
jibelGood morning everyone05:32
dufluMorning jibel05:52
jibelHey duflu happy new year !06:07
RikMillshappy new year to desktop team!06:13
dufluHappy new year to you too, jibel and RikMills06:15
RikMillslooks like Wimpress is determined to have a good start :) https://twitter.com/m_wimpress/status/121405756906658611206:16
jameshSomething I put together while learning about Github actions during the break: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-github-action-for-snapcrtaft/1493006:24
jibelWe use github actions to automate CI of zsys, https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/tree/master/.github/workflows06:30
jibelit works great06:30
jameshI've used it for a few of my own personal projects, building workflows from existing actions and custom shell script.  This was the first time I'd looked at writing an action.06:42
jameshIt's much nicer than Travis, where the only canned setup/build steps are those provided by Travis06:43
seb128gooood morning desktopers!08:01
dufluMorning seb12808:02
jibelsalut seb12808:02
seb128hey duflu, jibel, how are you? had good holidays?08:03
dufluseb128, I works 2 days each week, and had nice 5-day weekends. Lots of family and home maintenance. Still didn't finish. You?08:04
jibelholidays were good. I went skiing for a few days. first time in years but it's like bicycle, you don't forget.08:04
jibelseb128, and you how were your holidays?08:05
* duflu finds he still doesn't remember when on skis08:05
seb128I had nice holidays, spent a bit over a week in the north of France  and then a week in the east, quite relaxing08:07
jibeland I tried a real professional flight simulator of an A330. That was awesome.08:10
jibelno one have been injured ;)08:10
didrocksgood morning and happy new year!08:18
dufluMorning didrocks. Happy new year08:18
jibelsalut didrocks, happy new year to you too08:18
didrockshey duflu, jibel! How are you?08:19
dufludidrocks, going well. Though already stressed thinking about how much we can get into 20.04. You?08:19
jibeldidrocks, doing alright. happy holidays?08:20
didrocksI'm fine thanks! I will leave in ~1h to the train station heading to London, just the time for some catchup08:20
didrocksjibel: was busy and some train "experiences", but overall, good :)08:20
seb128lut didrocks, happy new year indeed!08:21
jibeltaking the train during protest ?! you like to live dangerously08:21
didrockshey seb128!08:23
didrocksjibel: well, we didn't really get any other options at this time to visit the family08:23
didrocksTBH, the worst was on Friday, receiving contradictory information for my today's travel to London08:24
jibelcar rental is an option08:24
didrocksspent an afternoon between phone calls, train station queuing…08:24
jibelnot to go to london ofc08:24
* duflu misses London sprints. Haven't been to one since 2016ish?08:25
didrocksssorry, coffee & keyboard distaster08:27
jibeldon't use incompatible devices on the same desk is the rule. like a cup full of coffee and a keyboard. They are always attracted by each other.08:28
jibelsame goes for any liquid close to a keyboard.08:29
dufluHuh. Make that 2014. Time flies08:29
seb128didrocks, don't flood your travel laptop just before leaving!08:31
seb128duflu, I guess you saw https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/commit/cdcb0188 ? (sorry, just going through post holidays backlog)08:36
dufluseb128, yes but it doesn't backport so I stopped trying08:36
dufluI did try though08:36
seb128duflu, k, fine, we did apply a revert which is good enough for now and we get the upstream way with the next version08:37
dufluWould have needed to dig up the new feature it uses from PulseAudio 14 and backport that08:37
seb128yeah, don't do that, just wait for the next tarball :)08:38
dufluseb128, big progress on bug 1845046 though, which is mildly exciting08:40
ubot5bug 1845046 in bluez (Ubuntu Bionic) "Bluetooth headphones default to low quality headset mode and fail to switch to A2DP when selected" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184504608:40
seb128oh, nice08:40
jameshI think a lot of the problems with switch-on-connect would go away if it delayed acting on sinks appearing during login08:42
jameshIf the old default sink is going to show up in a few milliseconds, then it probably doesn't make sense to switch08:43
duflujamesh, I suggested exactly that way back in the beginning. Though we already have two fixes that are better than that08:43
dufluHi Laney09:02
seb128heeeyyyy Laney, happy new year! did you have good holidays?09:03
Laneyhey duflu hey seb128, happy 2020!09:05
dufluHappy 2020 Laney09:05
Laneythey started off with a plumbing emergency at 7pm on the 23rd09:06
