
mborzeckistarting a bit later, need to drive the kids to school06:08
mupPR snapd#7954 closed: changelog: fix typos <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7954>06:27
mupPR snapd#7959 closed: tests: fix classic-ubuntu-core-transition-two-cores after refactor of MATCH -v <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7959>06:35
mupPR snapd#7962 opened: tests: cherry-pick fixes for  snap-set-core-config/ubuntu-core-config-defaults-once <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7962>06:45
mupPR snapd#7949 closed: cmd/snap, daemon: stop over-normalising channels <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7949>06:46
zygagood morning!07:07
zygahey mvo07:08
zygamvo: anything to keep in mind regarding yesterday?07:08
zygahey mborzecki :)07:09
mborzeckione kid at school, the other sick at home07:09
mvohey zyga, good morning07:09
mborzeckizyga: mvo: hey07:09
zygamborzecki: two at school, one still sleeping07:09
mvomborzecki: good morning and happy new year07:09
mvozyga: yesterday> nay, all good07:09
mborzeckimvo: happy new year to you too! that was a looong break07:09
mvomborzecki: yeah, long and refreshing I hope :)07:10
mvo(it was for me!)07:10
zygaI must admit that after about a week of anxiety I really started resting07:11
zygaand ended up not touching coding for most of the time07:11
mborzeckimvo: thanks for uploading release tarballs to github releases!07:18
mvomborzecki: my pleasure, sorry that I was a bit late07:19
mborzeckiupdated arch package to 2.42.507:37
mborzeckihm arch switched to zstd compression for packages, but i don't see any changes to makepkg.conf in https://git.archlinux.org/pacman.git/log/etc/makepkg.conf.in looks like they didn't push it yet07:38
mupPR snapd#7955 closed: tests: remove "test-snapd-tools" in smoke/sandbox on restore <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7955>07:40
zygahey pawel08:02
mvohey pstolowski !08:02
pstolowskihey hey08:02
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:05
mvoa quick sanity-check of 7951 and 7962 would be nice, pedning 2.43 PRs08:11
pstolowskimvo: there is one file less in 7951 than it was in the original PR, not sure if it's intentional?08:15
mvopstolowski: let me look to refresh my memories, it might be that this file is not in 2.43 yet08:17
abeatomvo, hey, happy new year! I have been told that snapd does not yet support default tracks, when will that happen?08:18
mvoabeato: it's very close to land in edge, chipaca is landing PRs as we speak08:20
mvoabeato: he should be here in ~1h or so - my (probably wrong) estimate is EOW but please double check with him on that :)08:20
abeatomvo, awesome! mind pointing me to the MPs?08:21
mvoabeato: this is edge, it missed the boat for 2.43 so most likely in stable for 2.44 unless it's crtitical08:21
pstolowskimvo: tests/main/parallel-install-remove-after/task.yaml missing in 7951 if that helps08:21
mvoabeato: sure, one sec08:21
mvopstolowski: I just checked, it seems like this test does not yet exist in 2.4308:22
pstolowskimvo: good08:22
mvoabeato: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7950 and there is one more needed AIUI08:23
mupPR #7950: overlord/snapstate: tracks are now sticky <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7950>08:23
abeatomvo, thanks - and no, not critical for the moment, but we plan to use the feature from some snaps when available08:24
mvoabeato: ack08:33
mupPR snapd#7951 closed: tests: use test-snapd-sh snap instead of test-snapd-tools - Part 3 (2.43) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7951>08:34
zygaI think https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-layouts/7207/37?u=zyga should be split into a separate thread09:10
zygait's less about layouts and more about troubleshooting snapcraft and containers09:10
jameshmvo: do you think there is any interest in adopting the Github action I wrote as an official project?09:13
Chipacazyga: I can do that09:14
Chipacazyga: tell me what to do tho :-)09:14
zygathank you Chipaca :)09:14
Chipacazyga: is it all following?09:14
zygaChipaca: split it after the first message where the reporter is debugging snapcraft09:14
zygaI think so09:14
zygabased on my quick reading09:14
Chipacazyga: ok. SUggestions for title of the new thread?09:14
zygaBuilding with snapcraft in docker?09:15
zygaI was about to go upstairs for tea09:15
Chipacaupstairs-tea sounds fancy09:16
mvojamesh: in a meeting right now, I will get back to you. do you have a link with more information?09:17
Chipacazyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/building-with-snapcraft-in-docker/1494609:17
jameshmvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-github-action-for-snapcrtaft/1493009:17
zygaChipaca: thank you :)09:18
zygajamesh: hey, happy new year :)09:18
jameshhi zyga09:18
Chipacajamesh: that's probably more a sergiusens Q than an mvo Q09:18
Chipacajamesh: unless mvo is becoming our ΓΌber-manager09:18
* Chipaca mangles languages for fun and/or profit09:18
zygaChipaca: we have a cat now09:19
jameshChipaca: I wasn't quite sure who was in charge of projects under the "snapcore" org09:19
zygaChipaca: it wandered in when it was cold and doesn't want to leave09:19
Chipacajamesh: it might still be our CTO09:19
Chipacazyga: we have developers like that also09:19
Chipacajamesh: in any case mvo is in a better place to help than I am :-)09:21
Chipacaalso he's awake, which is an advantage over sergiusens09:21
Chipaca(sergiusens might be technically awake but given it's 6am for him, I wouldn't trust it)09:22
Chipacasdhd-sascha: duuude09:53
Chipacasdhd-sascha: what do you mean they are not optional09:53
Chipacasdhd-sascha: I'm telling you they are optional09:53
ChipacaI'm not asking :)09:53
Chipacasdhd-sascha: most people don't even know 'list' can take positional arguments09:54
sdhd-saschaChipaca: oh, sorry. Good morning ;-)09:54
Chipacasdhd-sascha: non-required is the default09:54
sdhd-saschaChipaca: i look further. Because i never worked with reflection in golang, did you know where the tags behind the arguments are parsed?09:56
Chipacasdhd-sascha: https://godoc.org/github.com/jessevdk/go-flags09:56
Chipacasdhd-sascha: it sounds like you're digging too deep for what you're wanting to do09:56
Chipacawhich is alright, if you intend to learn a lot from it09:57
Chipacaif you're wanting to get things done, then you've gone too far -- if it's educational you're doing great :-D09:57
sdhd-saschaChipaca: you are right. Often i'm annoyed to have asked a question shortly after. Because the answer was obvious. I want to improve myself there.10:03
sdhd-saschaI can postpone learning that later. Most of the things in go are very simple - only my memory is sometimes not persistent enough ...10:03
Chipacasdhd-sascha: BTW, don't make it a string10:04
Chipacause a flags.Filename10:04
mvojamesh: back from the meeting, reading your post now, I need to check if I have enough privs to enable github actions10:10
jameshmvo: this is more about where to host the repo.  My action is usable by anyone right now, but I don't know if we'd want to be recommending people create workflows referencing "jhenstridge/snapcraft-build-action@v1"10:11
Chipacajamesh: flashbacks of jhbuild10:12
jameshChipaca: jhbuild was hosted in a CVS repo that any GNOME dev could commit to10:13
Chipacajamesh: I meant about having your name immortalised in the build recipes :)10:14
Chipacathe way those things are cargo-culted, it's never going away :D10:14
jameshChipaca: I guess I could add other contributors to the repo under my personal user account, but I'm not sure that's the best way forward10:15
Chipacaagreed, i think snapcore would be a better place10:16
Chipacajamesh: mvo: FWIW I can create the repository if there's agreement (mvo can also do so)10:17
zygamborzecki: help me out10:17
Chipacajamesh: you might be able to too, dunno10:17
zygamborzecki: I just don't get it and I must be missing something utterly obvious10:17
Chipacajamesh: https://github.com/organizations/snapcore/repositories/new10:17
mborzeckizyga: hmm?10:17
zygamborzecki: I have a .c file that uses O_PATH, I defined _GNU_SOURCE, I included the required files10:17
zygayet it's not defined10:17
zygawhat could I be missing?10:18
jameshChipaca: I don't have that permission, and if I did I wouldn't want to use it unilaterally10:18
Chipacajamesh: with you on that10:19
mborzeckizyga: defined _GNU_SOURCE too late? canyou pass it to gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE?10:19
zygait's on the first line in the .c file10:19
Chipacazyga: mborzecki: what's O_PATH got to do with _GNU_SOURCE?10:20
zygaChipaca: you have to get it to get the other10:20
zygaChipaca: it's a linux thing10:20
zygaChipaca: so the headers don't give it unless you ask for it10:20
mborzeckiChipaca: manpage says _GNU_SOURCE must be defined for O_PATH10:20
Chipacazyga: how are you defining it?10:22
jameshIf you're building with e.g. -std=c18, it disables some non-standard features from headers by default10:22
