
kotek14have you tried iw as suggested here? https://makerforce.io/setting-up-a-ad-hoc-network/00:01
shurdeektomreyn: let me check, sorry I have limited netplan experience00:03
shurdeektomreyn: so the link mentions that it requires networkd, but access points config with netplan only works with NetworkManager at the moment00:04
shurdeekkotek14: let me try your suggestion ...00:05
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tomreynshurdeek: same here, no need to be sorry there. i guess i'd rather look into potentially configuring this in network manager directly, without netplan, at this time. in the NM connection (profile) you'd set 802-11-wireless.band and .channel00:08
shurdeektomreyn: ok let me try that00:09
shurdeektomreyn: ok that seems to have worked00:52
iATRAnyone have experience with ssh from iPhone to laptop?01:24
kotek14I have experience wit ssh from android to laptop01:24
kotek14how hard can it be?01:24
WaViATR: Yes, I can't speak too much on it as I am about to head out, but I use Shelly. Works fine for my needs.01:25
iATRWaV do you use the free version or the paid version?01:27
someone_I have a hard drive and all its partitions Intact except the partition which ubuntu installed on it, it has I/O error problem and the system does not start up,01:27
someone_> I have tried testdisk but it did not show the files on the damaged partation but it shows other files on other partitions, so  Is ddrescue useful to copy and recover the data form that partion?01:27
kotek14iATR what is the question? Or you just needed an app suggestion?01:28
kotek14someone_ it's always a good idea to get an image of the drive in question, in case something goes wrong01:29
iATRkotek14: I have the apps. But, I want to be able remote in while I’m not at home. From what I’ve read I need a static IP or a lease. That’s where I’m confused01:31
sarnoldiATR: mosh can help you cope with remote sessions where one or another host change ip periodically01:32
kotek14iATR: that is correct. You also need to set up port forwarding on your router. If you don't want to deal with the static IP you can check out dynamic dns01:33
sarnoldiATR: it won't help if *both* systems change IP address between packets, but if they are "mostly the same address" then it might be helpful to use mosh01:33
someone_kotek14 but in ddescure page they have written, "Never try to repair a file system on a drive with I/O errors; you will probably lose even more data." << What does that mean ?01:34
kotek14someone_ I guess that just means that you get your data out of there and move on01:35
someone_kotek14 but it seems to me they it is warning to use ddrescue with hard drive has errors such as I/O error .01:45
christoff522Hi guys are you able to answer ESM questions?01:49
Bashing-omchristoff522: Maybe, ask - someone here might have an answer.01:52
OerHekschristoff522, maybe one of us, basicly not really01:52
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.01:52
OerHekslatest news, https://ubuntu.com/blog/ua-services-deployed-from-the-command-line-with-ua-client01:53
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leftyfbOerHeks: ooo, good news. I actually still have a trusty server laying around. All up to date now :)02:06
leftyfbmake that 202:09
sarnoldchristoff522: don't forget to actually ask your question :)02:11
sarnold(unless you're literally just trying to see if people on irc know about it..)02:11
christoff522My question was basically when 14.04 leaves ESM what do we do? do we just dist-upgrade to 16.04?02:25
christoff522I absolutely love 14.04 btw its so fast and Unity is amazing02:26
sarnoldchristoff522: you'll want to use do-release upgrade to move forward02:26
sarnoldchristoff522: do-release-upgrade02:26
sarnoldI've got fond memories of unity on 14.04, it seemed to have all the kinks ironed out of it by then, I seem to remember it being a lot more stable / reliable than 12.0202:27
christoff522cool, I guess its a matter of wait and see, I've contacted canonical, i don't want to just have to jump to the latest LTS, I like the ESM aspect of it, it's a more redhat kind of approach. plus older distros work more quickly02:28
christoff522sarnold, you are absolutely right its so snappy02:28
christoff522plus snaps mean i can get up to date software as well02:28
sarnoldchristoff522: heh, in fact, if you wanted to upgrade those systems to the latest lts, you'd be asked to upgrade through 16.04 LTS first.. the upgrade paths are LTS to LTS, or from one incremental release to the next -- if you try to jump, you may have troubles02:29
rblalssHi, I have 4 disk, 1 with Windows on it, 3 with Quebes OS on it and GRUB as the bootloader (although I'm not sure what it is located). I'd like to wipe out the Quebes and replace it with ubuntu. However, when I start the installation process it says that no operating system can be found and ask if I want to delete everything. When I go to custom, it looks very intimidating and I'm not sure how to make sure I select all of the queb02:29
christoff522sarnold, im just hoping i can stay with unity for a few more years LOL02:30
OerHeksrblalss, it his an UEFI machine?02:30
rblalssOerHeks, yes02:31
OerHeksmaybe windows is in legacy mode, and you booted ubuntu in uefi thingy?02:31
OerHeksor the other way around02:31
rblalssperhaps, I'll check02:31
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:31
rblalssI think it is disabled02:31
sarnoldchristoff522: hopefully you can -- there's still occasional changes, though it's probably not getting the level of attention that it used to get https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+changelog02:32
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fybersome GNOME software is only up to date as a Flatpak (the snap versions are out of date), is it safe to install them from there?02:34
rblalssWould LVM or luks prevent it from "seeing" the Quebes OS to delete it?02:34
fyberit looks like flatpak is trying to reinstall gnome02:34
fyberexcept as a flatpak instead of as a regular ubuntu/debian package02:34
OerHeksgood luck with flatpak02:36
kotek14Whenever getting the software takes more than an apt/snap command I just build it from source02:37
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sid21gecho $SHELL04:13
sid21gi am unable to change terminal from bash to zsh04:13
IceybonesHey guys. I'm on a windows 10 machine with two hard drives, is it possible for me to install ubuntu to my secondary hdd from within windows? I don't have a usb flash drive around atm.04:14
IceybonesI take that back I have a USB flash drive that is 1.85gb and the 18.04LTS iso is 1.95gb.04:15
tatertotsyou'd need to create installation media to install ubuntu ...that is most commonly a LiveUSB/LiveCD/DVD04:16
EdFletcherT137the mini ISO is ~70MB https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:16
tatertotsthen after you have created installation media, i.e LiveUSB/LiveCD/DVD...you'd need to figure out how to boot installation media on your computer04:17
IceybonesEdFlwtcherT137: Would there be an easy way to install the full package once I get the mini up and running?04:17
EdFletcherT137yup just use apt04:18
IceybonesCool. So I could apt the entire package then? Not have to install everything piece by piece?04:20
tatertotsassuming you know the name of the package you desire to install ...04:21
tatertotssince the apt command line syntax does require a name of package04:21
tatertotseven the GUI software manager would require the end user to know the name of the package they desire to install04:22
