
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
DarwinElfi need the Kubuntu 18.04.3 ISO in *normal BIOS mode*!  Where is it?!00:22
DarwinElfMicro$oft (M$) made UEFI to mess with users; who knew Canonical would be sucking up to M$ by making the default version UEFI and not giving you a choice on boot?00:25
AlabalisticAs far as I know there is no diference in th iso00:27
DarwinElfthe main ISO has an EFI partition.  I need the normal, original type of ISO that doesn't have that00:28
AlabalisticWhat is the cpu on witch you are trying to install00:28
DarwinElfit's not relevant what the CPU is.  It runs in either mode00:28
Alabalisticthere is no sence on that, MBR and UEFI are diferent story00:29
DarwinElfexactly.  The PC uses MBR.  The only 64-bit Kubuntu 18.04.3 ISO uses EFI.  People need other options.  Canonical doesn't just decide for them when we have our own choice00:29
AlabalisticAre you sure u have 64 bit cpu there, if you have 32bit cpu then you cant install 64bit iso00:31
DarwinElfi have both00:31
DarwinElfbut in this case it's similar to this problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/868002/installation-disk-is-always-uefi00:31
DarwinElfi built this PC.  I've been doing that for decades.  Don't ask me if I'm sure what CPU I have.  I can probably even find out the revision of the type of CPU00:31
AlabalisticSorry man, just first time seeng such a problem00:32
elthe images have been like this for something like over 8 years.00:33
DarwinElfexcept unlike the guy with that question on Ask Ubuntu, I have FreeDOS/etc..  I can't simply switch to UEFI00:33
DarwinElfthe PC has both BIOS and UEFI, but a little newer of that type, or maybe the USB flash drive is newer, that they're starting to force you to choose UEFI when it should let you choose00:34
Alabalisticyou setup your wish in the bios00:35
Alabalisticlegacy for MBR or secureboot for uefi00:36
DarwinElfactually it's not... because the .ISO writes an EFI partition to the USB flash drive, the BIOS won't let the USB flash drive boot in BIOS mode00:36
DarwinElfif there was a proper alternative ISO, sure, then the BIOS would let it00:36
DarwinElfmore serious operating systems (like older, more experienced computer scientists use) have installers that let you install either way00:37
DarwinElfbut I get it, they're probably not using *ubuntu, so force the users to use what's new & trendy00:37
AlabalisticI can be wrong, but I'm 100% sure you need to take a step back, and you will find a solution.00:38
DarwinElfi think I figured out a solution.  Something like the multibootusb package (comes as a .deb) will let you install a generic installer to run the *ubuntu installer in the mode you want00:38
Alabalisticthe answer is in your BIOS setting00:38
Alabalisticnothing to do with the ISO and canonical, I can assure you MBR is well suported00:39
Alabalisticsuch a major standart wont die like that.00:40
DarwinElfwell as I said, regular BIOS won't boot an EFI partition.  The ISO has an EFI parition.  If the ISO had a more advanced installer, it would boot in BIOS or either mode then give you a choice during the setup which mode you want00:40
DarwinElfmaybe on some other BIOS it could boot an EFI partition anyway.  Not this particular one00:41
Alabalisticwhat is the hardware00:43
DarwinElfthis BIOS only had three options in the list: boot from SSD or HDD (both in BIOS mode) or from USB UEFI only... no fourth option to boot from USB BIOS mode00:43
Alabalisticplease share00:43
DarwinElfASUS P9X79 LE00:43
DarwinElfi have used it before to boot OSes either way... for example, when you make a disc with Slackware GNU/Linux's superior ISO... you get a choice00:44
DarwinElfsame hardware... of course, that was DVD, not USB00:44
DarwinElfi've heard it can vary by USB flash drive, some have problems00:44
AlabalisticI wish you luck, I need some sleep00:47
DarwinElfyeah, multibootusb (a .deb) seemed to have fixed my problem.  There's another program out there claiming to be the successor, but it appears only available as an .exe (DOS/Windows)... so don't trust that one... sounds false...01:40
prestonHello all03:42
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lordievaderGood morning07:11
IrcsomeBot2lnzva was added by: lnzva07:36
prestongood morning08:05
jerichohello everyone08:27
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IrcsomeBot2Mostafa Tawheed was added by: Mostafa Tawheed11:05
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user|95997alguem fala portugues?11:56
