
dufluRAOF, does "unapproved" mean waiting on a human? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=05:37
dufluHmm, Seb said it was done05:37
dufluRAOF, what level of human? :)05:37
RAOFAn SRU team member.05:38
dufluRighteo, I'll just add a note in my status report05:38
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:21
oSoMoNand happy Monday!06:21
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:24
jibelhi everyone06:26
oSoMoNhey duflu06:30
oSoMoNsalut jibel06:30
jibelSalut oSoMoN, bon week end?06:37
dufluHi jibel06:43
didrocksgood morning08:10
dufluHi didrocks08:11
didrockshey duflu!08:12
seb128gooood morning desktopers!08:18
didrockssalut seb12808:21
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ? bien rentré ? bon w.e ?08:22
didrocks bien rentré, oui. Cela faisait du bien d’être en week-end. Et toi ?08:23
dufluMorning seb12808:24
seb128didrocks, bon w.e tranquille :)08:24
seb128hey duflu, how are you?08:24
seb128didrocks, new azerty layout? do you know what changed compared to the current one? is that something you consider making default for french?08:25
didrocksseb128: I think it's a little too drastic to change the default for us08:26
didrockshttps://norme-azerty.fr/ is a good summary of what changed08:26
seb128k, I've no idea what it changed/where it comes from08:26
didrocksI bought one this week-end08:26
didrocksas the other keyboard is dead08:26
didrockslearning to type… Hard to change your habits08:26
seb128is that a new 'official' layout?08:26
clobranogood morning all 0/08:27
didrocksit's the only official one08:27
didrocksnone were official before08:27
seb128I know the government was working on a new standard layout updated08:27
didrocksthis is the only norm08:27
didrockshey clobrano!08:27
seb128k, probably the ongoing work I read about a year ago08:27
didrocksseb128: yeah, this is the result08:27
clobranohey didrocks! How are you?08:27
didrocksclobrano: good, thanks! How was your flight back?08:27
seb128cool, I didn't see any news about them having it 'done', thx for the website08:28
didrocksseb128: normalized in April 201908:28
didrocksme neither08:28
seb128hey clobrano, how are you?08:28
didrocksuntil I went on LDLC to buy a new keyboard08:28
didrocksand saw that option…08:28
clobranodidrocks, very relaxing08:28
clobranohey seb128, good, yourself?08:28
dufluOh. No chat notification...08:29
seb128didrocks, they have a key for … :-)08:29
dufluYes, good thanks seb12808:29
didrocksseb128: YES …08:29
seb128didrocks, that alone makes it worth!08:29
didrocksTBH. it seems the special keys makes more sense08:29
didrocksjust have to get used to it08:30
seb128clobrano, I'm good thanks08:30
didrockseven { and } are a little bit more accessible08:30
didrocksand yeah. you don't have to press shift to get a .08:30
seb128didrocks, yeah, easy access to « » … æ œ etc08:30
seb128I like it08:31
didrocksê is a little bit hard though. far away08:31
didrocksbut overall. from this 15 minutes typing (you are challenging me), it looks good :p08:31
seb128but yeah, not matching what is printed on most keyboard is a problem so not easy to change the default08:31
didrocksjust that we can't default to it as nobody has such a keyboard and the glyphs won't match08:31
seb128anyway, I learnt something, thx :)08:32
marcustomlinsonmorning seb128 didrocks clobrano and duflu08:45
marcustomlinsonhow is everyone today?08:45
seb128hey marcustomlinson! I'm good, how are you? had a good w.e?08:46
didrockshey marcustomlinson, good, and you?08:46
marcustomlinsonyeah pretty decent thanks, finally finished all the IKEA for the new baby room :) Also drove to down to the border so that I could put one foot in Scotland and one in England08:47
dufluMorning marcustomlinson08:51
didrocksLaney: hey!09:10
dufluHi Laney09:14
Laneyhey didrocks and duflu, happy monday to you09:20
dufluBon Montag Laney09:20
seb128hey Laney! how are you? had a great w.e?09:22
marcustomlinsonyo Laney09:28
WimpressMorning desktopppers09:30
WimpressOooh. 3 p's. Bonus.09:31
Laneyhey duflu seb128 marcustomlinson Wimpress09:31
Laneyseb128: yeah, nice and relaxing thanks, you?09:31
marcustomlinsonmorning Wimpppress09:31
WimpressLulz :-ppp09:32
Laneypppick up a penguin09:33
dufluMorning Wimpress09:34
seb128hey Wimpress09:34
seb128Laney, similar, we mostly stayed inside it did a bit of work in the appartement, just went outside for a walk yesterday09:34
WimpressI gave the kitchen a spring clean. SLowly working round the rooms :-)09:36
oSoMoNhey didrocks, seb128, marcustomlinson, Laney, Wimpress09:36
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ? bon w.e?09:36
oSoMoNça va, et toi?09:36
oSoMoNjibel, sorry I missed your message earlier, I was caught in the morning rush to get the girls ready for school… I had a good week-end, and you?09:37
didrockshey oSoMoN. Wimpress09:40
seb128oSoMoN, that va bien :)09:41
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN09:41
oSoMoNcosmic was such a cool release that people are still using it and reporting bugs against it…09:45
oSoMoNI dist-upgraded to focal yesterday, and all went well except that my desktop wallpaper was lost on the way, it's now plain black. I think this happened during the actual upgrade, before rebooting. Where shall I file a bug?09:53
seb128what kind of wallpaper did you use? image? from what source/package, is that still available?09:57
seb128get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri09:57
WimpressI upgraded with `update-manager` last week, didn't encounter that. I am using the default wallpaper however.09:58
