
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest4776
=== jacksecret is now known as johnnyorange
lsd_hi guys simple question wont be hard for iso creator 19.10 as we know hybrid cards are hard topic you can use bumbmlebee, nvidia prime, optirun primusrun and so on, QUESTION is what command will force to use nvidia in 19.1002:05
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> lsd_ with Nvidia driver 440 or later,  preced your launch with the following: __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia03:45
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> i.e. __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia steam steam://rungameid/240 &03:45
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> hopefully that will work better for you than it did for me.  When the intel profile was selected using CS source, my 4Klaptop hits ~47fps. Using the above command booted to the intel profile hist about 70fps, but screen tearing and stuttering happend frequuently.  Booted into the NVidia profile, I see over 100fps, no stutter or tearing.03:50
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> See more details here: https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/435.17/README/primerenderoffload.html04:07
IrcsomeBot2<DarinMiller> I have not successfully tried the GPU redirect with 19.10.04:08
=== rb25girl is now known as nauticalnexus
lsd_@DarinMiller thank you for response  will fight with that hopefully in short amount of time actually is over 2 weeks05:47
lsd_@DarinMiller https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa05:53
lsd_in progres05:53
pragomerhi. I am using kubuntu 18.04. I installed a newer version of darktable (3.0) via deb file. Works fine. But discover and apt want to upgrade it (downside) to 2.6.2. How can I tell the system not to update the programm "darktable"?06:10
diogenes_pragomer, in synaptic lock it down.06:15
pragomerdiogenes_: but you mean explicit the programm synaptic, right? Ok, I will have a look.06:18
OerHekssnap give 3.0 https://snapcraft.io/darktable06:19
diogenes_pragomer, synaptic package manager, look for darktable therr, highlight it, click on Packages > Version lock.06:20
pragomerok.. I found it. And this will prevent also discover and apt to upgrade it, right?06:21
diogenes_well try and see.06:21
pragomerahm, no it does not. but perhaps I will have to to a reboot.06:22
diogenes_after marking version lock did you hit 'apply'?06:23
pragomerdiogenes_: Wait, I will check the apply button *LOL*06:29
pragomerahm, when selecting to "lock" the program, I cannot push the apply button (it seems not to be a "done action")06:30
diogenes_pragomer, ok but does it mark the package as red?06:32
pragomeryes, as red - correct06:32
diogenes_ok then it should be ok, in terminal run: sudo apt update06:33
pragomeras you can see, the apply button is greyed out:    http://i.imgur.com/iza1Ubn.png06:35
pragomerapt offers me to upgrade even after apt update06:36
diogenes_pragomer, yes then it's not needed because it turns out it applies changes automatically.06:36
diogenes_how did you install the .deb package?06:37
pragomerI installed the deb file via: sudo apt install ./darktable3.deb06:38
diogenes_pragomer, ok remove it and install with: sudo dpkg -i ./darktable3.deb06:39
IrcsomeBot2<Swift110> hey06:39
pragomerdiogenes_: I did it...  An re-installed via dpkg. But after apt-update it is still shown as an upgradeable package..06:40
pragomerI will see if apt pinning unter /etc/apt/preferences will work...06:41
RikMillspragomer: I see why you get that issue07:09
RikMillsyou have this or a similar ppa enabled: https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+archive/ubuntu/darktable-release07:09
RikMillsthe darktable package in that has had a 1: epoch added to the version, which means dpkg/apt see it as a higher version than any without it07:10
RikMillsdisable the ppa, and the issue should go away07:10
pragomerhi. I do not have a ppa enabled.. I took the deb file from here: https://software.opensuse.org/package/darktable07:12
pragomeror does installing a deb file enable a ppa?07:12
RikMillsI can see in your screenshot that you have the dbg package from the ppa there07:14
pragomeroh, then it WAS enabled via installing the deb file..07:14
