
=== matthew_ is now known as Guest96676
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glickhow can i get the snap version of lmms?03:12
glickits newer than the repo one but in the kubuntu discover app i cant find it03:12
glicki cant find the snap version03:12
glickwhat is the official ubuntu flathub?03:18
glickwhy do I get "Aborted due to failure" when i try to install lmms flatpak?03:31
glickthrough discover?03:31
glicknow i cant even remove the 'flathub' source from discover03:51
glickjust another failure message with no clues given03:51
glicklove that!03:52
=== davidb is now known as glick
glickis anyone here?03:56
lethuglick, sudo flatpak remote-delete04:17
lethuglick, add the source to the command04:18
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IrcsomeBot1Jason was added by: Jason04:36
glickhey how come when i try to select an image with startup disk creator it doesnt open the iso image05:31
Alabalisticwhat kind of iso do you have win, or Linux05:35
glickim on linux and i have a linux image iso05:35
AlabalisticI had similar problem with some VM installer, when my iso was outside my home dir05:36
glickits in my downloads directory05:37
Alabalisticdo you wanna use dd05:39
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Hey sorry if that's a dumb question but does kubuntu support uefi?12:46
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Because I wanted to change to uefi and afaik I need to reformat my hard-drive?12:48
diogenes_yes to GPT12:48
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ahh yeah is there a way to do it in Linux? Or would I need an CD or something12:49
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Because I wanted to dual boot windows and linux12:49
jpjacobsI can only recommend to take a good backup. Last time I installed windows, on a different physical disk than my previously installed kubuntu, it managed to wipe the entire disk (home partition included).12:51
diogenes_first install windows in UEFI then linux.12:51
jpjacobsAs it was an SSD, there was no way of recovering anything (and admittedly, my backup wasn't as complete as I would have liked).12:52
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Jpjacobs well reformatting normally wipes your hard drive lol12:52
jpjacobsIrcsomeBot: I didn't, I told it to install on a *different drive*12:52
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Meh I just need to save some text files that's all xD this computer is almost dead anyways12:52
jpjacobsyet it managed somehow to nuke the other12:52
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I only have one hard-drive xD12:52
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But how do I actually reformat it?12:53
jpjacobsyou just do so while installing windows.12:54
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> That's the thing it doesn't work12:55
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> It just says the hard drive ain't compatible12:55
jpjacobsin that case, boot a live cd session, use the disk management tool to make a new partition table (GPT) (after backup of anything you'd might want to keep)12:56
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Yeah I'm backing up right now and actually I don't have a CD rn12:56
jpjacobsso get a disk image, and put it on a usb stick12:59
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I don't have a USB stick xD12:59
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Does a kubuntu image work?13:00
jpjacobsThere's even an android app to do that, that works well13:00
jpjacobsimage on what then, (if not usb stick or CD)?13:00
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I have no empty CD that's what I meant13:00
jpjacobswell, to do any kind of installing without jumping through burning hoops, you'd need at least a USB stick or CD/DVD13:01
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I have a kubuntu CD and a windows CD isn't that all I need13:02
jpjacobsah, so you do have a live cd...13:04
BluesKajHi folks13:04
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Oh sorry I forgot kubuntu was a livecd oof13:05
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Does it take long to reformat it?13:06
jpjacobsit's almost instantly, as it's just the GPT that has to be written, and the rest of the disk does not get wiped13:08
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Wait so nothing gets wiped?13:08
jpjacobsunless of course you need to securely wipe it for some reasons...13:08
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But I would need to reinstall kubuntu right?13:09
jpjacobsnot immediately. Formatting just means setting the filesystem to assume previously used blocks are now free to be overwritten13:09
jpjacobsinstalling a new partition table is about the same13:10
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But I need to reinstall kubuntu to have it work with uefi right?13:10
jpjacobsyes, I think so13:10
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK because I recently discovered my laptop supports uefi lol13:10
jpjacobsat least, that's the easiest and most fool-proof option.13:10
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ok can I somehow wipe the whole hard drive13:11
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Because I guess it's easier and then installing windows and Linux instead of deleting every partition13:11
jpjacobsso then, you make a GPT table for the disk, install windows, and resize the windows partition when installing kubuntu13:11
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Afaik I can resize it in the windows installer13:12
jpjacobsso wipe as in make sure there's no way to recover, or just starting out with a new partition table and new partitions?13:12
jpjacobsbecause secure wiping takes time, while creating a new partition table does not.13:12
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Just so it's empty I don't need a secure wipe13:12
jpjacobsso yes, that's easy13:13
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ok13:13
jpjacobsyou open partition manager in the live CD session, select the (RIGHT) disk, and press the "new partition table" button13:14
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Hang on I need to find my kubuntu disk first xD13:15
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I need to start the disk in uefi mode right?13:15
jpjacobsbe sure it's a kubuntu version that's still supported too. Because otherwise you'll have troubles updating after installation.13:16
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> It should be 19.1013:16
