[00:04] hey guess what [00:04] chicken butt? [00:04] i have good news for y'all who have been bugging me about phab inbound mail for an eternity [00:05] ***IT*** [00:05] ***FREAKING*** [00:05] ***WORKS*** [00:06] oh you mean like it used to? [00:06] good job! :) [00:06] wait... you fixed it *shot* [00:06] https://phab.lubuntu.me/T144 <— you should be able to see this, a prime example [00:06] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Low, Open] TEST TASK - DO NOT TOUCH: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T144 [00:06] yes, that one [00:06] wxl: well that was BEFORE we moved things around into containers [00:06] THAT was a pain to work around [00:06] BUT [00:06] it works [00:06] through our SMTP server now [00:06] so good news there. [00:06] in the interim [00:07] *throws salt at wxl for no apparent reason, then goes to get food* [00:09] It's phabtastic! [00:09] @tsimonq2 so stop nagging :P [00:22] re: Discourse, we have an update, so doing that now [00:22] then going to do its mail [00:23] good work @teward001 [00:26] @teward001 just replied to your last update on T42 via email. no dice -___________- [00:33] what error if any [00:33] nope [00:35] what email address? [00:36] because all I see are inbound messages to noreply@ [00:36] which won't help you 😜 [00:37] OH i know why 1 moment [00:37] wxl: try again, I think what happened was I forgot to open a port :D [00:44] what probably happened is it got stuck in your mail provider's outbound queue [00:44] which is what happened on my end for a bit [00:44] until i fixed the iptables ruels :P [00:45] there's your response wxl [00:45] it just went through [00:45] i resent [00:45] yes, and it went through [00:45] issue was the iptables rules as i thought [00:47] on smtp.lubuntu.me which was too restrictive 'cause I forgot to remove the whitelist-oinly access *derps* [00:47] looks to work now for phab. Gotta do more for discourse though [01:44] @teward001 [@tsimonq2 so stop nagging :P], No [02:32] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALd9f950bcdc18: Fix capitilization] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALd9f950bcdc18 [02:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL13c5edca0a2e: Add column for CD-DRive/Image] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL13c5edca0a2e [02:43] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL261dee222112: Add OS Version column] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL261dee222112 [02:46] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL3b746dcf2bf5: Add size column] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL3b746dcf2bf5 [03:13] my pavucontrol icon changed to the same as the tray icon. Anyone has the same issue? [03:13] in focal [03:19] @HMollerCl I don't see a difference to normal, cold rebooted this morning, but I'm far from the most observant - my volume.control panel item is speaker like, my shortcut on panel is still knob like, as is item in menu->Sound&Video [03:19] in papirus? [03:19] papirus-icon? [03:20] nah sorry, didn't think of icons - mine are Oxygen so No sorry. [03:23] changing Appearance to ePapirus & Apply made no difference that I can see either, but I've not logged out & back in (some did change; but not Volume.Control (which maybe the difference; it's not pavucontrol). My pavucontrol shortcut(s) are still knobs [03:27] mmm [03:27] It looks like the last update was on the 7th [03:28] !info papirus-icon-theme focal [03:28] papirus-icon-theme (20200102-1, focal): Papirus open source icon theme for Linux. In component universe, is optional. Built by papirus-icon-theme. Size 13,783 kB / 135,829 kB [03:29] pavucontrol-qt.desktop [03:29] this is what changed in my system [03:30] Icon=multimedia-volume-control [03:34] maybe it's only me [03:35] it happens once before in other installation [04:07] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T30: Theme GRUB] guiverc (Chris Guiver) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T30#2944 [09:00] Phoda! @teward001 !! Thanks for the work. [09:01] @lugito [ 3[ 13T30: Theme GRUB 3] 15guiverc (Chris Guiver) commented on the …], Thanks! [15:31] gd morning peoples [15:38] lubuntu.me or net? [15:39] lubuntu.me is the official site [15:40] .net unofficial? [15:40] yes it is unofficial [15:41] it isn't under our control [15:46] 32x is only supported until version 18:04? [15:48] That is correct. 18.04 is the only currently supported version with 32 bit.