
mupPR snapd#7954 opened: changelog: fix typos <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7954>09:20
sdhd-saschaHi, is there any newer docs to setup an snapstore, like this: https://ubuntu.com/blog/howto-host-your-own-snap-store ?09:39
Chipacasdhd-sascha: not that I am aware of09:43
sdhd-saschaChipaca: How can i build my own ubuntu-core and add my own kernel and gadget.09:44
sdhd-saschaIn the store it needs a review and i have to wait09:44
Chipacasdhd-sascha: I'd expect ubuntu-image to let you use a local (unasserted) snap09:44
sdhd-saschaChipaca: thank you :-) yesterday i already cloned ubuntu-image, because i'm looking for an error message :-)09:45
sdhd-saschasudo ubuntu-image -c beta -O rk3318-test rk3318.model09:46
sdhd-saschaWarning: for backwards compatibility, `ubuntu-image` falls back to `ubuntu-image snap` if no subcommand is given09:46
sdhd-saschaerror: model with series "18" != "16" unsupported09:46
sdhd-saschaCOMMAND FAILED: snap prepare-image --channel=beta rk3318.model /tmp/tmpdh568a0l/unpack09:46
jameshsergiusens: a little Christmas present for you: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-github-action-for-snapcrtaft/1493009:46
sergiusenshello jamesh, thanks!09:47
sdhd-saschajamesh: +109:47
Chipacasdhd-sascha: series 18??09:47
pedronissdhd-sascha: that's correct, series is fixed to 16, there is nothing like series 1809:47
pedroniseven if you use core1809:47
pedronisas your base09:47
pedroniswe thought we would have a series 16, 18, 20 etc09:48
pedronisbut in the end it's not what happened09:48
pedronisit might change at some point in the future if something changes is an very incompatible09:48
jameshsdhd-sascha: different values for series imply incompatible platforms.  You can mix snaps built for core and core18 on a single system09:48
pedronisbut hasn't so far09:48
pedronisso series: 16 is fixed everywhere atm09:49
sdhd-saschai copied the linux raspi09:49
Chipacasdhd-sascha: change series:18 to series:16 in that model and it'll be better09:49
Chipacasdhd-sascha: there is no series 1809:50
Chipacasdhd-sascha: there never has been, and never will be09:50
sdhd-saschaWhat is "series" for ?09:50
Chipacasdhd-sascha: resetting the universe09:50
Chipacasdhd-sascha: if we find a fundamental problem with the way we do snaps, and have to restart from scratch in an incompatible way09:50
pedronissdhd-sascha: the idea was that at each lts we could have completely disjoin sets of snaps, but we didn't proceed that way atm. it's just a format version number at this point09:51
pedroniswhose change would represent a non-backward compatible change09:51
pedronisto a lots of things09:51
sdhd-saschai understand - thank you :-)09:51
sdhd-saschaIs there a way, to store my passphrase with "snap sign" ? Currently i only can sign if i call "register-key" again09:53
Chipacasdhd-sascha: I'm not sure I understood your question10:33
sdhd-saschaChipaca: "snap sign" says: `error: cannot sign assertion: cannot sign using GPG: /usr/bin/gpg --personal-digest-preferences SHA512 --default-key 0x.... --detach-sign failed: exit status 2 ("gpg: signing failed: No such file or directory\ngpg: signing failed: No such file or directory\n") `10:35
ograyou dont have the key ;)10:35
sdhd-saschaThen i call "snap register-key" again. Then it works for a moment.10:35
sdhd-sascha"register-key" ask me for my passphrase of the key10:36
Chipacasdhd-sascha: there is no register-key10:37
ograthats a snapcraft option...10:37
sdhd-saschaOh, sorry "snapcraft register-key" from https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/image-building#image-building10:38
sdhd-saschaIn this documentation on step 2 is "snap sign", which only works after "snapcraft register-key"10:40
sdhd-saschaDid i need some "gpg-agent" or something?10:41
ogradoes "snapcraft list-keys" list your key ?10:43
sdhd-saschaogra: yes, "default" key10:43
ograand you are calling register-key with "default" as option ?10:44
sdhd-saschaAnd going to 2FA site https://login.ubuntu.com/device-list10:46
sdhd-saschai get a 404 page10:46
