThinkPad-T560 /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[1925]: (EE)20:31
tomreynlafay: this is a nouveau (nvidia reverse engineered open source) graphics driver related problem apparently.20:32
conrioria so how do i activate screenshare20:32
lafaytomreyn But i am not using nvida i have an intel20:33
conror use xorg20:33
ioriaconr, try ' /usr/lib/vino/vino-server'20:33
conri see now20:33
tomreynlafay: yes, apparently they share code,. i ust realized it's actually the i915 intel graphics driver just calling a function which has "nouveau" in its name20:33
tomreyn"2: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so (__driDriverGetExtensions_nouveau_vieux+0x1cd22) [0x7f99294a7092]"20:34
ioriaconr, the problem is that on 18.04 vino-preferences has been removed20:34
lafaytomreyn Can it be fixed?20:34
ioriaconr, so ( i guess ) all the settings (passwd, etc.) should be done via gsettings20:35
lafaytomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XMCKqRCvcD/20:35
lafaytomreyn f that helps at allI20:35
conrioria: hmm well i swear i had it setup before20:35
lafaytomreyn if*20:35
ioriaconr, then, on anothe tewrminal, install vinagfre and connect20:36
conr`ssh -f -N -L 5901: username@remote -p 1122; sleep 10; open vnc://`20:36
conri was trying to use this20:37
tomreynlafay: not really, thanks though. this may be this bug (the bug report is against debian, and it has since been solved there) https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=91168020:37
ubottuDebian bug 911680 in xserver-xorg-core "xserver-xorg-core: X server crashes when loading libglamorgl.so module" [Grave,Fixed]20:37
lafaytomreyn Should I use the i915 firmware and intel firmware?20:39
conrioria: i had a question around this. i have a ubuntu tower but want to get a blade for my server cabinet. whats the best setup to screenshare in from macOS to ubuntu desktop?20:40
GoodTimesImmorthell room20:40
tomreynlafay: normally, yes. what prompted this question?20:40
GoodTimesImmorthello* room20:40
ioriaconr, sorry, i don't know/use/like/ manOS20:40
tomreynlafay: do you have more than one graphics chipset installed? does     lspci -nn | grep VGA     return one or more lines?20:41
lafaytomreyn Well when I tested out Debian 10 i had to download those two files20:41
tomreynlafay: most firmware is included by default on ubuntu20:41
tomreyn(unlike debian)20:42
lafaytomreyn Do you think the ones i downloaded are newer or better?20:42
tomreynlafay: i don't know what you downloaded or what you did with those downloads, or how this helps diagnosing this problem.20:42
conrioria: vnc client to ubuntu desktop20:43
ioriaconr, told you, vinagre20:43
tomreynlafay: a forum thread which seems to be about the exact same bug: https://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?303183-Xorg-bin-Segfault-in-OsLookupColor20:43
lafaytomreyn Oh okay it was just a thought btw this is what i got: ceo@Enterprise-ThinkPad-T560:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] [8086:1916] (rev 07)20:43
ioria!info vinagre | conr20:43
ubottuconr: vinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.22.0-6build1 (eoan), package size 1274 kB, installed size 4192 kB20:44
tomreynlafay: so a single line of output?20:44
lafaytomreyn Yes20:44
Rukbatconr - when server refuses connection (I'mm on a keyboardless/monitorless ubuntu), then what?20:44
conrioria: awesome thanks20:45
tomreynlafay: upstrem bug report: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9250520:45
ubottuFreedesktop bug 92505 in Driver/intel "intel(0): [DRI2] DRI2SwapComplete: bad drawable" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:45
ioriaconr, ok20:45
lafaytomreyn Do you know why this never happens with 16.04 and only with 18.04?20:45
lafaytomreyn also do you think it will fixed when 20.04 comes out?20:46
tomreynlafay: i'm actually surprised you're still running ionto this old bug on 18.04. can you show the output of this?   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog20:47
tomreynlafay: this is just to get an idea of your the health of your apt package management system20:48
lafaytomreyn https://termbin.com/dzxn20:48
conrioria: wait whats difference of checking ScreenSharing active and vinagre?20:49
ioriaconr, what ?20:50
ioriaconr, vinagre is the client side of vino20:51
conrchecking sharing sharing in settings uses what package?20:51
tomreynlafay: hmm this looks just fine. i will try to find a bug report for this on launchpad.net20:51
ioriaconr, sy, i don't get you20:51
lafaytomreyn It has never happened when using 16.04 But i had to install 18.04 because of 2 apps i use needed glig 2.7 or higher20:52
conrso vino is bests for vnc connections on 18.04?20:52
