=== john_ is now known as BAD^man^ === john_ is now known as BAD^man^ [03:37] hi, why 19.04 recognized my wifi (b43) and 19.10 does not recognize it? btw, I installed it from net install via ethernet cable, maybe I have to run some command to detect wifi? [03:38] should I downgrade kernel? [03:45] Kapitan, I wouldn't downgrade kernel (19.04's kernel reaches EOL on Thursday), https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide is very generic and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx is likely more specific to your situation [03:54] thanks. But it doesn't solve it. It strange lspci doesn't show my wifi adapter at all, while on 19.04 it worked out of the box [03:54] could this be because I installed from ubuntu netboot mini.iso, using not wifi, but cable? [04:46] hello, there s some options at screensaver that not installed, how can i install them? [04:52] tbs, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=xscreensaver shows many, eg. -gl ones, -bsod I like, some I don't like as much (collage, dizzy)... [04:53] tbs, sudo apt install xscreensa to autocomplete or use a package manager (muon if LXQt, synaptic/aptitude if LXDE.. I'm assuming alot so let me know if you can't use what I provided [04:56] guiverc: ther appaers some options when i search for xscreensaver at muon, 2 of them installed, which ones i should install? [04:58] tbs, i have installed (reading from muon) xscreensaver xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gl-extra (I'm not a fan of dizzy, webcollage thus not installed) [05:00] I also have xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod (sorry if I made typos) [05:00] guiverc: i want to try all, there s some libs they need, how can i be sure those libs are not gtk? [05:02] they are X (x11) screensavers ; also https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/xscreensaver-gl doesn't show any GTK libs that I see for example [05:02] X11/wayland are sort of a step higher/lower than GTK/Qt in software stack [05:03] when i install any app, how can i be sure it doesnt need gtk lib, should i check pages like this? [05:05] tbs, you can look via web like I did (mainly for pasting purposes), but also for example, search in muon for LEAFPAD (LXDE editor thus GTK2) - click Dependencies and you'll note MUON tells you it DEPENDS libgtk2.0-0 > 2.10.0 (ie. gtk2 dependency) [05:07] contrast the DEPENDENCIES tab with say `featherpad` (editor Lubuntu with LXQt uses) and you'll note many libqt5 libraries are required... [05:08] a modern GTK3 app is `liferea` (I use it) where in MUON again in Dependencies tab it depends on libgtk-3-0 >= 3.11.5; ie. it's a modern Gnome/GTK3 app thus needs a 3... [05:09] i dont see any result when i search leafpad [05:09] Me, I usually install apps via terminal, so when I enter `sudo apt install liferea` I read what it wants to install & decide myself then... - what release are you on? [05:10] 19.10 [05:11] okay sorry, bad example - it was last available 18.04 - my bad [05:12] it s okay, i just try to learn, i understand what u mean already [05:13] another question, how can i use pcmanfm as a root? [05:14] I don't think it's a good idea (think it's risky & bad), but `sudo pcmanfm-qt` works if you really need to... it can create problems o I'd avoid if where possible.. [05:15] you can also "run as administrator" from the tools menu [05:16] what i want is addin new apps to start up, but i always forget terminal commands to copy paste [05:16] what kc2bez says will be MUCH safer [05:17] found finally, thanks guys^^ [05:19] yday i installed android studio, i guess it added some gtk lib to startup, i uninstalled it but it seems its not clean, what can i do? [05:20] `sudo apt autoremove` (remove packages that were auto installed to satisfy...) [05:21] * guiverc apologizes if you wanted gui way; I'd use term [05:21] no need to talk like that, pls [05:22] im getting help here for free:) [05:23] * guiverc is sad leafpad is going going gone... it's the editor who's name I remember; why it was my first example... (I have it installed from years ago so it showed in my searches) [07:58] Gez Gin was added by: Gez Gin [07:59] test [07:59] test is seen [08:00] first time trying telegram [08:00] * guiverc suspected as such.. [08:01] it doesnt want to be installed to my mobilephone but i already dont use much mobilephone [08:02] I'm not a fan of the mobile app; it seems to avoid using wifi on my phone using roaming-data for me, so I avoid it.. [08:04] do u guys sure this s a privaty-secure app? [08:04] at least at first step it wants my phone number [08:06] phone number register is really silly [08:06] in the end it's your decision ... https://telegram.org/privacy (I don't trust my samsung phone anyway! so don't trust apps on it) [08:07] (at least not data I consider private, financial etc... re: phone trust) [08:09] do we have a matrix relay? [08:09] i dont consider my phone as private but things are not same when data collecting of a group that can be used as statistic [08:36] phone number for register is very bad idea [10:36] "telegram desktop" app has another app's icon at menu>internet, how to fix it [11:37] Hello [11:38] * bwew253tgzwhbd sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hKkZGyyudoppluwucKhPzuxl > [11:44] bwew253tgzwhbd, maybe you could try a `sleep` prior to echo [13:38] i tried kwin and kwin_x11. While using kwin after restart, my cpu usage was high, i cant use pc like that. After setting kwin_x11 and restrart this time my left side panel didnt work, it s auto hidden by deafult, it didnt appaer. After returning openbox everything is fine. I just wondered what are they for, what is benefit if i use them. [13:39] tbs, kwin is the window manager for kde. [16:40] Привет, друзья! === karim is now known as Guest98253 [16:57] hi all [16:58] hi [18:14] Namaste! [18:35] Hi ! Does anyone have a Asus laptop with combo audio jack (mic and headphone)? How do we get the jack to work for both at the same time? When I choose external mic the headphone stops working and vice versa. Tried some suggestions available on the internet (ex. overriding PINs with hadjackretasker ) but no luck... [18:39] hi! [20:56] Hi. [20:57] heyo [20:57] Ist dieser Chat auf Deutsch oder Englisch? [20:57] English, I think [20:58] ok. [20:58] !de [20:58] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!