
mupPR snapd#8035 closed: data/selinux: workaround incorrect fonts cache labeling on RHEL7 (2.43) <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8035>06:51
mupPR snapd#8014 closed: tests: run `uc20-snap-recovery-encrypt` test on 20.04-64 as well <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8014>07:02
jameshlooks like the nakedret static check is failing CI runs that were passing previously07:15
jameshseems the tool fixed a bug 5 hours ago and showed up a bunch more errors: https://github.com/alexkohler/nakedret/pull/1007:16
mupPR alexkohler/nakedret#10: Fix bug with not detected nested returns <Created by programmer04> <Merged by alexkohler> <https://github.com/alexkohler/nakedret/pull/10>07:16
mupBug #5: Plone Placeless Translation Service metadata missing from po files <feature> <iso-testing> <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by daf> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/5>07:16
jameshit seems the tool previously only detected naked returns at the top level of the function, ignoring any embedded in blocks07:24
jameshah.  Looks like the new nakedret version is throwing up false positives07:32
jameshit doesn't understand nested functions07:37
mborzeckijamesh: hmmm ehh, looks like a bug in nakedret07:40
mborzeckimaybe something i can fix07:40
jameshmborzecki: yeah.  I'm filing a bug report now07:41
zygathank you guys07:41
jameshmborzecki: here's the bug report with a trivial example reproducing it: https://github.com/alexkohler/nakedret/issues/1107:44
mborzeckijamesh: thanks for the report!07:45
jameshmborzecki: I've got some idea of how to fix the script.  Are you already working on it, or should I give it a crack?07:52
mborzeckijamesh: i'm looking into nakedret, feel free to fix the script07:53
jameshmborzecki: I meant nakedret :-)07:54
jameshshould have said tool rather than script07:54
mborzeckijamesh: ah, ok, then go ahead :) don't want to spoil the fun07:54
mborzeckijamesh: heh, never played with go ast, i guess since ast.Inspect is depth first, i gets to the return in the nested func() block first without noticing it's a separate nested func, is that your thinking as well?08:02
jameshmborzecki: I was thinking of just doing the whole job in Visit, substituting a new Visitor whenever we encounter a new function08:02
mborzeckipstolowski:  hey08:06
mborzeckijamesh: hmm looking more, i have a feeling nakedret doesn't actually handle naked return in function literals08:16
zygahmm, when rebooting my ubuntu system "a stop job is running for Service for snap application lxd.daemon"08:18
zygaand just sits there until 10 minutes elapse08:18
jameshmborzecki: yeah.  that'd be an ast.FuncType with no ast.FuncDecl, I think08:20
jameshno.  That's not quite right08:21
mborzeckijamesh: FuncLit08:22
jameshmborzecki: thanks08:22
mborzeckijamesh: so this bit skips function literals https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZTYjQkDHbt/08:25
jameshmborzecki: I was thinking of adding literals rather than skipping them08:25
mborzeckijamesh: yeah, i suppose returnVisitor could be smarter and just accept FuncDecl and FuncLit, while the nested ast.Inspect could skip FuncLit08:26
jameshmborzecki: here's what I've got so far: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RQBnqKtjDP/08:29
mborzeckijamesh: got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ThN9FnbpyH/08:45
mborzecki__chip__: hey08:47
__chip__network seems laggy08:47
__chip__mborzecki: hiya08:48
jameshmborzecki: here's my PR: https://github.com/alexkohler/nakedret/pull/1208:48
mupPR alexkohler/nakedret#12: Handle function literals and nested functions <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/alexkohler/nakedret/pull/12>08:48
__chip__new nakedret, need to push a pr to address new failures08:48
mborzeckijamesh: cool, looking08:48
__chip__unless somebody else already has?08:48
mborzecki__chip__: false positives, jamesh is trying to fix it upstream08:48
jameshmborzecki: I might steal your naming for literals08:49
mborzeckijamesh: go ahead, was about to add a comment there :)08:49
jameshthere's two real problems in testutil/containschecker.go, lines 89 and 12908:49
__chip__jamesh: glad you're on it08:50
mborzeckitbh, i like how it's easy to work with go ast, i mean, both of us could address the problem quite easily08:50
__chip__i'll go to the snaps performance session then08:50
* __chip__ agrees with mborzecki 08:50
__chip__ISTR even the python ast wasn't as nice08:51
__chip__but i've grown since i tried to use that so maybe not08:51
jamesh__chip__: the old nakedret only detected nakedret only detected problems at the top level of a function, ignoring returns in blocks08:51
jameshthe new nakedret is too aggressive and misattributes return statements in embedded function literals08:52