lafaytomreyn And some version of python that 16.04 did not have20:53
ioriaconr, vino is the screen sharing default app20:54
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lafaytomreyn I wish i could go back to 16.04 because never had any issue but those apps were updated and only work on 18.04 now20:54
ioriaconr, but, i repeat, you first need to configure vino ; now you are over ssh so you need gsettings or dconf-editor to do it20:55
tomreynlafay: this seems to be bug 185326620:56
ubottubug 1853266 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg/Xwayland segfaults in OsLookupColor() from funlockfile() from glamor_get_pixmap_texture() from glamor_create_gc()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185326620:56
conrioria: ok ive done dconf-editor before20:56
conrbut not sshe20:56
Pijuyojoin #twitter20:56
ioriaconr, good, the search string is 'remote', good luck20:57
lafaytomreyn Well thank you so much for your time and help I will read all the links you gave me and see if i can fix it and i'll just have to wait untill 20.04 comes out hope that will be fixed20:58
lafaytomreyn Once again thank you very much!20:58
tomreynlafay: i hope so, too, but can't really tell at this point. you could try using wayland instead, but i'm not sure this would actually help. how often does it crash like this for you?20:58
lafaytomreyn Everyday day 5+ times a day20:59
tomreynoh my20:59
lafaytomreyn Everytime i click on an app or file20:59
tomreynlafay: did you look for a bios upgrade maybe?21:00
lafaytomreyn Just right clicking on a file to rename it and bang knocked back to the login screen21:00
lafaytomreyn I have the lastest bios install from Lenovo21:01
tomreynlafay: not the latest, no21:02
tomreyn1.33 is the latest, you have 1.3121:02
lafaytomreyn And i do not know how to force ubuntu to use the intel driver and not the default one21:03
lafaytomreyn Oh okay thanks for that I will updated the bios right away then21:03
tomreynlafay: what do you mean by "the intel driver and not the default one"? for which device?21:04
lafaytomreyn My video card21:05
tomreynlafay: did you try to install mdifferent drivers for it?21:05
lafaytomreyn Well to be honest i do not know how and i read on the web something about reconfig xorg21:06
tomreyn"i read on the web something about reconfig..." is usually a recipe for desaster.21:07
lafaytomreyn Yes and i do not want to get into all that lol21:08
tomreynthere are exceptions to it but you should limit yourself to just a few sites whihc usually don't give bad advice21:08
tomreynbut you said it was like this from the start since you installe dubuntu, right?21:08
lafaytomreyn Yes as soon as i installed 18.0421:09
tomreynright that's what i meant.21:09
lafaytomreyn Never once did this ever happen with 16.0421:09
tomreynand did you upgrade from 16.04 or did you do a fresh install of 18.04?21:10
lafaytomreyn Fresh install21:10
lafaytomreyn I never upgrade just in case you know21:10
tomreynwell that's unfortunate.21:10
tomreyni mean it's unfortunate that this would happen on a fresh installation21:11
lafaytomreyn I rather do fresh installs so the system is new21:11
tomreynmake sure you file a bug report on this21:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:11
tomreynfile it against xorg-server-hwe-18.0421:12
lafaytomreyn What would i call the bug?21:13
lafaytomreyn Oh okay thanks21:13
tomreynlafay: a short summary of how you trigger it is probably good.21:13
tomreynyou can post the url here once you finished reporting it.21:14
lafaytomreyn Well i'm going to update the bios now and see if it makes a diff once again thank you so much for your time and help on this21:14
tomreynyes, do the bios upgrade first.21:15
tomreynthen the bug report if it still reproduces21:15
tomreynyou're welcome, good luck21:15
lafaytomreyn Thank you enjoy the rest of your day and happy new year to you21:16
tomreynthasnk, and to you, lafay21:16
FevixNotifications aren't showing punctuation, they're showing like.... something like "#38" or something21:29
FevixLIke if someone sends me a discord like "I'm here" it'll show "I#38m here" or something like that.21:29
FevixIs that an option or just Ubuntu?21:30
beerolWhen I start an apache2, there are three processes at first. Two belong to the www-data user, as expected, but there is always one process which belongs to root. Why is that and can I change that?21:30
beerolFevix: There probably are several users with that name, that's why there is also a unique ID to keep the users apart.21:31
FevixI mean the message part21:32
beerolYes, now I see.21:32
FevixFevix: I'm here   ->   Fevix: I#38m here21:32
FevixTHe message itself is fine, it's just the notification21:32
