
jmaderohi all, I'm trying to sync up various systems with three users - I'm having a nightmare of a time getting ownership to work right01:23
pragmaticenigmajmadero, Synology does appear to have the ability to work as an rsync server directly. Perhaps that might be an avenue to persue?01:28
pragmaticenigmajmadero, I found this article that sounds really close to what you're attempting to do: https://gnax.io/backup-to-your-synology-nas-with-rsync/01:28
jmaderopragmaticenigma: hm, not a bad idea. I've never heard of an rsync server before01:29
jmaderoI'll read that real quick01:29
pragmaticenigmajmadero, I've done it with a few of my machines. Rsync has a server service/daemon option. The purpose is so that when you do remote sync'ing, the rsync application only has to do the analysis of the files on it's side, it then uploads that information to the rsync service, which keeps it's own analysis. Then the rsync server sends back what files need to be syncronized. It's designed to reduce the amount of data required01:33
pragmaticenigmaback and forth to do the file signature checking between the two systems.01:33
jmaderohm - not convinced this will work still but investigating01:36
jmaderowell, this is surprising, running rsync from synology and using ssh is running incredibly fast01:39
pragmaticenigmanot surprising01:41
jmaderoway faster than my new i701:41
jmaderonew interesting result, running rsync from Synology with ssh to client results in correct user, incorrect group though01:43
pragmaticenigmaI personally could live with the wrong group, so long as I can access my files01:45
jmaderoissue would be that when it loses group the other users can also access it01:46
jmaderothis is all more an intellectual experiment than anything, I honestly don't care if my wife has access to my home folder :-b but, not being able to resolve this is going to make me lose my mind01:47
pragmaticenigmathat's the only concern i have is if you're litterally syncing the entire home folder as one unit... It would be preferred that you only sync what is within the home folder... that way the root of the home user directory retains it's group value and permissions01:48
jmaderopragmaticenigma: that's true, then there would be just minor hiccups (for instance when it modifies my ssh keys and makes them unusable with bad permissions)01:49
jmaderoI'm doing a roundtrip sync right now using Synology as the rsync "runner", seeing what happens with my permissions01:50
pragmaticenigmawhich is why I personally wouldn't venture down this path. Sure it's nice to have everything sync'd, same backgrounds on all machines etc. But I have always found it more of a pain in the long run01:51
pragmaticenigmatweaks that you use for one machine, may not work on another, and as you go further down the hole, other things will catch01:51
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pragmaticenigmaIf it were just a matter of sync'ing music, videos and documents, I would only set those up to be sync'd01:52
pragmaticenigmasettings and config files don't always migrate well from machine to machine01:52
jmaderoyeah, I'm finding that to be true haha but, going to fight giving up a bit longer01:52
jmaderomaybe I'll come up with some stupid hack that works - including the almighty "setPermissions.sh" script that runs after every rsync and just sets everything right haha01:53
pragmaticenigmaand I'm also a big fan of not sync'ing my ssh keys, as if a machine were to become compromised or lost. I only have to remove the key for that computer. I don't have to go to all my other machines and reset them up01:53
jmaderoyeah I actually may exclude the .ssh directory01:53
pragmaticenigmaI wish you luck there jmadero ... I've gotta sign off for now.take care01:57
jmaderopragmaticenigma: thanks for helping, you've given me lots of ideas to try01:58
WallyUbuntu is crashing on first login when I set it up with AD. Not sure why. Replicated it on another machine, all the steps were completed. It works fine after first login04:56
lordievaderGood morning07:20
rbasakTeikoman_fi: o/ I wrote uvtool09:00
rbasakThere's a PPA if you want --network-config in older releases09:00
rbasakHowever that's unofficial of course09:01
rbasakAnd uvtool is now ported to Python 3, so it's not going to work with old releases that don't have the libvirt Python 3 bindings09:01
