
WallyI'm trying to parse the busybox command "dhclient" into the grub boot script to load a preseed url00:38
Wallyhow would I do taht?00:38
sarnoldwhat problem are you trying to solve? I have to wonder if using a preexisting thing like cloud-init or maas would be an easier starting point00:41
Wallycloud-init might be what I need00:42
WallyI'm trying ot enable dhcp support so wget will work00:42
WallyNot sure cloud-init is what i'm  after as i'm putting the regular ubuntu base on a desktop to bind to AD etc02:30
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azidhakaHi, bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) but netstat and lsof do not have any process listening on 44306:27
azidhakafuser -k 443/tcp also doesn't help06:28
jayjofound this question dealing with how to use https://serverfault.com/q/964680 as a follow up from earlier for having multiple 2fa methods while one serves primarily as a backup06:30
azidhakaconnection to 443 is refused06:30
lordievaderGood morning07:20
azidhakafor the bind problem above, there were two listen directives in the nginx config, one with ssl and one without, thats why it couldn't bind07:53
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samba35i am trying to shift from linux bridge to openvswitch12:50
samba35my linux bridge config is like this to implement same on openvswitch what i will be right way12:50
coreycbsahid: the  taskflow patch is against 3.8.0 but I'm only seeing 3.7.1 in focal15:24
coreycbso it's not applying. changes are minor I think but just wanted to check on
sahidcoreycb: hum...15:30
coreycbsahid: oh I see. 3.8.0 is in our git repo but not released.15:31
coreycbsahid: I'll revisit 3.8.0 and apply your patch if all looks good15:33
sahidok thank you coreycb, let me know then if i need to work on it for 3.7.115:33
coreycbsahid: your patch applies fine on 3.8.0, and I think the blocker for uploading last time was actually the networkx issue15:36
coreycbsahid: that's applied and pushed now. the next backport should fix it. thanks again for the patch.15:47
sahidack perfect thanks15:48
WallyAnyone here had any success getting a kickstart / debian-preseed working via network?21:44

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