
OerHekshttps://launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+archive/ubuntu/backport-iwlwifi but that requires HWE, i see00:00
OerHeks<OerHeks> so, try !hwe first?00:00
rafajafar event not found00:00
OerHeks https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:01
rafajafarfyi OerHeks that's what I was manually pulling down and running00:04
rafajafarthis -> git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/backport-iwlwifi.git00:04
rafajafarccusce@AVAccusce:~$ !hwe00:04
rafajafarbash: !hwe: event not found00:04
rafajafarjust installed the  LTSEnablementStack00:05
rafajafarand I installed that backport-iwlwifi-dkms repo00:05
jeremy31rafajafar: keep using the 72 kernel for now00:07
pallafi ve run these commands through my terminal but the option for turning on feral gamemode under lutris system options is still greyed out. so yeah i think its not possible to install it as 32 bit00:07
rafajafarjeremy31, roger that00:08
rafajafarjeremy31, any reason to believe that -74 will be fixed?00:08
rafajafaror -76 will fix my issue00:08
sparrIs there a way to keep most of my programs from closing when gnome-shell crashes?00:08
rafajafarrebooting into -72 back in a bit00:10
rafajafarhey jeremy31 and OerHeks, I just ran the commands you recently asked... the LTSEnablementStack... and now I'm on 5.0.0-37-generic00:19
rafajafarand things are working, though it froze once and then I rebooted, then I zoned out and didnt select advanced options, which put me into the default OS. So I checked uname -r00:20
rafajafarand it's 5.0.0-37-generic now lol.... that's... good right?00:20
deadromDell M4800 laptop, i8kutils installed to handle fans. since recently no issues with fans on fancontrol, but now they spin up and never spin down again no matter the load. BIOS has no options. can I do anything here?00:20
deadromtomreyn: ^only worked one way, spin up, but not down00:21
OerHeksrafajafar, yes00:24
jeremy31rafajafar:  support for 5.0 ends this month00:25
deadromI just stumbled over that 5.0 kernel and thought it was  remains of a HWE kernel test. is this the official kernel in 18.04 now?00:25
elphiasi worked really hard on my ubuntu install customizing the daylights out of it, i would like to make some kind of restore usb, or reinstall usb, something that if i brick my lappy i can toss in the usb port and reinstall EVERYTHING that i have installed on here now, like a ghost image or system image with everything, is there a way to do this in ubuntu?00:28
rafajafarwoof what an afternoon, well things are working, not sure if the 5.0.0-37-generic is good or not00:28
rafajafarbut thank you for the help jeremy3100:28
rafajafarand OerHeks00:28
OerHeksdeadrom, yes, hwe and hwe-edge00:29
OerHeksedge would bring 5.3.x ??00:29
OerHekselphias, cubic can do that, you still need updating https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image   or dd the partitions as backup regulary00:30
elphiasi wish ubuntu had one thing my note 10+ has00:31
elphiasthe ability to backup an image to google drive00:31
elphiascan ubuntu do that?00:32
OerHeksgoogle / drive is in the online accounts section00:33
warsoulim having this error when trying to install a emech bot00:41
warsoulMakefile:122: recipe for target 'debug.o' failed00:42
warsoulmake[1]: *** [debug.o] Error 100:42
sarnoldwarsoul: look a little higher in the build output, there should be an error message of some sort00:44
OnkelTemHi all00:45
glickhey since ecryptfs has been deprecated whats the recommended way of encrypting my home directory now?00:46
OnkelTemIs there a repo with Oracle Java installer for 18.0400:46
warsoulmake[1]: *** [debug.o] Error 100:46
warsoulmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/emech/emech-3.0.99p3/src'00:46
warsoulMakefile:88: recipe for target 'install' failed00:46
OnkelTemhttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-java-with-apt-on-ubuntu-18-04 - this didn't work for me00:46
OnkelTemrepo is discontinued00:46
OerHeksthere is openjdk 8 and 11 ..00:49
OerHeksther is a license issue, we cannot put it in a PPA anymore, download from the oracle-blob site?00:49
OnkelTemOerHeks: yeah, I know about the issue (or at least it's ecxpected)00:50
OnkelTemOerHeks: I just thought about a PPA wich automates installation process..00:51
OerHekswebupd8 ... but hey, i find https://launchpad.net/~linuxuprising/+archive/ubuntu/java00:51
sarnoldOnkelTem: btw why does openjdk-8 or openjdk-11 work?00:51
sarnoldOnkelTem: err, why *doesn't* ..00:51
OerHeksnot sure that is candidate for takesown :-(00:51
deadromSOLVED: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029007/fan-working-non-stop-on-ubuntu-18-0400:51
sarnoldwarsoul: look higher up in the output to find the error message00:51
OnkelTemsarnold: Idk, downloaded some custom launcher for Minecraft and it didn't like neither 8 nor 10 openjdk00:52
OnkelTemso I just want to give a try to oracle... to see00:53
sarnoldOnkelTem: aha, thanks00:53
OnkelTemsarnold: hm, it worked! magic00:59
sarnoldOnkelTem: woo :)01:00
TomyLobosarnold, thanks for the response earlier. will figure out a good time to automatically reboot that machine01:08
sarnoldTomyLobo: we aim to release new kernels every three weeks, so it might be worth trying to plan around that if you can01:10
DarwinElfwhere can you move /home/user/snap?!  I hate this!01:18
DarwinElfdon't the programmers know what a dotfile is?!01:18
OerHekssure, but it is by design01:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575053 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Please move the "$HOME/snap" directory to a less obtrusive location" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:21
OerHeksTo hide from the desktop shell for now, create a text file called ~/.hidden and put the word "snap" in it. This will hide the "~/snap" folder from Nautilus.01:21
OerHeksnot sure it takes a logout/login to take effect01:23
DarwinElfalright, good, but the people complaining in the thread on that bug page have it right.  It's arrogant.  For a technical reason someone else gave, it's a thing a newbie programmer would do (as with all distributions that use systemd)01:29
elphiashi i am trying to use cubic to image my hard drive, but i get this error, and i think it's a bad thing for the image i am creating, (cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab)how do i fix this?02:02
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
elphiasi am trying to use cubic to make an image of my hard drive, but during the sudo apt-get update cubic gave me this error in cli (cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab) how do i fix this? so that cubic can access the file?02:13
jorvisDoes anyone know where it's specified to run ~/.bashrc?  I know /etc/profile gets run, which calls /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile.d/*.sh but I don't see any reference to calling ~/.bashrc02:14
jorvis(upon interactive login)02:14
DarwinElfwhen I upgraded Kubuntu versions a couple times for a user, a message said there were several programs/applications that were no longer part of the distribution but 'maintained by the community'... but NO information was given to find out what those were and do any necessary package management changes... so where do I get that list?02:16
DarwinElfi.e., they were ones the user had installed... so the upgrade process had the list... then show the list or provide a link!02:17
DarwinElfi.e., they had 18.04 sometime after Mint dropped KDE, then I upgraded them to 18.10, 19.04, 19.10 but I really need to find out what was removed from the main distribution and now is 'community-maintained' and maybe how to get those02:23
elphiasi cannot continue unless i can get cubic the fstab info02:23
ScaredySquirrel@import url("resource:///com/ubuntu/themes/Yaru/3.0/gtk.css");02:26
ScaredySquirrelhow would I get at that resource as a text file?02:26
CarlenWhiteDarwinElf, I think there's a repository just for community maintained packages. So following with that there might be a way to cross-ref. How this would go I'd need to search.02:26
elphias*wonders if everyone is asleep*02:26
CarlenWhiteBut someone more versed with package management might have a better solution.02:28
DarwinElfany reasonable OS distribution makes a list what was removed (and added) each version.  Even if I could see that list, I can just get a list of what I installed myself and compare the lists02:28
DarwinElfin the past it was easy to ignore.  Now this user has three versions of Okular in their application menu02:28
DarwinElfso I'd also like a way to hide what in the Software Manager (Kubuntu's GUI software installer) is a snap.  There's duplication02:29
CarlenWhiteOh derp. Apt keeps logs of what it did. That might help a bit.02:31
DarwinElfyeah, that's not the hard part, well as far as listing what you installed yourself, there are scripts people made public for that02:31
DarwinElfthough I don't know how to do the same to see what was removed from the main OS02:32
