fareast | I am running a celeron with an amd radeon hd 6320 i think coming out of vga I am only at 1024x768 does anyone know how to change this? I look under additional drivers and there is nothing | 01:51 |
wxl | lubuntu 18.04? | 01:52 |
fareast | i have 19.10 | 02:01 |
fareast | I set it up with a unms server and unifi | 02:02 |
wxl | surprised you're getting anywhere with a celeron XD | 02:02 |
fareast | but the screen res is a little upsetting i can deal with it though | 02:02 |
fareast | hey it was free wth | 02:02 |
wxl | so the problem is that a lot of times cards don't behave nice and report all their available modes | 02:02 |
wxl | you can add one, though | 02:02 |
fareast | I think it was one of those windows 8 acers or something | 02:02 |
wxl | https://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution | 02:02 |
fareast | is that like setting the res in the script at boot | 02:03 |
wxl | yup | 02:03 |
fareast | I think i tried that once already and it didn't do anything but overscan | 02:03 |
wxl | even shows you how to do that :) | 02:03 |
fareast | I think if I hook it up hdmi it will work but I only have a white vizio 720p | 02:03 |
fareast | no 1080p monitors with hdmi laying around | 02:03 |
fareast | I could use my pc one but I like having both separate if you get what I am after. | 02:04 |
wxl | you might want to follow the instructions and see if you can actually make it happen. i don't know what you did before but i know that will work..... unless the card can't handle it | 02:04 |
fareast | Maybe I will just strip the vizio down and mount it up and deal with the 720p since this card can't really produce anything 1080 streaming besides | 02:04 |
fareast | I would like the vga to work | 02:05 |
fareast | I will take a look and see | 02:05 |
fareast | it is just much nicer with more screen real estate | 02:05 |
fareast | what exactly is 720p? | 02:06 |
fareast | 1368x768? | 02:06 |
wxl | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/720p | 02:06 |
fareast | 1280x720? | 02:06 |
fareast | I think this other one is 1280x720 | 02:06 |
fareast | I could do that through the hdmi | 02:06 |
fareast | but its not a dell if you catch my drift. | 02:07 |
wxl | i don't even understand this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/720p#Resolutions | 02:07 |
fareast | video resolutions are confusing | 02:08 |
fareast | especially when they say 4k | 02:08 |
fareast | it isn't even 4000 | 02:08 |
wxl | well sounds like you have a handle on it so i'll leave it to you | 02:09 |
fareast | its all marketing melarky | 02:09 |
fareast | Yeah I will get it its just radeon support you know it lacks in linux | 02:09 |
fareast | and pc alike | 02:09 |
fareast | it just says size not found in available modes | 02:17 |
fareast | maybe this crap only displays out the mobo 1024x768 | 02:17 |
wxl | did you generate the modeline? | 02:17 |
wxl | actually are you sure you're using the right device name? | 02:17 |
fareast | xrandr VGA-0 1920x1080 | 02:17 |
wxl | do something like `xrandr | grep conn` to see all the devices | 02:18 |
fareast | xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1920x1080_60.00 | 02:18 |
wxl | it might not be VGA-0 | 02:18 |
wxl | did you do the --newmode before it? if not it doesn't work | 02:18 |
wxl | you do basically: | 02:18 |
wxl | cvt width height refresh | 02:19 |
wxl | use info from that to do `xrandr --newmode "widthxheight_res" <other stuff from cvt> | 02:19 |
wxl | xrandr --addmode device widthxheight_res | 02:19 |
wxl | 3 steps | 02:19 |
wxl | then you add that to .xprofile to make it permanent | 02:20 |
fareast | failed to parse as a mode specification | 02:20 |
fareast | I don't think the onboard card is capable | 02:21 |
fareast | lol | 02:21 |
