
Bob95https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows?_ga=2.224820959.477032064.1578363642-1851941745.1578363642#9 so if I use this link and I follow the instructions, does that mean the next time I boot my system with the usb drive it will be in Linux instead of windows?02:26
guivercBob95, I usually use the "Check disc for defects" options first time I run the thumb-drive (to verify write was perfect; otherwise I re-do write) - but it'll be a 'live' system fit for installating or using02:27
kc2bezBob95 didn't wait for your answer guiverc :(02:28
guiverci realize; it was ^A+backspace or finish "or using<ENTER>" & I opted latter02:30
kc2bezThere wasn't much time to make a change:)02:31
=== akem__ is now known as akem
lubot<devikri> hello, is there any recomendation for screenshoot software for my lubuntu ?10:12
diogenes_devikri, if you prefer cli, then scrot, if guy, then shutter.10:14
guiverc@defikri, what release of Lubuntu?  lximage-qt is the standard method for LXQt  (an option `-s` has it ask what you want to save in gui)10:15
kc2bezIn 19.10 we also have screengrab.10:17
lubot<devikri> @guiverc [<guiverc> @defikri, what release of Lubuntu?  lximage-qt is the standard method …], im using lxde10:28
lubot<devikri> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> devikri, if you prefer cli, then scrot, if guy, then shutter.], thx i will try it10:28
lubot<ctisme> @wxl [<wxl> more to the point i should say tor is the only way to truly use the intern …], well said10:59
lubotmttcastelli was added by: mttcastelli22:07
lubot<mttcastelli> (Photo, 1280x640) https://i.imgur.com/Rs6zUM4.jpg Pcmanfm-qt copy operations are still bugged or do I miss some comoonent/deoendency?22:08
wxl@mttcastelli from the picture it is not clear there is a bug22:11
lubot<mttcastelli> I know, you can not see it's hanging coping and deleting an amount of less than 300 mb, and you can't figure out it's an ssd: coping is too slow and don't let you see progress22:13
wxlis it progressing, though?22:14
lubot<mttcastelli> The delete, yes but slowly22:15
wxlis that deleting a folder?22:16
wxlwith 4928 files in it?22:16
lubot<mttcastelli> Yes22:17
wxlit looks like that particular case may be problematic, but it doesn't look like the libraries upon which pcmanfm-qt depends would allow for anything different https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues/53922:18
lubot<mttcastelli> Ok22:18
Rush48help please23:11
Rush48Instlaling lubuntu 32bit 18.10 on samsung nc10 netbook..  screen goes black after 'installing sylpheed'  massage.  any ideas?23:12
Rush48I'll try a 64 bit iso then.. and if that doesnt work i guess nothing will23:16
wxlRush48: 18.10 is not supported23:21
wxlperhaps you mean 18.04?23:21
Rush48well the 32bit version...23:22
Rush48but it goes black screen before it finished instalation23:22
wxlwell if you're installing 18.10, it's not supported, so which version do you mean?23:22
wxleither way, 64 bit won't work on that machine, so don't bother with that23:22
Rush48is there a 32bit 18.10 ?23:22
Rush48if so, then i got the wrong one23:23
wxlhonestly i don't remember XD23:23
wxlwhere did you get it?23:23
lubot<lynorian> yes there was 32 bit 18.1023:23
Rush48yes. and it doesnt work23:23
wxlwhere did you get it?23:24
Rush48so not even linux works on old 32 bti hardware anymore.. jeez23:24
Rush48got it from there23:24
wxllubuntu.net is not our website23:25
Rush48well it started to download anyway.. and installed almost totally23:25
Rush48so i doubt it would matter where i got it23:25
wxlwell, they might very well be providing the wrong image, since they aren't affiliated with us23:25
wxlalso did you check the hashes of the iso?23:25
Rush48ok.  can i have the link to the 'good'  recomended 32 bit iso ?23:26
Rush48no i didnt check hashes23:26
wxlthen you might have had a download error even if it was the right image23:26
