
rlaagerI've prepared an SRU. The procedure says that you need to make sure it's fixed in the development release (which it is) and that the bug status is Fix Released. So I changed it to that. But then later, it says to use In Progress. Apparently I could change it to Fix Released, but now can't change it back to In Progress.00:41
rlaagerI also can't add distro-version-specific tasks. Can someone set this to In Progress and/or add a Bionic task that's In Progress: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icingaweb2/+bug/176989000:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769890 in icingaweb2 (Ubuntu) "Icingaweb2 does not work with PHP 7.2" [Undecided,Fix released]00:41
cjwatsonrlaager: I've added a bionic task, which you should be able to manipulate00:43
cjwatson(I just did the minimal thing and left it with the default status of New)00:43
rlaagercjwatson: Thanks, done. I think we're in the desired state now... i.e. waiting for my debdiff to be reviewed by ubuntu-sponsors.00:43
cjwatsonrlaager: You might want to assign that task to yourself too00:44
cjwatsonand possibly note that the thing in your last comment is done :)00:44
rlaagerI hid the comment.00:45
tjaaltonxnox: you filed RM on dogtag without any discussion?05:12
tjaaltonxnox: the reason why it's not in testing or stable is because openjdk-8 will never migrate. and it works just fine with current nss, and supports tls 1.3 via jss05:18
tarzeauis there some ubuntu-devel people that are also dd who would be interested getting some interesting software into 20.04 LTS? (i've got breseq, cadabra2, coreboot(-utils), memtestcl, mimalloc, mlv-app, octopus, redasm, shotcut, speed-dreams, tiatracker, zytrax, hpx) waiting for review+sponsoring07:03
JackFrostThat's more than a couple! :)07:08
tarzeaui got a few more like fricas and protrekkr, but i doubt anyone is interested in those, but yes, it's a bunch07:09
tarzeaupick one :)07:09
tarzeaui also have a working fontmatrix qt5 version, but the d/copyright sucks because of CC licenses and jquery embedded (lintian stuff)08:18
seb128pitti, hey Martin, happy new year! do you think you could backport https://github.com/martinpitt/python-dbusmock/commit/bd51d910 to Debian? I saw there is probably another problem but it sounds like that commit would be required in any case?08:48
jamespagedoko: yep - RM radosgw-agent09:07
pittiseb128: bonjour, et bonne année !09:13
pittiseb128: yes, I was planning to just do a new upstream release and upload that09:13
seb128vorlon, hey, do you understand why half of the desktop world if failing on i386 due to installability issues today?09:13
pittiseb128: unfortunately my sid schroot has been broken since yesterday, the gnupg upload seems to have messed up something -- there's no gnupg in the archive right now09:13
seb128pitti, ah ok, good to read, I wanted to merge the n-m update for focal, I'm going to wait for that update, good luck with gnupg missing!09:18
pittiseb128: but mbiebl found more errors with unstable's NM, I don't think that commit is enough09:18
seb128pitti, I read that bug but you said that it work on fedora, maybe it does work also on Ubuntu :-)09:19
* pitti grabs the test result dice and rolls it09:19
seb128but yeah, the other issue is going to need to be looked at/resolved eventually09:19
seb128the known one/git commit is needed for sure in any case09:19
sunweaverHi all! Has anyone in the Ubuntu world seen the upstream developer(s) of the onboard on-screen keyboard, recently?10:06
sunweaverI am the Debian maintainer of onboard and I pinged them via mail some weeks ago and haven't received an answer, yet.10:06
sunweaverIs there anyone around that has a clue about the maintenance status of Onboard?10:07
seb128sunweaver, upstream or the Ubuntu package?10:15
JackFrostYou missed:[05:06:32] < sunweaver> Hi all! Has anyone in the Ubuntu world seen the upstream developer(s) of the onboard on-screen keyboard, recently?10:18
JackFrost[05:06:58] < sunweaver> I am the Debian maintainer of onboard and I pinged them via mail some weeks ago and haven't received an answer, yet.10:18
seb128k, I don't then, sorry10:28
sunweaverseb128: thanks.10:29
sunweaverI just cherry-pick rbalint's fixes on onboard in Ubuntu over to Debian.10:29
sunweaverBut we might become read to remove it from the archives.10:30
sunweaverunless someone else steps up as upstream maintainer.10:30