ograwell, and you get a 500 error in that paste10:47
sdhd-saschathe first time it works.10:48
sdhd-saschabut i need to call "register-key", that "snap sign" works for a moment10:48
sdhd-saschaand snapcraft:3.810:49
ackkhi, I have a (go-based) snap which has been failing for a while on BSI, but I can't reproduce the issue locally. https://build.snapcraft.io/user/albertodonato/h2static/785325 is an example of a failing build11:02
ackkI tried both with and without go-importpath, they both work locally but both fail over there11:02
sdhd-saschaackk: is this a local path in the log? `go get -t -d ./github.com/albertodonato/h2static/...`11:06
ackksdhd-sascha, yeah that's based on go-importpath11:06
ackksdhd-sascha, https://github.com/albertodonato/h2static/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml is the config11:06
sdhd-saschaackk: i try it here on my machine and will report, what happens here11:07
ackksdhd-sascha, I assume something has changes either with snapcraft or with the building env on launchpad, as I also had to add gcc as build-packages, which wasn't needed before11:07
ackksdhd-sascha, thanks11:08
sdhd-saschaackk: it works here, too11:10
sdhd-saschabut i build it with multipass + vm11:11
sdhd-saschaI will test it now with: `snapcraft build --use-lxd --debug`11:13
ackksdhd-sascha, yeah I did --use-lxd, worked for me11:13
sdhd-saschaackk: you are right about the env or something. --use-lxd runs without problem here11:18
ackkI wonder if it's running the right "go" binary on LP11:18
ackkactually, it doesn't seem it's running "go mod download", which looking at the plugin source code shoud do when go.mod is presente11:20
ograif i call snapctl from within an app, it does properly set the value for a key but doesnt run the configure hook at all ... is that a known issue ?11:22
ackkogra I think I've encountered that issue before, ISTR it was intentional (probably to avoid infinite loops?)11:24
ackksdhd-sascha, oddly, I get that error if I build with --destructive-mode11:26
ograackk, well, sadly thats not helpful if you need to force-restart an app to make it pick up the new configuration ... :)11:27
ogra(even worse if the configure hook actually re-writes a config file ... then the app config and snap values get completely out of sync)11:28
ograpedronis, ^^^ is that true (not running hooks for snapctl calls when they come from inside an app) ?11:29
ackkogra, yeah I agree it should call the hook, maybe it could either detect when it's being run inside a hook and not call it just in that case, or have a flag to do so11:29
pedronisogra: yes, that's by design, there has been discussions to support snapctl set --configure to get the other behavior11:29
ograah, thanks ...11:29
ogravery confusing behaviour :)11:29
ackksdhd-sascha, oh, it seems the stable snapcraft doesn't handle go.mod11:30
sdhd-saschaackk: oh11:31
sdhd-saschai can't use snapcraft:3.9 because of https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/284011:31
mupPR snapcraft#2840: plugs: plugs can have no element <Created by sd-hd> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2840>11:31
sdhd-saschai use snapcraft:3.811:33
zygahey mvo11:36
zygaare we supposed to work today or did I get my dates messed up?11:37
sdhd-saschaackk: i need to ask again. I didn't understand the error cause. What's wrong and in which case?11:37
mvozyga: isn't there a public holiday in .pl today?11:38
zygayeah, I think so11:39
zygaah, but not in .de?11:39
ackksdhd-sascha, I get the same error as the build on LP if I run "snapcraft --destructive-mode"11:39
mvozyga: not in .de11:41
zygaah, that explains everything, I was worried seeing the release that I should be in the office for hours :)11:41
mvozyga: well, my understanding is that you guys have a public holiday but you should know better than me :)11:41
Chipacamvo: https://mobile.twitter.com/qikipedia/status/1213731861660413952 :)11:44
Chipacapedronis: reviewed #7935, i think i'll hold off going on down the stack for a bit11:47