IceybonesGotchya. Okay, thanks guys, I'll give it a go!04:22
IceybonesLooks like that mini iso isn't compatible with uefi and doesn't sound like it will set me up to be able to use the windows boot manager to dual boot...hmmm04:29
Bashing-omIceybones: xubuntu core ? http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/04:30
IceybonesAh cool, xubuntu will fit on my usb drive. :)04:35
Bashing-omIceybones: :D04:36
IceybonesOrrrr...What if I install 16.04...then upgrade to 18.04?04:49
IceybonesYa that's my plan...let's do it04:49
Krematorhello folks, what basic steps should i do to troubleshoot media playback performance problems?05:03
Bashing-om!sound | Kremator05:04
ubottuKremator: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:04
KrematorBashing-om, thanks, but for mine is more video performance problems05:05
Krematormy whole laptop struggles to play youtube  at 480p while doing anything else05:05
Krematorwhile in *buntus 16.04 or ealier i didnt had any problem, nor in windows05:05
Krematorbtw im using Xubuntu because xfce4 is lighter, but i had to disable desktop compositor (not like i miss it really)05:06
delthello everyone05:09
delti'm trying to install libs to cross-compile a program (minidlna) for arm 32bit (my phone) but i don't want to compile all the libs manually.... how would i do that?05:09
deltusing linux mint, but spotchat #linuxmint seems kind of slow atm05:09
Bashing-omdelt: This is ubuntu support channel - try the ##linux channel :)05:11
IceybonesYay it works like a million bucks. Whenever I turn my laptop on it loads windows by default but if I press F12 it opens a secret menu that lets you boot ubuntu instead.05:29
Bashing-omIceybones: Aint 'buntu wonderful :P05:32
IceybonesHa yeah. It's been quite a few years since I've messed with it but I want to really dig deep into it now and see what all it can do.05:33
Bashing-omIceybones: "see what all it can do" takes at least 8 gigs of ram :)05:35
IceybonesHa oh I'm ready05:36
Bashing-omIceybones: :D Well on the way then.05:38
BetalI have a radeon 290x, should I install xserver-xorg-video-ati ?05:55
tatertotsBetal: it's already using the correct driver06:03
tatertots290x is a GCN 1.x+ GPU so you could also use the proprietary AMD driver06:04
Bashing-omBetal: ^^ see too : 'apt show xserver-xorg-video-radeon' .06:08
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DarwinElfrecently I had to boot to recovery, and it didn't have networking!  How do I (re)install the service that would show up as /etc/init.d/networking ?06:46
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kubancHello. I just did "lshw -c network" on my VPS server and I found out that the second network is disabled, result: -network:1 DISABLED07:09
someone_anyone has tried ddrescue or ddrescue-gui? if yes then is it possible to copy one partition rather than the whole hard drive ?07:55
kubanchello. I am trying to run Ubuntu from UBS key on a computer and it is stuck at:"[sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk08:13
settermjdAnyone having issues with 4k monitors turning off and on again (only about a half second duration each time)?08:19
Mat63Hello good morning (who is it by day)08:31
Mat63I have recently Ubuntu08:32
Mat63and I don't have a lot of RAM on my pc, so this one is consuming 1.3 G of RAM input, how can I make it consume half of this?08:33
Ben64Mat63: by running less things08:36
Mat63Sorry but I just said that in the beginning, I mean I'm not running any programs08:37
Ben64how much ram do you have?08:37
Mat634 gb08:38
Ben64how much does it say under "used" when you open a terminal and type "free -h"08:39
ryuoMat63: Linux will also use RAM for caching stuff so it may seemingly use more but that memory will be reclaimed if it is needed.08:39
Ben64I just started my Ubuntu on my 4G laptop and it's using 487M08:39
ryuoe.g., my current memory usage08:41
ryuoMat63: 4G is more than enough for average use.08:43
ryuoMat63: i doubt you'll run out.08:43
Mat63give me a second08:43
* ryuo has 16G installed.08:44
Ben64ryuo: eh, i run out easily when using google chrome08:45
DarwinElfrecently I had to boot to recovery, and it didn't have networking!  How do I (re)install the service that would show up as /etc/init.d/networking ?08:45
Mat63Ben64 https://ibb.co/MD0kcjN08:47
Ben64why picture of text :|08:47
Ben64anyway, you're definitely running something that's using memory08:48
ryuoBen64: i've seen chromium run fine on systems with only 1GB so my guess is it's just using the extra for cache or something.08:51
Ben64depends how many tabs you open08:52
Ben64i tend to open a bunch at a time, it's fine here with my 32GB ram08:52
Ben64laptop can't hang though08:52
Mat63there is an application called gapplication-service that occupies an important amount of ram09:00
ryuoMat63: why are you nitpicking how much ram is in use anyway? rarely is 4G an actual limiting factor.09:00
Mat63I go to the point how to audit these processes that do not interest me are executed and turn them off so that they stop consuming ram unnecessarily, when in some occasions I am only interested in using the entire ram for a single program09:06
hansh_i want git 2.19 (or any higher version, but minimum 2.19) on a 18.04 installation, which ships with git 2.17, any easy way to accomplish that?09:45
Priceyhansh_: https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/ppa09:47
hansh_perfect! thanks09:48
hansh_and just like that, i'm at git 2.24 :)09:49
Priceygo team!09:54
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vadreusbkill.py is not in the repo, is there nobody who can figure out how to run it?10:16
moopthemightyhey is it safe to install bison 3.3.1 on ubuntu 18.04? I'm asking because "boomerang" decompiler needs it to build but I don't wanna like... have to install the wrong version of clib lol10:17
vadrein the new ubuntu 18 lts I don't see an info or status in network manager; this I use to verify the dns is working properly what option has ubuntu for checking routes and dns10:19
u`what if I alt+print+o directly10:23
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nickerprowhat if alt+prnt+o instead of reisuo10:26
nickerproin what way will it damage the linux10:26
vadreand testing10:27
williamconnasorry typo10:30
vadreall to perfect10:32
vadrenow, anything about the network connectivity checking?10:33
lotuspsychje!patience | vadre10:33
ubottuvadre: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:33
thomas_25what's a modern shell that could do real good (i.e. fetch --help of the command and auto complete that), smart (per directory history) autocompletion?10:35
moopthemighty@thommas_25 ummm... bash lol10:37
vadreIs onboard the only option for changing languages?10:40
vadreI am leary about using ibus.10:40
vadreIs there some way to use a real console map10:40
vadreThe King is back!10:42
vadreroyals talk to me10:42
lotuspsychjevadre: please focus on ubuntu questions only in this channel10:42
vadreYeah is onboard the only option I type greek and hebrew and use diacritics10:43
vadrefor my languages a real disk locale is preferred10:44
vadreand Japanese10:44
vadreI don't use it but see a use for it10:44
vadrea use for Japanese10:44
lotuspsychje!ot | vadre10:45
ubottuvadre: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:45
vadrewhat is the problem chakra pal10:45
vadreyou don't want to hear anything but utf8?10:45
vadreI don't see anything about pulling ibus is it installed by default?10:48
Northstridervadre: Go to ##linux10:50
vadreabout what Northstrider10:50
NorthstriderYour questions10:50
vadreonboard is pretty ubuntu specific10:51
