
vicamohi, need sponsor for https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-upload, which contains new upstream release for backport-iwlwifi-dkms package for Focal :)06:42
vicamoalso https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-1859389 for SRU for bug 185938906:43
ubottubug 1859389 in backport-iwlwifi-dkms (Ubuntu Eoan) "[SRU] should disable DKMS build against kernel v5.0.0 or above" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185938906:43
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dokolocutus_: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/amd64/l/llvm-toolchain-8/20200115_224438_f9da4@/log.gz  not good enough08:28
Laneydoko: bustle has reverse-testsuite-triggers so probably not09:01
xnoxdoko:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.8/3.8.1-2ubuntu2/+build/18570574 something got done to armhf toolchain?10:58
xnoxdoko:  cause the upload just before that one, did build fine. And I only touched tests =/10:59
Skuggencpaelzer: Regarding #1858354, how can I tell exactly which version the stack trace listed in the error tracker is from?11:26
SkuggenNevermind, looks like it's just the version of the latest report11:51
juliankapt in focal-proposed might have issues with realizing that automake Provides: automake-1.1611:51
juliankso if there happen to be issues with that, that's the reason11:52
julianka fixed apt will appear later in the day11:52
juliankThat's bug 185995211:52
ubottubug 1859952 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt 1.9.6 regression" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185995211:52
juliankthis also affects one other package, but I can't tell you which one11:53
juliankbecause I don't know11:53
juliankI only saw the number of virtual package names change by 2 :)11:53
dokoxnox: I'll have a look11:54
cpaelzerSkuggen: when you go on the link it lists it in a table12:15
cpaelzerat the bottom of the error.subuntu.com page12:16
cpaelzerwell, a table at the top and a list at the botto12:16
cpaelzerbut you need to let it load completely to see it12:16
Skuggencpaelzer: Right, but it listed a lot of different versions of MySQL, and the stack trace only matches the version in the last report (which isn't the latest version of MySQL)12:20
SkuggenI didn't think to check that when I first got a stack trace to give to the dev, so they had some trouble matching it with the code :)12:21
SkuggenOne oddity: If I open an incident, it lists the various config files, but not the actual server config file. Do you know if that is intentional, or could it be significant for the issue?12:23
ahasenackxnox: hi, are you working on the openssl migration?12:36
xnoxahasenack:  yes....12:37
ahasenackI have an incentive to help, since my bind9 upload is stuck because of that :)12:37
xnoxahasenack:  it's all done. i.e. everything is in proposed now. However the are a couple of things that are external to me12:37
xnoxi.e. linux => is being fixed by kernel team (python2 fallout)12:37
ahasenackthe test failures on th other packages12:37
xnoxi.e. and i did not touch dpdk12:37
xnoxahasenack:  all of them are fixed now12:38
xnoxin proposed.12:38
xnoxahasenack:  what is the status with dpdk on ppc64el?12:38
ahasenacknodejs, one openssl failure, both pythons , ruby2.5, are all sorted?12:38
ahasenackxnox: I don't know, cpaelzer, do you know? ^12:38
xnox19.11-2ubuntu1 is green?12:39
xnoxlet me try that.12:39
ahasenackyeah, it's green12:39
xnoxahasenack:  all of those are fixed in proposed, the openssl regressions are against versions in release pocket. I did schedule retries with proposed versions, but britney is very slow at the moment.12:39
xnoxi will need to reupload openssl to fix the :i386 dep, that is true. I am told perl:native will fix it all, but did not try it yet.12:40
xnoxahasenack:  i think we will be waiting on linux anyway atm. It is in progress being fixed, as per emails i got this morning.12:40
ahasenackthat could take a while then12:41
xnoxahasenack:  ruby2.7 is not fixed yet, but i think is low priority as it is brand new.12:41
ahasenackxnox: about ruby2.7, I know someone :)12:42
ahasenackkanashiro: ^12:42
xnoxahasenack:  also bind9 is stuck only because d-i udebs do not know how to generate dependencies based on symbols versions, rather than "same as i was built against". udebs suck12:42
ahasenackxnox: hm, last time I did a bind9 soname change, all I had to do was upload d-i again, which I did12:43
xnoxahasenack:  yes, but at that time, there was no different openssl in -proposed pocket when bind9 was built.12:43
xnoxahasenack:  hence the udebs got the dep >= libssl (version in -release)12:43
xnoxand migrated12:44
