
Bladenikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F14:24
BladeSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 5.4.13-050413-lowlatency x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Gnome 3.34.3 14:24
Blade           Distro: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) 14:24
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
tomreynBlade: were you looking for help there, or just posting your configuration for others to admire?15:46
Bladei not a lame no need help15:52
lotuspsychjeBlade: you have been warned several times already not to just random paste your inxi info into the ubuntu support channels..when will you understand?15:53
Bladeno react .......15:56
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-driver-44018:18
ubottunvidia-driver-440 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-440): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 440.44-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 402 kB, installed size 1150 kB18:18
lotuspsychjetomreyn: ^18:18
tomreynlotuspsychje: what about it?18:20
lotuspsychjegood news for the future18:21
tomreynwhy, is it now open source?18:29
lotuspsychjetomreyn: no i mean if 440 isnt included in bionic, but is in 20.0418:31
tomreynoh i see. it's available in bionic via ppa, though. but that'd be OT here ;)18:33
lotuspsychjetomreyn: version differs from the ppa one also that 440, but 20.04 also still in dev phase so..18:35
lotuspsychjewe will see at final what happens18:35
tomreynyup :)18:41

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