DarwinElfi decided to keep using snaps after the solution above (make '$HOME/.hidden' 'snap')... but the thing is if there are duplicates there's no reason one might want to see both... it's more if there's something unavailable as a .deb (which is a very bad trend) or perhaps if a snap is a newer version with some better features02:33
jorvisI'm now confused as to what time of shell is run when you open an new terminal in Gnome.  Is it a non-login shell, interactive, both?02:33
DarwinElfit's probably dash02:33
DarwinElfi assumed it was bash, but for years it hasn't been02:33
DarwinElfi don't use that, but if it's non-login, you can probably configure it to be login02:34
CarlenWhiteDarwinElf, https://askubuntu.com/questions/130969/ Release upgrade logs?02:35
jorvisDarwinElf:  I'm trying to map out the stack of files which execute via different methods of getting a terminal.  This comment seems to summarize them well, but both middle options are referenced when you open a gnome terminal and they differ in what files are called: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/17049902:35
jorvisI put an echo statement in /etc/profile and then opened a new gnome terminal - it didn't appear.02:36
DarwinElfalright, but I don't have earlier logs... don't know if they were replaced, or I just did a complete reinstall at some time02:40
DarwinElfwait... snap mounts a folder for *every* package?!  Systemd OSes were bad enough when you type 'mount'... I don't want to administrate a system that has maybe 30 more mount points cluttering that up when I look at 'mount'... guess I'm going to remove snap after all02:41
sarnoldmanipulating mountpoints are one of very few atomic operations available to work with02:42
sarnoldthe fact that squashfs filesystems are easily compressed, easily checksummed, easily distributed via binary differences, are huge bonuses02:42
sarnoldzfs datasets also have those properties but are way harder to work with as individual things; building and inspecting squashfs blobs are pretty commonly available02:43
DarwinElfnot for me.  I'd rather have the option to just completely install those normally and not have 'mount' take up too much space02:43
DarwinElfin the past various OSes used to give people the option if they want a minimal install, basic install, full install, large install, compressed install, etc.  There's zero reason to assume every single user will want it compressed; just makes problems for many/most02:44
pragmaticenigmaDarwinElf, This discussion really isn't related to Ubuntu support anymore. If you would like to discuss snap... perhaps the channel dedicated to snaps would be more approrpriate? see /join #snapcraft02:46
DarwinElfwell seems it is, because it was developed by Canonical02:47
CarlenWhiteSpeaking of mounts, I should shove .thunderbird into a block-file with a FS that supports compression. Because packrat.02:48
CarlenWhiteOr something. I gotta lot of mail.02:50
pragmaticenigmaDarwinElf, That's why there is an entire channel devoted to it02:51
pragmaticenigmaDarwinElf, Also, this channel is run by volunteers, not Canonical or Ubuntu devs. If you wish to see change, write up a bug and submit it to launchpad. Ubuntu and Canonical do not monitor these channels for user submissions of ideas or suggestions on how to make Ubuntu better. They leverage launchpad for that.02:52
pragmaticenigmaCarlenWhite, If the mail is being stored locally, such as POP3. Thunderbird offers archive folders which move messages into segmentated blocks to make managing them easier. Also, you might want to use Thunderbird's built in "compact folders" feature which will remove extra data from the mailbox files for messages that have been moved to other "folders" or "deleted"02:55
CarlenWhiteI'm using IMAP and the compress can only do so much. In retrospect I should limit the amount of time until messages are removed locally and kept server-side.02:57
pragmaticenigmaCarlenWhite, that would be my recommendation for IMAP mailboxes02:57
DarwinElfthat's unfortunate they don't, but I probably won't comment on launchpad; am only using this OS temporarily.  As I do administer it for average users also, I could/would suggest they submit suggestions/bugs in the future if it's something I can't handle.  As of now, I'm not asking anything about snap; just made comments.  As far as I am aware though, it is officially part of Ubuntu since some 18.* version though, so no one should be required to go to some02:58
DarwinElfother channel (of course they might get help faster there)02:58
pragmaticenigmaDarwinElf, The room topic here is Ubuntu Support. You were going on about archetecture, file organization, etc that are development type topics. To have a greater impact in your statements, you should consider where you are making a statement. You'll find more traction to your cause and thoughts if you speak to a group of individuals with a shared common interest. #ubuntu is a general support channel. #snapcraft is a dedicated03:02
pragmaticenigmachannel for all things related to snap, including the development and deployment of the snap ecosystem. Look at a room topic before making an assumptions. Also, snapd is not specifically for Ubuntu, but developed for any distribution which would like to include it. Which means the design issues you have addressed here, will appear in other distributions. So it would be beneficial to target you ideas and suggestions directly to03:02
pragmaticenigmathe resources made available for that purpose. Otherwise you are just shouting into the wind.03:02
DarwinElfthey're not development-type topics03:04
CarlenWhiteKinda want to go low-tech and get archival-grade DVDs to archive old crap and toss somewhere.03:07
pragmaticenigmaCarlenWhite, do you have an Ubuntu related support question?03:10
CarlenWhiteSorry, just thinking aloud.03:11
sarnoldCarlenWhite: I bought some of those, and a burner, and never even opened the package.03:14
CarlenWhiteFair point. I don't often have a reason to pull out the external CD/DVD drive. One was a bunch of files gathered/ripped for a family and to rip an old Audio CD.03:17
sarnoldhah, funny thing, that stack of discs is actually within arms reach of me at the moment. THey've become part of the environment, I didn't even know they were right there..03:19
CarlenWhiteIll-advised Amazon purchase perhaps.03:20
=== akem__ is now known as akem
WaVUbuntu 18.04.1 - Does anyone know what would cause my laptop to go into a loop where it says "Start bpfilter," go blank and then repeat? Rebooting seemed to have fixed whatever the issue was, but I'm more interested to know what caused it. Can recall any system changes and not sure what logs to check, if any.04:00
WaVCan't* recall04:00
WaV"Started* bpfilter"04:00
WaVgdm3 & nvidia vid card has a bunch of log entries in /var/log/syslog, not sure what exactly I'm looking at though. Oh well. It only has happened one time since I've had the laptop, which was just now. I'll worry more if it happens again.04:11
queskerhow do I get makeinfo on 19.10?  apt-get install texinfo says some weird stuff04:13
queskerPackage texinfo is not available, but is referred to by another package.  This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: texinfo-doc-nonfree install-info info04:15
queskerI tried installing all those but still no makeinfo04:15
OerHeksmaybe the non free version? https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/bionic/texinfo-doc-nonfree04:18
queskerhow do I install that?04:19
queskertexinfo-doc-nonfree is already the newest version (6.6.0-2)04:20
queskerweird right?04:20
OerHekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/texinfo  .. weird04:21
OerHekswhat is the exact output of that install?04:22
queskerI tried downloading and installing manually but I am not good with apt/dpkg04:26
OerHeks!info  texinfo eoan04:27
ubottutexinfo (source: texinfo): Documentation system for on-line information and printed output. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.6.0.dfsg.1-2ubuntu2 (eoan), package size 774 kB, installed size 6720 kB04:27
OerHeksyou did not pate the wole output.. but oke04:27
amin4realHey there, How can I install libavcodec-ffmpeg-dev, the aptitude package manager could't find it.04:28
OerHekssudo add-apt-repository universe04:28
OerHeksamin4real, i think those are 2 things?04:29
queskerok got it installed thanks  (I pasted everything between the prompts btw)04:29
amin4realOerHeks, I was trying to install LibSourcey, from its installation guide for linux (https://sourcey.com/libsourcey/installation-linux.html)04:31
pi0is there a colorful way display outbound connections to foreign countries via netstat?04:33
OerHeksa lot has changed with ffmpeg, since 14.0404:36
OerHeksi think you should try build depends or something ?04:37
OerHeksor go wild, any -dev packages in this list https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/eoan/ffmpeg04:37
amin4realOerHeks, Thanks04:39