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tomreynbeerol: you need to run with elevated privileges to bind to low ports such as 80 and 443, but also to access SSL certificates if those are only readable by root. so apache starts as root, and keeps running as management process as root, but the actual work is done by processes run under restricted system user accounts21:54
beeroltomreyn: Thank you.21:54
UndefinedIsNotAFI have a problem21:58
UndefinedIsNotAFcan i ask my question?21:58
hggdhUndefinedIsNotAF: just ask :-)21:59
UndefinedIsNotAFMy problem is here https://pastebin.com/37kqBBsX21:59
UndefinedIsNotAFI cannot set uid/gid/umask when doing a mount21:59
UndefinedIsNotAFWithout -o it works22:00
UndefinedIsNotAFbut with bad permissions (only root can write)22:00
UndefinedIsNotAFHow i can fix this?22:01
hggdhUndefinedIsNotAF: as fare as I know, ext4 does not have an option for setting group id22:07
UndefinedIsNotAFi tried with BTRFS its the same22:09
UndefinedIsNotAFhow i can allow my 1000:1000 user to write on partitions?22:09
UndefinedIsNotAFhggdh: how to access the partition using a normal user?22:11
tomreynUndefinedIsNotAF: you'd need to change ownership of file system objects on this file system (chown) or change permissions so that any user or a given groups' members can access them (chmod)22:17
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:17
UndefinedIsNotAFchmod 777 -R and chown -r ?22:17
hggdhUndefinedIsNotAF: is this a new partition?22:20
hggdhUndefinedIsNotAF: so, say it is mounted at /nount-point then sudo chown <yourId>:<yourId> /mount-point22:21
hggdhand replace <youId> with your actual userId22:22
hggdhUndefinedIsNotAF: chmod -R 777 is usually a Very Bad Idea (TM)22:23
tomreynthere's a noacl mount option, but i don'T think this is what's intended here.22:23
HEX0I can't help but notice that gnome software after all these years is still unable to find packages. Only select few apps show up. What is the purpose of it then?22:42
hggdhHEX0: this is a question better asked to the Gnome devs, not here22:43
OerHeksfor a more detailed softwarecenter, install synaptic22:43
OerHeksgnome software gives metapackages, right?22:43
HEX0ok. but I kinda feel like this being pretty important to new users it fails quite badly. and ubuntu being touded the user friendly distro. I think more like linux veteran distro to be honest22:44
OerHekssome are happy with softwarecenter, others prefer commandline, let there be choice!22:46
HEX0considering there are examples of package manger GUI frontends that find anything from printer driver to any other random package. pretty much any new user is gonna end up using apt cause of this22:47
bpromptHEX0:  you can always install some other package tool, like KDE's software center23:00
HEX0yeah I can. but not sure an inexperienced user ever will23:02
bpromptHEX0:  ahemm, it varies, but in the case of an inexperienced one, they usually would get a preinstalled OS preconfigured :)23:03
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HEX0a preconfigured OS with easy to use GUI frontend for package manager. or in other words, a more user friendly distro.23:04
HEX0sorry. I'm just a bit disappointed in gnome-software I guess23:05
bpromptHEX0:  it varies with demographics, yes, but some demographics require extra catering23:06
HEX0I don't want to come off as a troll. but I'd say linux mint software center is both user friendly and can find most stuff iirc23:07
HEX0like epson cups driver package or something. it could do that23:07
bpromptHEX0:  but as a matter of pleasing all demographics, that ain't happening, so the default configuration is targetted to most demographics, bearing in mind there'll be some that require extra nurturing23:08
jeremy31HEX0: There are differences between the software programs23:08
bpromptHEX0:  I help folks with windows10 for example, they get a machine with it, and they don't like this or that or the other out of the box, or even the software center from microsoft, so I reconfigure the whole thing, and they're happy, but that's always true with any OS and demographics23:10
HEX0but could you guys in good conscience say that ubuntu and it's flavors is actually a good distro for beginners?23:10
bpromptHEX0:  depends on the definition of "beginners", a 15-year-old just using it? a 71-year-old trying to work with it?23:11
HEX0or even a user who only ever used windows23:12
bpromptI'd say for ages 5 - 40 it works fine23:12
OerHekswhy this polling?23:13
HEX0sorry for the rant :P23:15
UndefinedIsNotAFhggdh: ty23:25
UndefinedIsNotAFhggdh: ill use the chown23:25
=== djrick is now known as rickybob

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