vadreubuntu is the biggest gnome user10:53
vadreif it is a gnome product10:53
lotuspsychje!ops | vadre offtopic10:53
ubottuvadre offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:53
vadrewhat does mythbuntu have with it some sort of internet tv streamer?11:09
vadrecan it display CBS channel?11:09
ubottuMythbuntu was a former Ubuntu flavor centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system (http://www.mythbuntu.org). MythTV can still be installed from the Ubuntu repositories or from the Mythbuntu !PPAs linked on https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu. For MythTV discussion and support, try #mythtv-users11:09
vadrestandalone! I better get that11:10
vadrespinal fluids11:10
vadredid you ever fix that bug with locked user still logging in11:22
tatertotsmythTV users usually have a TV Tuner card or capture card in their computers11:23
Coolerwhere is this? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190451011:36
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Coolerdid they remove the parent button?11:36
bigfoot-Hi.  I think the Ubuntu release names on the first page of https://packages.ubuntu.com/en/ is broken, it shows no version number next to eoan (which should be 19.10) and assigns 19.10 to focal (which should be 20.04).  Anywhere more appropriate where I could report this?11:41
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: 20.04 is still in development11:43
lotuspsychjemaybe it still point to 19.1011:44
tomreynbigfoot-: rhonda via https://launchpad.net/pkg-website11:44
bigfoot-lotuspsychje: I know.  Nevertheless it makes no sense to put "focal (19.10)" on the front page.11:44
bigfoot-tomreyn: Thanks.11:44
tomreyni already pointed it out in RT 3451611:45
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bigfoot-tomreyn: What's an "RT"?12:04
tomreynbigfoot-: "request tracker" by best practical, in this specific case rt.ubuntu.com, internal ticketing system.12:06
moopthemightyhey is it safe to install bison 3.3.1 on ubuntu 18.04? I'm asking because "boomerang" decompiler needs it to build but I don't wanna like... have to install the wrong version of clib lol12:21
BluesKajHi folks12:25
vadrewith 18 lts where is the language switch12:27
vadrewith older versions it displayed in the system bar12:27
tomreynmoopthemighty: this specific version of bison is not provided by any ubuntu release. you'd need to look for a !ppa or build it yourself.12:27
tomreynubuntu 19.04 provides bison 3.4.1+dfsg-412:28
vadreno language switch key12:29
vadrethe languages have bene installed now how to switch12:29
tomreynsettings -> region & language12:33
tomreynvadre: (shift + ) super + space according to settings -> devices -> keyboard12:38
vadretomreyn, japanese is not working12:41
vadrerebuild matrix pcf12:41
vadrewhy isn ipv6 connecting as it does with windows 712:41
pragmaticenigmavadre: That depends on what you mean by ipv6 not working. You haven't provided enough details for anyone to understand what isn't working. Obviously Windows is a different system architecture12:47
vadreI droped a python script in /etc/init.d and marked it executable but it doesn't seem to be running at boot12:48
vadredoes ubuntu not execute everything in there at boot12:48
vadremust it be called by systemd12:48
vadrepragmaticenigma, it isn't pulling a default route12:49
vadreit does in windows12:49
pragmaticenigmavadre: Please focus on one issue at a time. It is too difficult to have more than one topic to support you going at a single time12:51
pragmaticenigmavadre: Ubuntu no longer uses /etc/init.d ... it is only there for legacy purposes but isn't activated. Ubuntu uses systemd for services. If you want something launch on boot and run once, add it to your cron job with the schedule of @reboot12:52
vadrepragmaticenigma, every boot12:54
vadredoes rc.local work12:54
pragmaticenigmavadre: The @reboot is a feature of cron and will execute the command each time the machine is started. read through "man 5 crontab" for more information12:58
ryuoVarazir: rc.local still works. see rc-local.service13:06
ryuothey left.13:06
ioriayou just need some tweaks, but yes, it works13:07
ryuoi still use that for quick system specific hacks i need that aren't really suited for a general purpose service.13:07
vadrethat works pragmaticenigma but it looks like they really dummed down the network manager13:13
vadrethere is no settings for privacy13:14
pragmaticenigmavadre: Are you referring to being able to setup VPN?13:14
vadreno ipv6 privacy settings13:14
vadreso it tells the router use privacy13:15
vadreis that the standard NetworkManager or something new13:16
vadremaybe a dummed down nm-applet13:16
pragmaticenigmavadre: It may not be exposed through the GUI, but it is certainly available: https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/settings-ipv6.html13:17
raidghostIs there ANY fix for Inverted colors (Graphical issue) that happends maybe 7 times a month? Its only in GUI. In terminal the colors are normal13:20
raidghosttel HD Graphics 460013:22
raidghostIntel HD Graphics 460013:23
lotuspsychjeraidghost: you have a pic to share?13:23
vadrehow to send a dhcp request over ipv613:23
pragmaticenigmavadre: That sounds like a question better answered in ##networking13:24
tomreynraidghost: look for i915 related error messages on your logs (and if any, search the web for them), try a bios update, different kernel version.13:24
vadreare you working for freenode or ubuntu13:25
leftyfbvadre: everyone helping here is a volunteer.13:26
raidghostdhclient -6 interface should work13:26
raidghostnot suer what your interface is named13:27
vadreoh is that supposed to be an excuse to sin13:27
leftyfbvadre: please stay on topic13:27
vadre"we don't get paid enough" so they presume they need not do thier job13:27
vadrequit then13:27
vadremake way for excellence13:28
leftyfbvadre: https://ubuntu.com/support there ya go. That is paid support with Ubuntu if the community/volunteer support is not to your liking13:29
leftyfbvadre: the people there are paid to help13:30
vadreoh is there a low pay no work clause13:30
leftyfbvadre: please stay on topic13:31
fieshI found out that my Ubuntu boxes begin dropping packets, presumably to do some flooding protection.  When I hping3 --udp --fast a host, it responds 5 times quickly, then starts dropping 9 out of 10 packets consistently.  Since I have my own iptables rules, it seems to be some other mechanism?  Any hints how to disable this, since it screws over our legitimate services under load.  (This doesn't seem to be13:54
fieshthe case for ICMP echo requests, only TCP and UDP.)13:55
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fieshok I guess it's /proc/sys/net/ipv?/*ratelimit*... not sure if that's really the culprit for the sporadic connection errors to squid, will mess around I guess14:03
vadresomething is wrong with people like el14:04
vadre"we volunteer so we are not going to do what we volunteered to do14:05
lotuspsychje!ops | vadre offtopic since this morning14:05
ubottuvadre offtopic since this morning: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:05
vadrespeaks to how limp your volition is14:05
fieshAh I think I found the culprit: TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 3128. Sending cookies.  Check SNMP counters.14:06
vadrewe want bignum paychecks to stiffen up that willpower so we can pay 1000% of real value for something pretty much nullifying the paycheck14:06
vadre`sounds like the argument of el "we dont get paid enough to do our job (only enpough to support 3 families anywhere outside of the twisted american politics)14:07
