
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Robert78How to verify the bootable *.iso on a CD? I'm afraid of breaking CD or something like that... I'd like to check if CD and its data are OK but don't know how.10:33
gnrpRobert78: What is it you want to verify?10:35
gnrpyou can make a checksum of the whole CD and compare that to the iso's checksum10:35
Robert78I've made a bootable CD in xfburn, and I'm going to use it some day, but I'm afraid that I'll break CD or damage it10:35
Robert78I did 'dd if=/dev/sr0 of=copy.iso' but the file sizes of isos' are different10:36
Robert78the original iso is 3 MB shorter than copy.iso10:36
Robert78I've read on the Internet that their filesize is always going to be different... so... checksum is not solution I guess...10:37
gnrphm. Try `sha256sum /dev/dvd` and then also a sha256sum of the iso image10:37
gnrpor use the `cmp` tool10:37
Robert78anyway it is different...10:39
Robert78d84c99784ceb1f2e9044ba7387bf92ef17db8400883f6c1ff6580d899ae406e9  /dev/dvd10:39
Robert7803d3ec50bce69eb13a406ac2cf8a4c3cb2b2e1fa58d257ea4f366469cbf091eb  mini.iso10:39
gnrpthen I'd say it is actaully different. But please do not trust me.10:45
gnrpI mean, wait for somebody else to pass by and give an opinion on that10:46
Robert78OK, I've read that the trailing bytes might be just zeroes, that's why it might be always "different"10:48
Robert78Well, I found a pretty weird solution! :D  I burnt the iso second time and checked sha256sum again, and it was the same as was on the first attempt11:13
Robert78so... it makes me think the DVD is completely fine :D11:13
deadromwhere can I get a more recent xfce for 18.04LTS?14:20
deadromcurrently installed is 4.12 as comes with 18.04, I'd like one that has monitor profiles. Will 4.14 do that?14:22
brainwashdeadrom: it will14:35
brainwashdeadrom: next LTS release in April will ship with 4.1414:37
deadrombrainwash: "wait until april" just doesn't ring nice in my ears. any other option? preview ppa? I saw "staging" but says "warning, might explode" in a nuthsell14:38
deadromnutshell even14:38
brainwasheither use the PPA or upgrade to the 20.04 dev release14:39
brainwashwell, or 19.10 actually14:39
xubuntu18whello all20:00
xubuntu18wI am unable to install wine or playonlinux\20:00
xubuntu18wI have 18.04 lt version20:01
xubuntu18wDoes anyone have any sugestions?20:01
Alabalistichow do you try to install them20:02
Alabalisticvia Terminal is bad idea, go to the website20:02
Alabalisticdownload the last deb, or add the repo20:02

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