jpjacobsI think you'd need to set the correct boot mode in the BIOS (or whatever they call that in the UEFI age): UEFI, no secure boot.13:17
jpjacobsthat's fine then13:17
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Uhm in my bios it says UEFI: Slimtype DVD bla bla … SATA: Slimtype DVD bla bla13:17
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But it doesn't say anything from secure boot13:18
jpjacobssure, but there should be somewhere the boot mode (not boot device)13:18
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK I will check in a sec13:18
jpjacobsit's independent from the device you boot from, IIRC.13:19
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> What does iirc mean?13:19
jpjacobsif I recall correctly.13:20
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ahh OK thanks13:21
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I just found some empty CDs oof let me just burn kubuntu on there I can't find my other CD13:23
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> What would be better 19.10 or 18.04?13:24
jpjacobsI'd go for 19.10, unless you require and LTS release (e.g. use in business, ...)13:27
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Nah just my home pc13:28
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK Will do thanks for helping btw13:28
jpjacobsyou're welcome13:33
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK I don't think I can do this13:38
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Either kubuntu or my CD drive is shitting itself rn13:38
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I'll just check if my other pc has a burner13:43
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK sorry for the long wait I just got my CD @jpjacobs14:03
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I don't see anything about secure boot14:06
jpjacobsok then14:09
jpjacobsI'd say, give it a try14:09
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ok14:09
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Should I boot now in uefi or later?14:10
jpjacobsI don't think it really matters when just reformating the disk14:12
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ok14:12
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I will just try in uefi14:12
jpjacobswhen installing, it does matter I think14:12
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK it's starting14:13
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK im in the livecd now14:19
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> What to do now?14:20
jpjacobsstart the partioning tool14:22
jpjacobswindows key, then type partition manager14:22
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I did14:22
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> It shows my hard-drive14:22
jpjacobsYou did back up what you still need (from the entire drive, all partitions)?14:23
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Yea from Linux and windows14:23
jpjacobsand you do intend to reinstall both linux and windows, right?14:24
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Correct14:24
jpjacobsgreat. So press the " new partition table button" in the toolbar14:24
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> It's grayed out14:24
jpjacobsthat's ... strange14:25
jpjacobsyou didn't mount any partition on the drive, nor use any swap partition, right?14:25
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Swap partition?14:25
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I have a partition that's called Linuxswap14:25
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> And there is a lock symbol besides it14:26
jpjacobsthat's it14:26
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Do I need to click deactivate swap?14:27
jpjacobsopen konsole, type sudo swapoff -a14:27
jpjacobsor that, indeed14:27
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ok14:27
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Ahh now I can create a partition table14:27
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> I need to select gpt right?14:27
jpjacobsthen you'll probably be asked what type you want14:27
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK one sec14:28
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> OK I did14:28
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Was that all?14:28
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Oh I need to click apply right?14:30
jpjacobsyou'll have to apply the changes14:30
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> That was so easy14:30
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Thanks mate14:30
jpjacobsI think now you could just give it a try to install windows, and then afterwards resize the windows install to make place for your linux partition(s)14:30
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Yea I will just give windows like 200GB and Linux the rest14:31
jpjacobsif it doesn't work, boot into the live cd again, and create an NTFS partition.14:31
jpjacobsI don't really know the black magic that window's installer does nowadays...14:31
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Windows should it in the setup iirc14:31
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Haha xD14:31
jpjacobssafest to install windows first, and resize to add linux later14:32
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Yeah probably14:32
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Oof the shutdown button doesn't work14:33
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But console did lmao14:33
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Thanks again man have a great day14:36
jpjacobsyou too14:45
=== sascha_ is now known as Bolvaron
BolvaronHey, ive got a problem: i had installed kubuntu to test before i completely switched. now ive got 2 versions on different disks. how can i get rid of one?14:51
jpjacobsBolvaron: if reinstalling is not a big thing (i.e. you don't want to keep your system) it's easiest to reinstall. Otherwise you can just format the partition of the one you don't need anymore from the version you intend to keep14:55
jpjacobsBut I'd take a backup of your data, and double check before pressing ok to avoid mistakes causing data loss14:56
Bolvaronive reinstalled the system with the option to use the complete disk, but it didnt delete the other installation. If i format this, will it also get out of grub?14:56
jpjacobsstrange. can you still boot the other, or did it just stick around in grub?14:56
jpjacobsafter formatting, you should use sudo update-grub14:57
Bolvaroni can still boot into the other atm14:57