user|95997estou com um problema com o kubuntu19.04, instalei esses dias11:57
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:58
user|95997ok valeu obrigado11:58
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|91102instalei o kubuntu faz uns 2dias, mas nao quer desligar nem reiniciar alguem sabe o problema, nesse notebook, ja usei varios outros, mas consegui usar normalmente, nesse mesmo pc esta instalado o xubuntu tambem e estou usando normalmente, estou usando o tradutor google, falo portugues, obrigado12:10
user|91102I installed kubuntu about 2 days ago, but I don’t want to shut down or restart anyone knows the problem, on this notebook, I’ve used several others, but I managed to use it normally, on this same pc xubuntu is installed too and I’m using it normally, I’m using the google translator, I speak portuguese, thanks12:11
BluesKajHi folks12:15
=== pilot is now known as Guest1363
IrcsomeBot2daniel9411 was added by: daniel941113:21
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> Hello everyone! since this morning I am having serious problems related to wifi. I see all the networks, but at the time of entering the password confirmation, it tells me that the password is not valid. can you help me please? it is a company pc and i absolutely need wifi as soon as possible. thank you all13:23
=== il is now known as twitch
cdorinHello everyone! Is there anyone that can help me a bit with KMail? Is there any way (hope I am blind) to list subfolders in the order I have in my online webmail client? E.g., now INBOX is on the last position when technically it should be on the first one.13:30
cdorinSecondly: there is now way I can open kdewallet wallet -> the only way to do that is if i type open it via terminal the kdewallet app + sudo13:30
cdorinOverall, the experience has been great ! And I am definitely loving the widgets <3 . But those two issues really bother me and hope I can get some help :D13:31
BluesKajdaniel9411, sounds like you may want to check with your admin, maybe someone there changed the pws without notification13:32
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> BluesKaj, nope, i try with my hotspot and it is the same13:33
BluesKajcdorin, have you checked system settings>account details>KDE Wallet>Wallet Preferences13:39
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> (Photo, 1003x117) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7osTeoFR/file_22360.jpg BluesKak, there is my log form dmesg13:40
cdorinHey BluesKaj, yes13:50
cdorinKDE wallet subsystem is enabled.13:50
cdorinI am using at the moment another wallet as the default one (created by me)13:50
cdorinI can open the ones created by me without any issues. But when I try to open kdewallet wallet, it does not work13:51
cdorinif i switch to root , kdewallet wallet opens13:51
BluesKajcdorin, I found kwallet a pita so I don't bother with it since I'm merely a single home user13:52
BluesKajso my knowledge of it is next to none13:52
cdorinAh , okok :D . Totally understandable. Was just hoping to use as many KDE apps as possible since qogir-dark looks gorgeous :D13:52
lordievaderdaniel19411: what do the logs say about your connection attempts?13:57
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> 2790.302227] wlp5s0: authenticate with 60:31:97:7c:90:dc … [ 2790.305195] wlp5s0: send auth to 60:31:97:7c:90:dc (try 1/3) … [ 2790.306562] wlp5s0: authenticated … [ 2790.312802] wlp5s0: associate with 60:31:97:7c:90:dc (try 1/3) … [ 2790.315957] wlp5s0: RX AssocResp from 60:31:97:7c:90:dc (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=5) … [ 2790.317919] wlp5s0: associated … [ 2790.329667] wlp5s0: deauthenticating from 60:31:97:7c:90:dc b14:00
IrcsomeBot2choice (Reason: 1=UNSPECIFIED)14:00
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> some time this : [ 2745.836973] wlp5s0: disassociated from 60:31:97:7c:90:db (Reason: 2=PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID)14:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:02
lordievaderYou've doubled checked all the authentication and encryption settings?14:03
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> yes, i check it and it is correct14:04
lordievaderdaniel19411: What is the output of sudo lspci -k?14:20
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> lordievader, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5ZmH2PB7Qp/14:23
lordievaderIs bluetooth on?14:25
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> yes14:31