enycsunweaver: i wonder in the bigger-picture of things about  importance of accesibility features in general11:31
xnoxtjaalton:  merged new nss doesn't seem to work with it at all, as it requires tls v1.2 minimum. If it doesn't have a champion in Debian, it must have one in Ubuntu, as it is in universe. Is kernel-team going to subscribe to it and fix autopkgtests?11:32
enycsunweaver: have noticed  dragon input system,  colour changing tools,  magnifiers,  screen readers,  and so-on ...  just not-so-available for gnu/linux/ubuntu/etc11:32
xnoxtjaalton:  and are we keeping openjdk-8 in focal? i guess we are, in that case someone or me needs to check what's going on with current nss then.11:33
xnoxcjwatson:  does openssh have any magic tests around 2020 date. Seems like it started to fail since new year http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/openssh/focal/amd64 https://ci.debian.net/packages/o/openssh/unstable/amd64/ debian timings w.r.t. new year are a lot closer. I am not sure if i am reading regress errors right, but it fails tests to do with expiration of things.11:35
tjaaltonxnox: dogtag-pki autopkgtests pass fine on debian, so it's not nss to blame then?11:35
cjwatsonregress/cert-hostkey.sh:test_one "cert not yet valid"   failure "-h -V20200101:20300101"11:35
cjwatsonregress/cert-userkey.sh:test_one "cert not yet valid"   failure "-n ${USER} -V20200101:20300101"11:35
enyccjwatson: o dear =)  should this not use a hardcoded test 'date in future' at all, rather calculate something at time of build?11:37
xnoxtjaalton:  debian doesn't set tlsv1.2 min in nss; but we do.11:37
cjwatsonenyc: no doubt, but I'll just cherry-pick the upstream change.  Take it up with upstream11:37
enycI wonder at what point trying to colcucate over 2038 etc. will fail ;p11:38
enycunix time 32-bit and all that =)11:38
xnoxcjwatson:  i like that they make it still 1st of Jan. I'll ask them to move it at least to Jan 14th because holidays.11:38
tjaaltonxnox: so there were autopkgtests showing that it failed? have they been removed now as well?11:38
cjwatsonNot on 64-bit systems it isn't, and people are working on the 32-bit case11:38
xnoxtjaalton:  should be still there => one sec.11:39
xnoxcjwatson:  thank you for pointing it out!11:39
xnoxtjaalton:  fails to initialize https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/amd64/d/dogtag-pki/20200108_202654_c8684@/log.gz ?11:41
tjaaltonso after ~5h it got removed, nice11:41
tjaaltonCA worked, so ipa server still works too11:42
tjaalton/usr/lib/python3.7/getpass.py:91: GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.11:42
tjaaltonI don't think it's related to nss but maybe something else11:43
xnoxtjaalton:  there are other errors about something else deprecated in the logs about passwords / pin.11:43
xnoxtjaalton:  if the autopkgtest is fixed in debian, we can sync both of them back in, and readd them.11:43
cjwatsonxnox: thanks for noticing, since I hadn't yet; fix uploaded to unstable11:43
tjaaltonxnox: well I can drop the uninstall test..11:44
tjaaltonit's pretty pointless anyway11:44
xnoxtjaalton:  it's just there is nobody to gate it (no gating in debian, and no owner in ubuntu)11:44
xnoxtjaalton:  true.11:44
xnoxtjaalton:  propose it to debian, and sync from there?11:44
tjaaltonI'm the maintainer there11:44
xnoxcjwatson:  i wonder if we need to SRU it across all the releases & ESM now too =/11:45
xnoxtjaalton:  oh, ok =)11:45
xnoxdid not realize / check that, sorry.11:45
tjaaltonnp, this did prompt me to ask the fedora jdk maintainer about their plans, and jdk11 might finally make it on their schedule..11:46
cjwatsonxnox: Can ride along with any other fix that's required I imagine11:46
tjaaltonwhich in turn means it's a priority to port everything over11:46
ahasenackcpaelzer: this is weird: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CKJYg6wqXs/13:02
ahasenackcpaelzer: line 3 creates the local/usr.sbin.slapd local override13:03
ahasenackthen line 4 loads it, all is fine13:03
ahasenacktest runs, succeeds13:03
ahasenackthen at the end I remove the override 4013:03
ahasenackbut apparmor_parser -r fails weirdly13:03
ahasenack-T and -W are to handle the cache, which I thought was the problem13:03
ahasenackfound it13:05
ahasenackthanks :)13:05
jamespagecpaelzer: I'm ready to go on openvswitch and ovn updates post 19.11 dpdk upload13:08