RikMillswhat does 'apt-cache policy darktable' show07:15
pragomerBut: i just discoverd that darktable 3.0 is also available as snap.. if this does not have performance losts I could also go with that..07:15
RikMillsyeah, might be better07:16
lordievaderGood morning07:20
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest50629
lsd_@DarinMiller do u know how to enable auto focus? in q2pro command is s_auto_focus 1 while minimizing game08:46
IrcsomeBot2Wayne B was added by: Wayne B08:50
IrcsomeBot2<Wayne B> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbxlZAPaycA08:50
=== joe__ is now known as jaydemir
BluesKajHi folks12:57
DarwinElfi can no longer update Kubuntu13:00
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
BluesKajDarwinElf, please explain with more detail13:19
DarwinElfon a couple PCs, the update feature just keeps going & going... keeps trying to get the updates.  Nothing happenms13:21
DarwinElfone has been trying to update for two or three days.  The other just started today and didn't get updates either13:21
BluesKajare they using apt in the konsole or discover?13:22
DarwinElfLoading of providers from downloads.kde.org/ocs/providers.xml failed13:23
BluesKajand which kubuntu releases are they running?13:23
DarwinElfdifferent ones13:23
DarwinElfthis was in Discover13:23
DarwinElfone has 18.04; one has 19.1013:24
BluesKajif the releases are EOL then there won't be any updates/upgrades13:24
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:24
BluesKajhmm odd13:25
DarwinElfnot applicable13:26
DarwinElfthe error I mentioned is from 18.04.  On 19.10 it just keeps saying similar things like 'resolving,' 'getting list of repositories'--never finds the site13:26
BluesKajhave you checked your software sources server ?13:26
DarwinElfi just use default13:26
BluesKajwell change it13:27
BluesKajsometimes the servers go down without notice13:30
DarwinElfdoesn't seem there's an option to change it.  It also says missing PackageKit backend13:33
BluesKaji recommebd using muon as a reference package manager, discover is eye candy but lacking in many ways13:34
lordievaderDarwinElf: What happens when you run `sudo apt update` from the command line?13:38
DarwinElfit updates13:39
DarwinElfbut the system tray updates thing keeps looking13:39
DarwinElfi also removed snap because it's absolute garbage... now it says missing snap backend but also packagekit backend.  I didn't ask it to remove packagekit backend13:39
DarwinElfwhy do OSes that have automatic GUI have people who always think they know better than the user?13:39
lordievaderThat command only updates the package lists. It doesn't actually update installed packages. The command does not give errors or warning?13:40
BluesKajupdates aren't upgrades13:41
DarwinElfnow the 18.04 updated, so the problem wasn't using a particular server that was no longer accessible13:45
BluesKajwell, you obviously upgraded the updatres13:46
DarwinElfi already said the first one I mentioned (19.10) updated.  I didn't say it gave errors.  I said it updated.  I upgraded it after that; it's up-to-date.  The system tray thing keeps looking13:46
DarwinElfyeah, the 18.04 one upgraded from Discover13:46
DarwinElfi think it has something to do with that I erased snap13:47
DarwinElf(on 19.10)13:47
DarwinElfis there a way to fix updates for normal packages without reinstalling snap?  If I have to do that, that PC will be changed to something other than *ubuntu13:47
BluesKaji have no interest in snaps, so have no idea what the issue there is13:48
DarwinElfwell it's built-in to some 19.n version13:48
BluesKajI haven't enabled the option13:48
user|99080Can you duel book win 10 and Kubuntu?14:12
BluesKajdual boot, yes14:13
=== dib is now known as Guest33717
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest27116
Guest27116Hello, I was hoping to get some help getting IPv6 correctly configured14:34
BluesKajGuest27116, I suggest you ask in ##networking chat for IPv6 advice14:35
Guest27116I will try that, thank you14:36
lordievaderGuest27116: What is your ipv6 problem?14:42
* lordievader knows something about ipv6.14:42
Guest27116Hi lordievader, thank you. I'm on Kubuntu 19.10 and the autoconfiguration is failing to acquire an IPv6 address from my provider and I don't know how to figure out why it's happening14:45