=== ScaredySquirrel is now known as kisstails
DarkTrick(in a Testenvironment) I exchanged a the UID and GID of root with another user. Now Ubuntu won't start up06:17
DarkTrickIt tries to start Display manager and login service06:17
DarkTrickThis might be expected, as I messed up the data06:17
DarkTrickhowever, the startup-tries are done in a loop. No TTY is working and I cant abort the process with Ctrl+C06:18
DarkTrickI was thinking that this* should not happen?06:19
jwashhi everyone, how do i turn off my screen so that it comes back on when i move the mouse?07:12
jwashi'm a first responder, when the alarm goes off I want to move my mouse and have my screen come back up to show me my call status07:13
jwashthe rest of the time I'd like my screen to be off/not showing any backlight07:13
HurricaneHarryDarkTrick: that's normal behaviour, to fix this you should boot with a rescue media and change the uid/gid of root back to it's original state.07:15
DarkTrickHurricaneHarry, Thank you for the answer!07:16
DarkTrick(B) I see a lot of users for several daemons (e.g. usbmux, avahi-autoipd, hplip). I'd like to know more about each users function07:19
DarkTrick(B) Is there a list of what user is for what purpose?07:19
HurricaneHarryDarkTrick: most users are named after their purpose or program, they are used to have daemons run with less privileges than the root user would have.07:21
DarkTrickHurricaneHarry, I stumbled across some apparently unused ones. E.g. "irc" with home dir "/var/run/ircd", but the homedir doesnt exist ... and I also wonder why I would use an IRC daemon07:22
DarkTrickHurricaneHarry, But I guess your answer implies, that there is no specific explanation about the users07:23
MJCDuser to run as: <user_who_admins_the_thing>_<service uid or name>07:24
MJCDalso you probably don't want literally `ircd`07:24
MJCDyou probably want znc and/or kiwiirc07:25
HurricaneHarrythe irc user i guess is a reminent of an ircd install07:25
MJCDprobably so07:25
MJCDwho cares07:25
MJCDis it an actual issue?07:25
DarkTrickMJCD, No, it's not an issue. I'm trying to get a deeper understanding the system in general07:26
MJCDlol ok07:26
ryuojwash: what does that have to do with ubuntu? i mean, it sounds like something your phone would have instead.07:29
konradosjwash, maybe this will help - https://askubuntu.com/questions/253818/manually-turn-off-monitor ?07:29
jwashryuo, ubuntu is my operating system...07:30
ryuooh, the alarm is in the building07:30
jwashi don't want to use my phone for this purpose, my laptop stays plugged in during the night07:30
jwashyes, alarm in the building07:31
ryuojwash: so what's wrong with the normal behavior? the screen turns off automatically after a period of inactivity. it also comes back when activity is detected.07:31
jwashkonrados, i tried that but it goes off for a second and comes back on07:31
jwashryuo, not on my laptop07:32
HurricaneHarryjwash: super + l ? lock screen ...07:32
geirhaoddly, the irc user appears to be part of the base install actually07:32
konradosI want to set my local ip to some static value. I've learned that on 18.04 I should edit /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml - changing addresses, nameservers etc, but can I somehow just set an IP and leave the rest in 'auto' mode?07:35
konradosjwash, and what about the second answer - "To add on to the other answer, I found that when I entered xset dpms force off and pressed the Enter key, my screen would turn off and turn on again. By running the command below, I was able to get the screen to turn off without turning on." and - `sleep 3; xset dpms force off`07:35
ryuojwash: well, you can try lock-screen or something else that will lock it instantly, including turning the screen off.07:35
MJCDyou know turning the screen off doesn't help literally at all right?07:37
MJCDplease tell me you know this07:38
HurricaneHarrykonrados: you could look into assigning an IP adress to an mac address within your DHCP server (in home situations mostly your router)07:39
MJCDprobably the easiest way, just an ip reservation via its web interface07:39
MJCDand to answer your question no; it's either all manual or all auto07:40
konradosHurricaneHarry, MJCD - it seems like my router does not have such an option :( OK, so if it's all manual or auto I think I'll go with all manual then :)07:41
MJCDkonrados, that will likely break things if your router expects (which 99% do) dhcp07:42
MJCDwhat router is it07:42
MJCDinfact, lets head over to #ubuntu-offtopic07:42
konradosok, I'm there :)07:42
alakxWhy is tomcat9 package from ubuntu logging to syslog? If you download tomcat9.tar.gz from tomcat website it doesnt act like this.The question is how do i disable it?08:01
=== RandolfR is now known as Randolf
superkuhGuess what's back on the menu, boys: Ubuntu 14.04 support questions. ESM program ubuntu advantage support for 14.04 is free for three installs to anyone. So, it looks like 14.04 *is* on topic.08:10
superkuhref: https://ubuntu.com/advantage for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS free subscription08:11
guivercsuperkuh, Ubuntu Advantage is supported by Canonical, not via here though as I understand it08:22
superkuhSure. But it makes it a valid choice.08:22
guivercthis support room is for LTS or standard support releases08:22
DarkTrickCPU 100% effect after starting live CD -> is this usual?  details:09:08
DarkTrickI start Ubuntu 19.10 in my vm, wait till "try ubuntu" and "install ubuntu" appears09:09
DarkTrickmy CPU is running 100% by then09:09
DarkTrickchanging to TTY2, logging in as "ubuntu" (no passwd) and running top09:09
DarkTrickreveals, that snapd and lb???.so are the "problem"09:10
DarkTrick(retart to figure the exact name for this ???.so process again)09:10
DarkTrickSo: This seems to not be expected behavior...09:12
DarkTricksummary: ld-2.23.so and snapd making the cpu run 100%09:14
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
=== lalit is now known as lalitmee
lalitmeeHey Guys, any one faced any issue with Wired Network connection in Ubuntu 18.04?11:06
kubancIn which log fle can I check why is my internet browsing not working when I am connected via VPN. my VPN server is hosted on Ubuntu server11:07
tomreynlalitmee: please don't poll on this very channel, it's just for support !&A. you probably have a specific question, though?11:13
tomreyn* Q&A11:13
tomreynkubanc: if it's  matter of incorrect network configuration then you may not find any notion of it on any log files. if it's however, a malfunction, you may see warnings or errors in     journalctl -f    (or     journalctl -b    for the full log since boot)11:16
tomreynkubanc: most server processes (dameons) can also be configured in that they log more or less, and may log less by default.11:16
=== lalit is now known as lalitmee
lalitmeetomreyn: okk do you know where I can ask the question?11:18
lalitmeeI mean in which channel?11:18
tomreynlalitmee: the poll? maybe #ubuntu-offtopic. but if you just need support with something, just ask here, providing details11:19
kubanctomreyn well the problem is that I cannot find the configuration which is not right. One user can normally connect via VPN. This is on the IP address of Server, while others can also connect on VPN server, but the internet is not working for them11:21
tomreynkubanc: if you'd like to get help with this you'll need to both describe the overall architecture (which systems are involved, which type of vpn (client-server or site-to-site), which vpn protocols are used, which server and client implementation, what configurations, which routing is configured, how are systems addressed, which warnings and errors are being logge don each end of the connection.11:25
tomreyni.e. this will take time, and then you'll also need someone to be willing to actually sift through all of it.11:26
kubanctomreyn well now I managed to get both of them connected, but they gate same public IP address even if I have added the rule inside before.rules:"-A POSTROUTING -s -o ens18 -j SNAT --to-source X.X.X.X"11:49
tomreynkubanc: i can't help you until you provided the full picture, as described above. and even then, i may not be able to, just because i lack the abilities (but maybe others can then).11:54
kisstailsum yes how do I build this source file as a module?12:17
sonOfRakisstails: you'd probably have to build all of ext4 as a module?12:24
kubanctomreyn I found the problem after 2 days. It was the firewall configuration12:31
p0aHello can I turn off the transparency of the sidebar in 19.10?12:35
pragmaticenigmap0a: Some of those features can be configured through the Gnome-Tweaks application12:53
p0apragmaticenigma: thank you!12:59
p0apragmaticenigma: btw my question about libc6 updating yesterday; I tried to update using the graphical interface from 19.04 to 19.10 and when I was asked "this update will take several hours [..] do you want to proceed?" I pressed (x) instead of "Cancel"13:00
