
wallyworldbabbageclunk: here's a small juju/os PR https://github.com/juju/os/pull/1701:00
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, taking a look01:01
wallyworldbabbageclunk: ty, disco support runs out on 18th jan01:10
babbageclunkoh right01:10
wallyworldbabbageclunk: and here's the tiny juju dep update https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1106801:21
babbageclunkwallyworld: no Gopkg.lock change?01:22
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved01:33
wallyworldbabbageclunk: yeah, i forgot to push it, sorry01:34
wallyworldbabbageclunk: hopefully last one, https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/juju-qa-jenkins/pull/35601:56
babbageclunkwallyworld: lgtm!01:57
wallyworldnow to generate jobs01:57
wallyworldtlm: can i get a +1 on a unit test fix? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1107005:24
tlmdone, maps have order :|05:30
wallyworldgreat ty05:33
stickupkidachilleasa, can you CR https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/7414:47
achilleasastickupkid: I will take a look in about 20min if that's OK14:48
stickupkidachilleasa, sure nps14:48
Harm133Hi guys, I'm trying to bootstrap OSM via juju but am getting this error: ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance in availability zone "my-juju-machine": no matching image found14:55
Harm133Command used: sudo juju bootstrap localhost osm14:57
rick_hHarm133:  hmm, is there something setup in the .local/share/juju/clouds.yaml that has that "my-juju-machine" in there?14:58
Harm133There is no clouds.yaml file in that folder14:58
Harm133hmm, I deleted the folder15:00
Harm133Now I have something I can work with, a timeout error regarding the clouds.syaml file15:00
stickupkidHarm133, example of the error ?15:09
Harm133Hmm, I'm getting this now :15:09
Harm133ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance in availability zone "my-juju-machine": Failed remote image download: Get https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases//streams/v1/index.json: Unable to connect to: cloud-images.ubuntu.com:44315:09
Harm133while a curl towards that URL works fine15:09
rick_hHarm133:  hmm, so that's probably coming from the lxd container that's started up so it might be an issue with lxd containers reaching the outside world?15:10
Harm133that could be, can I pass a proxy towards the container?15:10
rick_htypically you'd adjust the bridge on the host I believe. There are proxy settings you can set in bootstrap config if you need to for https and such15:11
Harm133I've altered the env on the host but that does not seem to work, how would one go about configuring proxy settings within the bootstrap config?15:12
Harm133Got it, lxc config set core.proxy_https / lxc config set core.proxy_http15:17
hmlstickupkid: you’re too fast!  :-D.16:28
hmlstickupkid: didn’t get a chance to link my results.  ha16:28
hmlstickupkid: ty!16:28
stickupkidhml, was waiting for a thing to land :D16:39
hmlstickupkid: ha!16:39
stickupkidwow, if you don't have a credentials yaml file, all hell breaks loose in the CLI17:39
rick_hstickupkid_:  yea...hitting that with these demos18:01
rick_hand if you don't have the cloud forget credentials18:02
stickupkid_hml, if you get a chance, no rush though - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1107218:13
hmlstickupkid_: ack18:13
bdxhello, happy new year!19:02
bdxdoes anyone know if there is a way to migrate a model into jaas from a non-jaas/local auth juju controller19:03
bdxguessing this probably can't be done - due to the users of the model needing to match in the source and target controllers19:04
rick_hbdx:  yea, it can't be done but more because I don't think JAAS supports model migrations due to it thinking it's one controller vs multiple19:07
rick_hbdx:  it might be doable by a JAAS admin user if they had full access to the local model, but would be a test19:07
rick_hbdx:  what's a good bundle that shows off a service with different bits to it that's not a platform like openstack, k8s?19:09
rick_hbdx:  hah good stuff19:11
bdxkilled 2/3 juju controllers in aws yesterday after having recreated the infrastructure in jaas19:14
bdxone of them was the longest lived instance in our aws account19:14
bdxyeah - no reason other then to cut down on our operational costs19:15
rick_hyea, that's good stuff though19:15
bdxthis graylog model on this controller cant be spun down and recreated as easily as the others19:16
bdxso I was hoping there might be a way to migrate it into jaas so I could finsh off 3/3 :)19:16
rick_hyea, I wish but not quite19:16
bdxnot a big thing ... but if someone is down to poke at it for a few minutes I can create a sample model for them19:17
hmlbabbageclunk:  https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/juju-qa-jenkins/pull/359 pls?  nice and short21:34
babbageclunkhml: looking21:38
babbageclunkhml: approved21:40
hmlbabbageclunk: ty21:52
cory_fuwallyworld: You around?22:12
cory_fuOr kelvinliu?22:12
kelvinliuhi cory_fu:22:13
kelvinliuhow can i help u22:14
cory_fukelvinliu: I'm getting an unexpected error on a CMR with a k8s charm and I was hoping you could help me understand what's going on.22:14
cory_fukelvinliu: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7wHvXy3Nf4/22:15
cory_fuThat works fine when not using a cross-model relation22:15
cory_fuI'm also surprised that the unit name is not replaced by the UUID like it is in non-k8s charms.22:16
kelvinliucory_fu: mind share the bindle or how did u relate the cmr22:19
cory_fukelvinliu: Well, I hit this while testing https://github.com/johnsca/charm-gitlab-k8s using the new framework, along with cs:~charmed-osm/mariadb-k8s.  For the CMR case, I just did a separate model in the same k8s cloud and did a normal offer / consume.22:20
cory_fuSAAS         Status  Store     URL22:21
cory_fumariadb-k8s  active  microk8s  admin/other.mariadb-k8s22:21
kelvinliuok thanks22:22
kelvinliuI will take a look and let you know i found. ty cory_fu22:25
cory_fuOk, thanks22:26
wallyworldcory_fu: i would have thought it would give the uuid also. there's no difference in k8s vs cloud in how cmr works so it does seem weird. it maybe well be a latent bug22:36

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