Guest27116I'm on fiber-to-the-premises type connection, with an ethernet plug directly into the wall.14:45
lordievaderGuest27116: Install the `ndisc6` package and see if you can get a router advertisement with `sudo rdisc6 -1v <interface>`.14:46
Guest27116I will try that, thank you14:49
Guest27116It's giving me timeouts, I'm afraid14:53
lordievaderRight, so your provider is not responding to router solicitations. What kind of instructions has your ISP given?14:57
lordievaderOr actually, do they support v6?14:57
Guest27116They do support IPv6 but do not have specific instructions. Booting Win10 has IPv6 work just fine, as well as using a router in between the wall and the PC14:59
Guest27116The router firmware makes IPv6 setup a bit confusing, but it's set to use "DHCP-PD" as well as "Stateless"?15:00
lordievaderIs it supposed to do SLAAC? Or is the Windows machine setup to do DHCPv6?15:00
Guest27116I believe it's DHCPv6, yes15:00
lordievaderAh, then it makes sense that you don't get a router advertisement.15:01
lordievaderUnfortunately I have never done anything with DHCPv6 as I try to stay away from it ;)15:02
lordievaderThe ubuntu wiki has something about it though: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DHCPv615:02
Guest27116That's from 2011, would that even still be applicable?15:04
lordievaderDon't think `dhclient` changed much in this regard.15:05
Guest27116So Ubuntu/Kubuntu 19.10 assumes SLAAC for IPv6 autoconfiguration, then?15:12
lordievaderMore or less all ipv6 enabled devices assume SLAAC since that is easy.15:14
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
lordievaderI wouldn't really call DHCPv6 "autoconfiguration".15:14
Guest27116I'm mostly confused as to why it fails only when I plug Kubuntu straight into the wall, while the router and Windows picks it up15:17
Guest27116Searching around I've seen people mention that the firewall might be getting in the way of DHCPv6 as well15:18
Guest27116Not sure how to check that15:18
lordievaderProbably. If DHCPv6 still uses the UDP 67|68 ports a firewall may well drop those packets.15:20
Guest27116DHCPv6 uses UDP port 546, apparently15:22
Guest27116on the client side, that is15:23
Guest27116Would there be any log files that could tell me what went wrong?15:28
=== mkv is now known as m4v
Guest27116Okay, having looked into it more, the likely issue seems to be the firewall blocking necessary communication. That, or my ISP has done something real weird with their IPv6 deployment. Thank you for your help!15:50
Guest27116I'm going to try configuring the firewall and see if that helps15:51
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest30792
Guest30792Hello, I'm the user from before with the IPv6 issue. For testing purposes I disabled the firewall (having failed to add the appropriate rules) and IPv6 works now. Mystery solved, thank you again for your help!16:15
IrcsomeBot2Dev schmode was added by: Dev schmode19:31
IrcsomeBot2<Dev schmode> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTEv90BslZ819:31
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ZeZuafter switching desktops to kde/plasma,  I get the same windows open each time I login ... nothing new there, except it's always old windows from the first time I shutdown/reboot.   Also,  sometimes settings don't stick, and not even talking about system settings.  Applications that i'm not even sure use Qt || KDE.   I've seen this happen before but I don't remember the cause to fix it.19:37
IrcsomeBot2akhmal dafa Syahirah was added by: akhmal dafa Syahirah20:05
IrcsomeBot2<akhmal dafa Syahirah> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD9JOcC2YMA20:05
snikkyhowdy everyone, I have a really annoying pulse audio package dependency issue that i'm trying to resolve, would anyone care to assist?23:46
geniiYou might want to do something like sudo apt update  ...first23:53
snikkyhi genii - sure i'll do that, standby :)23:54
snikkygenii --> https://pastebin.com/CJzRdUAL23:56
geniiNow try to install libpulse0 again23:57
snikkywilldo genii - standby23:57
genii( or pulseaudio )23:58
snikkygenii --> https://pastebin.com/aQUWb7H023:58

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