vadreminimum wage supports about 3 families offshore14:08
Picivadre: knock it off.  If you have an actual support question ask it. Otherwise quit it with the comments.14:08
vadrePici, ok is there anyway to check the log maybe something sent a sleep signal to my nic14:08
vadreit turned off and didn't come back on without a reboot14:09
Picivadre: dmesg might have logged something14:09
vadreis that gzipped from last run14:09
vadrewhat is system.journal14:11
tomreynyou probably have persistent systemd-journald logs if you're on 18.04 or newer14:11
tomreynuse "journalctl"14:12
tomreynother than that there's /var/log/syslog*14:12
vadreit is improvments like nm-applet which make upgrading from lts a backward movement14:15
tomreynthis looks more like a comment than a support question14:17
hggdhvadre: can you please stay on-topic?14:18
wedrUsing Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (because of technical reasons), why when using gnome-screenshot and using SHIFT+PRINTSCREEN, I get this orange-brown hue color on all of my screenshots?14:28
wedrI am so scared of updating Ubuntu right now. I already lost my Unity panel and I can't recover from it, so I'm using Metacity fallback.14:28
wedrBecause of this, is it correct to assume, it's due to the Fallback gnome-panel I'm using, the screenshot snipping feature has this hue on top of the original screenshot?14:29
pragmaticenigmawedr: certainly possible. do you possibly have a color profile enabled for your graphics output? that might be compensating for poor coloring?14:31
wedrI don't have a color profile enabled. I'm not even sure if it's enabled by default.14:31
wedrThis is what I see when I do a screenshot snip:   https://i.imgur.com/7bfnySs.png14:33
wedrThe subject in the image is Google logo.14:33
lotuspsychjewedr: do you have redshift installed?14:33
wedrI don't14:33
pragmaticenigmathat looks a lot like flux or some sort of eye strain releif overlay14:34
wedrTo add to this, the color of the selection box is snipped on top of the screenshot14:34
wedrI don't have this issue when I do a fullscreen screenshot though14:34
wedrFor example: https://i.imgur.com/ToeZFU3.png14:35
wedrSubjects are Hexchat and Google chrome browser14:36
vincenzomlHi, I need to boot a HP pavilion X2, which is a 64 bit machine supporting only 32 bit UEFI; that's what I heard. Is it possible to do that using an ubuntu ISO (the existing OS is windows, in upgrade loop, and no usual way of recovering it worked, so I guess I should try my favourite OS instead)14:36
vadreI didn't notice anything it is much to look at syslog , Pici14:36
pragmaticenigmawedr: So full screen screenshots are fine, just when you do windowed?14:36
wedrpragmaticenigma, Correct14:36
vadreI noticed it is having problems "phoning home""14:36
vadrelet's get ipv6 working14:37
vadregoogle public dns is expected to provide a default route14:37
vadrethere is no default route so it suggests the dhcp is not making it14:38
vadreipv6 test shows no ipv6 address14:38
vadreis there some command for running an ipv6 dhcp probe14:40
vadredhclient hangs14:50
vadreisn't there a timeout?14:51
distekHave you ran dhclient with the -v flag to see what it's doing?14:55
vadreit doesn't look like 18 lts is ipv6 ready14:55
vadreit isn't finding anything14:56
vadreloops solicit14:56
distekMissed anything before 'dhclient hangs'. Have you tried the -6 flag, as well?14:57
vadreyeah distek15:00
vadrehello aren't you a kali user?15:00
vadrethis is what the system builders are selling with ubuntu 18.04.3 lts preinstalled15:01
distekI use lots of stuff lol15:02
vadrewith kali it seems to have a hidden vnc server the mouse jumps from time to time15:02
vadrebut a great selection of software15:03
distekWell, I'm doubting that they would completely omit IPv6 from the build as it's been a part of Linux for quite a while now.15:03
distekThe mouse jumping coule be any number of things. Use top/htop to inspect the processes running to see if there is indeed a vnc server running.15:05
vadreanything can be hidden15:05
ace_meI have a Windows setup which includes IP security protected with a "pass phrase" and connecting from my windows machine to the  designated machine works fine... I am wondering what setup do I need under Ubuntu to make that work from Ubuntu too ?15:16
pragmaticenigmaace_me: Are you trying to connected via wired or wireless connection15:19
ryuopragmaticenigma: sounds like either WPA2 PSK, WPA2 radius, or 802.11x (over ethernet)15:19
tomreynor browser based ntlm authentication to a werbsite. or something else entirely.15:20
pragmaticenigmathat's what I'm trying to figure out folks... let's not jump too far ahead15:20
ryuoi assumed network level security, but yes.15:20
vadrewe cant make up our minds can we, ubuntu has no exfaqt support now15:32
vadrewindows doesn't read the iso either15:32
vadreit seems like linux distros usually defqault to exfat instead of real dos fat15:33
vadredistek, and with kali after an install and security update it disabled wifi15:34
vadremaybe that is the best security with hidden vpn servers15:35
vadreor vnc15:35
vadrewhat is the linux version called remmina15:36
chmykhvadre, remmina is for remote desktop accessing?15:38
ace_mevadre:pragmaticenigma: ryuo: IP security is under ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS in windows and has a sort of use string preshared key like in the image https://slack-files.com/T37PCE4SW-FS91PMA7L-778dd6055715:38
vadredistek, isn't it15:38
pragmaticenigmaace_me: That doesn't ansewr my question15:39
leftyfbchmykh: yes, remmina is a VNC server/client15:39
ace_meno matter if I connect wifi or wired15:39
ace_meis same pragmaticenigma15:39
pragmaticenigmaimportant to specify that... as there are many different protection mechanism to networks15:40
leftyfbvadre: how to mount exfat: https://itsfoss.com/mount-exfat/15:40
ace_meremmina is for remote desktop accessing === TRUE15:41
chmykhleftyfb, I am new user. Is there some sorf of opensource alternative to teamviwer? Cross-platfofm and easy to use - with online account, so without necessarity to setup dynamic dns services on computers? Thank you.15:41
ace_mevncserver I think is the name15:41
leftyfbchmykh: not really. There was one a long time aho but I think they're defunct. name started with a b. I forget the name though15:41
leftyfbchmykh: why not just use teamviewer?15:41
chmykhleftyfb, I don't know why, but teamviwer is 'dedecting commercial use' when I am trying to reach my parents windows system.15:43
leftyfbchmykh: contact TV and request the commerical flag be removed. I had to do the same thing a wile back.15:43
chmykhleftyfb, I have allready set them message a few weeks ago, but I didn't have responce of them, neither got changes.15:45
distekHey, sorry.15:54
distekvadre, I've never 'installed' kali, actually. So I'm not aware of any issues post-installation15:55
VinceGHeii.. short question... i installed nginx on my ubuntu server and also phpmyadmin... created the symlink blahblah... i get the 403 when i want to open the phpmyadmin page.. already added disable_symlicks off; to the nginx.conf and restarted the service. Any suggestion?15:57
VinceGcant find any solution on google or duckduck15:57
pragmaticenigmaVinceG: Did you install nginx and phpmyadmin for the repo, or manual install15:58
VinceGeverything works fine... only symlinks doesnt work... :|15:59
VinceGi really start to feel dumb.. because i cant get the basic things running16:00