xnoxahasenack:  i think we can rebuild bind in the release pocket only, in bileto ppa, and migrate it.12:44
ahasenackGet:64 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu focal-proposed/main/debian-installer amd64 libssl1.1-udeb amd64 1.1.1d-2ubuntu2 [190 kB]12:44
ahasenackit used that one12:44
xnoxcause then all the udebs will be >= focal-release and not hold up the migration12:44
ahasenackd-i, that is12:44
xnox Package: libdns-export1107-udeb12:46
xnox Depends: libc6-udeb (>= 2.30), libcrypto1.1-udeb (>= 1.1.1d), libisc-export1104-udeb12:46
xnox Package: libdns-export110712:46
xnox Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libisc-export1104, libssl1.1 (>= 1.1.1)12:46
xnoxnote how "-udeb" one rquires >= 1.1.1d; whisht proper per-symbol shlibdeps for the main package needs just any 1.1.112:47
xnoxi can't wait for udebs to die12:47
xnoxahasenack:  if bind9 is urgent to migrate => we can rebuild it against focal-release pocket only; otherwise just need to wait a bit for a few things to be resolved (python*/armhf ftbfs; linux testing)12:50
ahasenackxnox: it's not urgent12:50
ahasenackjust a normal merge12:51
ahasenackI will want 9.16 when it comes out later this month, though, it's their ESV ("lts") version, that's the one we want for 20.0412:51
ahasenackI'll keep an eye on excuses12:52
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seb128vorlon, hey, i386 problem of the day. ubuntu-drivers-common is on the i386 whitelist and build-depends on python3-aptdaemon.test which depends on python3-aptdaemon which depends on gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0 which is missing...should be bring back packagekit/i386? or skip tests on that arch rather?12:58
seb128tseliot, ^12:58
ddstreetLaney re: autopkgtest-cloud MP, should i rebase onto the revert, or do you want me to wait until that's sorted out before rebasing?13:13
cpaelzerxnox: ahasenack: I did the restart of dpdk as now pytohn is back13:34
cpaelzerit is good now no more blocking ssl13:34
ahasenackcpaelzer: /usr/bin/python is back?13:34
cpaelzerand I did an MP against salsa to make the test truly python313:34
cpaelzerahasenack: the package "python" is  back and that was all it needed13:34
ahasenackso we don't have to python -> python2 | python3 anymore?13:35
cpaelzerfor this special case, TBH - it could have been empty13:35
cpaelzerahasenack: this really was a special case13:36
cpaelzerahasenack: doko might outline how the next steps around py2/3 are to be done - don't take the special case of dpdk above as an indicator what generally works13:37
cpaelzerahasenack: the "python" that is back in focal is in universe btw13:37
xnoxcpaelzer:  i do not see python back. it is removed in focal-proposed, and has not been reintroduced.13:39
ricotzhello :), I am running into "dh_builddeb: Sorry, but 10 is the highest compatibility level supported by this debhelper." building dh-autoreconf with debhelper 12 (backported to xenial) -- https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/toolchain/+build/18562470 -- could anyone point me to the cause of this?13:39
xnoxcpaelzer:  it is still available in focal-release, but we are working on migrating python-default to remove python in focal-release too.13:39
cpaelzerthat is good to know xnox13:40
cpaelzeronce that is happening I assume we are back to python2 | python3 dependencies and adapting the shebangs I guess13:40
xnoxricotz:  well you are requiring 1113:40
xnox--- dh-autoreconf-12~ubuntu16.04.1/debian/compat2016-04-02 21:44:18.000000000 +000013:41
xnox+++ dh-autoreconf-19~ubuntu16.04.1/debian/compat2018-05-19 19:33:40.000000000 +000013:41
xnox@@ -1 +1 @@13:41
udevbotError: "@" is not a valid command.13:41
xnoxricotz:  and installing 1213:41
ricotzxnox, correct, but the build is using debhelper 12.1.113:41
cjwatsonI would assume that something is buggy in your debhelper backport then13:41
xnoxricotz:  weird13:41
ricotzxnox, https://launchpad.net/%7Ericotz/+archive/ubuntu/toolchain/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=xenial13:41
xnoxcpaelzer:  one must use /usr/bin/python2 shebangs and those will work like trusty and up.13:42
cpaelzerxnox: python 2.7.17-1 is in focal/universe right now, so the removal you mention is in 2.7.17-2ubuntu2 then I guess?13:42
xnoxcpaelzer:  ubuntu1 already had removal, but yes, ubuntu2 is currently in proposed and doesn't ship "python" package which provides "/usr/bin/python"13:43
cpaelzerahasenack: ^^ so "python -> python2 | python3" and shebang'ing still applies13:46
dokoor bang your head13:46
cpaelzerdoko: I'm sure you are doing that a lot for this transition13:47
* cpaelzer hugs doko13:47
ricotzcjwatson, there is no-change compared to debhelper in bionic-backports (other than loosening the dh-autoreconf dep)13:52