p0apragmaticenigma: my sources.list never went back to 19.04 and my apt upgrade actually triggered a version upgrade13:00
pragmaticenigmap0a: You closed the window instead of clicking the cancel button?13:02
pragmaticenigmap0a: Depending on how far along the process was able to reach before it was stopped, it's possible. Most of what the upgrade process is, is changing the "name" of the repo being used for updates. After that, it's the same apt upgrade/full-upgrade process that would normally take place13:05
p0apragmaticenigma: I guess I'm complaining that at the crucial moment just before no return, closing the window confused it13:06
p0aperhaps disable (x)13:07
pragmaticenigmap0a: I would see submitting a bug report for that13:07
pragmaticenigmaas being valid. The upgrade tool should always ensure that it backs out any changes if the user doesn't click the proceed/okay button13:08
p0aokay, thank you13:10
SeeM2Hi. I have a question for Ondrej's PHP ppa users. Recenty he pushed PHP 7.4 packages. I'm pretty sure that wersion 7.3 will keep working after apt full-upgrade, but... Anyone tried? :) 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 not afected, since apt doesn't even show PHP 7.4 packages, if 7.3 is not installed.13:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:12
pragmaticenigmaSeeM2: Sorry, but support is only available for packages provided by the official Ubuntu package repositories. For other PPA providers, find their contact information on their profile for assistance13:13
p0aIt requires a launchpad account and unfortunately I am not interested in creating one right now...13:13
pragmaticenigmap0a: Then I guess the bug will continue13:13
p0amay it reign havoc13:14
SeeM2pragmaticenigma, ubottu: Thanks. Yeah, I know that. Maybe someone would answer, since it is quite popular.13:15
pragmaticenigmaSeeM2: It's offtopic here... so no, no one will answer. You can try in #ubuntu-offtopic or some other forum.13:16
SeeM2Ok, I get a ! ppa tag. :)13:17
tomreynmaybe you just need to read this text properly https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php13:18
BluesKajHey folks13:19
pallafwhat's the proper command for installing gamemode as 32 bit? apt-get install gamemode:i386 or gamemode-lib32:i38614:39
pallafim on 18.04.314:39
pragmaticenigmapallaf: There is no package in the Ubuntu repositories called "gamemode" if you are using a PPA, you will have to direct your question directly to them14:40
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pallafpragmaticenigma: im using sunderlands ppa14:45
pragmaticenigma!ppa | pallaf14:47
ubottupallaf: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:47
cousin_luigiWhat's the ubuntu equivalent of https://sources.debian.org ?14:49
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: perhaps some more information would help us answer that question correctly. What are you seeking?14:50
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: Where package sources lie.14:51
tomreyncousin_luigi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu usually, you'll find links on https://packages.ubuntu.com (as well as in package metadata)14:54
cousin_luigitomreyn: In both cases, I'll have to download a .debian.tar.xz and delve into it.14:55
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: You can also use apt-get source packgename I believe... which will retrieve the source code14:55
tomreynprobably. i'm not aware of a direct equivalent to https://sources.debian.org (a searchable source code repository) for ubuntu.14:55
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: That will only get me the sources for the package on the distribution in use and only if on debian anyway.14:56
cousin_luigitomreyn: Perhaps it's not public?14:57
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: What I just mentioned is documented by Ubuntu... it's not debian specific14:57
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: Sorry, I meant ubuntu.14:57
cousin_luigiSame deal.14:57
tomreyncousin_luigi: i'm saying i'm not aware of *any*, which makes your follow-up question (directed to me) unneccessary. ;)14:58
cousin_luigitomreyn: Any idea who might know?14:58
tomreyncousin_luigi: know what, whether there is a non-public searchable source code repository?14:59
cousin_luigitomreyn: Exactly. Package maintainers must have access to it.14:59
pragmaticenigmahttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool might have what you are looking for14:59
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: Else #ubuntu-app-devel channel might be a better place to ask15:00
tomreyncousin_luigi: actually i was told that a member off the security team runs a server with unpackages ssource packages somewhere. but that's all i know. and this is not a support question, maybe ask in #ubuntu-devel15:00
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: That looks like the .deb repository.15:01
cousin_luigitomreyn: Will try that.15:01
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: Everything I have had turn up in my search results directs people to that site15:01
pragmaticenigmaperhaps not in the pool level15:02
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: app-devel? Isn't that for snap and stuff?15:02
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: Snaps are in #snapcraft15:02
pragmaticenigma!alis | cousin_luigi15:02
ubottucousin_luigi: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"15:02
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: nice to know. /list has been the bête noire of irc for decades15:03
pragmaticenigmacousin_luigi: Freenode restricts/caps /list from being abused. Their preferred method is to use alis15:04
cousin_luigipragmaticenigma: Not just freenode. I remember seeing overflow warnings since the 90s.15:05
bofankoHello, does anyone have an issue with mouse suddenly long pressing instead of just clicking on Ubuntu 18.04. Mouse is fairly new and tested on another machine without any issues.15:05
cousin_luigiWell, thanks and bye!15:05
pragmaticenigmabofanko: When you say tested on another machine... how long did you test for? How frequently does the issue occur with Ubuntu... does it happen if you boot useing the Live media?15:06
migrantfourHey guys. I've tried to install ubuntu on full encrypt disk, with the "Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019", but when I try to reboot I end-up in an grub bash. Any ideas?15:07
pragmaticenigmamigrantfour: Did you notice at the top of the article that it is a work in progress and not finished yet?15:08
bofankopragmaticenigma: Not for too long, just wanted to check if the mouse is physically ok. It occurs every few days, I hoped it is a known issue. I did not boot with live media because currently I do not have a usb drive.15:11
migrantfourpragmaticenigma: Yes, I've read it to the end and in my option it has all relevant parts, so I guess in principal this how-to should work15:11
pragmaticenigmabofanko: If something occurs once every few days... then you would need to test it on another machine for just as long to rule out that it isn't the issue. The other option is to try a known working mouse and see if Ubuntu sticks on click for that mouse.15:15
pragmaticenigmamigrantfour: Clearly it is missing something or your installation would have worked15:15
pragmaticenigmamigrantfour: the current recommended method of encryption is to encrypt the user folders, not the entire drive15:18
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adrian_1908pragmaticenigma: I joined after the question, but I'd be curious about that too. What would one use to encrypt e.g. home/ on a recent Ubuntu release? I think the prior default (ecryptfs I think?) was dropped as not being well designed (robustness, ease of use).15:30
adrian_1908Is there something that's commonly recommended, or nothing agreed upon yet?15:31
adrian_1908(I rather meant encrypt /home/$USER/)15:33
pragmaticenigmaadrian_1908: I think the full disk encryption is no longer offered as it interferes with being able to dual boot the machine with Windows. As for User folder encryption, I'm still seeing the encryptfs packages mentioned in the tutorials, but I cannot find an official documented procedure for implementing it15:37
bofankopragmaticenigma: Okay thank you, it just happened again and I tried to click on something with the laptops touchpad and again it long pressed (for instance, I want to star firefox but instead I drag it from the dock). It must be a software error15:37
pragmaticenigmabofanko: When I've encountered that, it's because the system resources are low and I have heavy swapping to disk going on15:40
adrian_1908pragmaticenigma: ok, thanks. I'll have to look into this myself sometime. I wish OPAL disk encryption was robustly implemented (e.g. resumption from sleep is an unsolved issue afaik), that would be nice, especially for portable devices.15:42