pragmaticenigmaMake sure the folder you symlinked into has the proper permissions for nginx to access16:01
VinceGthat was the first thing i checked... everything is good16:02
pragmaticenigmaVinceG: That's about all that can be offered for support on the matter. The volunteers here prefer to stick to supporting packaegs supplied in the official UBuntu repositories. As they are properly configured to work with Ubuntu out of the box. Beyond that, you will need to reach out forums specific to the software that you are trying to use for support.16:03
VinceGmakes sense16:05
distekVinceG, just for funzies - Try to su nginix and touch a file in the directory using the symlink16:10
VinceGnah... i'm done for today... i stick to apache xD16:12
Max0815Hey everyone, I would like to create a .deb package with checkinstall and have a question regarding the creation process..16:13
Max0815i compiled the program from source in a folder in my home directory. Now checkinstall asks me 'Some of the files created by the installation are inside the home directory' can anyone tell me what that means?16:14
Max0815I wondered if it asks to include some of the compiled files or if it asks to link directly to my home directory (which ofc it shouldnt)16:15
VinceGThat means that some of the files creaeted by the installation are in the home directory16:15
vadredistek, how do you plan on rolling without installing16:15
Max0815yes but furthemore it says 'You probably don't want them to be included in the package' and i wondered why I would not16:16
Max0815because I guess I want to include all files necessary for a proper installation16:16
Max0815what I want to do is compile a program from source and then distribute it to a lot of pcs which have been setup in the same way. Thats why I thought creating a .deb with checkinstall might be a good idea.16:18
Max0815like all the pc's have the same library locations and so on. So compiling it on one of them shouldn't be a problem.16:19
vadredistek, you don't need to install it to find the mouse jumps upon suspected vnc connect16:20
distekvadre, I don't plan on such.16:20
distekI don't think the mouse jumps your experiencing have anything to do with Kali.16:21
vadredistek, then you start it with no x?16:21
distekI'm pretty sure it's just a hardware/firmware issue16:21
vadrewhat do you base surety on?16:22
distekI don't think we have the same definition of installation16:22
vadrehappened with an old ubuntu as well and I found the problem it was apt-update-manager16:23
vadrehitman accuracy is beyond "pretty sure"16:23
vadrewhat do you base surety on?16:23
vadrea whim in the breeze?16:24
distekI've never noticed mouse-jumps in any kali ISO I've ran16:25
distekAnd if I need to do anything, I'll use blackarch16:25
vadreoh is that something you expect to plan for?16:25
vadreobsessive planning?16:26
vadrewhat are you a vanguard trustfund16:26
distekAre you a bot? lol16:26
vadredistek, which one of youse don't have the same definition of installation? I was using the deboian definbition on the install screen.16:28
vadrethe third option down at boot16:28
vadrewe got plans but we can't define install according to the screen16:30
vadredo you ever wonder about those birds that fly into a wall over and over?16:30
vadresomething aint right16:31
VinceGlol.. bye Drone16:38
chmykhHeloo dear community. How I can switch souncards via terminal? Thank you.16:54
distekYou can use pulsemixer, if you're using pulse.16:55
chmykhdistek, i mean i have usb soundcard and hdmi soundcard. I am making script to switch monitors because of nvidia buggy behavior via systemsettings.16:57
chmykhSo I need terminal command to switch between audiocards16:58
chmykhOr command to switch sertain audio card.16:58
distekYou can use it for that too using flags, actually!16:59
chmykhdistek, don't have pulsemixer. How to check if i am using pulseaudio btw?17:01
chmykhor should I use alsa-related commands in terminal?17:01
distekpgrep pulseaudio17:02
distekThat's probably the fastest way, anyway.17:02
chmykhpgrep pulseaudio returnas '1449'17:03
distekSo it's running. There's a good chance it's being used.17:03
chmykhdistek, so I can try to use preinstalled pact, right?17:04
jemarkchmykh: https://askubuntu.com/questions/71863/how-to-change-pulseaudio-sink-with-pacmd-set-default-sink-during-playback/72076#7207617:04
distekI just use pulsemixer due to the TUI interface.17:05
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
chmykhGo I have got I have two sinks. But to be honest I can't get how to switch between them using pacmd17:20
dev_mustachehi i would like to chmod the file and execute it in one line of command, what to do? i tried "chmod +x /usr/script.sh && /usr/script.sh" but not working17:27
tomreyndev_mustache: any error message?17:28
pragmaticenigmadev_mustache: Try adding a dot in the second part of the command "/usr/./script.sh" ... Also make sure the script file has the #! header in it17:28
distekchmykh: You can switch source with pactl17:29
geniiPut a dot in front of the second /usr/script.sh ( assuming the script has a proper shebang)17:29
distekpragmaticenigma: Do you have write access to that directory(are you root)? /usr isn't world writable, by default17:30
distekthe && will only work if the first command exited successfully.17:31
tomreyndistek: you probably meant to ask dev_mustache17:31
dev_mustachei tried "chmod +x /usr/script.sh && /usr/./script.sh" -> chmod: &&: No such file or directory17:31
distekSure did! lol sorry17:31
dev_mustacheactually it's docker container, i cannot compose into 1 command so i try to ask here17:31
tomreyndev_mustache: which shell are you runnign therE?17:31
dev_mustachetomreyn, the file header #!/bin/sh17:32
dev_mustachetomreyn, which command to determine the shell, please guide?17:32
tomreyn"a docker container" sounds like you're not running real ubuntu.17:33
tomreynecho $SHELL17:33
pragmaticenigmaI think the problem is that chmod is greedy and is trying to handle the && on its own17:34
dev_mustachei'm sorry it's /bin/ash17:35
distekIf it's docker then you're root, so you should be able to use a ; instead of the && as a workaround here17:35
distekAs the chmod will likely succeed.17:36
dev_mustachedistek, you meant -> chmod +x /usr/script.sh ; /usr/./script.sh17:36
distekAlso, I don't believe you need to add the extra '.'. If it's executable with a shebang, it should interpret it as an actual executable file.17:37
dev_mustachedistek, i got "chmod: ;: No such file or directory"17:37
distekWait, ash, right. I have no idea if that's the case17:37
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distekDoes ash use a different character for end of command?17:38
leftyfbdev_mustache: you'd be better off asking for help in #docker17:38
dev_mustachedistek, and sorry everyone i should change the image first to get the other shell :(17:38
leftyfbdev_mustache: a docker container is not a normal ubuntu environment17:38
chmykhdistek, i understood how I can move sources between sinks, but I can't get how to switch all sound via pactl17:39
tomreyndev_mustache: generally don't expect support here unless you run https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu/17:39
distekchmykh: gimme a sec. I'm docked now(laptop died lol) so I'm going to try it with my audio interface17:40
tomreyn(in terms of docker images)17:40
instigatorHello. Is it possible to find out recent files that were deleted using the 'rm' command?17:40
leftyfbinstigator: history17:40
leftyfbinstigator: or syslog if sudo was used17:41
tomreynany maybe using debufgfs17:41
leftyfbtomreyn: that installed by default?17:42