wxl | then you did something wrong :) | 02:21 |
wxl | it should pop up an error that sounds like that if it's the case | 02:21 |
fareast | i did xrandr --newmode 1368x768_60.00 | 02:21 |
wxl | or will just go wonky | 02:21 |
wxl | that's not right | 02:21 |
wxl | there's stuff after the refresh | 02:21 |
fareast | xrandr --newmode VGA-0 | 02:21 |
wxl | xrandr --newmode "1368x768_60.00" 85.25 1368 1440 1576 1784 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync | 02:22 |
wxl | ALL of that | 02:22 |
fareast | bang | 02:24 |
fareast | i got it per this article | 02:25 |
fareast | https://askubuntu.com/questions/138408/how-to-add-display-resolution-for-an-lcd-in-ubuntu-12-04-xrandr-problem | 02:25 |
fareast | now how do I make it permanent | 02:25 |
wxl | wth | 02:25 |
wxl | you shouldn't have to sudo any of that. it's insane. | 02:25 |
wxl | just add the xrandr commands to ~/.xprofile | 02:26 |
fareast | i have some editor | 02:26 |
fareast | gedit | 02:26 |
fareast | what is the command | 02:26 |
wxl | um. gedit XD | 02:27 |
fareast | sudo gedit ~/.xprofile | 02:27 |
wxl | NO | 02:27 |
wxl | stop sudo'ing everything! yeesh! | 02:27 |
fareast | i thought it was the monitor.conf | 02:27 |
wxl | that WILL cause you problems | 02:27 |
wxl | DON'T put sudo commands in there, either | 02:27 |
fareast | I am in 1920x1080 tho | 02:27 |
wxl | don't use sudo | 02:28 |
fareast | lol ok | 02:28 |
wxl | that's masquerading as the root user, which you are not | 02:28 |
wxl | ~ refers to your home, not the root user's home | 02:28 |
wxl | you run x as your user, not as root | 02:28 |
wxl | etc. etc. etc. | 02:28 |
wxl | do not use sudo. period. | 02:28 |
fareast | I am used to windows doing everything root | 02:28 |
wxl | throw windows away. it's useless. | 02:29 |
fareast | not so it makes me money | 02:29 |
fareast | business world relys on it | 02:29 |
wxl | ok it's good for that | 02:29 |
wxl | but there's lots of other things that are equally questionable that people make money off of and that the business world relies upon XD | 02:29 |
fareast | but more and more people are going linux until they find out they have to have a sysadmin to print. | 02:29 |
fareast | I just keep my mouth shut and act like I know nothing. | 02:30 |
wxl | works fine for me | 02:30 |
fareast | yeah I agree. I can get anything that has a microprocessor to work fine for me too. | 02:30 |
fareast | I know linux is good for what I use it for. And mostly its because certain systems I don't want to have to mess with upgrading so often. | 02:31 |
wxl | welll that and usually linux updates don't break the whole system like windows XD | 02:32 |
fareast | true but I can deal with the repercussions | 02:32 |
fareast | I have learned dos and recovery environment like the back of my hand. | 02:33 |
fareast | linux to me though is similar I have found myself pretty comfortable if I am led in the right direction. | 02:34 |
fareast | it was all something running this cvt | 02:35 |
fareast | but it says i have to enter the commands in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf | 02:35 |
fareast | so i need to edit that file i suppose if it is related to this distro | 02:35 |
wxl | that's another potential way | 02:35 |
fareast | what is your suggestion? | 02:36 |
wxl | ~/.xprofile | 02:36 |
fareast | how can i access it to change it | 02:36 |
wxl | editor | 02:36 |
fareast | I installed gedit | 02:37 |
fareast | sorry I am an idiot when it comes to running terminal commands | 02:37 |
fareast | I am learning tho key in a repo do an update and do apt-get right? | 02:37 |
wxl | you didn't need that | 02:37 |
wxl | featherpad would have done the trick | 02:37 |
wxl | but if you like terminal commands, you can use nano | 02:38 |
fareast | sudo nano | 02:38 |