__chip__it was a very simplistic first pass, yes08:52
__chip__seems they overshot in the new year :)08:52
* __chip__ out08:53
mborzeckiin the meantine, we need to unblock master :P08:54
abeatozyga, hey, how is snapd development these days? I bind mount my binary to /usr/lib/snapd/snapd but I get this error:09:00
abeatocannot run daemon: state startup errors: [cannot obtain snap-seccomp version information: invalid format of version-info: "051a668fa5c47aa16280298ed72cc38c8ac3dc40 2.4.1 8c73f36d3de1f71977107bf6687514f16787f639058b4db4c67b28dfdb2fd3af"]09:00
mborzeckijamesh: i'll fix snapd master09:01
abeatos/how is/how is it done/09:01
jameshmborzecki: okay.  Disable the check, and fix testutil/containschecker.go ?09:01
mborzeckijamesh: yes09:01
pstolowskiabeato: you also need snap-seccomp binary rebuilt from same tree; if running snapd directly from builddir (instead of bind-mounting) you can copy snap-seccomp into cmd/snapd dir09:03
abeatopstolowski, ok, so I can rebuild snap-seccomp and bind mount to /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine?09:04
abeato-seccomp I meant09:05
zygaI rarely do that09:05
zygaJust build and run from tree09:05
zygaMake sure snap-seccomp and snapd are siblings (symlink is ok)09:06
pstolowskiyeah that's what i always do too; i've never bind-mounted it09:06
abeatoI was building in another machine - but yeah, I can build there too09:06
mupPR snapd#8037 opened: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>09:07
mupIssue core18#145 opened: pollinate missing from core18 snap <Created by rcj4747> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/145>09:07
mborzeckizyga: pstolowski: ^^ trivial PR09:08
mupPR core18#146 opened: Add pollinate to the extra packages #144 <Created by rcj4747> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/146>09:11
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037#pullrequestreview-347158408 imo the problem is that it's not immediately clear what could be the value returned by given piece of code09:36
mupPR #8037: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>09:36
mborzeckizyga: you may still need to read back and analyze, but it's even less clear when there just 'return'09:37
mborzeckizyga: tbh i find named return variables to have only documentation value, and maybe if you need to do some trickery in deferred code but that requires really good reason to do so09:38
jameshzyga: there's also a proposal to remove them in Go 2: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/2129109:39
zygaI guess it depends on context09:41
jamesh(that doesn't mean they will actually be removed though: just that some people think they should)09:41
zygaI'm feeling sick today, sorry for being slow09:43
zygaI'll warm up the office grab some meds and be back09:45
sergiusenspstolowski: is the configure hook triggered with a "snap start|stop" and is it possible to know the hook was triggered due to this event?09:58
pstolowskisergiusens: no, it's not triggered, start/stop simply wrap systemctl10:02
sergiusenspstolowski: ah, thanks10:03
pstolowskisergiusens: nb hooks are always run under a snapd task, so you would see a task under a change in snap changes / snap change <id>10:05
zygaback, feeling slightly better now10:14
zygaoddly enough I'm making progress10:42
zygafresh ideas, even when I'd rather sleep all day10:42
zygamborzecki: btw, I made the dprintf change10:43
mborzeckizyga: cool, did you push it already?10:43
mborzeckihmm https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037 SKIP_NAKEDRET isn't picked up from environment?10:44
mupPR #8037: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>10:44
zygait's green :)10:44
zygamborzecki: ... weird?10:45
zygais the test correct? why exit 1 ?10:45
mborzeckiheh, the unit test is run as a different user10:46
mborzeckiok, force pushed a fix, should be good now10:56
zyga... ... ...11:07
zygaiterating on core tests sucks11:07
zygalike badly11:07
zygaI wonder what we could do to make that faster11:07
zygacould we boot core, install lxd, pull the sources, build, install the snaps and carry on without rebooting and wiping the disk?11:08
mborzeckizyga: we need to build a custom core/snapd snaps and build a whole image with that11:14
mborzeckizyga: maybe we should try to take some time to improve that, but local testing sucks too11:14
zyganot sure if we need to build the whole image with that11:14
zygait depends on the test11:14
zygawe could have a suite that does that11:14
zygabut I could iterate on pretty much all my core work without that property11:14
zygabut I see your point11:15
mborzeckialthough local testing is much fater, because my deskop is way faster than the gcp vms we use11:15