mupPR #7935: boot,overlord: introduce internal abstraction bootState and use it for InUse/GetCurrentBoot <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7935>11:47
mvoChipaca: haha - good one11:47
ackksdhd-sascha, ah, I think I got it. it seems that the stable snapcraft doesn't handle go modules, but since it's using go1.13 by default now, go tried to pull them. if I remove go.mod it builds.11:49
sdhd-saschaah, ok11:49
ackkso it probably broke for me when go1.13 snap was pushed to stable11:50
ackkis there a way to extend the environment for pull/build steps? it doesn't seem that exporting a var in override-* works12:00
Chipacaackk: do you need to compute the value?12:03
Chipacaotherwise the environment block should work12:03
ackkChipaca, no, it's afixed one. basically a workaround for the issue above ^ would be to set GO111MODULE=off for pull12:03
ackkChipaca, can I use "environment" in a part?12:04
Chipacaackk: build-environment IIRC12:04
ackkah, TIL12:04
ackkChipaca, out of curiosity, why is that a list of dicts rather than a dict like the app environment?12:06
Chipacaackk: hmm?12:07
Chipacaackk: I don't know12:08
Chipacaackk: question for sergiusens maybe12:08
ackkdisabling modules via build-environment worked, thanks sdhd-sascha and Chipaca12:14
pedronisChipaca: thx for the review12:34
Chipacapedronis: i change-requested it because of the error, if i goofed just holler :)12:35
pedronisChipaca: no, I think you are right, but need to do some other things before going back to those Prs12:48
pedronismvo: Chipaca: what should we do with this bug, it's not clear to me which bits are snapd and which are lubuntu? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/185830313:02
mupBug #1858303: Snaps don't work unless pre-installed or user logs out and logs back in <snapd> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1858303>13:02
mvopedronis: hmhm, interessting, looking13:14
mupPR snapd#7955 opened: tests: remove "test-snapd-tools" in smoke/sandbox on restore <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7955>13:20
mupBug #1555140 changed: unit test apiSuite.TestGetOpInfoIntegration fails when building the deb in jenkins <Snappy:Won't Fix by chipaca> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555140>13:22
mupPR snapd#7956 opened: packaging: ship var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications in the pkg <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7956>13:23
Chipacapedronis: that was figured out in the forum13:23
Chipacamvo: ^13:23
Chipacaah, mvo spotted that already13:23
Chipacaanyway it's https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-required-dependencies-to-start/1490413:23
mupBug #1611068 changed: 401 when trying to install any snap due to invalid credentials in ~/.snap/auth.json <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611068>13:25
mvoChipaca: yeah, 7956 should address it13:25
Chipacamvo: ah, nice13:25
mupBug #1665756 changed: environment variable setting issue <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665756>13:28
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mupPR snapd#7948 closed: spread: drop copr repo with F30 build dependencies <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7948>13:57
=== ijohnson|EOY is now known as ijohnson
Chipacadegville: turing tumble is aweseme (only ever seen it in video -- i assume it's as good as it looks?)14:23
degvilleChipaca: yes! it's really good! :)14:23
mvodegville: woah, that looks fun!14:24
degvilleit's brilliant actually seeing and trying to physically work out how to solve the problems.14:24
sdhd-saschaogra: i think i found the problem with "snap sign". The passphrase wasn't shown because of the stdin-pipe.14:50
ograah, ouch14:51
sdhd-saschaNow i want to refactor the "snap sign"14:51
sdhd-saschaBut can i break backward-compatibility or not14:52
ogra(i always use a dedictaed "build" or "image" key for my models that goes witjout passphrase)14:52
ogra(snapcraft allows to give them names at creation time)14:53
sdhd-saschaogra: normally, i too ... but this time ...14:53
sdhd-saschai'm looking for a "snap delete-key" command, yesterday. Or how can registered keys be deleted ?14:54