fareast | I mean i need write permissions right? | 02:38 |
fareast | only way I know is sudo... | 02:38 |
fareast | to me its like pushing admin am I correct? | 02:38 |
fareast | somehow I managed to install unifi controller and unified network management system from ubiquiti on this thing. | 02:39 |
wxl | no | 02:39 |
wxl | nano ~/.xprofile | 02:39 |
wxl | just do that. nothing else. | 02:39 |
fareast | sweet | 02:39 |
wxl | you only need sudo things for system wide stuff, like installing applications or doing anything outside your home folder | 02:40 |
wxl | ~ is your home | 02:40 |
fareast | word is bond son. | 02:40 |
fareast | ok so i suppose use these same commands that got me here minus the sudo in this file and commit a save.. | 02:40 |
wxl | yep | 02:41 |
wxl | headed home; good luck | 02:41 |
fareast | cool | 02:43 |
fareast | be good | 02:43 |
fareast | thanks | 02:44 |
piercedwater | hello | 04:39 |
piercedwater | installed lubuntu on spare pc, love it. now just coming to checkout the irc community and contemplate replacing windows with it | 04:39 |
guiverc | Hi piercedwater, glad to hear it (love it esp.) which release? | 05:02 |
guiverc | also possibly best resource is our web site (https://lubuntu.me/) with links to manual, forum & other great sites. Lubuntu is an official flavor so you can use #ubuntu too (more users, more support more of the time) & other Ubuntu support sites (askubu etc) | 05:04 |
piercedwater | thanks for the link. 18.04 on old pc | 05:05 |
guiverc | no problem with that; my pc is a decade old (2009 model) too; it works | 05:07 |
piercedwater | the machine i was going to replace windows on is much newer, but im looking to get every drop out of it i can :) | 05:07 |
guiverc | piercedwater, you'll probably already know this, but use the 'try' (live) mode first to test it out on your pc. (https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/try-ubuntu-before-you-install#0 applies to Lubuntu & flavors too) | 05:09 |
piercedwater | ok, will do | 05:09 |
* guiverc stepping away ~20-25 mins | 05:09 | |
piercedwater | thanks for the tips | 05:09 |
pog | 'sup guys. Came here as one of my friend in facebook group suggest me. I have a question about installing lubuntu on Acer AOD270 32 bit. The web says that powerpc support is dropped. Will this trigger serious problem if I install Lubuntu on my netbook? or it is just minor feature that I can just ignore? Thanks in advance | 10:10 |
tomreyn | Intel Atom N2600, hardly powerpc, but 32-bit x86 intel (lacks EM64T) | 10:56 |
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cevacineva | i have a small problem sometimes with lubuntu that i did not have with windows | 13:52 |
cevacineva | sometimes usually late at night my pc shows a blue line at the top part of the screen, the rest of the screen is black, does not turn off, and beeps sometimes. like medium speed beeps with long intervals between them | 13:54 |
cevacineva | usually i force turn off my pc | 13:54 |
cevacineva | should i try putting my pc into rice? | 13:56 |
diogenes_ | cevacineva, sounds like either memory or GPU issue. | 14:03 |
cevacineva | diogenes_ but literally my gpu can handle tf2 and memory works | 14:04 |
diogenes_ | cevacineva, for testing purpose you could disable any kind of screensavers, screenlockers and stuff (if you use them). | 14:04 |
cevacineva | i don't | 14:05 |
cevacineva | use screenlockers or screensavers | 14:05 |
diogenes_ | cevacineva, look in power settings, see if it's set to turn off displays after some idle time. | 14:05 |
diogenes_ | or even puts the pc to sleep. | 14:06 |
cevacineva | power management? | 14:06 |
diogenes_ | yeah something like that. | 14:06 |
cevacineva | my power went off | 14:13 |
matteo__ | Hi | 14:57 |
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