
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
swebwxl: sddm not start , just lightdm work03:08
wxlsweb do over but install lubuntu-desktp and sddm at the same time03:18
wxlyou shouldn't have lightdm at all03:18
swebwxl: it's install, dpkg-reconfigure sddm , reboot not apply no error nither in syslog03:19
wxl^ did you end up testing on amd64 guiverc03:20
swebguiverc ? ppa ? add repo ?03:21
wxlhe was going to see if he could confirm your experience; previously we had confirmed it works fine if you `sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop` or `sudo apt install ^lubuntu-desktop sddm`03:22
guivercno issues on amd64  daily03:22
wxlso that means you've somehow done something different, sweb03:23
guivercmy prior confirmation daily boots to LXQt, general 'live' play & everything was as expected03:23
wxlwas it clear we meant mini/netboot -> install metapackage?03:24
swebit's arm64 raspberry pi 4 4G03:24
swebalso on 2G03:24
swebnot amd6403:24
wxlone difference03:24
wxlyou installed server03:24
swebyeah i install servers03:25
swebserver version as i mention before03:25
wxlnevermind, that is what we tested03:25
swebone important i need mini version of preinstall not server i could not find image for that03:26
wxlright, no nevermind that you were right with server03:27
swebso i thinks that's but, also huge list of dependecy for lubuntu ... why ever need to install gdm during installation03:29
kc2bezunless there is something has changed from 19.10 to 20.04 it shouldn't install gdm03:30
swebtry it ... it's will03:31
wxlyou shouldn't03:32
wxlit in fact explicitly requests sddm instead03:32
sweb19.10 also install gdm303:32
wxlinstall aptitute and run `aptitude why gdm3`03:33
wxlpastebin the results03:33
swebit's already there https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/lubuntu-desktop03:38
swebhow could possible ? 0_o03:39
sweblubuntu depend entire gnome, right ? so gdm3 install and the default display manager so maybe sddm not configure well and so on...03:41
kc2bezLubuntu does not depend on Gnome03:41
wxlright i mean03:42
wxlbut network-manager-gnome requires gnome-shell??????03:42
swebseems be03:43
wxlit didn't used to03:43
swebcould i expect to solve this problem solved soon ?03:44
wxli don't understand because we tested this before03:45
wxl@kc2bez: something is very weird here. how did it work for you?03:45
wxland how do we not have gnome-shell installed???03:45
kc2bezI will test it again tomorrow.03:45
kc2bezI didn't have gnome-shell03:46
wxli'm on a daily 20.10 and there's network-manager-gnome, but no gnome-shell03:46
kc2bezit worked well for me.03:46
kc2bezI only tested 19.10 though03:47
swebthanks guys for telling me ... i install about 5 time different image on my raspberry tonight and i'm going to die to what's my mistake03:48
swebkc2bez: https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/lubuntu-desktop it's also as recommends on  https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/network-manager-gnome so withount no remocend install it's will install03:49
wxlupstream screwed us :/03:49
swebaccourding this page : https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi03:49
swebsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop will install entire gnome-shell03:50
swebi thinks that's dependecy bug for eoen and focal03:51
kc2bezI still have my pi with Lubuntu on it. I will report back tomorrow.03:51
swebthanks i have to go, thanks btw03:52
wxli'm still confused by this03:53
kc2bezI am a little too03:54
kc2bezI am not on front of my pi right now though.03:54
wxlmaybe a timing thing03:55
wxlseems it's gnome-shell | policykit-1-gnome | polkit-1-auth-agent03:55
wxlthe latter is a virtual package including lxqt-policykit03:55
wxland, curiously, policykit-1-gnome03:56
wxljbicha's patches 1.8.10-2ubuntu{3,4} seem to be the problems; we released 1.20.4-2ubuntu203:59
kc2bezWe have Gnome-shell blacklisted in rSeed https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/seed/browse/focal/blacklist$1004:01
kc2bezmight be why it doesn't show in our daily.04:01
wxli wonder if doing the task DOES make a difference04:02
kc2bezI will test both.04:03
wxli'd first try installing `lubuntu-desktop` to confirm the activity, then `^lubuntu-desktop` and if both of those fail, `lubuntu-desktop sddm` and `^lubuntu-desktop sddm` in focal and eoan04:03
kc2bezwill do. I will report back to you.04:04
guivercif of value; these are the gnome packages in daily (2020-01-12) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XTjsdyRB3z/  gnome-accessibility-themes  gnome-icon-theme  gnome-keyring  gnome-keyring-pkcs11:amd64   gnome-themes-extra:amd64  gnome-themes-extra-data  libpam-gnome-keyring:amd64   libsoup-gnome2.4-1:amd64  network-manager-gnome  pinentry-gnome305:06
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