ograi dont think they can easily14:54
sdhd-saschaOk, no delete14:54
ogra(ask in the forum, i might be wrong ... i know they couldnt a year ago)14:55
sdhd-saschaThen how about to make "snap sign -k default <filename>"14:55
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
* cachio lunch15:07
mupPR snapcraft#2844 closed: Add punctuation rule for comments <Created by hellsworth> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2844>15:08
* Chipaca wonders at what time he should stop with the coffee15:16
ijohnsongrr the snapcraft forum seems even slower this year15:16
ograijohnson, just append "?slow=false" to the url !15:20
ogra... and happy new year :)15:21
ijohnsoncan I just do ?speed=plaid instead ? :-)15:21
ijohnsonhappy new year ogra!15:21
mupPR snapcraft#2837 closed: remote-build: gpg-signing and usability fixes <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2837>15:23
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedronisChipaca: I updated #793515:36
Chipacapedronis: tks15:36
mupPR #7935: boot,overlord: introduce internal abstraction bootState and use it for InUse/GetCurrentBoot <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7935>15:36
Chipacapedronis: I presume the dropping of the NoState error is because it's umpossible :)15:37
pedronisChipaca: yes, it should not happen, if we have kernel, we should have a model15:37
pedronisand we check whether we have a kernel just before15:37
Chipaca+1, thank you15:38
mupPR snapd#7957 opened: snap-bootstrap: mount the correct snapd snap to /run/mnt/snapd <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7957>15:47
mupPR core20#18 opened: static: try using /run/mnt/snapd first in run-snapd-from-snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/18>15:56
cachiomvo, hey, having troubles to login into the uc20 instnace as root16:26
cachiousing your branch16:26
cachiodid you change anything today?16:27
pedronisChipaca: I reviewed your channel PRs16:28
pedronisthank you16:28
mvocachio: I don't think I did - stange16:33
Chipacapedronis: thank you!16:33
Chipacapedronis: you're right about InstallPath, i'll fix that in a bit16:34
Chipacaneed to pop some state first :)16:34
Chipacaalso, need to reboot for a new kernel, and go to the shops and stuff. So AFK for a bit.16:36
cachiomvo, np, I'll continue researching16:39
mvocachio: thank you16:40
mvocachio: s/stange/strange/ :)16:40
mvocachio: there were some core20/gadget changes over the break, maybe something there broke it, but AFAICT the spread test itself is still working on the uc20 tests16:40
cachiomvo, with your branch didnt work today, the system reboots and it seems to be ok but I cant connect using root16:45
cachioI was using a branch with my chnges and it was manually adding a access for the users16:46
cachioand restarting ssh16:46
cachioI just restarted the travis job to cehck it is wotking after the break16:47
mvocachio: oh, ok16:50
mvocachio: interessting, so something did change :/ please keep me update!16:51
cachiomvo, sure16:56
mupPR snapd#7958 opened: snap-bootstrap: refactor partition creation <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7958>17:34
mupPR snapcraft#2849 closed: rust plugin: split RUSTUP_HOME and CARGO_HOME <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2849>17:38
mupPR snapcraft#2833 closed: catkin: remove rospack workaround <Created by Arnatious> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2833>17:56
J_CHi there. Upon installing chromium-browser - which in my current version of Ubuntu (Kubuntu 19.10) subsequently installs the snapd version - the cursor theme is different to the one I currently use (Breeze theme) whilst it hovers over Chromium's contents. I have gtk-common-themes installed via snapd. Is there a way to force the snap to use the appropriate cursor theme? Thanks.18:20
ijohnsonJ_C: you might try asking in #ubuntu-desktop or on the forums, I think most folks here who would be able to help you with that are offline due to TZ's18:41
=== heather is now known as hellsworth