pragmaticenigmaadrian_1908: standby modes are not recommended for machines running encrypted drives... as it defeats the purpose of having the encryption (key lives in ram on Suspend to Ram, lives on unencrypted space on suspend to disk)15:43
bofankopragmaticenigma: Firs of all - I can see you are helping a lot of people here so I would like to thank you for that. My laptop is decent in terms of hardware, i5 8300h, 8 gbs of ram and an SSD. What is "heavy swapping"?15:46
adrian_1908Hmm I see, but it would protect the machine in a powered-off state, compared to no encryption at all. I'm more worried about theft of a powered-off machine than one being snatched in a standy-by state.15:46
adrian_1908bofanko: I didn't read your conversation before I joined, but did you check that your system resources aren't being strained by some rouge application running in the background?15:50
bofankoadrian_1908: Hey, thanks for asking, my installation is running a few gnome shell extensions but they are not hogging the cpu at all, just checked. The cpu is running at 0.8 ghz with some jumps to 4.0 Ghz when I open something up.15:54
adrian_1908bofanko: Ok, that's good. Alas, no idea about the lag you experience.15:55
bofankoadrian_1908: It is nothing that stops my work or slows me down anyhow but still I do not like it... I find Ubuntu to be good but GNOME is stuttery on a strong CPU and a dedicated 1050.15:58
tomreynadrian_1908: hi. i noticed you asked about how to encrypt your data. the ubuntu 19.10 approach to this continues to be full disk encryption (which is a bit misleading as this would not cover the full disk but most partitions). what was deprecated and is no longer supported by the installer is file system encryption using ecryptfs.16:01
tomreynthis is what the ubuntu 19.10 "installation type" screen looks like - notice the "encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security" option, which means dmcrypt-luks encryption of anything ubuntu except for /boot (and the efi system partition / bios-grub partition and grub in the mbr, all of which need to remain plain) https://i.imgur.com/DRIvjHo.png16:04
tomreynyou can also encrypt /boot, but that's more advanced: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201916:05
pragmaticenigmabofanko: "Heavy Swapping" is if Ubuntu is moving stuff to/from RAM to the swap file on disk. I'm not certain that is your issue, however, it's not just CPU you need to look at but also RAM utilization. 8 GB should be more than enough for general usage16:05
adrian_1908tomreyn: Ah yes, that must be the "deprecation" I read about while ago. I didn't remember the details that way, thanks a lot!16:08
adrian_1908bofanko: Yes, I'm not sold on the modern Desktops either. I stick to Xfce and customize that (qute a bit) to my linking. It's far less polished than Gnome, but caters to my (now old-fashioned) preference for classic desktops.16:10
adrian_1908*quite a bit16:10
tomreynadrian_1908: you're welcome. note that dual boot off the same storage won't work if you're using the ubuntu desktop installer to do full disk encryption, since it would reparition the entire disk, removing previous partition tables.16:11
kinghatlooks like grub customizer is borked on 19.1017:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:10
kinghatfrom what ive seen from the ppa page ppl have been complaining. i wait.17:12
tomreynppa? oh, unsupported then. i assumed you were using the one in ubuntu.17:18
afidegnumhow do i install Language server Protocol for Ubuntu?17:33
tomreynafidegnum: you don't install a protocol, you install software or connect / install hardware that is capable of supporting a protocol.17:42
tomreynimplementations of "language server protocol": https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/implementors/servers/17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1312410 in gtk2-engines-murrine (Ubuntu) "Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine"" [Undecided,New]18:02
jellycodeI'm on a very default and new install ubuntu 18.04, running a GUI application, and GTK dumps out a lot of this:  Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"18:04
jellycodeI actually don't know if it's related to the bug I posted, possibly not, but it did feature the error we have.18:04
jellycodeIn any case, it seems to me that the Murrine GTK engine package should depend on the "libcanberra-gtk-module" package.18:05
jellycodeI am now realizing that this channel is probably not a place where any of the package maintainers would be looking for this kind of thing.  i should probably report via launchpad18:06
pragmaticenigmajellycode: that bug is from several years ago and is for an unsupported version of Ubuntu. If you are running that version of Ubuntu you need to upgrade. If you are up-to-date, yes, you need to file a new bug report to have it addressed18:06
jellycodesince 4 year old bugs are in a "new" and "undecided" state, with no comments or response, is it likely that someone will even read my ticket?18:07
pragmaticenigmaat least not when it targets a version of Ubuntu that has reached EOL18:09
jellycodeLike i said, we're on 18.0418:10
ioriajellycode, what's the app ?18:11
pragmaticenigmaGNUCash is what is referenced in the bug ticket18:11
jellycodeit's our proprietary commercial application18:11
jellycodebuilt on top of WxWidgets and OpenSceneGraph18:12
ioriajellycode, i cannot commnet on that (probably a gtk2 vs gtk3 thing)18:12
jellycodeSo, ioria has pointed out that I might be drawing the wrong conclusion based on this pastebin... https://pastebin.com/7fPq42be18:13
jellycodesorry, not ioria, someone else18:14
jellycodei was concluding that the "init" function of libmurrine.so was the reason for the subsequent call to "find library=libcanberra-gtk-module.so [0]; searching"18:15
jellycodebut, maybe not?18:15
ioriajellycode,   dpkg -l | grep appmenu-gtk18:17
jellycodeno match.  do you mean apport-gtk?18:19
tomreyngtk2 is in universe since 18.04, if this should matter.18:21
tomreynyour software needs upgrading to gtk318:21
ioriajellycode, btw, it's only a warning , right ? or the app does not start at all ?18:23
NeldogzHello all, I just deployed a new Ubuntu 18.04 server VM and find that whenever I try to ping a network device on my local LAN I receive the following error: "Temporary failure in name resolution" During the configuration I setup a static IP. As a test I spun up a test server and allowed it to use DHCP and can confirm the issue does not exist when DHCP is used. I have tried setting the static address both during the server install and18:53
Neldogzthrough netplan and same issue. Anyone also run into this issue?18:53
SKaplanHello. Is it possible to determine if ESM is configured set up correctly on a system from the command line? Example, for 14.04 LTS.18:58
avid_fanNeldogz: to me, that error points to a DNS issue. Are you trying to ping the address or hostname?19:00
OerHeksSKaplan, sure you followed their guide after payment?19:00
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.19:00
SKaplanI suppose that's proprietary information then. Fun!19:01
sarnoldhey SKaplan -- at least an apt update should show grabbing the Packages and so on lists; I believe they download from esm.ubuntu.com instead of the 'usual' archive mirrors19:02
Neldogzavid_fan, I am trying to ping the netbios name of a machine on my local LAN. I cannot ping the name nor the name.local19:02
Neldogzavid_fan, I can ping google.com and other domains on the internet.19:02
sarnoldSKaplan: there may be a better way with 'ua status' or simnilar, but I'm not sure if that's the way you used to install esm or not; iirc there was an older method..19:02
SKaplansarnold: Hmmm. Perhaps I can check the configured apt repos to see if esm.ubuntu.com is in there.19:02
OerHekssarnold +1 >> v19:03
sarnoldOerHeks: yay! pretty screenshots even :)19:03
GRAMPUS|2Im new to ubuntu server. I am trying to setup a crontab command to shut off the monitor at a certain time and the nturn it back on at another time. the command sudo vbetool dpms off/on works from prompt to turn off and on respectively,  but when added to cron tab it doesnt seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do differently to get this working?19:07
leftyfbexport DISPLAY=0 ; run script19:09
leftyfbalso, make sure you're running this as your user, not root19:09
GRAMPUS|2Im not sure what you mean19:12
leftyfbGRAMPUS|2: the command you're running, are you running it as root, your user or with sudo as your user?19:13
GRAMPUS|2As user19:14
GRAMPUS|2I assume it doesnt work from the crontab as it requires sudo password.19:14
GRAMPUS|2I have tried sudo crontab -e and adding it there but still no luck19:14
leftyfbyour 2nd answer contradicts your first answer19:15
leftyfbGRAMPUS|2: the command you're running, are you running it as root, your user or with sudo as your user?19:15
OerHekstry without sudo ..19:16