Teikoman_firbasak: oh hey, yeah at the time I went bad route and applied adams patch directly but I did however test that the devel side does work too.(I even cloned devel locally yesterday and started trying to figure out what it does command wise)09:02
rbasakTeikoman_fi: not sure what you mean by porting to virt-manager - if you use uvtool, virt-manager should see the created VMs and you can continue there09:02
rbasakDo you mean a GUI version?09:03
Teikoman_fivirt-manager is deprecated as far I know and RHEL is replacing it with Cockpit09:03
Teikoman_fiprobably the gui version09:03
rbasakAh I didn't know that09:04
Teikoman_fiI am glad it was ported to Py3(makes easier to read from what I have deciphered so far) and will see how badly everything breaks if I try update our main dedi to that one :S09:04
lordievaderIs it deprecated? Last version is from july last year.09:05
Teikoman_filordievade: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.1_release_notes/deprecated_functionality sect:  7.11 mentions it being deprecated09:06
Teikoman_fiCockpit is nice tho it lacks features specially on VM side which is one of the reasons I wanted to see what Uvtool is doing command wise09:09
rbasakTeikoman_fi: uvtool glues three things: simplestreams to maintain a local store of cloud images, cloud-init for getting the cloud images to do the right thing on boot, and libvirt to set it all up.09:10
rbasakIf you have any specific questions I'd be happy to go into more detail09:10
rbasakFlaky connection here though09:10
lordievaderNot sure if there is a difference, but is this not RHEL deprecating virt-manager in favour of cockpit, rather than virt-manager being deprecated?09:11
rbasakvirt-manager's VM setup process always seemed very installer-oriented to me, as if cloud images aren't a thing09:11
rbasakPerfect for installer testing, but not so much for the "quick VM please" use case09:11
rbasakThough that can't be hard to add09:12
Teikoman_fiyeah and lately I have found myself loving the cloud images more where uvtool kicks in like a champ and well since the network-config functionality was added it pretty much fixed the main issue I had with the dedi provider as they do have some weird network things ongoing09:13
rbasakThank you for the compliment :)09:14
Teikoman_fiI only have 1 odd issue with uvtool but it's something that arp -a + virsh domiflist fixes quickly09:15
Teikoman_fiif I create a VM that uses additional ipv4 from network-config, for some reason uvt-kvm ip <vm> is unable to get the IP of that box therefor I need to use some superglue awk + grep magic to pull mac from domiflist and try match it with the arp -a response :)09:16
rbasakYeah uvtool's IP address determination is heuristic only and doesn't understand any configuration customisation such as adding another IP09:17
rbasakAll we can do is add additional heuristics on a case by case basis09:20
rbasakBug 1825263 is for your particular case I think09:21
ubottubug 1825263 in uvtool "uvt-kvm wait fails when there is a second NIC" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182526309:21
Teikoman_firbasak: Currently this pasta is what I use(currently broken but more or less for reference) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Yr74KRrz3C/ that would list me the VMs in general with their name, mac, ipv4, status and bridge09:22
rbasakThanks! Maybe paste that into the bug for others?09:23
Teikoman_fiidea would be to try replicate what virsh does with `virsh net-dhcp-leases <network>` but with multiple VMs without  having to specify the network or machine specifically.09:24
Teikoman_fisure, just need to try fix it as said it's not fully working(only returns 1 VM from 2 for whatever reason)09:24
Teikoman_fiNow I am just wondering that how safe is it to try get the master ppa as 18.04 shows latest possible is 140 and how badly will the existing machines break after the update since the 140 was patched with adams blog patch file(as it was required for Hetzner to even work)09:35
Teikoman_firbasak: so tried fixing it abit and now it's pretty much this(with the output after #): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2n7w9qfc8D/ sadly I am not sure if it's really useful for the Bug 1825263 at all and ofc this does not cover if you have multiple NICs(not tested) plus this is with direct network-config IP mapped VMs to public ipv4 without private network routes.10:35
ubottubug 1825263 in uvtool "uvt-kvm wait fails when there is a second NIC" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182526310:35