ricotzdoes debhelper adjust its features at buildtime somehow?13:52
cjwatsonI don't remember.  Take your backported .deb apart and look13:55
ricotzmaybe caused by the older perl :\13:58
tseliotseb128, vorlon does anything need ubuntu-drivers-common on i386?14:01
seb128tseliot, I don't know, Steve added it to the whitelist so I guess there a reason but let's wait on it to be around to comment on that14:06
seb128sil2100, hey, if you do your SRU shift could you review glib2.0/eoan? it's a follow up to fix a test regression from the SRU which is curently in proposed, it has been waiting for 1 month in the queue now :/14:12
sil2100seb128: sure thing! Sorry I didn't get to it yet, I blame it on .4!14:16
ahasenackcpaelzer: do you know why https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/1847157 isn't showing up in https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html ?14:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1847157 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu Disco) "memory leaks in open-vm-tools" [Medium,Fix committed]14:16
ahasenackit's fix committed14:16
ahasenackwas it released perhaps?14:16
seb128sil2100, no worry, I'm not going to bother you with the rest of the queue but since that one unblocks (hopefully) a SRU which is already in proposed it would be nice to see it moving14:16
seb128sil2100, thx!14:16
cpaelzerahasenack: it got superseded by bug 1844834 and maybe due to that the tracking on the other oen got lost14:21
ubottubug 1844834 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "open-vm-tools 11.0.0 released" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184483414:21
cpaelzerahasenack: I'll update the old bug to be clear - it is fix released14:21
ahasenackI just posted a comment asking for info14:22
cpaelzerdid that come up as 60/180 day idle case?14:23
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ahasenackno, normal triage14:26
ahasenacklet me see why14:26
ahasenackcpaelzer: ah, ok14:26
ahasenackcpaelzer: I'm doing my backlog of triages, from the holidays14:26
Laneyddstreet: you'll want to do the same thing that commit is trying to fix, so you might as well wait14:57
Laneyor help Seth fix it :D14:57
Laneyddstreet: oh maybe I'm wrong, it might have been fine all along14:59
* Laney likes a good old "Revert "Revert "...15:02
vorlonseb128, tseliot: we only need dh-modaliases (which is Arch: all) from ubuntu-drivers-common on i386 as a build-dep of nvidia; this is a case we currently get wrong with germinate; I'll drop ubuntu-drivers-common from the whitelist15:29
ddstreetLaney seems like it works for me, at least using python3 subprocess call from the cmdline, but i'll defer to sforshee15:29
tseliotvorlon, ok, thanks15:30
Laneyddstreet: I pushed, pls rebase and adjust to match what got changed there15:34
Laneyand then yeah, a review from a kernel person15:34
sforsheeLaney: yeah I should have explained the testing better in the first place, sorry about that15:40
seb128vorlon, thx15:47
seb128vorlon, re the build-essential question/reply from yesterday, I'm unsure to understand why librsvg/i386 is failing, but maybe the build-essential part is a red herring and I looked at the wrong part of the log? https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/i386/libr/librsvg/20200116_093748_5be90@/log.gz15:52
seb128'The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:53
seb128 builddeps:/tmp/autopkgtest.rC32CC/1-autopkgtest-satdep.dsc:i386 : Depends: build-essential:amd6415:53
seb128 builddeps:essentials : Depends: build-essential but it is not going to be installed'15:53
vorlonseb128: the libxml2-triggered failure I can explain, it's because libxml2:amd64 is in the base system so you have to trigger with all-proposed (due to the bug in the pinning) to get both libxml2:amd64 and libxml2:i386 installed from proposed16:00
vorlonI'll look at the gobject-introspection-triggered one, but I have a meeting now16:00
seb128vorlon, thx16:03
ahasenackis there precedence in a package for not restarting services during a do-release-upgrade, in the case it's best to see the service restart later, in the new system, instead of during the upgrade, which aborts it?16:31
ahasenackaborts the do-release-upgrade, I mean16:31
ahasenackin other words, I was wondering if adding such a check to a postinst script would make sense: if we are in the middle of a do-release-upgrade, don't restart, or just ignore restart errors16:31
vorlonseb128: can't reproduce the librsvg failure locally.  I suggest giving back all of the affected i386 failures with all-proposed and see if that takes care of it16:33
seb128vorlon, will do, thx16:33