oSoMoNosomon@bribon:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri10:18
oSoMoNosomon@bribon:~$ LANG=C ls /usr/share/backgrounds/Crocus_Wallpaper_by_Roy_Tanck.jpg10:18
oSoMoNls: cannot access '/usr/share/backgrounds/Crocus_Wallpaper_by_Roy_Tanck.jpg': No such file or directory10:18
oSoMoNit looks like bzr was finally converted to python3, but qbzr wasn't :/10:20
oSoMoNthat wallpaper was part of ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic10:21
seb128oSoMoN, the question now is why -bionic got removed10:22
oSoMoNyeah, I'm trying to find out from the apt logs10:22
seb128you upgraded from eoan?10:22
seb128or bionic?10:22
oSoMoNfrom eoan10:24
oSoMoNmmm, /var/log/apt doesn't contain logs for the dist-upgrade, that's weird10:25
seb128 /var/log/dist-upgrade?10:25
oSoMoNright, just found it10:26
oSoMoN"[…] The following packages are marked for removal: […] ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic […]"10:31
oSoMoNthat explains it, but it doesn't say why10:31
oSoMoNit's list in unused dependencies10:33
oSoMoNthe only rdepends is actually a suggest in ubuntu-wallpapers, but this hasn't changed in focal, it was already the case in eoan10:35
oSoMoNso I'm not sure why that package wasn't removed when I upgraded to eoan (or to disco before it)10:35
Laneythey're meant to be kept, but I can't remember the precise mechanism we were using to ensure that10:48
oSoMoNI'll file a bug against ubuntu-wallpapers11:02
loolHi folks, I've upgraded from 19.10 to focal yesterday; was relatively painless modulo a wifi driver issue with 5.4 and my empathy accounts being gone11:09
loolI was using just a VOIP account in empathy (with Canonical SIP); now empathy always prompt me to add a local network account and I can't add a SIP account11:10
loolanyone using empathy + SIP account on focal?11:10
oSoMoNthere we go, bug #185943111:13
ubot5bug 1859431 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "dist-upgrading to focal removed ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185943111:13
loolhmm I guess empathy is not maintained11:17
loolpidgin and ekiga websites seem fairly unmaintained too; any recommendation?11:19
jibelHi lool, happy new year! For voip I use linphone and I'm happy with it.11:21
loolhappy new year to you too   :-)11:23
loolthanks for the recommendation; I had forgotten about linphone, I used it a while back11:23
loolthis was also promising: https://snapcraft.io/jami11:24
loolHmm I can't add an account into linphone either; I wonder if I have some larger settings db issue11:27
loolGrmblb, rebooted, tried adding an account, no error popup but it's not added; no error in terminal either11:33
seb128oSoMoN, I'm unsure how to debug why it has been removed, maybe try asking juliank if he has a clue?12:20
looljibel: config UI seems to be broken with linphone, but it worked; thanks for the recommendation! I ended up configuring it by hand in .linphonerc, the CLI client worked for a call, then I used the graphical client ignoring the assistant and the fact it listed no account12:33
loolI also tried twinkle which a Qt alternative in the archive; the config UI worked and I was able to make a call, but DTMF was foobared so I couldn't rely on t12:34
oSoMoNseb128, yeah, I'll do that12:48
hellsworthgood morning everyone!15:16
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth15:18
hellsworthhi there oSoMoN !15:18
hellsworthdid you have a nice weekend?15:18
oSoMoNnice, relaxing, and too short :) you?15:20
hellsworthha yes i understand!15:21
hellsworthit was good. lots of quality baby playtime which is good. she's sooooo close to walking and it's super fun to work with her :)15:21
didrocksgood morning hellsworth :)15:29
hellsworthhi didrocks !15:29
seb128bah, what does that mean?15:37
seb128$ git checkout -b upstream/latest15:37
seb128fatal: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/upstream/latest': 'refs/heads/upstream' exists; cannot create 'refs/heads/upstream/latest'15:37
Laneyit sounds like you can't make a branch called foo/bar when you have one called foo already15:39
seb128k, I guess I will try to delete 'upstream'15:41
seb128then checkout upstream/latest origin/upstream15:41
seb128hopefully that works15:41
seb128I'm trying to rename the n-m branch15:41
seb128(following debian)15:42
Laneygood goal15:58
=== heather is now known as hellsworth
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g_
hellsworthforum.snapcraft.io isn't loading for me (but snapcraft.io is just fine). does anyone else  have issues loading this page?17:32
hellsworthi keep getting 503 service unavailable17:33
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: yeah broken for me17:41
marcustomlinsonoh just came back17:41
hellsworthoh so it itd17:42
hellsworththanks marcustomlinson !17:42
marcustomlinsonI fix thigs, what can I say17:42
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
seb128tjaalton, shouldn't mesa-common-dev also depends on libx11-xcb-dev?21:15
seb128tjaalton, webkit2gtk ftbfs now with that error21:16
seb128/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0/gst/gl/x11/gstgldisplay_x11.h:26:10: fatal error: X11/Xlib-xcb.h: No such file or directory21:16
seb128the gstreamer dev depends on libgl1-mesa-dev, libegl1-mesa-dev, libgles2-mesa-dev21:16
seb128which used to be enough to bring that header and isn't anymore?21:16
tjaaltonseb128: I'll check tomorrow21:38

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