zygaChipaca: I tried #define _GNU_SOURCE in the 1st line in .c10:22
jameshunless you define _GNU_SOURCE10:22
zygaChipaca: tried -D_GNU_SOURCE just now10:22
zygait's odd10:22
zygawith -D_GNU_SOURCE it compiles10:22
zygawith this and the #define it says it's already defined10:23
zygabut without -D_GNU_SOURCE it doesn't define O_PATH10:23
zygawhat am I missing:10:23
* zyga rechecks10:23
Chipacazyga: did you read what james said?10:23
zygaChipaca: yeah but I do define it, that's the point10:24
zygaChipaca: I'm not building with std=c1810:24
Chipacazyga: fwiw both work here (on 16.04)10:24
zygaand it finds it in other .c files10:24
* zyga must be missing something10:24
zygaI'm using it in every other file we have10:24
zygaI get it10:26
zygaI misread10:26
zygathanks guys!10:26
Chipacazyga: maybe you wrote Ο_ΑА΀Н instead of O_PATH10:26
zygait's -test.c that combines .c and .h that didn't work10:26
zygathe .c file built fine10:26
Chipacazyga: (that was omicron, under, rho, cyrillic a, tau, cyrillic en)10:27
zygaI'm happy C is so old-school10:27
jameshmodern C supports unicode identifiers10:29
zygajamesh: we are doomed then ;)10:31
Chipacazyga: but now you can have O_Pα΄€α΄›Κœ!10:32
jameshusing small caps makes your code less shouty10:33
zygaChipaca: I won't be satisfied until C allows ansi-escape codes in identifiers so that we can call all variables var just with varying colors10:33
Chipacazyga: and D_π”‡π”’π”­π”―π”’π” π”žπ”±π”’π”‘10:33
Chipacazyga: I'd be very disappointed if that didn't exist already10:34
Chipacalike brainfuck but with colours10:35
zygaChipaca: cc -nyan10:35
* zyga gets back to work 10:35
jameshthe standard lists particular code point ranges, so probably no ANSI escapes10:36
mupPR snapd#7963 opened: xdgopenproxy: forward requests to the desktop portal <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7963>10:37
mborzeckijamesh: hi, can you take a look ^^ ?10:37
jameshmborzecki: sure!10:37
zygaI was about to say the same10:37
zygaI didn't know the portal handled URLs10:37
mborzeckijamesh: thanks!10:37
zygabut if so let's use it :)10:37
jameshmborzecki: it's actually something I had on my todo list to investigate, so I'm very interested10:38
mborzeckizyga: yeah, we can move all bugs to the portals package then :P10:38
zygaat least the list will be consistent10:38
mvomborzecki: very cool stuff10:38
mborzeckiduh, forgot to add fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1857128 in the commit message10:39
mupBug #1857128: Missing configuration option to allow a snap to openFile without prompting <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1857128>10:39
mvocan someone on fedora quickly check if "brave" installs/runs ? context is bug 175921910:50
mupBug #1759219: Brave browser fails to launch on fedora <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1759219>10:50
zygamvo: checking10:55
zygamvo: last time I tried it did not but even firefox has issues10:55
Chipacait's brave, but not brave enough for fedora10:56
* Chipaca hides10:56
zygamvo: it actually runs10:58
zygaI opened it from a terminal with "snap run brave"10:59
mvozyga: nice10:59
zygamvo: on x86_64 fedora 3110:59
mvozyga: I guess we can close this bug then :)10:59
zygamvo: I read some reports that indicate it may be different via launcher10:59
zygaone sec10:59
zygalet me try that10:59
zygamvo: that also worked11:00
zygaI logged out to be sure11:00
zygaso ... yeah11:00
zygaclose it11:00
zygaWFM on11:00
zygasnapd 2.42.211:00
zygabrb, I need a short break11:00
mvocachio: hey, good morning. just fyi - I fixed an issue with core20-spread-2, this should fix that you couldn't login anymore11:10
cachiomvo, hi, yes I am checking that11:11
cachioyesterday I was tryin to make that work but I couldn't11:11
cachiomvo, thanks for the fix11:11
mvocachio: yeah, sorry for that, it was complicated :/ the pc gadget changed and part of the snapd code needed an update11:12
cachiomvo, yes, I supposed that was something else that changed asn was affecting the uc20 boot11:13
cachioI'll continue enabling tests now11:13
mvocachio: \o/ thank you11:13
mvocachio: if you could review the updated 7943, that would be great11:14
cachiomvo, sure11:15
mvopedronis: how do you feel about 7963 for 2.43? a bit of risk but a really nice improvement from a UI perspective (and 2.43 will be in beta/candidate for ~2 weeks still)11:16
mvo^- (cc mborzecki )11:17
Chipaca#7961 could use a second +1 (and then I'll push tests as a separate PR)11:39