vorlonahasenack: I think you'd find some special-casing of the do-release-upgrade environment variables in the libpam code for restarting services, but I think it only controls whether we /prompt/ about restarting, not about whether we restart or not16:34
rbasakxnox: your upload mysql-8.0 (8.0.18-0ubuntu5) is missing dep8 headers with an upstream bug link, etc. rafaeldtinoco's concurrent patch that was awaiting code review when you uploaded has all of that. How do you want me to resolve this?17:18
vorlonseb128, xnox: big wtfs on these gobject-introspection-related autopkgtest failures; I've resorted to spinning up an autopkgtest vm and trying to install the deps, still can't reproduce it18:21
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rafaeldtinocoahasenack: here ?20:42
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: here20:42
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: so.. STREAMS have been removed from glibc.. looks like linux doesn't support it for long time ago20:42
ahasenackis that in the release notes too?20:43
rafaeldtinocoin Changelog20:43
sarnoldTIL STREAMS was still in glibc :)20:43
rafaeldtinocoand in NEWS20:43
rafaeldtinocosarnold: =)20:43
rafaeldtinocoso this "windowmaker" applet20:44
rafaeldtinocois using the ioctl interface using streams20:44
rafaeldtinocoand wont compile anymore20:44
rafaeldtinocoi guess we should get rid of this package20:44
sarnoldholy moly, I haven't actually seen STREAMS in use in the wild before; which package? :)20:45
rafaeldtinocoDockapp monitoring network interfaces20:45
rafaeldtinocosarnold: wmnd20:45
rafaeldtinocoit had to be a really really old thing =)20:45
rafaeldtinocothey have a "solaris/linux" driver20:45
rafaeldtinocoto get consumption for pppd20:45
rafaeldtinocousing ioctl20:46
rafaeldtinocoproblem is that they're sharing code with solaris (since this is 2008)20:48
rafaeldtinocoso they kept the solaris driver enabled to get information from a network device using streams (aka ioctl with streams structure as user pointer)20:48
sarnoldI wonder if you could just pop solaris_fpppd out of the debian/rules20:49
rafaeldtinocothat was going to be my next move20:49
rafaeldtinocounsure if it will lose functionality20:49
rafaeldtinocobut thats the way20:49
rafaeldtinoco#ifdef USE_LINUX_PROC20:49
rafaeldtinoco  {USE_LINUX_PROC, linux_proc_list, NULL,20:49
rafaeldtinoco    linux_proc_get, NULL, NULL, 0},20:49
rafaeldtinocohopefully this is enough20:49
ahasenackyeah, we really don't want to spend too much time on this20:53
ahasenackthe threshold of fixing it vs dropping it isn't high20:53
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: came on! what about all those windowmaker uses20:53
rafaeldtinocoor the afterstep ones20:53
* ahasenack used windowmaker on a 64Mb RAM K6 desktop20:54
rafaeldtinocoi used windowmaker until .. ~201220:54
rafaeldtinocokind of20:54
rafaeldtinococant complain20:54
rafaeldtinocowhen they added freetype to it20:54
rafaeldtinocogave an extra life20:54
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: sarnold: yep20:56
rafaeldtinocothat did the trick20:56
rafaeldtinocojust disabled the solaris plugin20:56
rafaeldtinoconice, let me patch this #)20:57
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/460915148/wmnd_0.4.17-3ubuntu1.debdiff21:06
rafaeldtinocoquick +121:06
rafaeldtinocoso I can upload, pls21:06
* ahasenack checks21:06
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: just the changelog message, I don't understand the phrasing at all :)21:07
rafaeldtinocosolaris_fpppd driver made it FTBFS as glibc disabled stropts21:07
rafaeldtinocobetter ?21:07
rafaeldtinocomade wmnd FTBFS because recent glibc disabled streams ?21:08
ahasenack"remove solaris_fpppd driver since it uses stropts.h which is gone with glibc 2.30 (#....)"21:08
rafaeldtinocoill fix the )21:08
rafaeldtinocoto align with \21:08
rafaeldtinocojust saw that also21:08
ahasenackwas just looking at that stray ) :)21:09
ahasenacknot a stray21:09
ahasenackdid you test this build? No changes needed in d/*.install files?21:09
ahasenackgo for it21:09
rafaeldtinocoill re-test now21:09
ahasenackI'm gonna eod21:09
rafaeldtinocohave a good one o/21:10
ahasenackhave to drive home still21:10
xnoxvorlon:  we have uncovered arm related issues in binutils/ffi and respun those between bug reported and today. So all of them should be simply retried with latest greatest toolchain in proposed.22:35
xnoxrbasak:  my code was simply written by me. And imho is better, as it pushes the deadline until 2037, rather than 2025. It will be resolved with new upstream release, when my patch will be dropped. And i don't think i actually care about fixing it in eoan.22:36

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