ackkhi, I have a netplan question, is this the right place to ask?11:15
lordievaderackk: If it isn't we'll let you know ;)11:40
ackklordievader, :)12:22
ackkso, I have a container with a single eth0, I added netplan config to create a br0 bridge with eth0 in it (setting the bridge mac to the one of the eth). now if I revert the original config with just eth0, netplan doesn't seem to do anything12:23
oerheksare you sure it is eth0 ?12:24
oerheksifconfig would show the names of interfaces12:25
ackkoerheks, wdym?12:25
lordievaderOerHeks: ip link show these days ;)12:25
lordievaderackk: Did you re-apply the netplan config after changing it? (I don't use netplan but vaguely remember that you have to re-apply the config after change)12:26
ackkhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/R8PzyFPtjP/ is the config I aded12:26
ackklordievader, yes. and I actually now noticed that br0 doesn't have an address anymore (but it's still there) but also eth0 didn't get an address12:26
lordievaderackk: Do you have bridge-utils installed?12:27
ackklordievader, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TmypGVDnMt/12:27
ackklordievader, no12:27
ackkI thought those were deprecated too?12:27
ackkip l del should do?12:27
lordievaderTrue, they are. Just like the output more than iproute2's version.12:28
ackklordievader, +112:28
ackkip makes it very hard to see what's in a bridge12:28
lordievaderackk: What is the output of bridge link?12:29
ackk25: eth0 state UP @if26: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master br0 state forwarding priority 32 cost 212:29
ackklordievader, ^12:29
lordievaderSo eth0 is part of the bridge.12:30
lordievaderIs br0 set to dhcp?12:31
lordievaderIs there a dhclient running for br0?12:32
ackklordievader, well not anymore, I removed it. to be clear, adding the config from the first paste gave me br0 correctly working (with an ipv4 and eth0 in it). what I was trying to do is to revert to just eth012:32
ackklordievader, no12:32
lordievaderOh, you are trying to remove the bridge interface? And just do dhcp on eth0?12:33
lordievaderIn that case read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_bridge#With_iproute212:33
lordievaderIt shows you how to create the bridge, show it, and remove it again.12:33
lordievaderThen define your netplan config how you want it and apply that.12:34
rbasakTeikoman_fi: yeah that makes sense. Thanks anyway!12:40
Deihmosetwork installer for the server ?12:45
Deihmosisn't there a network installer for the seerver12:46
tomreynDeihmos: what are your requirements, what are you looking for in a "network installer for the server"?12:50
tomreynpxe booting? downloading updates during installation?12:50
Teikoman_fiHmmph almost deciphered 1 of the routes from uvtool to pure commands :D Python looks so much more cleaner and idk if bash can even properly generate the config/yaml files so nicely. At least the deciphered way covers my personal use case for ubuntu images. Now to pack it into some sort of sh file to cover those tedious converter + yaml generation steps12:50
Deihmosso when i install it is already up to date12:51
tomreynDeihmos: the installer, or the installed system?12:51
Deihmosinstalled system12:52
tomreynDeihmos: if i recall correctly both 18.04 LTS server installers take care of this12:53
tomreynDeihmos: have you tried and found it not to be so?12:53
Deihmosno I just did an install and it had 60 updates12:53
Deihmosinstalled 18.04 lts server12:54
tomreynusing which installer?12:54
Deihmosthe standard installer12:54
tomreyn18.04.3 live-server?12:54
Deihmosi think i need to use the mini iso to get a network install. problem is the mini is a little different from the server version12:58
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: Different in what way?12:58
Deihmosfor one it has a splash screen when you boot it. I have to manually disable that stuff12:59
ackklordievader, oh ok, so I have to remove the bridge manually. I thought netplan would do it, as the doc mentions at some point that interfaces that get removed from the config are unconfigured13:00
tomreynDeihmos: how many systems are you installing?13:00
Deihmos3. I will just use the live-server. no big deal13:01
lordievaderDeihmos, tomreyn: There is an update tickbox in the installer right? Given you have an internet connection.13:01
Deihmosdidn't see that tickbox13:02
lordievaderackk: Well, I suppose it could do it. But like I said, I've never used netplan, so I don't know if it actually will.13:02