tomreynsorry, debugfs / dumpe2fs17:43
chmykhdistek, looks I got it, thanks a lot for help!17:46
tomreyni had a typo there. and i'm not even sure this works, though, i was thinking you could maybe review the most recent operations run against a journalled file system.17:47
distekNice! What'd you do?17:47
chmykhjemark, bless you dear human!17:47
chmykhdistek, editing etc/pulse/default.pa file from link given by jemark did the job.17:48
chmykhhere is final script https://pastebin.com/EfxLXreF  Yep, it is not very cool, but I am newbie.17:49
distekAh! gotcha17:51
tomreynleftyfb: maybe something along those lines: http://ext4magic.sourceforge.net/howto_en.html#Recovery_setup_and_determination_of_the_required_time_options17:52
distekHey, if it works, then it works. I don't see anything wrong with it, really.17:52
chmykhBUT, don't know why, it is not working for second user. But works for me.18:10
ioriachmykh, you got some errors ?18:13
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chmykhioria, nope, it works for me flawlessly, but while login of second user it works only after restarting sound source applications.18:26
aroonianyway to make it such that a scroll wheel behave differently on chrome than on all other apps18:28
thelounge93I'm having issues with bluetooth. I can connect to a speaker if I pair it, but if I try to reconnect later, it fails to connect. It doesn't re-connect unless I forget the device and re-pair again. Any thoughts?18:30
arooniseems to be it; https://askubuntu.com/questions/254367/permanently-fix-chrome-scroll-speed18:31
ioriachmykh, can you reboot and  login directly in the second user   and test ?18:33
chmykhioria, i will try it right now.18:43
chmykhioria, after restart it stops working for all users. Now I have to restart apps for me also. :)19:04
chimneyshow do i paste the file logs to a pastebin like bpaste.net19:32
sarnoldchimneys: installing pastebinit is the easy way; dmesg | pastebinit   etc19:38
EriC^chimneys: you could go "cat /path/to/log | nc termbin.com 9999"19:38
beaverjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ...19:46
beaverjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ...19:46
beaverjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ...19:46
chmykhLooking for software for mouse pointer control via smartphone, want to control system while sitting at sofa and running ubuntu on tv.19:59
chmykhCan someone advise me?19:59
sarnoldwhat problem are you really trying to solve?19:59
lordcirth_chmykh, I think kdeconnect does that19:59
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geniilordcirth_: Yes, it's very useful20:00
chmykhlordcirth_, can I run kdeconnect with pantheon shell?20:01
lordcirth_chmykh, I have run it on KDE, Gnome, and XFCE with no issues, so probably20:01
chmykhcan't run on pantheon :(20:04
rapidwaveWhat is the simplest way to check if my system is already using VPN for network?20:04
rapidwaveI"m using Lxqt for DE20:04
bpromptrapidwave:  what network manager are you using? wicd?20:08
iorialxqt should use network-manager20:09
bpromptwell, it doesn't have one per se, it uses NetworkManager, but it can use any, gnome's or wicd or else, not a plasmoid though20:12
bpromptrapidwave:  but in short, check your network manager on the system tray if any, it'd have something on the network properties20:12
sarnoldrapidwave: I don't know what you're trying to do, but 'ip route get some.ip.address.here' may be helpful to you20:19
thelounge93I'm having issues with bluetooth. I can connect to a speaker if I pair it, but if I try to reconnect later, it fails to connect. It doesn't re-connect unless I forget the device and re-pair again. Any thoughts?20:19
EdFletcherT137the bluetooth specification is over 3,000 pages long. the chances that *anyone* implement it correctly are low, but the chances that the team who made your random bluetooth speaker did it correctly are very near zero.20:21
sarnoldisn't that the truth; I'm always stunned when I find a combo that mostly seems to work okay20:21
eliyahuTBRSo, I used ubuntu over a decade ago for a few years and recently started a new job where the boss will not buy a windows machine. i was given a choice between ubuntu or mac and picked ubuntu (yeah me). So I just turned on a new dell computer that came with ubuntu preinstalled and did the very first steps of setup. i go to settings/online accounts and click google and get "Unacceptable TLS certificate". I've tried googling a20:23
eliyahuTBRresult, but i can't find anything. Am I in the right place to get some assitance?20:23
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: did update it yet?20:23
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade20:24
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: also, what version of ubuntu is on it? cat /etc/issue20:25
eliyahuTBRrunning now20:25
eliyahuTBR10 minutes worth of updates to download20:26
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: that must me a really slow connection20:26
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: or a REALLY outdated version of ubuntu (I'm going to guess 16.04)20:27
sarnoldI dunno, depending upon which release that was, itmight be a LOT of updates20:27
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: also, what version of ubuntu is on it? cat /etc/issue20:27
eliyahuTBRspeedtest tells me i have 34 Mbps download20:28
eliyahuTBRno. i'm on 18.0420:28
sarnoldoh well, it'll finish eventually :)20:28
eliyahuTBRbut it could have been sitting in a box for over a year.20:28
eliyahuTBRthe computer. i have no idea20:28
eliyahuTBRit jumped. update done20:29
popeyeliyahuTBR: sorry to hear this. was it 18.04?20:29
ioriaeliyahuTBR, what's actual kernel ? uname -r20:30
eliyahuTBR cat /etc/issue gives Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS \n \l20:30
popeyeliyahuTBR: I think we can do better here. Perhaps prompting the user to do updates on first run20:30
popeyright, so a good few months old20:30
sarnoldpopey: good idea; fresh installs will grab updates during the install, which is fantastic, but oem installs..20:31
eliyahuTBRso its updated.20:31
popeysarnold: they wont. the "download updates" doesn't install them. It *only* downloads them. YOu have to either run update manager or wait for unattended-updates to kick in20:31
popeysarnold: first run on a machine with that box ticked will exhibit the same issue20:32
sarnoldI wonder, though, the last time I turned on a computer after a few weeks of idleness, I think unattended-upgrades was already updating a bunch of stuff20:32
popeyyeah, its timing20:32
eliyahuTBRuname -r20:32
popeyif you boot and immediately start working, it goes wrong20:32
sarnoldat least some indication of what's going on would be nice though; I know what a held apt lock looks like :) but not eveeryone will..20:32
popeyWe can do better. I'll raise it with the team tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback.20:32
sarnoldthanks popey :)20:33
eliyahuTBRso any ideas about my original question now that my system is updated you you guys have the kernel info?20:33
popeysorry, missed the original question, what is it?20:33
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic bionic | eliyahuTBR20:34
ubottueliyahuTBR: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB20:34
ioriaBashing-om, it's an oem20:34
leftyfbpopey: sarnold: though, I have found an issue with ubuntu where on a fresh install it'll start checking for updates, which prevents manual checking or running something like ansible to install packages. A bit of a pain really.20:34