mborzeckithat, unless you need to work with a device :/ then it sucks again11:15
mborzeckiquick errand at the tax office, back in 1h or so11:16
zygaholly shit, fixed it :D11:16
zygamborzecki: my local testing is slower11:16
zygamborzecki: but it's always network bound11:16
zygamborzecki: I hacked (over two years ago) totally offline spread test loop11:16
zygaand it was insanely fast11:16
zygawith many-core qemu11:16
zygapre-cached snaps inside VM11:16
zygaapt-cacher-ng for all apt stuff11:16
zygait was super nice11:17
zygaI even hacked it so that builds were incremental11:17
zyga(as long as you --reuse)11:17
zygabut we don't have that property11:17
* zyga runs one clean loop to see11:19
zygamborzecki: that's one fixed and one or two to go (forgot exact number)11:19
zygabut progress :)11:19
zygaso happy11:23
zygathis is real :)11:23
zygaPR coming up in 15-20 minutes11:23
zygamborzecki, pstolowski: please review11:36
mupPR snapd#8038 opened: tests: fix gadget-update-pc test leaking snaps <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038>11:36
mupPR #8038: tests: fix gadget-update-pc test leaking snaps <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038>11:36
* zyga high-fives himself, onto the next failure!11:36
pstolowskizyga: looking11:37
roadmrzyga: I call that progress11:37
zygaroadmr: I stared on this early last year11:38
zygaroadmr: and just never managed to come up with something that would work11:38
zygathis is so simple now11:38
zyganacked returns haunt me11:45
zygaand the fix for that failed11:45
zygadid they fail because of hooks snap11:45
zygaare we in a catch 22?11:45
zyga+ [[ -n 1 ]]11:46
zyga/bin/bash: line 89: skip: unbound variable11:46
zygamborzecki: ^11:46
zygaI see it11:47
zygabtw, why did you say if [[ -n ... ]]11:47
zygarather than if [ -n ... ] ?11:47
zygamborzecki: ^11:47
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037/files#r37007270611:47
zygaplease apply11:47
mupPR #8037: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>11:48
jameshzyga: btw, I refactored https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588 a bit to move the cgroup based pid->snap helper to sandbox/cgroup.  I was hoping to have a green CI tick by now to ask for more review, but got stuck on the nakedret problem11:55
mupPR #7588: cmd/snap: add a "snap routine portal-info" command <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588>11:55
zygajamesh: I'm sorry, I'll have a look at that11:55
zygajamesh: looks great, once either branch lands I'll adjust the other11:56
zygapstolowski: like this? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038/files#r37007832012:01
mupPR #8038: tests: fix gadget-update-pc test leaking snaps <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038>12:01
pstolowskizyga: yep, it's even better than my suggestion, ty12:02
zygacool, I'll integrate that back when the master blockers are fixed12:02
zygawelcome back, please check the comment above12:06
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/803712:06
zygathis should unbreak your PR12:07
mupPR #8037: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>12:07
zygawhich will unbreak master and many other PRs12:07
mborzeckihuh, it failed?12:07
zygamborzecki: shellcheck12:08
zygamborzecki: $skip is unset12:08
mborzeckizyga: shellcheck does not complain12:08
zygahmm? didn't it in the log12:08
zygamborzecki: /bin/bash: line 89: skip: unbound variable12:09
zygawell, anyway12:10
zyganot shellcheck12:10
zyga(which is weird)12:10
zygabut still12:10
mborzeckiweird, don't remember spread tasks runnig with set -u12:10
zygafixing next test, ubuntu-core-refresh12:18
zygashould be simple12:18
zygawow, I feel like this week will end without leaks12:18
zygaand re-enabled mount-ns tests12:18
mborzeckihaha nakedret fix landed, before we managed to land 803712:23
zygashall we skip it then12:24
zygaand just re-trigger?12:24
mupPR snapcraft#2888 closed: elf: read ELF type when extracting attributes <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2888>12:32
* roadmr keeps reading that as nakedregret12:32
zygato me it just reads as nekker12:32
mborzeckizyga: too much witcher :P12:35
zyga"fuck" ;-)12:36
mborzeckizyga: i think i'll push an update to task.yaml, but will leave the knobs in run-checks12:36
zygasounds reasonable,12:37
jameshthere were real nakedret failures in master, so 8037 needs to be landed either way12:44
roadmrnakedrat!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_mole-rat12:53
zygaok, one more test fixed12:54
zygaPR a soon as I confirm12:54
mborzeckithis is nice https://rakyll.org/inlined-defers/12:59
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