Rush48the iso works on my other machine23:26
wxland if you didn't check the installation media, you might have had a copy error23:26
wxlthat doesn't mean anything23:26
Rush48ususally i find its never a hash error...23:26
wxl1 bit of difference could result in all sorts of problems23:26
wxlusually i find it is23:26
Rush48can u give me a link to a good iso please23:26
Rush48i tried that oen also before23:27
wxlthat's the only correct one23:27
Rush48so i guess you dont suppoer samsung nc10 netbooks23:28
wxlso i would get that, check the hashes on it and keep downloading until you get the right image23:28
Rush48the image worked on other laptop23:28
wxlthat's not a correct assumption23:28
Rush48so its not the issue23:28
wxli would bet money on it23:28
Rush48ill try linux lite then23:29
Rush48has checks i find are usually a total waste of time23:29
wxlhave fun23:29
Rush48more fun than pointless hash checks23:29
Rush48by the way.. the devs are doing it all wrong23:31
Rush48one of the main reasons for using lubuntu etc is for old slow machines23:31
Rush48stopping 32bit support is the totally wrong direction23:31
wxlthe reason it exists is to be lightweight23:31
wxlthat's what the "l" stands for23:32
wxlit doesn't stand for "old slow machines"23:32
Rush48but thats what it is mostly used  on23:32
wxland if your concern is about 32 bit support, you can bring that up with ubuntu which as a whole does not support it23:32
Rush48id never use lubuntu on a powerful rig... lol23:32
wxland it does work on many old slow machines, just not 32 bit ones23:32
Rush48its only strength lies in powering old hardware23:32
wxlwe also don't support amigas23:33
Rush48most 64 bits dont really need lubuntu23:33
Rush4832 bits are perfect for it23:33
wxland we have a solution, but you don't appear to like the process to install it23:33
wxlsince you know better, i'll leave you to it23:33
Rush48since u are such a smug c*nt.. ill be glad to see you go23:33
wxl!language | Rush4823:34
ubottuRush48: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:34
Rush48balls to picasso23:35
wxlcan you please stop? last warning.23:35
Rush48since you gave me advice i'll give you some. you do need to try to stop being so smug..23:37
wxli'm actually trying to help you, but you're refusing it. i woudln't call that smug, but i'm very sorry i've made you feel that way.23:38
Rush48you know full well 32bit is a good lubuntu market... but your smugness couldnt let you admit it23:39
Rush48talking about amigas...  nice23:39
wxlif you want a solution to your needs, i'm sure we can get to it with lubuntu. but not without bothering to actually go through all the troubleshooting steps.23:39
Rush48hashchecking is complicated and takes ages i think23:40
Rush48and usually never fixes anything23:40
wxlyou think23:40
Rush48was wen i tried before23:40
Rush48and then i have to get back to fixing issues properly after wasting time23:40
wxland my experience has been entirely the opposite23:40
wxlbut it sounds like you don't want to listen otherwise, so c'est la vie23:41
wxlthat's not smug. that's admitting defeat!23:42
Rush48ill try linux lite.. adn then if that doesnt work i suppose i'll have to do the hashcheck.. and i bet you that wont fix anything23:42
wxland like i said (seriously) i would bet money23:42
Rush48so maybeafter 5 hours then we will actually get down to fixing something propaerly23:42
wxli'm not going to fight you on this. if you want help, you've got it. if you want to do it all yourself and ignore any advice, then, by all means, go ahead23:43
Rush48whats the fastest way ot hashcheck23:43
wxlon linux?23:43
Rush48i dont know23:43
Rush48on wat i want ot do23:43
wxli'm asking what os you're using to do it23:44
Rush48windows at the moment23:44
wxloh gawd23:44
Rush48since i use rufus to burn isos23:44
Rush48linux doesnt work for me burning isos23:44