jamespagewill need some archive-admin time for the split out and new source package for ovn13:09
cpaelzerjamespage: I ahve a call about DPDK in 1.5h after that I intend to upload13:09
cpaelzerjamespage: will hit new queue as well13:09
cpaelzerso you have some time to sort out AA needs :-)13:09
cpaelzerI'll keep you posted on it13:09
seb128LocutusOfBorg, hey there, what do you think about splitting the remmina-gnome-session entry in a different deb (which we would install by default)?13:25
seb128Laney, ^13:25
LaneyI just asked mfv about that in #debian-gnome13:26
seb128ah, for some reason I though locusofborg was also maintaining it in debian13:26
Laneymaybe LocutusOfBorg will want to do the work anyway ;-)13:27
Laneyalso I think you mean "would *not* install by default"!13:28
seb128shrug, I need to stop doing those thinkos, indeed13:29
seb128LocutusOfBorg, bug #1851007 also I think is still not resolved which makes the session not working13:30
ubottubug 1851007 in remmina (Ubuntu) "Login option 'GNOME + Remmina' not working" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185100713:30
LocutusOfBorgI would like to avoid doing debian work for remmina :p13:36
seb128LocutusOfBorg, sorry, for some reason I though you were maintaining it there :)13:37
LocutusOfBorgno problem :)13:38
LocutusOfBorgI just do the merges, because both upstream and Debian are italian, and they ask directly to me!13:38
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
ahasenackxnox: hi, I have an MP up for krb5 to switch it to use py313:48
ahasenackI just missed to link it with the bug :/13:48
RikMillsis anyone looking at merging pulseaudio? that has the equaliser ported with patches to python3 I think?13:53
RikMillsdoko ^ ?13:53
seb128RikMills, pulseaudio is maintained by the desktop team, don't bother doko with it :)13:54
RikMillsseb128: right13:54
seb128RikMills, is there a concrete problem with it as of today?13:55
seb128we will merge that/get an update before ff for sure, but I do an upload sooner rather than later if there is need for the change to land in focal now13:55
RikMillsseb128: new pyqt5 synced that autosynced from debian dropped the Python2 dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 packages that the equaliser currently depends on, so pyqt5 will not migrate until pulseaudio is merged13:57
seb128RikMills, k, sounds lIke a good reason, let me merge that change, and thanks for the ping!13:58
RikMillsnot urgent, but would be nice to fix13:58
RikMillsthanks! :)13:58
LocutusOfBorgseb128, what about asking debian to bump epoch so MoM does some little job on it?13:58
seb128LocutusOfBorg, you can ask them if you feel like, I personally don't use that service for pulseaudio since we have git packaging13:59
LocutusOfBorgI did a debdiff between debian and ubuntu14:00
LocutusOfBorgthere is something that should probably go away, like upstart stuff14:01
LocutusOfBorgMoM does a good job in that14:01
LocutusOfBorgbut yeah, a git diff does it even better14:01
seb128thanks for pointing it out, I will have a look at the delta we can drop while I'm at it14:01
LocutusOfBorgwhile I asked you to do, I remembered that pidgin has the same issue, and it is collaborate maintenance in Debian14:02
LocutusOfBorgso I'll just commit the bump epoch there :p14:02
LocutusOfBorgthey acked it a while ago, but they forgot to commit14:03
dokoRikMills: yep, just wanted to get that installable again. Could you do the merge?14:06
dokoseb128: ^^^14:06
seb128doko, yes, I'm on it14:07
seb128doko, feel free to ping about any desktop owner source that needs merged/fixing, we are happy to help14:08
xnoxahasenack:  nice!14:25
xnoxahasenack:  does it work? =)14:25
ahasenackxnox: sure14:33
xnoxtjaalton:  why would we keep openjdk-8 if like only three things are left that depend on it14:56
xnoxtjaalton:  actually they all have alternatives14:57
tjaaltondoko: ^14:57
xnoxdoko:  vorlon: please remove openjdk-8 from focal https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-8/+bug/185903715:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1859037 in openjdk-8 (Ubuntu) "RM: openjdk-8 obsolete, unused in the archive" [Undecided,Triaged]15:01
dokoxnox, vorlon: please no. we said will will keep it until the support for 16.04 LTS ends15:02
dokoso maybe what we might want to do is to ship it only in -updates15:03