geniipopey: '  i go to settings/online accounts and click google and get "Unacceptable TLS certificate". '20:34
genii..is the original issue20:34
mcphaileliyahuTBR can you connect to the google account following the upgrade?20:35
popeyyeah, I'd restart after updates, and try again, see if it is still broken with a TLS issue20:35
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-18.04 bionic20:35
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-18.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)20:35
sarnoldif it gives the error again, try a reboot (logging out and back in might do the trick, but you doubtless got a new kernel for security updates, might as well get that righ taway :)20:35
eliyahuTBRpoyey original question was " i go to settings/online accounts and click google and get "Unacceptable TLS certificate". "20:35
popeygot it20:36
popeysorry, i got side tracked by the kernel mention20:36
popeyyes, retry after a reboot please20:36
leftyfbI already had a google account added, but it needed re-auth. I just re-authed without issue. Not exactly the same scenario, but I would think if there's a TLS issue it would have cropped up for me20:37
eliyahuTBRrebooting. brb. thanks for the initial help folks.20:37
popeywe can certainly try reproducing on a clean 18.04.2 install20:37
sarnoldcurious, in #kde just now  < glick> hi anyone else having issues connecting kmail with gmail?20:41
sarnoldeliyahuTBR: curious, in #kde just now  < glick> hi anyone else having issues connecting kmail with gmail?20:41
sarnoldeliyahuTBR: .. any luck? :)20:41
eliyahuTBRno joy with the roboot. (as an aside how do i set hexchat to automatically nickserve verify?)20:42
thelounge93EdFletcherT137 it's a Google Nest Mini - you're probably right but I was hoping they'd be a little more keen to follow a proper spec :-(20:42
eliyahuTBRi've forgoten my irc. took me 20 seconds to reboot and 2 minutes to do the nickserv bit20:42
sarnoldeliyahuTBR: hehe20:42
sarnoldthelounge93: ah that's encouraging, it's likely a group that will be able to handle feedback :)20:43
eliyahuTBRguys. i apprecaite y'alls assitance this evening. Its almost 11 pm here so i need to get to sleep so I can get up for work. i'm sure i'll be back tomorrow.20:43
thelounge93Yeah - was just hoping it was something I was missing or could change on my end - chances of Google getting directly back to me are slim to none I'm sure20:44
thelounge93It'll probably be along the lines of "we've passed this along to our developers - thanks for your feedback"20:44
Olof_szaryhello. I am trying to install ubuntu server on one of my machines and probert/storage.py throws an exception while trying to detect the hardware. fdisk -l sees the disc20:44
Olof_szaryis it a bug of the software, or is it because I am running an old server machine?20:44
distekeliyahuTBR: I've had issues like that in the past. I figure I throw my 2 cents in: Is your time set correctly in Ubuntu?20:45
eliyahuTBRooh. this is worth sticking around for20:45
sarnolddistek: ooh good idea :)20:45
eliyahuTBRi believe so. i set my timezone to jerusalem20:46
eliyahuTBRand it says the correct time at the top of my desktop20:46
eliyahuTBRwhat would i need to check on the command line to see if whatever you're thinking of is the issue?20:46
distekOkay cool. Just a thought. That's bitten me before20:46
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: try just typing "date" into the terminal20:47
eliyahuTBRit returns the correct time20:47
sarnoldtimedatectl status | grep UTC20:47
sarnold                  Universal time: Tue 2020-01-14 20:47:36 UTC20:47
eliyahuTBRi get the right UTC time20:49
distekProbably should have asked; You're able to log in via a web browser?20:49
ioriaeliyahuTBR, why don't you start it from terminal ? you might get some infos ;   /usr/bin/gnome-control-center20:49
eliyahuTBRdistek yes. i can open gmail20:49
distekThen my idea was out the window from the get-go lol20:50
eliyahuTBRno joy ioria20:50
Olof_szaryis there a command line to re-run the installer from live cd?20:50
ioriaeliyahuTBR, no output ?20:50
eliyahuTBRoh wait yeah20:50
eliyahuTBRWARNING: i965 does not fully support Gen11 yet.20:51
eliyahuTBRInstability or lower performance might occur.20:51
eliyahuTBRWARNING: i965 does not fully support Gen11 yet.20:51
eliyahuTBRInstability or lower performance might occur.20:51
ioriaeliyahuTBR, i guess it's another story; run   journalctl -f   and try again20:51
tomreynOlof_szary: it's better to just reboot and start from scratch if you need to. but why do you need to?20:52
Olof_szarytrying to figure out what is causing the installer to crash20:53
tomreynOlof_szary: oh i had missed your earlier messages. join #ubuntu-server for server support, please20:53
eliyahuTBRhow long should journalcrl -f take to run?20:53
sarnoldeliyahuTBR: it'll run until you kill it20:53
ioriaeliyahuTBR, -f mean 'real time'20:54
distekIt's following the output of journalctl20:54
eliyahuTBRah. ok should i paste the output here?20:54
ioriaeliyahuTBR, paste.ubuntu.com20:54
leftyfbioria: -f means 'follow' ;)20:54
eliyahuTBRor just having run it, rerun the previous command?20:54
iorialeftyfb, yeah20:54
distekRerun it while journalctl -f is running20:55
leftyfbeliyahuTBR: I think the idea is to watch the journal log and try to add in your google account and see if any errors pop up20:55
eliyahuTBRohh. ok distek20:56
ioriaeliyahuTBR,  nope... you open onlneaccount while  journalctl -f is running20:56
eliyahuTBRnow i understand20:57
eliyahuTBRcoming up20:57
ioriachances are you got 'Unable to confirm identity: Unacceptable TLS certificate'20:57
eliyahuTBRi'm still getting the Unacceptable TLS certificate issue. i have to call it a night so i can get up in the morning. sure i'll be back tomorrow. gnite from Israel.21:00
ioriaok check if ca-certificate is installed21:00
popeyeliyahuTBR: this is when adding a google online account, right?21:00
distekpopey: I think they're off for the night. That seemed to be the case, though.21:02
funabashiHi , I maybe have a wierd question but i try to ask you guys. I'm going to setup a lab for a certification. What CPU, MEM should i buy minimum? please ask if you need to know anything more... 1x 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB HDD | 3x 2 vCPU 2GB, 20GB HDD |  6x 2 vCPU 2G0, 40GB HDD21:27
funabashiUps wrong channel21:28
sarnoldfunabashi: what are you trying to do? those sound like really tiny systems21:29
OerHeksduo core or better, 4 gb or better .. take a look at Ryzen?21:29
funabashii thought i asked in #hardware channel. https://i.imgur.com/tECxdo7.png21:29
funabashiso i dont need 64GB RAM?21:29
sarnoldit really depends what you're doing; 8gigs suffices for many; my desktops have been 16 gigs for ~ten years now; I've got a machine with 128 gigs in it that would be a LOT happier with ten times that :)21:30
funabashiist big diff between 32GB DDR3 vs 32GB DDR4 ?21:31
OerHeksyes, ddr4 is much cheaper21:32
sarnoldOerHeks: wait really?? I'd been under the impression ddr3 was way cheaper for ages..21:44
sarnoldit might be time to try to upgrade that poor machine then :)21:44
OerHeksooh, not that much as ddr2 - ddr321:51
kv102tIs it possible to complete a full encryption of a bootable USB drive, so it asks for the master password. i know the boot partition will not, but all i find is how to encrypt a USB stick for normal use...  Any advise?22:37
joe_alfHi, need help on internet issue with my ubuntu 18.04.3 with two interface running inside hyper-v.22:54
joe_alfsetting eth0 to dhcp4 true and eth01 to static i'm not able to reach the internet.22:54
