
slashdHappy new year all !15:00
slashddo we have quorum today ?15:01
rbasakWe need one more15:01
rbasakhttps://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members lists only five members now15:02
rbasakSo that would reduce quorum to three, which we have.15:02
rbasakIf the DMB is indeed now only five members.15:02
rbasakcyphermox: do you consider yourself still a member, possibly seeking an extension, or do you consider yourself to have now left your seat?15:03
rbasakAnd while I'm asking, you had an action to send a call for nominations for an election. Would you like me to take that task over from you?15:04
rbasakjbicha isn't here.15:04
slashdelection for all of us ? or the expiring one ?15:04
rbasakJust the ones whose terms are expiring/expired15:05
slashdwe all expires in May iirc15:05
rbasakThen we might as well have an election for everyone I guess?15:05
slashdI would go for everyone since we all expire soon anyway15:05
cyphermoxrbasak: I consider myself still a member but I will not run again unless there are no other candidates15:06
cyphermoxie. I want to leave my seat for new people :)15:06
sil2100Everyone seems fine - I'd like to apply again, if possible15:07
sil2100Anyway, I guess we have quorum?15:07
slashdI'd like to apply again as well15:08
slashd#startmeeting DMB meeting15:08
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jan 13 15:08:12 2020 UTC.  The chair is slashd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:08
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | DMB meeting | Current topic:
slashd#topic Review of previous action items15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | DMB meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items
slashd#subtopic cyphermox to build report for expiry from dev teams15:08
slashd#subtopic cyphermox to setup nominations, voting for new DMB members15:09
slashdI think they go together ^15:09
slashdso I guess it's on the way now15:09
slashd#subtopic slashd to announce and add mfo to the SRU Developer team.15:09
rbasakAs above, I'm happy to take over the call for nominations if cyphermox is busy15:09
slashddone ^15:09
rbasakNot that I'm not busy, but... :)15:09
rbasakI was just looking into it while waiting for quorum as it happens15:10
rbasakAssuming that everyone is happy with now calling for nominations for all seats?15:10
slashdI'm +1 for it15:10
cyphermoxI can only do so much for the next few weeks15:10
cyphermoxramping up new job and all of that15:11
slashdso good cyphermox or rbasak will coordonnate for the new all seats election15:11
slashd#subtopic rbasak to announce/implement : Expiry policy for flavor developer team membership (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2019-July/002451.html)15:11
slashdany new details on this ?15:12
rbasakI've not done that yet, sorry15:12
slashdanything else before we go with the application ?15:12
slashdI guess not15:13
slashdWe have 1 applicant today, rafaeldtinoco (coredev)15:13
slashdrafaeldtinoco, he applied for MOTU a few weeks ago, I don't think introduction is needed again15:14
slashddo you guys have any questions for rafael ?15:14
rbasakRafael has my endorsement too15:15
rbasakI have failed again to get it on his wiki page, sorry.15:15
slashdrafaeldtinoco, how's your MOTU journey going so far ? since we granted you access ?15:15
rafaeldtinocoslashd: its going fine. I have currently 2 MIRs with actions on my side.15:15
rafaeldtinocoother packages I uploaded were always reviewed by at least 1 core developer.15:16
* sil2100 doesn't have questions15:16
slashdbtw rafael wiki page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/rafaeldtinoco/CoreDev15:16
slashdrafaeldtinoco, what do you need to be carefull about of as we move forward to the release of focal in stable release when uploading changes ?15:17
rafaeldtinocoI guess its a mid-opened question, but not introducing big changes as we approach freeze dates (because of testing time), always checking migrations to check on regressions that might have occurred, etc... things like that15:18
slashdyeah sorry my question was not well construct15:19
slashdbut yeah paying attention to freeze schedule15:19
slashdthere is different freezes starting in february15:19
slashdso that's something that will happen quicker than we think15:19
slashdno more question for me15:20
rafaeldtinocothanks Eric!15:20
slashdok I think there is no other questions, let's vote15:21
slashd#vote Please vote on: Rafael Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) Coredev application15:21
meetingologyPlease vote on: Please vote on: Rafael Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) Coredev application15:21
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)15:21
slashd#voterequired 415:21
rbasakAs Rafael is a colleague, I will abstain unless my vote is required to make quorum and everyone else is unanimously in favour.15:22
slashd+1 on my side, I have witness a lot of Rafael works over the year and I'm confident he'll be a great coredev15:23
meetingology+1 on my side, I have witness a lot of Rafael works over the year and I'm confident he'll be a great coredev received from slashd15:23
meetingology+1 received from sil210015:25
slashdcyphermox, ?15:27
slashdI think rbasak is waiting for your vote to complete15:28
slashdcyphermox ?15:36
slashdquoting cyphermox: <cyphermox> in a meeting now, +1 for a vote for tinoco15:40
slashdrbasak your time I guess15:40
meetingology+1 received from rbasak15:40
meetingologyVoting ended on: Please vote on: Rafael Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) Coredev application15:40
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:015:40
meetingologyMotion carried15:40
slashdCongratulations Rafael !15:40
rafaeldtinocothank you all!15:41
slashdI'll take care of the announcement and lp access15:41
rbasakThanks slashd!15:41
slashdthanks all, have a nice rest of the day !15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jan 13 15:41:36 2020 UTC.15:41
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2020/ubuntu-meeting.2020-01-13-15.08.moin.txt15:41
rafaeldtinocothank you!!!15:41
sil2100slashd: thanks for chairing o/15:42
ddstreetcongrats rafaeldtinoco!15:42
rafaeldtinocoddstreet: tks Dan!15:42
slashdrafaeldtinoco, you should be all set16:07
rafaeldtinocoslashd: thanks a lot Eric!16:07
rafaeldtinocomeans a lot ;)16:07
slashdrafaeldtinoco, my pleasure16:08

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