Teikoman_fiwell if it's normal server installer it does go through DHCP setup parts etc visually even when configuring the server and if it fails, it asks you if you want to manually set it up(bumped into this like yesterday at least).13:03
tomreynlordievader: it's been a while that i used the server installer, i don't want to make any false statements.13:03
lordievaderHrmm, same here.13:04
tomreynlast but one time i tried you could live-update the installer itself, i.e. snap refresh subiquity, and benefit from its new features and bug fixes. but last time i tried this was subiquity was longer hosted on snapcraft.io so this was no longer possible.13:07
tomreyni think there are nightlies or weeklies now, though, at least for 20.04, maybe 18.04, too.13:08
tomreynso things are in flux, as is more or less confirmed by https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/server-installer-plans-for-20-04-lts/1363113:10
tomreynhmm there is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/ but while the directory name suggests "daily" the amd64 one was last built on january 7.13:14
powersjtomreyn, those are blocked by tests if you go up a directory you will see there is a pending directory with the ISO from today13:19
powersjI know paride is looking into the tests now to see what has prevented the latest from getting promoted13:19
paride-> true13:19
weedmiccan a browser cause a system freeze that ctrl+alt+f3 won't even work?  and if yes, can it also cause a reboot? and if yes, how do I fix it?13:21
tomreynpowersj: thanks. so the assumption is those can be ok, aynd in contrary to what i was told previously (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/1803338/comments/11) live images can generally be used for testing again (at least after they passed tests)?13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1803338 in subiquity (Ubuntu) ""proposed" is enabled by default on bionic server-live amd64 daily images" [Critical,Invalid]13:21
pragmaticenigmaweedmic: something like that is possible... and when I've encountered it, it's because a web site was using malicious code (e.g. Digital Currency Miner)13:24
tomreynweedmic: web browser (i assume) related questions are better placed in #ubuntu, i'd say.13:25
powersjtomreyn, they are ok, in that they passed a smoke test and are ok for development work; not for production13:25
tomreynsure, not for production13:25
weedmicok, so far the only reboots on the server were while either FF or Chrome were running.  but I do not think malicious sites were accessed, but can check.  just wanted to know if it is possible.13:26
weedmicis there a command to see what voltage is actually reaching each cpu/core/thread?  something like htop, but for votage?13:34
paridetomreyn, powersj, but note that the failed test that prevented the current image promotion in the last days *is the smoke test*, so the latest "current" images is not to be considered ok for anything for the moment13:37
tomreynweedmic: maybe the bios canhint on it. other than that there may be proprietary system management hardware providing this infomation, but this is hardware specific.13:37
paridesorry, I mean the latest "pending" images13:38
tomreynparide: thanks for the warning, i've actually settled for testing the latest which passed the test13:38
weedmicnot part of inxi - re read man page13:38
weedmicq - rebooting to check cmos tests13:39
pragmaticenigmadang it... they left just as I found the answer... lm-sensors can read CPU temp, voltage, and fan speeds13:41
lordievader_weedmic: An out-of-memory situation where the machine starts swapping like crazy may also seem like switching tty's is unresponsive. Perhaps your browser was eating all the ram?13:45
pragmaticenigmalordievader: I think they're offline still13:46
weedmicthis was useful - watch -n 2 sensors13:55
lordievader_weedmic: Powertop might be able to give some details too as to where the power is going.13:59
pragmaticenigmaweedmic: also, lm-sensors can also view voltages: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-check-cpu-temperature-on-ubuntu-linux/14:03
lordievaderlm-sensors == sensors ;)14:07
pragmaticenigmayeah... strange that you don't install "sensors" to get it though14:08
lordievaderWell, the package provides more binaries than just sensors.14:10
tomreynhmm, got a nice grub shell after installation. :-/14:14
lordievaderBetter than "medium not found"14:15