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> and it works fine with my mouse14:31
lordievaderRight, can you connect to the wifi with bluetooh off? (These sometimes interfere with eachother)14:32
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> I try it now, but it is the same 😩(((14:33
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest90971
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> can i help me pls?15:42
IrcsomeBot2<daganmcgregor> @daniel9411, Does the network you're trying to connect to have a MAC filter enabled?  It looks like it's authenticating initially and then getting kicked off.16:50
=== il_ is now known as il
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> @daganmcgregor, Yes but the kde deamon Ask me a password.17:09
IrcsomeBot2<daganmcgregor> @daniel9411, If a MAC filter is enabled, even if you have the correct password, the network won't let you in if your MAC address isn't in the exception list.17:18
=== DungeonCrank is now known as EvilRoey
przemosą tu polacy18:02
=== il is now known as khode_mohsen
tomreynprzemo: hi, this channel is english only, but there are many ubuntu channels, surely one for your language as well.18:36
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:37
przemoz kąd18:39
tomreyn/join #ubuntu-pl18:41
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=== khode_mohsen is now known as il
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest93840
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> for this problem, reinstall kubutu (fresh install ) in my laptop of work... it is the same, can you check it pls?21:28
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> i need it for work21:28
tomreyndaniel9411: I don't think it's clear what you're asking there. If you're referring to an earlier discussion, you may want to sum it up again.21:31
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> tomreyn, since this morning, I have problems with wifi. practically every time I try to access a network, it asks me to enter a password (KDE Daemon asks me) but I don't understand what password it is, of the wifi or sel wallet (currently disabled to test) but in any case, I don't accesses the network. it looks like some recent updates21:37
tomreyndaniel9411: i'm not sure whetehr it'S this but be aware that there's a (non visible) timeout when entering the wireless password. I.e. if it takes you more than say 10 seconds to enter passphrase the authentication will definitely fail. To rule this out as a source of the problem I'd copy the password to a text editor (or a password manager), then copy it to the clipboard from there whenever I'm getting to enter it to the network manager21:50
tomreynpassword prompt.21:50
tomreynto check which updates were installed since this morning, see the file /var/log/apt/history.log21:50
tomreyni mean before this morning21:51
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> definitely not that, they are 8 characters and it takes me less than 2 seconds to type them21:51
tomreynok. last but not least there's your system logs. you can keep    journalctl -f    running in a temrinal windows (ctrl-c to exit) to see what's being logged when you submit the password.21:52
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> unfortunately I just formatted everything because of this problem. unfortunately it is a company PC and I needed it as soon as possible. however before doing a general update and restarting, everything worked correctly and allowed me to restore everything21:53
tomreynbased on this theory, it should stop working again when you install updates. give it a try.21:54
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> now it's not going. give me 2 seconds and I'll send you the logs21:55
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/aNHhXyiH/file_22429.jpg22:07
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> Sorry but i can Copy paste It without internet connection22:08
IrcsomeBot2<daganmcgregor> Do a search for "failed to set ptk to the driver".  I see several search results referencing that error.22:12
IrcsomeBot2<daniel9411> nope i cant find it...22:20
IrcsomeBot2<daganmcgregor> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74920122:25
ubottuDebian bug 749201 in wpasupplicant "WPA: Failed to set PTK to the driver" [Normal,Open]22:25
IrcsomeBot2<daganmcgregor> This looks promising.22:25

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