
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
DarkTrickis it possible to run wayland on xubuntu (smoothly)?13:34
diogenes_DarkTrick, i don't think so.13:35
DarkTrickdiogenes_: is there a specific reason?  xfce is not compatible?13:36
brainwashit's not written for wayland13:36
diogenes_neither xfce nor lightdm supports it, though dm is not a problem.13:37
diogenes_and as i've heard, wayland is not even on a TODO list of xfce.13:38
DarkTrickSo I guess the necessary changes are pretty severe?13:39
DarkTrick-?   +(?)13:39
brainwashyes, it is a huge task13:41
brainwashfurthermore, both variants (X and wayland) would need to be maintained13:42
DarkTrickthank you both for the input, diogenes_, brainwash13:43

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