jpjacobsbut are you sure it's a separate install, not just another kernel version??14:57
Bolvaronso i just use gparted to get rid of the other installation and then update grub?14:57
Bolvaronand yes, its my 2nd installation14:57
Bolvaronabsolutely sure14:58
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Bolvaron boot into the session you want to keep and from a terminal run:  mount | grep /sd14:58
jpjacobsI think that should doo the trick14:58
Bolvaronok ill reboot and report back14:59
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> That will show you the partition names you do not want to delete.  Then live boot and remove then merge/extend the other partitions as desired.14:59
Bolvaronive deleted the 2nd linux now via gparted and updated grub, trying to reboot15:00
Bolvaronwill be back soon15:00
=== sascha_ is now known as Bolvaron
Bolvaronok, seems to have worked15:02
Bolvaronthanks for your help with grub update, didnt know that way15:03
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBotHarrycli was added by: Harrycli15:27
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IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Hi I somehow minimized the installer can I bring it up again somehow?16:32
diogenes_FailBacon alt+tab16:37
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Doesn't work16:38
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=== jordan is now known as Guest14362
IrcsomeBot<Harrycli> Cool17:06
BluesKajhey jordan__17:06
jordan__Hey BluesKaj17:07
jordan__What's up17:07
BluesKajtry the windows key, FailBacon, if you get a menu type ubiquity in the search17:07
jordan__Well what's about kubuntu17:08
jordan__I recently used it17:08
BluesKajthis is kubuntu support17:08
jordan__So I'm not sure17:08
jordan__About services17:08
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Nothing worked eventually my machine froze I'm installing it again (without me minimizing it hopefully xD)17:09
jordan__Hey thing interesting in kubuntu17:10
jordan__Any thing interesting in kubuntu17:10
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> ?17:10
Bolvaronim beginning to love kubuntu, if uplay would work with lutris17:11
BluesKajyeah, thousands of packages :-)17:11
jordan__What is lutris17:12
Bolvaronim a gamer and used windows for a long time17:12
Bolvaronits like a helper for wine17:12
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Well im still sticking with shadow on kubuntu lol17:13
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Is it normal that the installer freezes mid installation17:19
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> But not the PC just the installer17:20
BluesKajwhy would that be normal, obviously something is erroring17:22
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> Well maybe there is a part of the installation where it needs to copy or pull so many files that it freezes17:23
IrcsomeBot<FailBacon> So what should I do?17:27
RamiousZoriastarI am running Linux Mint Cinnamon19:42
RamiousZoriastarI am trying to create a bootable usb of Windowsx19:42
RamiousZoriastarIts not booting when I  restart19:42
RamiousZoriastarI used Woeusb and all of that already19:42
RamiousZoriastarAnd even direct file copy method19:42
Heavyarms-did you try manually setting your bios to boot from usb?19:42
RamiousZoriastarAnd ultipul windows iso19:42
RamiousZoriastarI even manually go into the boot selection menu and pick it19:43
RamiousZoriastaror does it have to be set to usb as number one?19:43
Heavyarms-I believe that is the case, yes19:43
RamiousZoriastarok. I will brb then.19:44
Heavyarms-for sure19:44
mparilloIn Network Manager > Edit Network Connections, for each connection, there is a option on Connect Automatically with Priority option. I assume that way I can prefer some connections to others. Can you point me to any documentation?20:26
mparilloIn Network Manager > Edit Network Connections, for each connection, there is a option on Connect Automatically with Priority option. I assume that way I can prefer some connections to others. Can you point me to any documentation?20:26
mparilloIn Network Manager > Edit Network Connections, for each connection, there is a option on Connect Automatically with Priority option. I assume that way I can prefer some connections to others. Can you point me to any documentation?20:26
mparilloIn Network Manager > Edit Network Connections, for each connection, there is a option on Connect Automatically with Priority option. I assume that way I can prefer some connections to others. Can you point me to any documentation?20:26
mparilloIn Network Manager > Edit Network Connections, for each connection, there is a option on Connect Automatically with Priority option. I assume that way I can prefer some connections to others. Can you point me to any documentation?20:28
mparilloOh, sorry, I did not see my scroll bar was not at the bottom.20:28
bpromptecho echo echo20:36
mparilloMea culpa21:13
kinghatdoes kubuntu 18.04 not have kde backports? i added the repo and full-upgrade and it still showed 5.12.9(iirc).22:52
valoriekinghat: not everything can be backported to something so old22:54
valoriesupport means support23:02
valorienot endless updates23:02
valoriethe base doesn't support newest Qt, frameworks, plasma23:03
valorienext LTS will23:03
Bolvaronwow, is this true? Linux uses half the memory that windows uses in the same situation23:07
bpromptBolvaron:  unconfirmed, but doubt it, depends on many factors23:08
Bolvaronwithout any programs, the OS uses 800 MB RAM, windows fully booted without any programs: 2-3 GB23:09
bpromptdoes google chrome in *nix use less memory and cpu than google chrome on windows for the same task?  no that I can tell23:09
bpromptBolvaron:  yes, but those 2-3gbs may well be cached and buffered content for speedy access, which aren't part of the OS core per se23:10
Bolvaroni can just see the facts, thats all, and when playing game, it uses 2 GB less than windows also23:10
bpromptBolvaron:  I run kubuntu, but I don't use Kwin, loading Kwin, the system uses more ram than using LXQT which is what I run23:11
bpromptso, there are many factors in the process23:11
Bolvaroni run kubuntu, and while gaming im using Lutris cause of WoW23:11
bpromptI do know that, a new kubuntu install is under 10Gbs I think around 7gbs, windows10 is around 12gbs, but that's not ram, just storage23:13
Bolvaronhow can i read out how much space the system needs atm?23:22
bpromptBolvaron:  the system needs?23:26
bpromptBolvaron:  you can always check free space with -> df / -lh23:27

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