RikMills | LP: #1859146 | 09:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1859146 in linux-meta (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu flavour images of focal fail to build with E: Unable to locate package linux-signed-generic " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1859146 | 09:18 |
RikMills | yofel: swy-01 down? | 10:02 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 11:57 |
herzenschein | Hello | 13:20 |
herzenschein | I came here to mention an issue I see on the current Focal Fossa that I don't think is worth a bug report | 13:24 |
herzenschein | Namely that I don't think it's a good idea to ship simple menu by default unless https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406998 is fixed since it's a highly reproducible bug | 13:26 |
ubottu | KDE bug 406998 in general "Favorites section stops showing apps after installation/removal of any app" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 13:26 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <RikMills> Thanks. I will test that later to assess the impact | 13:35 |
santa_ | good evening everybody | 18:08 |
santa_ | RikMills: just a question about focal daily iso. I have downloaded it once and I update it every day. since a few days ago, zsync doesn't download any changes and I have the impression the *.deb packages in the iso are not being updated, any idea why this is happening? | 18:12 |
RikMills | santa_: LP: #1859146 | 18:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1859146 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu flavour images of focal fail to build with E: Unable to locate package linux-signed-generic " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1859146 | 18:12 |
RikMills | hopefully new builds will be fixed in next 24hrs | 18:13 |
santa_ | that was my next question, thanks | 18:13 |
santa_ | you are faster than Clint Eastwood in a western movie XD | 18:14 |
RikMills | seems they triggered a build of our iso about 5pm that suceeded, but it is not copying to the cdimage site :/ | 18:16 |
RikMills | main ubuntu ISO and all other flavours had the same problem, so they WILL fix it | 18:17 |
santa_ | yeah, no problem, I just wanted to know | 18:17 |
RikMills | santa_: you know here to look for the build logs? | 18:19 |
RikMills | https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/kubuntu/focal/ | 18:20 |
RikMills | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/focal/lubuntu | 18:20 |
RikMills | FYI to the rest of the channel ^^^ | 18:20 |
RikMills | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/focal/kubuntu | 18:21 |
RikMills | gr.... | 18:21 |
santa_ | RikMills: thank you I'm a huge noob with the isos and getting out of my comfort zone (which is KA + packaging) | 18:24 |
santa_ | * and I'm getting ... | 18:24 |
RikMills | santa_: I know hwre to look for the logs, but to be honest, the ubuntu live build system is quite a mystery to me as well. It has zero documentation, and from passing comments has a large amount of hacks to deviate from anything debian do | 18:26 |
RikMills | s/hwere/where | 18:26 |
santa_ | ack | 18:26 |
RikMills | there is a new Qt5 1.4 RC1 of clementine that seems to build ok. I am tempted to not wait for debian and upload that... | 18:32 |
RikMills | oh, and kde app 19.12.1 (minus PIM) are now in backports for eoan | 18:34 |
santa_ | ack | 18:46 |
santa_ | do we have any work for fw 5.66? | 18:46 |
RikMills | santa_: it is staged. I think ok. have you run tests? | 18:48 |
santa_ | RikMills: nope, but I have the intention of doing some test rebuilds today | 18:49 |
RikMills | oh, that should be released tomorrow! week has gone quickly | 18:50 |
santa_ | ok, I will do fw 5.66 before anything else then | 18:50 |
RikMills | santa_: up to you. I think I will just upload anyway, and fix issue in place should they happen. | 18:51 |
santa_ | sure, no problem with that | 18:52 |
santa_ | I think I will get the results before I go to sleep | 18:52 |
RikMills | it is funny. a year or 2 ago I would be a bit nervous about uploading stuff like that. now, observing how things work, it is normal MO to slightly 'wing it'. | 18:55 |
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