pstolowski@mborzecki: oh, interesting, "This overhead is why Go developers started to avoid defers in certain cases to improve performance"13:20
pstolowskiis nakedret SFW? ;)13:20
mborzeckipstolowski: yeah, must have skipepd the memo on that or sth13:20
mvopstolowski: hey, quick question - what's the state of the "snap refresh" of a disabled service will re-enable this service13:31
pstolowskimvo: hi! it was fixed by ijohnson some time ago13:32
mvopstolowski: do you remember if the fix is in 2.43 or even earlier?13:32
pstolowskimvo: no, let me check13:33
zygahey mvo13:33
zygaanother test fixed :)13:33
mvopstolowski: it's fine, got asked this question here during the sprint13:33
mvozyga: hey! nice to see you13:34
pstolowskimvo: appears to be fixed in 2.43, commit 98c1da1c2b75883585e606d935dfff694e257753 on 2019-11-1913:34
mvopstolowski: thank you!13:35
mupPR snapd#8039 opened: tests: remove revision leaking from ubuntu-core-refresh <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8039>13:37
ijohnsonhi mvo! Yes the fix is in 2.4313:41
mupPR snapd#8040 opened: gadget: skip update when raw structure content is unchanged <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8040>13:44
pstolowskimvo, ijohnson it was https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/182723713:45
mupBug #1827237: disabled services are re-enabled after revert <snapd:Fix Committed by anonymouse67> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1827237>13:45
zygamborzecki: +113:45
zygamborzecki: question about this feature13:45
mborzeckizyga: hm?13:46
zygamborzecki: is there anything one could do to fix a device that has broken raw partition content13:46
zygamborzecki: e.g. interactively working on a device13:46
zygadd gone souht13:46
zygadevice still booted so you can fix it13:46
zygais there any command that would "ensure" that partitions are as expected13:46
zygaand that the content is as expected?13:46
mborzeckizyga: we have no such things yet13:46
mborzeckizyga: and there's probably scenarios where gadget.yaml would be insufficiently expressive13:47
mborzeckizyga: idk if there's a plan to have a like a factory reset perhaps13:48
zygaI think it would have to be a debug command13:48
zyga"debug ensure-partitions" or something13:48
mborzeckizyga: i had a debug command that would dump the expected layout, but nothing that actually compares and lists differences if any13:53
mborzeckihhm perhaps a dry-run gadget update would be useful13:54
zygaeven as a "here's what would happen so that you can make a more informed decision"13:55
roadmrdoes anyone know of any snaps that bundle a mysql server as required by the snapped software? is there something I can reuse for that?14:14
jameshnextcloud maybe?14:15
zygayes, nextcould for sure14:19
* zyga needs to check up on kids, fix for the last test seems very easy, just needs about 2-3 tries to ensure 14:20
roadmrthanks jamesh zyga I'll look at nextcloud!14:21
zygamy wife just returned home14:21
zygaand bought me two spools of duct tape14:21
zygalike... what?14:21
roadmrzyga: what's she trying to tell you 🤔14:21
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mborzeckilp timeouts again14:37
ijohnsonmborzecki: #8037 is green14:37
mupPR #8037: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>14:37
mborzeckiand now we'll fill up the travis build queue :)14:38
mupPR snapd#8037 closed: travis, tests, run-checks: skip nakedret <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8037>14:38
ijohnsonmborzecki: have you had a chance to review #8001 again? is there anything else you think I should add to that PR before we can merge it?14:39
mupPR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>14:39
mborzeckiijohnson: let me see, i think it shoudl be +1 for me14:40
mborzeckiijohnson: we're still blocked on samuele/mvo, aren't we?14:40
ijohnsonmborzecki: great, still waiting for pedronis and/or mvo on that but just wanted to get it as close as possible before they look14:40
ijohnsonmborzecki: yes still blocked waiting for them14:40
zygatrying a fix for the last one14:45
zygafingers crossed14:45
mupPR snapd#8041 opened: tests, run-checks, many: fix nakedret issues (2.43) <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8041>14:51
zyga3rd reboot15:00
zygafingers crossed15:00
zygamaybe it will be green now15:00
zygaall three fixed in one day :)15:05
zygamborzecki: is master green now?15:05
mborzeckizyga: should be15:05
zygamborzecki: can you review the two test robustness PRs15:06
zygaI'm opening the last one15:06
mupPR snapd#8042 opened: tests: remove revision leaking from remodel-kernel <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8042>15:08
zygaI rebased all three fixes15:09
zygaand will grab lunch now15:09
mborzeckii'm going for a late lunch with the kids somewhere in the city, i'll check the PR state in the evening15:12
