
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
HayashiEsmeAnyone in?11:24
HayashiEsmeOut of curiosity, have there been any Ubuntu Open/Developer Weeks in recent times?11:24
sladenhello HayashiEsme12:10
The_LoudSpeakerDid anyone report a touchpad issue after recent updates on ubuntu bionic (18.04) ? Two of my friends who have ubuntu 18.04 reported touchpad not working after recent updates.14:31
The_LoudSpeakerReported as in, told me via a message.14:32
cjwatsonJackFrost: Attachments to bugs always have exactly the same privacy settings as the bug they're attached to, so I'm not sure how private files in public bugs could have existed in the first place, unless they were in a separate bug somewhere15:43
cjwatsonchiluk: Launchpad sent you a rejection message first time round because you didn't build the upload with -sa so the .orig.tar.xz was missing, but I see you seem to have figured it out15:46
The_LoudSpeakerRe: touchpad issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1858219 this is exactly what my friend is facing. I will ask him to create an account on launchpad and tick as affected.16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1858219 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "dell vostro 15 3568 touchpad not wrking after regular update, external mouse is working fine." [Undecided,New]16:11
HayashiEsmeHey there, I'm interested in contributing to Ubuntu. I've been going through the contributing wiki, only to've realized that the docs I've been following from here seem to be somewhat outdated. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu#Contributing_to_the_Universe_Repository_.28MOTU.29) Is there a link to anything new or can someone point me into16:18
HayashiEsmethe right direction? :316:18
HayashiEsme(Also, is #ubuntu-motu a IRC channel people use much? I've said hi a few times but I've not seen any activity there)16:19
JackFrostcjwatson: It was passed to the Canonical person looking into it for triage, then on to the one that fixed the issue.21:58

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