joe_alfbut setting both to dhcp4 to true for both eth0 and eth1 i'm able to connect to internet22:55
joe_alfit is using networkd.22:56
joe_alfdoes anybody know the reason why? or could help me with. I'm thinking that it is something to do with the dns resolver.22:57
kv102tIs it possible to complete a full encryption of a bootable USB drive, so it asks for the master password. i know the boot partition will not, but all i find is how to encrypt a USB stick for normal use...  Any advise?23:08
kv102tjoe_alf: what happens when you trace?23:09
kv102tjoe_alf: trying to use the wrong NIC?23:10
EdFletcherT137kv102t: you could use a hardware-encrypted usb key https://www.apricorn.com/aegis-secure-key-3nx23:10
dont-panicis there a way to apt install a real time kernel?  I'm having issues with ardour and jack and the forums say jack needs a realtime kernel or it will refuse to do necessary stuff23:11
kv102tEdFletcherT137: Thanks, i have found this and hope this could work with ubuntu?  - https://devanswers.co/guide-kali-linux-2018-live-usb-encrypted-persistence-windows/23:12
guivercdont-panic, I'd look at ubuntu-studio who have done the most work on this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel  (out of date page though; they have new detail somwhere)23:13
EdFletcherT137kv102t: sorry I misread, I thought you meant you wanted the entire thing (incl boot part) encrypted. yeah that blog should work23:13
kv102tEdFletcherT137: that would be better and now i want one :). but.23:14
kv102tEdFletcherT137: i want it that if i loose my key, someone can't just reset my secuirty and grab everything23:15
joe_alfkv102t: what do mean by trace?23:15
guivercdont-panic, http://ubuntustudio.org/ is their site  (FYI)23:15
kv102tjoe_alf: e.g traceroute
EdFletcherT137kv102t: :)23:16
dont-panicguiverc: that doesn't really help.  I was able to install a low latency kernel from apt, but I can't for the life of me remember how to get a real time kernel installed23:16
kv102tEdFletcherT137: i want to setup mail accounts, desktop etc.. would that be safe with the tick for encryption on the profile?23:17
kv102tEdFletcherT137: i did want to secure the OS and profiles etc using LVM but i can't see anything for usb keys23:18
kv102tjoe_alf: i must admit i'm jumping into linux after a long time away, i thought traceroute was built in..23:18
kv102tjoe_alf: if you install that, it should show you the 1st hop.23:19
OerHeksis there a realtime kernel? all i find is lowlatency and generic23:19
kv102tjoe_alf: also if you think DNS issue, test ping, failed, your wrong, works.. well done.23:20
dont-panicOerHeks: I believe its abbreviated to rt-kernel or rt-generic or something, but I can't seem to figure out how I did it before23:21
kv102tjoe_alf: you have my attention, how's it going...23:23
joe_alfkv102t: using tracepath with both dchp4 true I got at least 11 hop but setting eth0 to dhcp4 true and eth1 to static ip tracepath I got 30 hop all withou reply23:25
kv102tjoe_alf: back to basics23:25
kv102tcan you ping
joe_alfkv102t: with ping got response on both dchp4 true23:26
joe_alfkv102t: but all packet loss if eth1 set to static23:26
kv102tjoe_alf: even pings?23:26
kv102tjoe_alf: i'm just trying to confirm at the moment that it's DNS and not routing.23:29
joe_alfkv102t: with both dhcp true for eth0 and eth1 i got good ping with google.com but with eth1 set to static packet are lost but still got the ip address of google.com23:32
kv102tjoe_alf: can you ping IP only, no names23:33
kv102tjoe_alf: at this time.23:33
kv102tjoe_alf: the DNS will be cached so the IP will show. if a DNS issue then pinging the IP will show this.23:35
joe_alfkv102t: 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet lost, time 2032ms23:35
kv102tjoe_alf: is that ping
joe_alfkv102t: yes23:35
guivercdont-panic, "The -preempt and -rt kernels are no longer being developed due to lack of support"   (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime)23:35
kv102tjoe_alf: OK, so i don't think it's a DNS issue as DNS is not used in this test.23:36
kv102tjoe_alf: move to PM?23:36
joe_alfkv102t: what is PM?23:37
OerHeksmaybe a hyper-v issue, automatic or manuall23:38
kv102tjoe_alf: i've opened another chat window23:38
Olof_szaryhello. I am blind or there is no software raid option in ubuntu desktop installer?23:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.23:38
kv102tjoe_alf: maybe not.. will continue here23:39
joe_alfOerHeks: I'm sure that it is not hyper-v issue as CentOs is working with two interace on it with one dhcp true and the other is static23:39
jnjHey, does anyone know a good tool for syncing webdav23:39
kv102tjoe_alf: what are the IP's of the NICS and gateways23:39
jnjLike dropbox23:40
joe_alfkv102t: eth1 and gateway is
OerHeksOlof_szary, have you setup raid already ?23:42
OerHeksthis post/answer might be a help https://askubuntu.com/questions/1066028/install-ubuntu-18-04-desktop-with-raid-1-and-lvm-on-machine-with-uefi-bios23:42
kv102tjoe_alf: Eth0 ?23:42
joe_alfkv102t: eth0 it is dhcp4 enabled23:43
kv102tjoe_alf: and i'm guessing you can ping both gatways23:44
joe_alfkv102t: yes able to ssh as well23:44
Olof_szaryOerHeks: nope, it's ubuntu server. for dell machines it has a bug that crashes installer on the disc detection screen23:45
Olof_szaryat lest for the one I have23:45
kv102tjoe_alf: only one of these has internet connection, correct?23:45
kv102tjoe_alf: 192 a backup area???23:45
joe_alfkv102t: eth0 for internet use and eth1 for local only23:46
kv102tjoe_alf: OK , for foe example you have a router on /24 static to eth0, then the rest of the network running off eth123:47
joe_alfkv102t: because eth0 ip is different everytime i reboot my windows os machine23:47
kv102tjoe_alf: so if you leave as DHCP it works but keep moving IP23:48
joe_alfkv102t: for eth0 ip is changing every reboot for hyper-v switch so i'm having a hard time ssh from it within windows os, this is the reason i've added one switch for subnet so it will be fix and i can set static for eth1 on my ubuntu.23:50
kv102tjoe_alf: i have maybe a quick fix that you might have explored...23:50
yatesis there a command line paste util?23:51
yatesso i can do something like "ls | ubuntu-paste"23:51
kv102tjoe_alf: reserve the IP on the router, this will make it static but ubuntu setup will be DHCP, win win..??23:51
sarnoldyates: the pastebinit program in the pastebinit package is very handy; there's also termbin.com which you can use with | nc termbin.com 999923:54
kv102tjoe_alf: off-topic but Hyper-v.. shame on you. xcp-ng i would have thought for us guys, anyay how did the quick fix sound.  Still sounds like routing of some kind.23:54
joe_alfkv102t: i'm not sure how to do that on hyper-v vEthernet. by the way on my other VM machine which is CentOs it working23:54
kv102tjoe_alf: i use hyper-v, not a fan....23:55
joe_alfkv102t: :) i'm .net developer reason i'm using windows.23:55
kv102tjoe_alf: i'm thinking in ubuntu, not on the hypervisor..23:55
kv102tjoe_alf: afaid i can't hwlp with that, and don't take as 100% but it's not DNS23:56
kv102tjoe_alf: what about the reserve address idea?23:57
joe_alfkv102t: yes understood. thank you for your help. one other reason i switch to hyper-v from virtualbox is because of docker not working23:58
kv102tjoe_alf: still not xcp-ng23:58
kv102tjoe_alf: Xenserver fork, free and just as good as the rest.23:59
joe_alfkv102t: if i could only ditch windows :) but still my work is rely on windows os23:59

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