tomreynyes, grub installed fine (or maybe it's the one that was already there)14:15
tomreynlvm is missing14:25
tomreynactually not.14:26
lordievaderYour version of grub is able to boot to lvm directly?14:28
tomreynyes it should be,14:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv14:33
pragmaticenigmasorry folks... wrong tab14:34
distekHey all! I'm having an issue with my Ubuntu Server. I'm currently running it in a VM as my Nextcloud instance. It's running quite well for the most part! My issue is that it seems to just stop allowing connections randomly. Any means of accessing it, whether it be via LAN or WAN fails. It appears I can fix it by just resetting the interface from within the VM (ip link set [dev] [down/up]). This is14:50
distekless than ideal, of course, so I was wondering if anyone has an idea on how to track down the root cause?14:51
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tomreyndistek: is there anything about it on the logs?15:07
tomreynwhich virtualization are you using, how is traffice passed into and out of the VM?15:08
tomreyni think i identified the problem with the server installation. i had edited the archive mirror the server installer had chosen, changing http to https, which none or not all of the servers this hostname resolves to actually support.15:29
tomreynthe installer accepted this change, there was no warning or error about it, the installation was considered successful.15:30
distekNot that I can see. I'm a bit confused as to what's controlling the network to begin with. NM doesn't appear to be present, so no luck there. Didn't see anything in particular in journalctl or dmesg. The interface appears to be able to reach out, just nothing routes back to it(when it starts this non-sense).15:31
distekI'm using libvirt/qemu15:31
distekMore info: Interface is using macvtap(private). I'm not concerned with the host being able to directly communicate with the guest. Just the rest of the LAN15:33
tomreyndistek: inspect interface statistics in the VM and on the host. next time it occurs, ping out of the vm and into it by ip address and watch the traffic ((tcpdump) and compare it to when you do this while the traffic flows fine.15:34
tomreynsee if you can still use some but not other protocols when it happnes, i.e. icmp vs udp vs tcp.15:35
distekI'll give it a try! Thanks tomreyn!15:36
ahasenack  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0 days 03:43:10 with 0 errors on Mon Jan 20 15:54:18 202016:21
ahasenackalways good news16:21
tomreynbug 186035216:36
ubottubug 1860352 in subiquity (Ubuntu) "User supplied mirror server not verified, no errors reported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186035216:36
strangezakHey guys im a little lost here, so my system is having a CPU lockup when server goes down and i walk over the monitor connected to the server and its flooded with CPU #1 stuck for 22 seconds [(networkd):6019]. So i restart the box and enable verbose logging for systemd-network and im getting this log every minute or so https://pastebin.com/DVXywEme isn't even a valid ip on this network. I checked what is running under the source port17:14
strangezakand it says dnsmaq, but dnsmasq isn't even installed on this system when i sudo apt-get remove dnsmasq it says dnsmasq is not installed. Any ideas on how i can investigate this further17:14
rafaeldtinocostrangezak: several other services use dnsmasq for "internal dhcp/dns" stuff (lxd, libvirt).17:53
rafaeldtinocoit seems you're getting a soft lockup (20 sec) in systemd-networkd17:53
rafaeldtinocobetter path here is to open a bug over systemd in launchpad.net and inform ubuntu version, kernel version, and probably attach more logs to the bug17:54
rafaeldtinocoto help you out ^17:55
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WallyI'm getting the "oh no something's wrong" when a new AD user has logged into my Ubuntu machine. The logs seem to indicate " Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting used at login.21:31
WallyPretty sure that's all setup properly..21:32
WallyIt works on second login though which is even odder.21:32
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WallyI assume likewise-open is unmaintained23:03
pragmaticenigmaWally: secong login attept, or different user?23:14
Wallysecond logiun attempt23:25
pragmaticenigmaWally: sounds like something just took longer than expected to perform the authentication23:28

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