wxlin powershell: get-filehash \path\to\iso23:45
Rush48powershell ?23:46
Rush48i dont know how23:46
wxlotherwise you're downloading stuff23:46
wxlit's an application in windows23:46
wxljust click the menu and type powershell23:47
Rush48path to iso?23:47
Rush48i have to type the exact iso name?23:47
wxli don't know where you have it downloaded, so you'll have to specify the path23:47
Rush48its on my desktop23:47
Rush48i domt kknow how to direct a path to there23:47
wxlpowershell should take you to C:\Users\youruser23:48
wxlso just use `cd Desktop`23:48
Rush48use how?23:48
Rush48no ,  cant23:48
Rush48no gui can do this ?23:48
wxlthere is but you have to download them23:48
wxllet's see here23:49
Rush48fien with me23:49
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:49
Rush48better than terminals and powershells23:49
wxlsee the last one23:49
wxli really don't use windows very much so can't be super helpful with that, sadly23:49
wxli've heard 7zip can do it23:49
* wxl shrugs23:49
Rush48i have 7 zip23:50
Rush48i cant do this23:50
wxlemphasis on "i've heard;" not sure how23:50
Rush48see.. and since its never the problem anyway.. now you know why i hate doing it23:50
Rush48even that link yo ugave me requires powershall or commands etc23:50
wxlyou have to scroll down to see other options23:51
Rush48can yo ujust tell me which one please23:51
wxlagain, i don't know. i don't use windows.23:51
Rush48you know more about it than i do23:51
wxlnot when i don't use the OS X'''''D23:52
Rush48oh well..  as usuall.. nevermind23:52
wxli could tell you how to do it in linux super easy23:52
wxllet's try this23:52
Rush48and i know you wont give me any more help unless i dod t he sacred hash check23:52
wxlboot it and at the boot screen run the "check disc for defects"23:52
Rush48boot what23:52
Rush48the iso23:52
wxlthe lubuntu ISO23:52
wxlif that fails, then you have one of two problems23:53
wxlif it succeeds, we know neither is the problem (and you win) :)23:53
wxl(if it fails in order to figure out the problem, we have to go back to hashing, unless you want to just keep downloading and burning until you get it right)23:53
Rush48my god.. trying linux lite.. and cant even type the wifi password in.. 'j'  = '1'  etc..23:53
Rush48this is ghopeless23:54
wxli'd say your biggest impediment is your impatience23:54
wxlyour nick is aptly chosen XD23:54
Rush48just maybe the problem is not hash?23:54
wxlyes, maybe23:54
Rush48maybe its another problem ou wont even entertain ?23:54
wxlanything's possible23:54
Rush48funny how you laugh at me when i expose how flaky linux is23:55
wxlbut 9/10 i have found "weird problems" like the one you described to be an issue in downloading or copying23:55
Rush48like that my issue somehow23:55
wxldo you know windows distributes isos?23:55
wxlif you download a windows iso you run into the same possible problems.23:55
wxlit's not about linux at all23:55
Rush48i never have23:55
wxlyes but what's your sample size?23:55
wxlhundreds and thousands of downloads or a small handful?23:56
Rush48only linux.. thats why i think hashchecks are usualy a waste of time23:56
Rush48sampel of wat23:56
wxljust try the "check disc for defects"23:56
Rush48how the hell are you suppose to y pe in a wifi password if the keyboard is all messed up?23:56
wxlis this linux lite?23:56
wxl(which i might add i've never even heard of)23:57
Rush48well, dont bother..  its more dung23:57
Rush48\its for tinkerers and fanboys only.. they make it all sound great.. but for the casual user its rubbish.. like most linux23:57
wxllet me know when you got that check done23:57
Rush48check it when booting on the netbook ?23:58
Rush48ive ost the damn link23:59
Rush48should i downlaod 18.10 or 4?23:59
wxllanguage, dear23:59
Rush48i hate t his .. people consider this fun ?23:59

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