Laneybut got better after we fixed that09:06
Laneyand now I know how to remove a bath, change taps, replace a bath and make it watertight, so that's something09:06
Laneyall while preparing for the family to arrive at the same time!09:09
Laneyhope yours were good too09:09
didrockshappy new year Laney!09:10
seb128didrocks, did you plan to upload the debdiff from jibel on bug #1848856?09:11
ubot5bug 1848856 in grubzfs-testsuite (Ubuntu Eoan) "zfs on root fails with grub syntax error with multidisks pools" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184885609:11
Laneymoin didrocks, happy new year to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu09:12
didrocksseb128: you mean the SRU? If you have time, I'm happy for you to handle it. We prepared the SRU together, but didn't get the time to do proper testing09:13
didrockspeople seem to report for it to work well, but double checking is always good09:14
didrocks(or we can let people acking on installing the proposed update)09:14
seb128didrocks, k, I add it to my backlog, thx for the input09:15
* Laney tries to remember how this all works09:19
Laneywhat's a linux?09:19
dufluHoliday mode; achieved09:20
ricotzhappy new year desktopers!10:11
seb128hey ricotz, happy new year to you as well!10:12
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WimpressGood morning and Happy New Year desktoppers :-)11:27
seb128hey Wimpress, happy new year!11:28
seb128Wimpress, you are in London already?11:28
Laneymoin Wimpress11:32
Laneybroken 'file' in unstable at the minute11:34
Laneymeans you get packages with no depends!11:34
jibelHappy new year Wimpress !11:36
seb128Laney, fun!11:38
WimpressYes, I'm in London. Just making final preparations for the Yaru team to join us.11:39
Laneymmm free biscuits12:23
didrocksback from Eurostar this time!14:01
Wimpressdidrocks: How is your journey going?14:02
kenvandineHappy New Year desktoppers14:05
didrocksflaky network even when being in the train station :)14:05
didrockshey kenvandine14:05
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seb128didrocks, train and IRC usually are not best friends :)15:13
seb128kenvandine, hey, happy new year to you!15:13
happyarontrain needs mosh to make friends with IRC, happy new year, :)15:13
kenvandinehey seb12815:14
seb128hey happyaron, how are you?15:15
seb128not really new year for you right? :)15:15
happyarongreat, not lunar new year yet, :p15:15
happyaronit's a week before FOSDEM15:15
seb128happyaron, do you plan to go to fosdem?15:28
hellsworthhi everyone! i missed you all :)15:29
WimpressHello hellsworth o/15:29
WimpressHappy New Year :)15:30
happyaronseb128: yes15:30
seb128hey Heather, happy new year!15:30
hellsworthhappy new year indeed!15:30
seb128happyaron, nice, maybe I see you there :)15:30
happyaroncool, :)15:30
Laneyhappyaron: that is a long trip for you :-O15:33
Laneyhey hellsworth15:33
kenvandinehey hellsworth15:34
hellsworthhi Laney and kenvandine !15:34
Laneymoin kenvandine!15:34
kenvandineyo Laney15:35
LaneyAH the ol' gang back together15:35
happyaronLaney: yep, but it's okay, do that twice a year previously...15:42
Laneyare you going just for fosdem?15:43
happyaronfosdem and later some other stuff at Paris15:44
Laneyok that's a bit less crazy15:45
happyaroncan't make it for the mini-debconf because of the Chinese new year15:45
kenvandinekyrofa: thanks for the review :)17:18
kenvandinekyrofa: and happy new year17:18
kyrofakenvandine, back at you! Good break?17:33
kenvandinekyrofa: yeah, happy to be back though :)17:52
kenvandinekyrofa: and you?17:52
kyrofakenvandine, not long enough, haha17:52
kenvandineit was really hard to get up this morning :)17:55
=== heather is now known as hellsworth
robert_ancellseb128, who's doing NetworkManager these days? Can we update to 1.20.6 or .8?20:16
robert_ancellNeeded for WPA3 support for focal. And I wonder if that's something we should consider enabling in 18.04 LTS.20:16
seb128robert_ancell, hey, happy new year, $new_hire does but meanwhile I've been updating, it's on my list20:58
robert_ancellseb128, what's the state of the git branch? Is focal just going into master?20:59
seb128robert_ancell, we backported the wpa3 patches before 19.10 though, is there more needed?20:59
robert_ancellseb128, we need to update g-c-c to support it.20:59
seb128robert_ancell, also ':-(' on your polkit version check, it's not helping anyone just creating problems for distro :-/20:59
seb128that sounds like a similar case20:59
seb128checking for versions rather than features is suboptimal :/20:59
robert_ancellseb128, then someone needs to make an official polkit release that we can check for...21:00
robert_ancellWhat is the plan with polkit? Just stay on 105 forever?21:00
