
KumoolBAN HIM01:49
KumoolHE SAID THE N WORD!01:49
daxlet's not give the silliness more attention, please :)01:49
Kumoolhe said silliness! CUE THE BAND!02:04
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== BobR_ is now known as Babloyi
rhokshello hello.19:17
rhoksIs he default firefox browser that comes preloaded good enough to play youtube and facebook videos on an old laptop?19:17
rhoksor do I need to install flash player or something (I have no idea)19:18
diogenes_rhoks, if you have 3Gb+ RAM.19:19
rhokswell it has 3.5GB of RAM from what I can tell diogenes_ sir19:21
diogenes_rhoks, should be ok but don't open too many tabs.19:23
rhoksalso the preloaded browser is the lightest one I could use on the system right? diogenes_19:23
rhokslight on the RAM and CPU I mean.19:24
diogenes_rhoks, not the lightest but standard linux browser.19:25
rhokswhats the lightest I could use for basic usage19:25
rhoksyoutube and facebook for example19:25
diogenes_rhoks, anyone that includes webrtc technology and other stuff to be able to call, is not lightweight apriori.19:27
diogenes_web call, playback sucks up lots of resources.19:28
rhoksI see.19:29
rhoksbut in general though whats the lightest browser one could use with xubuntu though19:30
diogenes_rhoks, epiphany, dillo, falkon.19:31
rhokswill install ephiphany I think19:35
rhoksI think I've heard of it or use it ages ago19:35
tomreyn3.5 GB RAM sounds like it can be 32-bit, though?19:37
diogenes_tomreyn, 19.10 is 64 only.19:39
tomreynwas 19.10 mentioned? i may have missed it19:39
diogenes_nope but people always tend to get the latest.19:40
rhokstomreyn, its actually 64bit19:51
rhokswas a windows 7 home premium hp 2000-365XD or DX system19:52
rhoksfrom 2010 or 2011 I believe19:52
rhoksand I definitely installed LTS19:52
rhoks18.03 or 0419:52
rhokstbh its not for me its for this old man that is not tech savvy19:53
rhokswindows 7 was super slow and Microsoft just announced a few days ago they're officially ending support for win719:54
rhoksand he often uses it to stream video on browsers19:54
rhoksepiphany cannot be found in the Software center? Do I need to add a repo or something to install it?19:56
rhoksdiogenes_ ?19:57
diogenes_rhoks, afaik it changed the name to gnome-browser or web.19:58
tomreynrhoks: oh right, a Pentium Processor B950 apparently, that's a 64-bit sandybridge.20:17
rhokstomreyn, diogenes_ why do you think is it not going to sleep/suspension when I fold the laptop?20:24
rhoksI mean the screen went dark... but the fan was still on meaning it didn't suspend20:25
tomreynrhoks: i don't think i talked about this.20:25
rhoksmaybe i should've waited longer20:25
diogenes_rhoks, you need to set it in logind.conf20:25
rhoksahh I believe I found the setting to correct this.20:25
rhoksusing the gui xfce power manager20:26
rhoksI think thats it.20:27
rhoksI'll just tell the old man not to use more than 3 or 4 tabs and it should be fine.20:27
rhoksthanks guys.20:27
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Web - the 3.34 changelog sounds good ("Rewritten and improved ad blocker which uses Webkit's content filtering. Web process sandboxing for improved security. Favorite tabs can be pinned. Plugin support removed.") - but a release per year or per 2 years is a problem unless you have a way to reliably get security patches backported.20:38
kubast2how do I undo23:05
kubast2screen zoom23:05
kubast2without rebooting23:05
gnrpalt+mouse wheel23:05
kubast2no way23:05
kubast2yeah I know what happend now23:05
kubast2the piece of shit touchpad23:06
kubast2why are touchpad so big now, or at least placed in a way I need to use my laptops keyboard as if I was nursing a baby23:06
kubast2I honestly can't fucking imagine people using macbooks23:07
gnrpfor some reasons with macbooks the palm recognition works quite well, I have to say23:07
gnrpyou can tune the parameters for your needs anyway23:07
kubast2Ah I think I just don't have palm recognition at all23:07
kubast2I kinda try to rest my hands where the touchpads isn't there23:08
kubast2but I still hit the corners of the touchpad at times23:08
gnrpI also in the beginning when I had my current notebook always moved the cursor while typing... then I spent half an hour tuning that stuff (so the thresholds when somthing is considered a finger and when not) and now it is much nicer23:08
gnrpcheck out synclient23:08
kubast2in sec gotta run apt upgrade first23:17
kubast2I actually use hwe without knowing it23:17
kubast2so I need xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04: instead of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics:23:18
kubast2xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 is already the newest version (1.9.1-1ubuntu1~18.04.1).23:18
kubast2okay it is installed of course23:19
kubast2HorizTwoFingerScroll 0 I know what I need to enable; VertEdgeScroll 1 I wasn't even aware this was enabled23:21
kubast22 finger scroll is more ergonomic ngl23:21

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