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: You need to use the full path to the application you're executing from crontab. There is no PATH variable in crontab from which the shell can find the executable19:16
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: also, if vbetool relies on being aware of $DISPLAY, then that needs to be set19:17
pragmaticenigmaPossibly... I thought $DISPLAY was only required for items involving X server19:18
sarnoldGRAMPUS|2: another approach is to use the xset dpms setting and configure that to run from your own user crontab19:18
sarnoldGRAMPUS|2: that only works if you're running X of course, but most people are19:18
pragmaticenigmaThey're running server... no GUI installed by default19:18
GRAMPUS|2Ok, so if in user, and I type sudo vbetool dpms off the monitor turns off. If I add that same command to the user crontab it does not work.19:18
GRAMPUS|2I am no running X19:18
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: What do you see when you enter "whereis vbetool"19:19
GRAMPUS|2I assume that command would work from the root crontab but no go19:19
GRAMPUS|2One sec19:19
GRAMPUS|2- /usr/sbin/vbetool19:20
pragmaticenigmaSo under "sudo crontab -e" make an entry for "/usr/sbin/vbetool dpms off"19:20
GRAMPUS|2let me try that :)19:21
GRAMPUS|2No go19:24
Neldogzavid_fan, I was able to fix the issue by using the fix described in this thread: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2391351 "editing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and adding the DNS server there. I also had to add the local domain name that the DNS server is handling or it wouldn't resolve" I don't understand why this is necessary on a fresh build. Is this normal?19:24
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: What is the purpose of this endevor... if it was me personally... I'd just go to the hardware store and purchase a lamp timer19:25
GRAMPUS|2Hahah I suppose thats a way to do it. But why buy something when there are ways to automate it19:25
mispphey people19:26
GRAMPUS|2To be honest this is the second project Im working in that has a need for the monitor to shut off automated and it works great on the other, but that uses X19:26
mispptrying google, but not much success... cockpit on ubuntu 19.10 and cockpit-machines -> anyone know what needs to be done to have it working?19:27
misppcurrently when trying to add a storage volume it says permission denied on the libvirtd socket19:27
pragmaticenigmaThe situation is that crontab doesn't have the same environment that you do when you execute the commands manually from the terminal. You might have luck with setting the environment variable DISPLAY, but that's usually for handling Xserver19:27
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: ^  ^19:27
GRAMPUS|2well, lets say you wantedt o shut the monitor off at a certain time on ubuntu server is that htep ath you would take?19:28
sarnoldmispp: does the process running that service have membership in the libvirt group?19:29
pragmaticenigmaBy default, Ubuntu server has a display timeout and if the monitor supports the command, will send the standby command automatically.19:29
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: ^ ^19:29
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: I don't force things to power off... especialyl with that command, as it requires the same tool to turn the monitor back on. That's fine if you're the only person managing the system. No so great when a team member needs to access the machine during the "off period" and can't figure out how to turn the monitor back on19:30
leftyfbGRAMPUS|2: what does your logs say after the cron job ran?19:30
GRAMPUS|2Its only me using it so thats not an issue19:31
misppsarnold: to be honest - no clue. i guess this is supposed to be some cockpit process19:31
GRAMPUS|2How do I check tat lefty?19:33
misppsarnold: but which one? ps -aux | grep -i cockpi shows nothing19:33
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: maybe this article can help. They recommend setthing this up as a bash script.. and then scheduling the bash script to run19:34
pragmaticenigmaGRAMPUS|2: http://www.lifewithtech.net/blog/linux/crontab-monitor-on-off-setup19:34
sarnoldmispp: how did you install cockpit? how does it start?19:36
GRAMPUS|2Ill give that a try19:36
misppsarnold: apt install cockpit-machines. starts via socket activation. i would need to mention that libvirtd and kvm work fine over virt-manager, just with cockpit i have the issues where it says19:40
misppVirtual Network failed to be created19:40
misppError message: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied19:40
akemHey, anyone can suggest a voice to text solution on Ubuntu? A program that writes down in a textfile what i speak.19:41
OerHeksSimon, mycroft,  julius .. none that work flawlessly19:44
akemOerHeks, I've seen theses, but i think they are not packaged are they?19:44
akemI'm looking at something called DeepSpeech there.19:44
OerHeksdeepspeech .. the mozilla thingy http://www.michaelvenz.com/2018/10/06/mozilla-deepspeech-on-ubuntu-18-04/19:46
OerHeksnot in our repos though19:46
akemYeah, but I think Mycroft isn't there either.19:49
sarnoldmispp: hmm, sorry, this one's a lot more complicated than I thought :( I'm not sure how this is supposed to work..19:49
akemThanks for the link BTW OerHeks19:49
GRAMPUS|2Well I see a part of the issue, the time is off on the server.19:51
akemMaybe i'll have more luck with Mycroft.19:56
jonfenlinux question, i need to mix audio inputs, is there a non-hardware way to do that?  hopefully a way in linux?  use case: i am taking an internet class over zoom where i am producing audio from one device (3.5mm) and capturing voice over another device (yeti usb mic).20:00
akemjonfen, You need to do this in realtime?20:01
ubottuThe JACK Audio Connection Kit is a sound server meant for professional applications, allowing different audio protocols and applications to interconnect in nearly unlimited ways. This is the core of Ubuntu Studio's audio workflow. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK for more information on JACK in general.20:02
sarnoldjonfen: pavucontrol may help you use the usual applications but at some point people doing audio on linux tend to head towards JACK instead20:02
jonfenthank you OerHeks, ubottu, sarnold20:03
OerHekshave fun!20:03
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NeldogzHello all I just deployed a new Ubuntu 18.04 server VM and find that whenever I try to ping a network device on my local LAN I receive the following error: "Temporary failure in name resolution" During the server configuration I setup a static IP. As a test I spun up a test server and allowed it to use DHCP and can confirm the issue does not exist when DHCP is used. I have tried setting the static address both during the server install20:06
Neldogzand through netplan and same issue occurs. Anyone else run into this issue? I was able to fix the issue by using the fix described in this thread: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2391351 "editing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and adding the DNS server there. I also had to add the local domain name that the DNS server is handling or it wouldn't resolve" I don't understand why this is necessary on a fresh build. Is this normal?20:06
misppsarnold: no worries, thanks for the effort. i asked also on cockpit irc and these guys had a solution20:08
ioriaNeldogz, in general, no, it's not necessary editing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf20:08
Neldogzioria, thanks for confirming. I am going to spin up a new server. Maybe I configured something incorrectly during the static configuration.20:10
ioriaNeldogz,  atm, i just remember a bug related to the search domain string , but i guess it's another story20:12
Neldogzioria, do you recall whether it involved the search domain string not being passed to resolved.conf during server installation?20:13
ioriaNeldogz,  really it produces  a crash of the installer, so you would have noticed20:14
pragmaticenigmaNeldogz: If you assigning the Static IP on the server, you will also have to configure the DNS settings. Otherwise how is the server supposed to know where to send its DNS lookups?20:15
ioriathta's for sure ^20:15
NeldogzYup, all the static information was specified during the installation including the IP of the DNS server. I suspect I screwed up the search domain by adding a .local instead of just local20:16
pragmaticenigmaNeldogz: that could possibly do it. Personally I setup all my servers to use DHCP, and configure the DHCP server to keep assigning the reserved IP address to said server. This way network changes (subnets, DNS, etc) are all automatically updated and I don't have to manually adjust every server20:17
ioriaNeldogz,  another explanation is that you might have, somehow, mixed static and automatic configs20:19
NeldogzThose are good points. This is how its setup now: http://i.imgur.com/UMTXEVb.png20:20