seb128so far yes21:01
robert_ancellNot a great plan...21:01
seb128since the javascript rules are not something security agrees is a smart move21:01
seb128also polkit isn't moving much21:01
seb128still a better plan to stick on something old and secure than on something new and unsecure...21:02
robert_ancellAnother one for Frankfurt.21:02
seb128robert_ancell, also your rational for that version check is boggust21:02
seb128'Check that polkit ITS rules are installed' is the report21:02
seb128checking for a version miss the point21:02
seb128the report has no hint the user had an outdated version rather than a buggy install21:03
seb128could be that the distro packaging forgot to include the ITS file in the package21:03
seb128which your fix doesn't address21:03
robert_ancellSure, that's possible. But any dependency can break like that. We're checking for a feature that didn't exist until that version.21:04
seb128still you are not checking the feature21:05
seb128anyway, one more distro patch21:05
seb128I think the fix creates more problems that it solves but I guess I argued enough21:05
seb128imho you will get more report from contributors who try to build a git version on debian/ubuntu and fail due to get the requirements than you would have got from people trying to build using an old polkit21:06
seb128robert_ancell, you can add polkit to discuss in frankfurt but I don't think there is much to actually discuss21:07
seb128the javascript thing has been nacked like 10 years and polkit didn't move much since21:07
seb128also the rational to not want something as complex as javascript in a security component still stands21:08
robert_ancellseb128, perhaps we can add the config file backend back upstream and compile without js support.21:09
seb128robert_ancell, I guess we could, just need to find a maintainer and someone who think that's worth the effort invested to work on that/get it reviewed21:11
seb128since the current situation has little cost I personally don't think it's something we should work on21:11
seb128robert_ancell, other topic, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/desktop-team-updates-monday-13th-january-2020/13864 ... that's next week in the title, was that wanted?21:13
robert_ancellseb128, yes, I started back on Monday 6th, so I had nothing to write for the previous week!21:14
seb128robert_ancell, ah, you do it shifted, I (and others I think) usually include their monday since the meeting is on tuesday and it's work until the meeting21:23
seb128we would post on friday otherwise :)21:24
robert_ancellseb128, the meeting title is the last day that work was done, right?21:24
seb128I think21:25
seb128like today's one would be 6th and include work done today21:25
seb128(or yesterday for you)21:25
seb128and that would be what we look at tomorrow for the meeting21:25
robert_ancellI assumed that meeting would be skipped )21:25
seb128we didn't do much during holidays21:26
robert_ancellPerhaps you've been missing meetings and can't wait to have one!21:26
seb128but Debian work, syncs, users were still ongoing so I expect we will at least have proposed migration and rls tagged bugs to review21:26
seb128probably :)21:27
seb128anyway, that's for tomorrow, calling it a day for now21:27
seb128have a good evening/day desktopers, depending of your timezones :)21:27
gQuigshow much do we use polkit nowadays?  could the remaining uses be replaced with xdg-desktop-portal ?    (where I think it's used are updating the system, install/remove software, update firmware, and shutdown?)21:28
robert_ancellgQuigs, I guess that would make xdg-desktop-portal a lot more complicated? polkit is a much more generic way of wrapping D-Bus calls.21:31
gQuigsrobert_ancell it depends in how many ways we are using it.  if it's just the 4 I mentioned above - it seems simpler to use a more clearly defined interface for them...21:37
* gQuigs apparently kills the conversation...21:37
ahayzengQuigs, Are these cases also using polkit or are they something else ? ... gnome-disks when formatting disks, nautilus in the admin:// mode, firewall-config connecting to firewalld21:42
gQuigsNautilus, yes it uses polkit - https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus/commit/5db7a2952a8091cb11ec74e0fd87cd1814252da2    I don't see a good way to make that one work with xdg-desktop-portal..21:46
gQuigsgnome-disks I thought did, but I guess not anymore?   I have not been able to figure out what it uses today... https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-disk-utility/commit/0c6e07148d1ebedc3ee09b9d3da7efbcc5991ff521:51
gQuigsunsure about the firewall21:55

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