[06:16] Hi.. can anyone tell me what difference does it make if cloud init status returning running and cloud init status returning done? [08:51] cloud-init is a oneshot service. so if you're asking systemd for a status while it's actively doing stuff, it'll say running, otherwise, done [08:53] meena: For rhel and sles when I install cloud-init package, the status shows done (by default) but for ubuntu it is showing disabled (by-default) [08:54] amansi26: you probably have to enable it in /etc/default/cloud* [08:55] i say, not having used cloud-init on Linux in almost two years [08:56] on *BSD we have /etc/rc.conf for the same purposes, but no one has even looked at my patch! https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/161 [16:42] When we install cloud-init on a system. What ll be the default value for cloud-init status? [16:48] How to change cloud-init status from running to done? [16:56] amansi26: status starts as 'not run' [16:57] But in my case it is coming as disabled [17:00] It expects to see all cloudinit stages completing in /run/cloud-init/satus.json [17:00] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/master/cloudinit/cmd/status.py#L101 [17:00] And if disabled itll report that [17:00] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/master/cloudinit/cmd/status.py#L73 [17:02] amansi26: running cloud-init status --long will tell you why disabled === meena9 is now known as meena [17:08] blackboxsw: It says "Cloud-init disabled by cloud-init-generator" . But then I checked for /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled (it doesnot exists) and /proc/cmdline (doesnot contain cloud-init=disabled) [17:29] amansi26: so this is a fresh pkg install, cloudinits generator hasn't run yet to create init files which will run cloudinit on next boot. [17:29] Genet [17:30] Generator is at /lib/systemd/system-generaties [17:31] Oops /lib/systemd/system-generators/cloud-init-generator is what enables cloud init [17:36] blackboxsw: There is no such file on the system [17:47] amansi26: what distibution again? [17:48] ubuntu? [17:48] blackboxsw: yes [17:50] if that ubuntu image didn't have cloud-init already installed, it is probably not a certified cloud image from ubuntu from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ [17:53] blackboxsw: I can tell you the steps I performed. 1.Took an iso from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04.4/ubuntu-16.04-server-ppc64el.iso and installed the ubuntu system. 2. I have a custom cloud-init debian package, I tried installing that. It got installed. But the status is disabled(by-default, as discussed). [17:54] if I `lxc launch ubuntu-daily:bionic mybionic; lxc exec mybionic ls /lib/systemd/system-generators/` I can see cloud-init-generator file there [17:54] amansi26: if you are trying to boot cloud-image with cloud-init you really should source from official cloud-image isos [17:55] https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/ [17:56] But there is no iso file out there [18:23] blackboxsw: When will this file /lib/systemd/system-generators/cloud-init-generator get generated? [19:08] amansi26: it should be part of the deb package built [19:09] packages/bddeb could help with that [19:10] it defaults to systemd init system type which s what packages the cloud-init-generator from systemd/*.tmpl [19:11] './tools/run-container' could also perform a build of your custom cloud-init dir in an lxc container on centos/debian/ubuntu and emit a built binary package to your $CWD