mupPR #7961: cmd: sign: add filename param <Created by sd-hd> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7961>11:39
mupPR snapd#7961 closed: cmd: sign: add filename param <Created by sd-hd> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7961>12:02
Chipacamvo: tks12:03
mvoChipaca: thank you!12:03
mborzeckijamesh: thanks for the feedback, i'm runnig the spread test now12:04
Chipacamaybe we should thank sdhd-sascha also :-D12:04
* mvo hugs sdhd-sascha 12:04
Chipacatests coming up (re-running them locally just to make sure)12:04
sdhd-saschaChipaca: and i have thank you too12:04
mborzeckijamesh: btw. I do not see the OpenDirectory() method in dbus api docs https://flatpak.github.io/xdg-desktop-portal/portal-docs.html#gdbus-org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI was it dropped at some point?12:05
mborzeckiheh, Ping was blocked by apparmor :/12:12
mupPR snapd#7950 closed: overlord/snapstate: tracks are now sticky <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7950>12:17
pedronismvo: sorry, missing something, is there a bug related to it?12:19
Chipacapedronis: yep (linked from there)12:20
Chipacapedronis: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/185712812:20
mupBug #1857128: Missing configuration option to allow a snap to openFile without prompting <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1857128>12:21
pedronisstill doesn't feel like something we should add late to 2.4312:21
pedronis2.43 is big enough at it is12:21
* zyga goes afk 12:22
zygawe managed to catch the cat12:22
zygagoing to the vet to see if it is chipped12:22
mupPR snapd#7964 opened: tests/main/snap-sign: add test for non-stdin signing <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7964>12:22
mupPR snapd#7935 closed: boot,overlord: introduce internal abstraction bootState and use it for InUse/GetCurrentBoot <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7935>12:27
pedronisChipaca: I rebase and force pushed 7937 but your +1 didn't have any punctual comments so shouldn't be too much of a problem. I didn't change anything in the commits of that PR itself12:30
Chipacatsk, tsk12:30
Chipacapedronis: I reviewed the delta, anyway12:30
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
Chipacaopensuse is a mystery to me -- https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/opensuse-snap-repository-missing-primary-xml-gz-file/1495112:47
mborzeckizyga: ^^ something you need to poke obs for?12:48
mborzeckizyga: though it'd expect the repo setup to be automatic12:48
* Chipaca hunts for lunch12:49
zygaIn a moment12:50
pedronismborzecki: mvo: I made a review pass on #7947 with some suggestions12:59
mupPR #7947: boot/many: support new UC20 style kernel extraction <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7947>13:00
zygaBack home, I’ll be in the office in a minute13:12
zygasnapcraft.io is down?13:14
zygaor rather, the forum is down13:15
roadmrzyga: it's being worked on :)13:17
roadmr(yes it's down)13:17
zygacool, thank you Daniel :)13:17
cachiomvo, hey, do you know if the snapd.snap-repair.timer should be active in uc20?13:55
mvopedronis: thanks13:58
mvocachio: it should, sounds like a bug if it's not13:58
cachiomvo, good13:59
mvocachio: I think I know what the issue is, will push a fix in a wee bit14:05
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
zyganiemeyer: hello14:13
zyganiemeyer: happy new year :)14:13
zyganiemeyer: could you please let me know when would be a good time to chat/call about the output of snap run --explain?14:13
zyganiemeyer: it doesn't have to be now, just wanted to plan something for the week14:13
Chipacazyga: if you cat is chipped, call it 'fish'14:32
zygaChipaca: I think after calling the dog Bit my wife will have some opinions on animal names :)14:32
zygaChipaca: she was not happy about the name "edge"14:32
zygaas in "edges and nodes'14:32
zygagraphs and all that14:32
degvilleforum is back up.14:33
Chipacazyga: cat is part of coreutils14:33
Chipacazyga: jus' sayin'14:33
ograyou called the dog bit ? you should really have called it byte !14:33
Chipacaogra: it's a really small dog14:33
Chipacaogra: you need for of them to even nibble14:34
zyga*exactly* :D14:34
zygabrb, lunch and tea14:34
ograeven chihuahuas can cause bad ankles ;)14:35
ograoh, the forum seems back \o/14:38
mupPR snapd#7952 closed: snap-bootstrap: trigger udev after filesystem creation <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7952>14:54
