[07:12] 안녕하세요 [07:19] 안녕하세요. :) [07:33] 안녕하세요. ubuntu 18.04를 wsl로 window에서 사용중입니다. [07:35] curl 명령어로 nvm을 설치했는데, 몇 가지 파일 누락이 일어납니다. Permission denied라고 뜨는데, curl로 복제된 파일/폴더는 모두 root/일반 사용자에게 read, write, execute 허용이 되는걸로 확인했습니다. [07:35] 권한 거부가 되는 이유를 혹시 아는 분 계시면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다! [07:37] https://pastebin.com/J6HWGpQS [07:37] 에러 내용은 위의 url에 올려두었습니다. [07:58] Joy89: do you speak english ? If yes I can explain what I think the reason is [08:00] Joy89: dahee 사용자로 nvm을 설치하려고 했습니까? [08:02] foxmask Hello. Thank you for your reply. No. I tried with root [08:03] foxmask I typed whoami it says 'root' [08:03] Joy89 root 사용자는 / home / dahee 폴더에 NVM을 설치할 권한이없는 것 같습니다 [08:03] DAHEE 사용자로 NVM 설치 시도 [08:04] Joy89 root@CHADH-B8E229의 root 사용자는 폴더 / home / dahee에 NVM을 설치할 수있는 권한이없는 것 같습니다 DAHEE 사용자로 NVM 설치 시도 [08:05] I don't know how WSL works :( But I'll will do the install with "curl .... | sudo -u dahee bash" [08:08] foxmask Thank you for your reply. for /home/dahee folder, I tried with dahee, and the error occurs, I switched to root account to install the failed files but the result was same. [08:08] Joy89: ha [08:09] Joy89: maybe WSL does not allow the root user to install things [08:09] foxmask After deleting path variable from .bashrc and .profile in /home/dahee, I went to the root folder and execute the same ones. And got the same result. :( [08:09] Joy89: I think there is other way to install nvm ; dont you ? [08:09] @foxmask [08:10] Joy89: may be curl is not the right way to install it [08:10] on w10 / wsl [08:10] I check the nvm install [08:10] foxmask No, root has all right to install... Still figuring out the reason. I'll update here when I find out the problem. [08:11] foxmask which nvm install document did you check? [08:11] https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows [08:11] Joy89: this should be helpful [08:24] foxmask ,Thank you. BTW I should use wsl as the project I'm working on requires WSL [08:25] foxmask Thank you for the help :) [08:25] you welcome [08:25] you're welcome [08:26] but as I could read nvm is not installable like we can do it on linux or macos [08:37] foxmask Thank you. FYI. WSL support linux on window. So using nvm has to work on my computer. I'll update after I solve the problem. Thank you [08:39] joy65: ok ! good news :) [08:40] I knew that WSL give support of linux for windows but sometimes there is thing that are not supported natively