iorianope man20:20
ioriaNeldogz,  nameserver
ioriaNeldogz,  and subnet ... not sure20:21
ioriaNeldogz,  and remove the search domain20:22
Neldogzioria, this is a server on my local lan and I am running a DNS server. Should I still remove?20:22
ioriaNeldogz,  ah.... welll, you can fix it later20:23
ioriaNeldogz,  i mean, after the install you can edit /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml as you wish20:25
Neldogzioria, got it thank you!20:28
TexadimirLeanini didnt change anything on my ubuntu desktop and after reboot suddenly there is a new user on my desktop called libvert-quemo, did somebody somehow get access to my machine or is this something that may happen without any changes by the user?20:29
shibbolethor libvert-quemo?20:30
TexadimirLeaninthat is what i think20:30
TexadimirLeanini thought it was libvert-quemo but i probably misread20:30
shibbolethprecise language goes a long way20:30
Neldogzioria, and pragmaticenigma that was the issue. I must of had a period in the search domain in the format of .local. This install works fine.20:30
ioriaNeldogz, good job20:30
Neldogzioria, thank you for your help!20:31
ioriaNeldogz, it's ok20:31
TexadimirLeanini put libvert-qemu on the /etc/lightdm/users.conf so if it is still there after restart there is something fishy?20:31
TexadimirLeaninI man i put it as hidden users20:31
shibbolethwhich user and group ID?20:32
shibbolethlook in /etc/passwd and /etc/group20:32
pragmaticenigmaTexadimirLeanin: First you state that you didn't make any changes before the reboot... now it sounds like you made changes... what did you do?20:33
shibbolethUID and GID for libvirt-qemu?20:33
TexadimirLeanini just checked less /etc/passwd and libvirt-qemu somehow the uid got set to 6000 something20:33
tomreynit doesn't make it fishy if hiding the user from lightdm doesn't work, what makes it fishy is that there is a new user while "i didnt change anything on my ubuntu desktop"20:33
TexadimirLeaninhow can this happen all by itself?20:33
TexadimirLeaninsorry, gid is 12820:34
ioriaTexadimirLeanin, lightdm ?20:34
shibbolethyeah, that coutns as fishy20:34
tomreynhere's what i see on a system i have libvirt installed on: libvirt-qemu:x:64055:131:Libvirt Qemu,,,:/var/lib/libvirt:/bin/false20:35
pragmaticenigmaI don't think we're in a position to know if it is fishy or not... TexadimirLeanin you're not providing a complete picture of what transpired20:35
TexadimirLeaninshibboleth, do you think there is an explanation how something like this cann change all by itself? could it be tempering by an unknown third party in my absence?20:35
TexadimirLeanini am sorry pragmaticenigma20:35
TexadimirLeanintomreyn: i see the same20:35
tomreynmore likely oyu just installed something which installed libvirt-bin20:35
tomreynno you dont see the same20:35
ioriaTexadimirLeanin, for general reference : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1197997/getting-rid-of-the-libvirt-qemu-user-in-the-login-screen?noredirect=1&lq=120:35
TexadimirLeaninbut i also see another line for lightdnm if i am not mistaken20:35
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
TexadimirLeanin$ grep -E 'libvirt|qemu' /etc/passwd"20:36
TexadimirLeaninlibvirt-qemu:x:64055:134:Libvirt Qemu,,,:/var/lib/libvirt:/bin/false20:36
TexadimirLeaninlibvirt-dnsmasq:x:124:137:Libvirt Dnsmasq,,,:/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq:/bin/false20:36
TexadimirLeaninsorry for the multiline20:36
tomreyn<TexadimirLeanin> sorry, gid is 12820:37
tomreynare gid's changing by the minute?20:37
shibboleth<TexadimirLeanin> libvirt-dnsmasq:x:124:137:Libvirt Dnsmasq,,,:/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq:/bin/false20:38
shibbolethsame user? no20:38
tomreynTexadimirLeanin: have a look at /var/log/apt/history.log20:38
TexadimirLeaninlibvirt-qemu:x:64055:128:Libvirt Qemu,,,:/var/lib/libvirt:/bin/false20:38
TexadimirLeaninlibvirt-dnsmasq:x:120:129:Libvirt Dnsmasq,,,:/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq:/bin/false20:38
TexadimirLeaninsorry please disregard the result before20:39
TexadimirLeaninthis second one is the correct one20:39
tomreynso which ubuntu release are you running? which software did you install lately?20:40
tomreynthere's no debian package (deb) containing /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq in any supported ubuntu release.20:42
sarnoldsarnold@millbarge:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ ag /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq20:43
sarnold83:                --home /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq \20:43
tomreynokay, a postinstall :-)20:44
TexadimirLeanini had an unatended upgrade...20:44
seereyes, users are created in postinstall of libvirt-daemon-system too.20:45
shibbolethTexadimirLeanin> libvirt-qemu:x:64055:128:Libvirt Qemu,,,:/var/lib/libvirt:/bin/false20:50
shibbolethdead giveaway20:50
denza252i've asked this before but my logs are a mess so i must ask again21:03
denza252what is the most pain-free way to move my ubuntu partition on a dual boot system with legacy boot onto a different hard drive without messing up my boot and stuff21:04
OerHeksdezyou always need to reinstall grub, or edit it, as the UUID changes to an other disk21:05
OerHeksdenza252 ^^21:05
denza252how do21:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:05
denza252OerHeks: but how do i do the initial transfer?21:10
denza252just dd?21:10
OerHeksyes, dd, clonezilla, lots of choice21:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate21:10
OerHeksoh, worng one21:11
zmagiihey guys is there a night mode for ubuntu studio21:11
zmagiiubuntu studio 1921:12
ubottuUbuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their creativity workstation. It contains applications for artists of all kinds, including Audio, Music, Video, Photography, Graphic Design, and Publishing. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org21:12
OerHeksdenza252, https://askubuntu.com/questions/741723/moving-entire-linux-installation-to-another-drive gives an idea21:12
Eickmeyer[m]zmagii: Define night mode.21:12
denza252probably dark theme21:13
CharlesIChello, anyone using cheese?21:13
CharlesIChow do you access preferences?21:13
Casper26Need Help i installed linux-generic-hwe-16.04 a while back and today i done an apt-get upgrade and get this error run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/x-grub-legacy-ec2 exited with return code 1021:13
Casper26dpkg: error processing package linux-image-4.15.0-74-generic (--configure):21:13
Casper26 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 121:13
Casper26Errors were encountered while processing:21:13
Casper26 linux-image-4.15.0-74-generic21:13
Casper26E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:13
Eickmeyer[m]denza252: Change theme in Appearance to Materia Dark and icons to Ubuntu STudio Dark. Done.21:13
Eickmeyer[m]!paste | Casper2621:14
ubottuCasper26: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:14
tomreynCasper26: you just got muted due to pasting too much. this will be undone in a minute or so.21:14
denza252OerHeks: for clonezilla, can it be run in a normal desktop session?21:15
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=== TerryDavis is now known as odp
OerHeksdenza252, sure, on a live session21:17
OerHeksi would not clone a running system though21:17
denza252i have a buntu 19.10 boot usb freshly burned and it'd be nice to just be able to use clonezilla in a DE in case i need to look at documentation21:17
denza252i'll shut down, boot into the liveusb buntu, and then do the do21:17
denza252is there a "safer"/fuller shutdown than just systemctl poweroff21:18
denza252or is that sufficient21:18
OerHeksjust shutdown like you used to?21:19
bpromptdenza252:  doesn't clonezilla run off a bootable usb?21:19
denza252i noticed it's also a package in the archives21:19
denza252!package clonezilla21:19
denza252!info clonezilla21:20
ubottuclonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.27.16-3 (eoan), package size 754 kB, installed size 2915 kB21:20
bpromptdenza252:  if you burn the ubuntu ISO with persistent storage, you can boot with it and install apps, the persistent storage keeps those apps and configurations saved for any subsequent live-sessions21:21
bpromptso, yes, you can run clonezilla from a live-session21:21
tomreynor you runit without persostent storage and just install during runtime21:22
Eickmeyer[m]zmagii: Change theme in Appearance to Materia Dark and icons to Ubuntu Studio Dark. Done. If you want, you can also use redshift to help remove blue light from the screen.21:23
bpromptyeah, true, you can just install it in the live-session with no persistent storage, only thing is the installation is only good for that live-session only, once you reboot it'll go kaput21:23
denza252here goes nothing21:23
denza252and denza was never seen again21:24
Casper26Here is the link to the output i get when running apt-get upgrade https://pastebin.com/rnbvNnHs21:26