vidal72[m]I just saw wierd glitch: firefox suddenly got downgraded to 68esr, after snap refresh it went back to 7114:56
vidal72[m]fat finger at mozilla?14:56
niemeyerzyga: Heya14:58
niemeyerzyga: Tomorrow afternoon would be nice as there are plenty of meetings already14:58
zygasounds great14:58
zygaat around 14:00 ?14:59
zygaI'll ping you in the afternoon to see when it will work perhaps14:59
cachiomvo, I see the state.json file does not contain the last-refresh-hints value15:00
cachiois it intentional?15:00
mupPR snapcraft#2740 closed: crystal plugin: add flags to use during shards build <Created by mamantoha> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2740>15:00
* zyga goes for lunch15:02
mvocachio: that's a good question - in uc20?15:10
mvocachio: hm, that should work, maybe something network related is not quite right, I did not expect this to break, interessting!15:11
cachiomvo, all the refreshes are failing btw15:11
mvocachio: aha, interessting - anything in the logs that might give us a hint?15:13
cachiomvo, the only error I see is this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rk4CfZdPpk/15:16
sdhd-saschaChipaca: do i see that correctly? `snap prepare-image` has no option to for local kernel and/or gadget ?15:16
cachioI think refresh is not done when serial cannot be set15:16
Chipacasdhd-sascha: --snap=....?15:17
cachiomvo, in that case it should automatically be fixed once we have the actual model, right?15:18
pedroniscachio: to be precise, if we cannot get a serial we will refresh but only after some tentatives15:18
sdhd-saschaChipaca: thank you, i will try it later15:18
Chipacasdhd-sascha: but in general 'snap prepare-image' isn't something you yourself call directly15:19
cachiopedronis, ah, ok, and is there any workaround for that?15:19
pedronisnot really15:19
pedronisit's the expected behavior if the model doesn't let us get a serial15:19
pedronisin the future the latter will be easier15:19
pedronisbut not atm15:19
cachiopedronis, ok, I'll skip those tests in that case15:20
pedroniscachio: you can set something in the state if you really want but not sure it's worth it or it15:20
cachiofor uc2015:20
sdhd-saschaChipaca: i have called it directly, like ubuntu-image it does. To see better understand15:20
cachiopedronis, do what?15:20
cachioset manually the time fot the refresh?15:21
pedronisno, actually is internal state of snapd15:22
pedronisat runtime15:22
pedronisso the only way would be a debug command15:22
pedronisa new debug command15:22
sdhd-sascha`snap prepare-image --channel=beta rock.model /tmp/tmpzojkf7e2/unpack`15:23
cachiopedronis, ah, ok, it is already implemented?15:25
cachiopedronis, ok, np15:25
pedroniscachio: mvo: if we have a problems with the model we should fix it15:25
mvopedronis: yeah, irrc we have no grade: dangerous official model and there was the question if we should have that or not15:28
pedronismvo: for a while it sounded like we should have only a dangerous model, but then we went the other way around15:29
pedronismvo: we probably need one though,  because even if we allow to set channels for signed models15:29
pedronisit still not enough for our tests I suppose15:29
pedronisI mean the spread tests15:30
pedronismvo: something to talk about with foundations15:30
* mvo nods15:31
pedronismvo: but I'm missing something we use a self signed image also for core1815:35
pedroniswhat's the difference?15:35
mvopedronis: I think we just ignore the registration errors in the spread test15:35
* mvo is also in a meeting15:36
pedronisah, no15:37
pedroniswe use the real model15:37
pedronis(we just have a copy in-tree)15:45
* cachio lunch16:07
om26erHow to know if a snap name is already taken without a name registration attempt ?16:12
zygaom26er: hmm, I don't think there's a way16:14
ograwell, you can surely check if a snap has been uploaded under that name by simply searching the store ... but not if the name has been claimed without any uploaded package16:15
om26eryeah in some cases people just "claim" the name but never upload anything16:18
ograright, in that case you can only try to claim it yourself and wait for the resolution i guess16:19
ogranote also that most .deb package names are auto-blocked without an actual person having claimed them16:20
ogra(to avoid peope from just grabbing such names)16:20
mupPR snapd#7964 closed: tests/main/snap-sign: add test for non-stdin signing <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7964>16:58
Chipacamvo: pstolowski: thanks for the reviews16:58