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
xnoxdoko:  which support? until 2026 then?15:19
xnoxdoko:  in that case i'd love to drop alternative depends, such that nothing has alternative depends on openjdk8 in the archive.15:20
dokoxnox: apparently, yes. as long as we need to update the package, that's ok15:20
xnoxdoko:  ack.15:20
dokoxnox: could you have a look at the z3 ftbfs on s390x?15:20
dokoseb128: we need to coordinate the pygtk2 removal with jbicha. I'd like to avoid rebuilding all that old stuff ...15:50
seb128doko, yes, do we have a bug report to track that atm?15:51
seb128doko, also feel free to give us a list of desktop things to fix, you don't have to fix everything yourself15:52
xnoxdoko:  urgh that is ugly15:52
dokoseb128: I don't have such a list, but you could scan python-defaults in output_notest15:56
seb128doko, k, well in any case when you hit a desktop package that you want to see fixed feel free to ping15:59
vorlonseb128: half of the world> which half?  link to some log?16:13
seb128vorlon, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages16:15
vorlonseb128: ok looking16:15
seb128vorlon, it might be they are ending up to a common lib not installable or something but unsure how to properly figure that out...16:16
seb128vorlon, thx16:16
vorlonseb128: it's expected that firefox tests won't pass on i386 and it's a bug in britney that they're run16:16
vorlonthe others though, I've just noticed and will dig in now, thanks16:16
vorlonhttps://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/focal_uninst.txt doesn't show uninstallabilities fwiw16:17
seb128also if you have hints on how to poke to those issues I might be able to figure things out myself instead of bothering you next time :)16:17
seb128oh, I didn't know about that report16:17
vorlonoh it's probably hitting the autopkgtest bug where if a library in the amd64 base system is in -proposed, the pin doesn't get set to cover both archs16:17
vorlonbut that doesn't explain why it's uninstallable on the second run with all of proposed16:18
vorlonso I'd guess it was: couldn't cherry-pick the specific package from -proposed because of wrong pin; couldn't install from -proposed because some build was behind16:19
vorlonI'll see if I can reproduce it now and maybe these'll just need to be retries16:19
seb128k, thanks16:31
rafaeldtinocorbasak: SO, when you're packaging mysql-server-8, did u make sure for all the build tests to pass ? just checking cause I think there are 2 of those failing currently for focal, wanted to know if you faced failing tests during build time (nocheck doesn't change attempt of running the tests).17:01
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: it's quite common for us to see test failures. They fail the build.17:02
rbasak(though we don't run the _entire_ test suite, just a subset)17:02
rbasakAlso more (different) tests are run during dep817:02
rbasakSo if it made proposed migration, I assume they were passing at the time17:02
rafaeldtinocorbasak: awesome.17:06
rafaeldtinocotks.. ill work in current failures then.17:06
rafaeldtinocoits for the mysql-router MIR (security team asking)17:06
Skuggenrafaeldtinoco:I think we only enforce all tests passing for i386 and amd64, for MySQL18:13
rafaeldtinocoSkuggen: hum18:30
cpaelzerjamespage: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpdk/19.11-2ubuntu1 is in focal-proposed - but it will have to pass new queue after build before you can use it I guess18:35
cpaelzerall but arm64 are built for now, we can check tomorrow in which state it is to upload dependent packages18:35
rafaeldtinocorbasak: CREATE EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE AT '2020-01-01 00:00:00' DO SET @a = 1;21:04
rafaeldtinocowe are at 2020 and the test is broken now21:04
rafaeldtinocoi'll do a fix for those tests and do a MP for mysql-server21:04
rafaeldtinocofixing the FTBS21:04
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: coordinate with Skuggen please - we should have an upstream bug for that21:14
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: and thank you for sorting it :)21:15
rafaeldtinocorbasak: I think there is one already21:15
rafaeldtinocoI'll sync with him21:15
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: MP against the salsa branch please21:15

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