zygapstolowski: could you review the 2nd of the fixes15:33
mupPR #8039: tests: remove revision leaking from ubuntu-core-refresh <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8039>15:33
zygaI will have half of reviews this way15:33
zygaI'll do a pass to add --purge to them as well15:34
zygaI still have three red PRs but one will turn green soon15:34
zygaand that's only two remaining for tomorrow15:34
zygaI may get one more today, need to check how much work it is15:34
pstolowskizyga: nb purge only makes sense when the last revision gets dropped15:35
zygadidn't think of that15:35
pstolowskizyga: i mean, you can pass it, just has no effect15:36
pstolowski*always pass it*15:36
* zyga runs larger batch of tests and takes a break15:45
zygaI'll come back to explore15:45
zygajdstrand: hey15:45
zygajdstrand: how does your queue look like?15:46
zygajdstrand: do you think you could review the setgid PR this week?15:46
jdstrandzyga: it is the queue for 2.44. I doubt it will be this week, but hope to have a big PR push next week15:49
zygajdstrand: understood thanks!15:49
zygaI'm working on the backlog so no emergency but I'd love to get some progress on those eventually15:49
zygajdstrand: I have enough things to work on  this week15:49
zygaijohnson: hey19:25
zygaijohnson: just use syscalls package directly19:25
ijohnsonhey zyga19:25
zygawe use loads of syscalls that are not in the golang stack19:25
ijohnsonzyga: you mean like Syscall6  etc. ?19:25
mupPR snapd#8041 closed: tests, run-checks, many: fix nakedret issues (2.43) <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8041>19:25
ijohnsonzyga: ah ok cool19:25
ijohnsonzyga: thanks!19:25
zygaijohnson: just make sure about the requirements of renameat219:26
zygakernel requirements19:26
ijohnsonzyga: it's from 2.6.1619:26
ijohnsonzyga: is that too new?19:26
zygaah, that's ancient19:27
zygaI thought it's something 4+19:27
zygaijohnson: I'd love a review of the three fix PRs for the tests leaking mounted snaps19:29
zygaijohnson: one is green, the other two are still in testing19:29
ijohnsonzyga: yes it's in my queue, I'll try to get to them this afternoon19:29
zygasuper, thanks19:30
zygaI'll rebase the mount leak detector on that tomorrow19:30
zygaand focus on the last two red PRs19:30
ijohnsonzyga: one last question for you since you're around19:32
ijohnsonzyga: it appears that the syscall number for renameat2 is different on different architectures19:32
zygayes, that's normal19:32
ijohnsonthe usual go thing is to have a sys_linux_arm64.go ,etc. and define the constant in those files19:32
zygaeach architecture has a separate table19:32
ijohnsonis there a place we do that already?19:32
ijohnsonI don't see anywhere we do that currently19:33
zygaijohnson: ish, not for go19:33
zygaijohnson: btw, I think you may be lucky19:34
zygalast time I looked at it19:34
zygago uses renameat2 internally19:34
zygajust not exposes it19:34
zygaso _maybe_ there's a syscall const for SYS_RENAMEAT219:34
zygabut if there is none, yeah, you have to define those19:34
zygathat sucks19:34
ijohnsonI just looked and it uses renameat to implement Rename19:34
zygawell :/19:34
zygathat's that19:34
ijohnsonI'll double check, but yeah boo19:35
zygastart with x8619:35
zygaand x86_6419:35
ijohnsonyeah I was just gonna do all the architectures that the core snap is available on currently, so arm64, armhf, i386, amd64, s390x, and ppcel6419:36
ijohnsonthough I don't know if we support powerpc at all19:36
zygaijohnson: tip: seccomp knows19:36
ijohnsonah yes that's a good idea19:37
zygathe magic command is scmp_sys_resolver (obviously :)19:37
zyga(it's a terrible name)19:37
ijohnsonyes I've used that a few times before19:37
* zyga pulled fixed fixes and restarted local tests of all of core19:40
mupPR snapd#8043 opened: osutil: add Renameat2() <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8043>20:32
mupPR snapd#8044 opened: grub: support atomically renaming kernel symlinks <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8044>20:43
ijohnsonhey jdstrand, since you last touched the spread pulseaudio tests, any quick takes on what the problem might be here: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4Kqpj2CnPb/ ?20:49
jdstrandijohnson: not otoh. based on the top of the past, seems a pulseaudio is already running. perhaps something from a previous test?20:59
ijohnsonjdstrand: hmm could be20:59
zygaijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8033/commits/c1621b9f3250edc9c41f5ee5acd8163d6d58461423:59
mupPR #8033: tests: switch mount-ns test to differential data set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8033>23:59

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