zmagiiEickmeyer[m]: how can you use redshift?21:27
zmagiiI already use materia dark21:28
Eickmeyer[m]zmagii: Install gtk-redshift. Start it from the whisker menu (will appear as Redshift). It will be a system tray icon. Click on it, click "Autostart" if you desire it to run at startup. If you wish to edit its parameters, you can from "Startup Applications" in the settings, you can get the command line arguments from "redshift --help" in a terminal.21:30
Eickmeyer[m](might be redshift-gtk, idk right now.)21:31
zmagiiEickmeyer[m]: thanks a lot21:33
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
zmagiiI have another question (if anyone uses Ubuntu on a MacBook) is there a simple way of disable the startup chime? I've seen online that you can do that in online recovery mode, but I recall that when I tried to start online recovery mode (for something else) it sort of just hanged.21:35
tomreynapple chime would refer to the hardware / firmware, maybe ##hardware or, if there is, some apple / mac channel can help with it.21:37
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:37
acresearchso people, for crontab -e   i have to enter a file and modify it with my schedule right?   is there a way to do that from a single command?21:48
elphiasmay i ask a question that is slightly off-topic? it still has to do with computers, and somewhat with ubuntu as well21:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:53
elphiasbut im not getting any responses in ot21:53
elphiasthats why i was hoping to ask it here21:54
UJackI am having an issue trying to see saved wifi passwords on my Ubuntu21:56
UJackIt is 18.04+ version, afaik, and I am in terminal21:56
UJackbut all the Google documents try and have me access a directory or files that do not exist21:56
UJackBefore anybody asks, no this machine does not have GUI, only CLI and I am SSH to it locally21:57
tomreynnmcli connection show --active21:59
tomreynnmcli connection show --show-secrets CONNECTIONNAMEGOESHERE21:59
UJackI have to install nmcli22:00
UJack(My apologies, must also get Snap core)22:00
tomreynthen you don't have network-manager installed and are using some other network managent system22:00
leftyfbUJack: Are you running snappy core?22:01
tomreynin which case the above commands wont help you22:01
UJackI think that is true because I had problems managing the network originally22:01
leftyfbUJack: if so, then you'll want to /join #snappy We cannot support that here22:01
UJackIt wasn't how networks were usually managed (using Ubuntu for a very long time)22:01
tomreynwhat does this output?    lsb_release -ds22:01
leftyfbtomreyn: will that determine if it's Ubuntu Core? I don't think it will22:02
UJackUbuntu 18.04.3 LTS22:02
tomreynnot sure, i hope it would22:02
UJackI think this version of Ubuntu somehow uses a default network management service22:02
leftyfbI don't think so. It's the same "version" of ubuntu22:02
leftyfbUJack: where did you get that version of ubuntu? What sort of hardware is it running on ?22:03
UJackGot it official from website, running on a very old laptop22:03
UJackHow can I tell which service is managing my networks / connections?22:03
UJackWhatever the default one used to be (I never change them or experiment), this Ubuntu was different for me to set up, which I did a few months back22:03
leftyfbUJack: how have you been connecting to wifi?22:03
UJackand I remember having some issues configuring the network originally22:04
UJackI mean, however I originally set it up in CLI22:04
tomreyndo you know what exactly oyu installed, do you still have the iso file?22:04
UJackI remember having to enter the network name and password when I was doing the install, but afterwards I had an issue and all the normal Google commands and such for network configuration had changed on me (been using Ubuntu many years now22:04
UJackI mean, not sure, but I got the primary download from the official website, no kind of bootleg version or anything and nothing experimental22:05
UJacknetsh command is not on this system22:06
tomreynwhat does this output?    dpkg -l | wc -l22:06
tomreyncan't be core then22:06
leftyfbyep, that would be zero. In fact, I don't even think dpkg is available on core22:07
UJackNot sure what that means, would it make a difference if I installed it as like "server" install?22:07
leftyfbUJack: try /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf22:07
UJackThat conf file does not exist22:08
UJackThree .sh files in that directory22:08
leftyfbUJack: try /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf22:08
UJackI remember what it is called now22:10
tomreynso you probably installed ubuntu server22:10
leftyfbUJack: then look in /etc/netplan/22:11
UJackYep :D  haha22:11
UJackI found the .yaml file and was like ohhhhh22:11
UJackI wish I could have remembered earlier that it was netplan they changed to, I went through all this crazy mess. My roommate forgot the wifi password (setting up a new laptop, so it was needed)22:12
tomreynnote it's generally useful to know which variant of ubuntu you are installing, some of these are very different to others.22:12
UJackMy main machine is hardwired in, so no saved wifi on it. Had to SSH into my little laptop server and then ran into this problem haha. 20 minutes in and now it is working flawless :)22:12
UJackThanks guys (and girls)22:12
UJackHow can I easily discover which variant I am using?22:13
tomreynapparently not so easily22:13
UJackBecause, afaik, I was using Core. But you are also talking to somebody who used a Windows 7 machine for 90+ days thinking it was Windows 10 and couldn't tell the difference, so go figure.22:13
tomreynyou seem to be running ubuntu server 18.04 LTS there22:14
tomreynapt list --installed ubuntu-server      could verify this somewhat.22:14
UJackafaik, it is Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS - which is not core?22:15
tomreynthere should also be /var/log/installer/subiquity-debug.log i think22:15
tomreynright, ubuntu-server is not the same as ubuntu-core22:16
UJackAh, likely "netplan" is one of the differences, the primary issue I ran into so far.22:16
UJack(and, I mean, I've had this thing up and running for a good while now with no other notable problems)22:16
tomreyncore is for minimalist em,bedded systems, to be mostly remotely controlled. it has no debian packages (.deb), no packages managed with 'apt'.22:17
FreeBDSMhello, I hit something hotkey and now it looks like the screen is zoomed in like a magnifying glass and the zoom area follow cursor, how to stop that?22:28
OerHeks Just go to Universal Access in Settings and disable Zoom.22:30
OerHeksor https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/a11y-mag.html.en22:30
FreeBDSMaw, crap, it's probably DE-related, should ask on #xfce22:31
FreeBDSMthanks for the hint, OerHeks22:31
FreeBDSMfound it22:32
FreeBDSMalt + mouse scroll22:32
ManouchehriWhat's the "proper" way to install the hwe edge kernel?22:46
OerHekssee the howto, Manouchehri22:50
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:50
ManouchehriOerHeks: that's hwe, not hwe next.22:51
Manouchehrier, hwe edge*22:51
OerHeksjust add -edge22:52
OerHekslinux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge and so on22:52
leftyfbManouchehri: add -edge to the package name as stated in the package name that you searched for because you're doing something like installing a cutting edge/unsupported kernel and you know what you're doing22:53
ManouchehriI was doing linux-generic-hwe-edge-18.0422:53
leftyfbManouchehri: if you don't know how to search for package names, you probably shouldn't be installing a cutting edge kernel22:54
jeremy31I would suspect 5.3 kernel will be in linux-generic-hwe in a few weeks22:54
Manouchehrileftyfb: eh, debatable. I do a bit of kernel work, never done any apt or ubuntu dev ;)22:54
ManouchehriI wanted to install the master package instead of force installing one version and then never getting updates :)22:55
leftyfbfunny thing, looks like linux-generic-hwe-18.04 and linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge are the same exact version as of today22:58
Manouchehrithat's odd22:58
Manouchehrishows as 5.0.0.x here22:59
leftyfbah, it's proposed23:01
OerHekshwe gives 5.0.x, edge gives 5.3.x23:02
jeremy31So it might be better to enable proposed and install linux-generic-hwe-18.04 for a short time23:02
leftyfbOerHeks: hwe from proposed gives 5.323:02
OerHeksi see23:02
Manouchehrihmm, so I feel like I'm having a fair amount of display lag with my eGPU sometimes.23:04
Manouchehriit almost feels like I'm rendering on the wrong GPU and then mirrored back23:05
Manouchehriyeah I'm seeing less than 60 fps with glxgears23:11
Manouchehriah closing the lid seems to have helped a lot23:24
Manouchehrithe frig, the Intel GPU is still being used for Chrome23:26
Manouchehrisuper ugly, but removing my Intel GPU PCI device worked lol23:35

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