J_Cijohnson: Heh, I was actually suggested to ask in here from #ubuntu. No worries.19:11
ijohnsonJ_C: ah ok, well anybody else in #snappy is free to speak up but I myself don't know :-)19:11
J_Cijohnson: It's nothing too urgent anyway, just a small vidual quirk and nothing that impacts functionality at the very least. :)19:12
mupPR snapd#7956 closed: packaging: ship var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications in the pkg <Created by mvo5> <Merged by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7956>20:23
ChipacaJ_C: that will happen for any themes not included in the gtk-common-themes snap20:49
J_CChipaca: I was under the impression that both Breeze and Breeze Dark were in gtk-common-themes.20:52
ChipacaJ_C: cursor themes are separate though20:53
Chipacaand I don't see anything under Breeze/cursors20:53
J_CThat's a shame. At least I know why the cursor isn't showing properly now. Thanks.20:54
mupPR snapd#7959 opened: tests: fix classic-ubuntu-core-transition-two-cores after refactor of MATCH -v <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7959>20:55
ChipacaJ_C: what this says to me is that the cursor you're seeing is not of the theme but of some kde default20:55
ChipacaJ_C: if you figure out where it's from, maybe see about getting it included?20:55
Chipacaif it is the default kde one, we should probably include it :)20:56
Chipacakenvandine: does that ^ sound sane to you? (about where the cursor is coming from)20:58
J_CChipaca: Sure, I'll have a look into it :) Should I submit a ticket to the gtk-common-themes repo or elsewhere? Would you like a screenshot as to what the current cursor looks like?20:59
thirasis there a way to give local filesystem permission to snap package?20:59
Chipacathiras: not in general no. What are you trying to do in particular?21:00
thirasspecifically dbeaver package. it needs to access native mysql client installed on my system through apt21:00
ChipacaJ_C: i wouldn't know what to do with the screenshot other than agree with you, and i already believe you :)21:00
Chipacathiras: that sounds wrong21:01
thirasyou cannot use it's internal drivers to dump a database. it needs native mysql client to do that21:01
thirasobviously package maintainer seems be missed that detail. so the current package is totally isolated21:02
thirasto be*21:02
Chipacathiras: there isn't a way of doing that, no21:03
thirastoo bad21:03
thirasshould i open a bug report to package maintainer?21:04
thirasi guess some of the snap packages can have access to filesystem (like vscode)21:04
Chipacaclassic snaps can, yes21:04
Chipacabut i don't think it's a bug, this seems more like working as intended21:05
Chipacathiras: what is the snap name by the way?21:05
thirasChipaca, dbeaver-ce21:05
thirasmaintainer is the dbeaver company itself21:06
thirasthen how modern snaps handles if they need to access to the filesystem?21:06
Chipacathiras: 'access to the filesystem' is one thing, what you're wanting is being able to run arbitrary things21:07
Chipacathiras: the short answer is that you don't, you can't, that's not how it's supposed to work21:07
Chipacaanyway, EOD for me21:08
thirasso i assume that snap package should contain native client within?21:08
thirasthanks for help21:08
Chipacathiras: exactly, yes21:08
mupPR snapd#7960 opened: tests: use unbuffered python output for daemons, misc formatting <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7960>21:29
sdhd-saschaWhere is the place to ask question about "ubuntu-image" ? `error: cannot use kernel "linux-generic-allwinner" published by "QfOqF7d2M1Pk2O0SbEKqTdB9Ry2aI0BP" for model by "go2ddtVdG0SlCsLDKX7cd9IWiZoEbSym"`22:20
sdhd-saschaOh, sorry. This is a "snap sign" error22:21
sdhd-sascha(revert last line)22:24
mupPR snapd#7961 opened: cmd: sign: add filename param <Created by sd-hd> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7961>22:32
mupPR snapcraft#2852 opened: wstool: don't rely on host git <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2852>23:06

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