mvomy pleasure16:59
cachiomvo, I see the permissions for the snaps on /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/ are 0700 instead of 060017:10
cachiomvo, on uc2017:10
zygaone more test run17:13
zygathen commit, push and EOD17:13
zygaor maybe that and one more fixup to another PR17:13
ijohnsonpedronis: I assume that #7939 is based on top of #7937, correct?17:13
mupPR #7939: boot,o/devicestate: refactor MarkBootSuccessful over bootState <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7939>17:13
mupPR #7937: boot,o/snapstate: SetNextBoot/LinkSnap return whether to reboot, use the information <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7937>17:13
ijohnsonpedronis: 7937 has 2 +1's also shall I merge 7939 and then merge master into 7937? that would make the diff easier to review I think17:15
zygathis gid handling is such a rabbit hole17:39
zygaas soon as it passes I'll EOD, patches tomorrow17:39
zygaI need to split them,17:39
* zyga gives up17:52
* Chipaca EODs18:00
FacuHello! From any given snap, how can I tell which "start points" or "scripts" it installed? like, for example installing `foobar` but to run it I need to do `foo`18:10
zygaFacu: snap info --verbose foovar18:11
zygait will tell you about the commands that are defined for that snap18:11
zygaFacu: you can also run "snap aliases" to see if any commands are aliased as other commands18:12
Facuzyga, under which title? I'm trying with `snap info --verbose mosaic`18:12
zygaFacu: some snaps come with aliases out of the box18:12
zygaFacu: look for "commands" in the output of snap info --verbose18:12
Facuzyga, and if no commands at all?18:12
zygathen you probably have not installed it18:13
zygathe output of info varies if the snap is installed or not18:13
zygafor me it printed: commands (newline) - mosaic18:13
Facuzyga, oh, thanks!18:13
zygagood luck :)18:13
* zyga runs upstairs to do homework with kids18:13
mupPR snapd#7937 closed: boot,o/snapstate: SetNextBoot/LinkSnap return whether to reboot, use the information <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7937>18:23
pedronis#7939 is ready for review (I merged master into it)18:24
mupPR #7939: boot,o/devicestate: refactor MarkBootSuccessful over bootState <UC20> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7939>18:24
ijohnsonthanks pedronis, will review this afternoon18:32
mvocachio: aha, interessting, I wonder why this is18:40
mvocachio: does the changed permissions make a test fail?18:40
cachiomvo, yes18:42
cachiomvo, install-sideload test18:42
cachiomvo, also something interesting is snap set core proxy.https=http://localhost:312818:43
cachioerror: cannot perform the following tasks:18:43
cachio- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": open /etc/environment: read-only file system)18:43
mvocachio: aha, nice18:45
cachioI am writing all the findings in the standup doc18:45
mvocachio: the /etc/environment sounds like a potentially low-hanging fruit18:45
cachiomvo, yes18:45
mvocachio: the dir permission too, it's just a bit annoying to track down where it is set incorrectly :)18:45
cachioand it breaks more than 1 test18:45
cachiomvo, if you push a fix just tell me so I can merge it with my branch18:58
mvocachio: cool, will probably look into it tomorrow19:04
cachiomvo, nice, thanks19:05
mvocachio: thank you for all these findings!19:06
cachiomvo, yaw19:06
mupPR snapcraft#2853 opened: meta: do not set snapcraft-runner when adapter is "none" <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2853>19:27
mupPR snapcraft#2836 closed: meta: fix command-chain handling when Application adapter == "none" <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2836>19:30
* ijohnson takes a break20:10
mupPR snapd#7965 opened: tests: enabling main and regression test suites for core20 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7965>21:27
mupPR snapcraft#2850 closed: hooks: enable command-chain <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2850>21:55
mupPR snapcraft#2846 closed: base plugin: use shlex quoting for logged command in run() <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2846>22:16
sdhd-saschaToday I started to build my first snap command. I have copied the cmd_sign.go. Then I fell into shock-freeze. All definitions and functions of a command are visible in the complete main scope?! What if i misspell the Execute function, or something else?23:17

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