
sarnoldpcworld: https://usn.ubuntu.com/4247-1/ should fix your issue00:23
sarnoldpcworld: thanhks for the report00:23
CarlFKupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.3.0-26-generic00:35
CarlFKlibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-config.c:656 kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/gryo.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'hid_sensor_hub'00:35
CarlFKI'm guessing because I did:00:36
CarlFKsudo vim /etc/default/grub  ... GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="modprobe.blacklist=hid_sensor_hub"00:38
CarlFKnvm - /etc/modprobe.d/gryo.conf ... hid_sensor_hub00:39
sarnoldpcworld: https://usn.ubuntu.com/4247-2/ rather (sorry)01:03
pragmaticenigmasarnold, is there a way to determine if a machine is affected?01:22
pragmaticenigmaor rather, does that only affect an attempt to update to a newer version of Ubuntu?01:23
sarnoldpragmaticenigma: well, there may still be other consequences of the python-apt update -- but the do-release-upgrade command ought to be working again01:24
pcworldsarnold: thanks, worked around it in the meantime. But nice that it got fixed so quickly.01:26
pragmaticenigmathanks sarnold ... wasn't planning on version upgrade... didn't know if it affected the regular updates01:30
sarnoldpragmaticenigma: I don't believe it does01:31
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ajvermillionHey, I would appreciate some help if I am going crazy02:39
ajvermillionI got a new machine (identical in every way except RAM and SSD) and swapped the RAM and SSD into it02:39
ajvermillionNow, I cannot boot because GRUB is missing02:40
ajvermillionI've tried everything I can find online, even installing ubuntu again on a spare partition (hoping it will set things up for itself) to no avail02:40
ajvermillionWhat should I do? The old machine had a bad mobo, so I cannot do anything with it, but the RAM and SSD were fine on it till the end02:41
pipegeekHi folks.03:19
Bashing-om!ask | pipegeek03:20
ubottupipegeek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:20
WallyCan anyone direct me to how I would start a preseed config from network via grub?03:20
brendantccokay y'all can kick me for being offtopic if you want to, but i have a USB drive that has an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ISO flashed to it, and I have 2 machines with Ubuntu installed. HOWEVER, I haven't used the installer USB for quite a long time and am kind of tempted to start using it as a general purpose USB for school. What should I do?03:20
Wallyi've tried net_bootp and it cannot find any network cards.03:20
Wallybrendantcc just erase it using whatever disk management suite your OS has03:21
pipegeekI have a single package held at a specific version (google chrome) because I need it there to develop on a really ancient application (current chrome's remote adb debugger seems to break for this app and I haven't tracked down why).  That browser is not used for any other reason.03:21
geniiWally: There is an ipxe addon for grub.03:21
WallyKinda no point keeping these usb images around specifically as they're probably going to be upgraded eventually.03:21
brendantcccheers Wally! :)03:21
Wallyis that via insmod?03:21
pipegeekMy question is: I'd like to upgrade ubuntu.  The upgrade process silently refuses to start because not all packages are up to date.03:22
pipegeekis there any way to force the upgrade to proceed despite the held package?03:22
Wallygenii the problem is I'm sorta restricted in using PXE as Windows is hogging that entire thing :)03:22
pipegeek(I am on ubuntu 19.04; upgrading to 19.10)03:23
WallyI just need DHCP access which I cannot seem to get unless I go to busybox03:23
geniipipegeek: 19.04 went End Of Life a while ago. Change the sources.list urls to old-releases.ubuntu.com03:23
pipegeekgenii, that doesn't really answer the question.  I'm upgrading to latest ubuntu from next-to-latest03:24
pipegeekthe upgrade tool ought to still work, shouldn't it?03:24
geniipipegeek: Then do all the upgrades required to bring your packages up to date. Then upgrade to 10.1003:24
pipegeekgenii, and I am saying, there is a specific package that is held back at an ancient version, and I'm wondering if there's a way to bypass that check so I don't have to uninstall it and track down that ancient deb again after.03:25
geniipipegeek: I've stated what you need to do as succintly as I can.03:25
pipegeekgenii, I understand what you are telling me to do.  I am asking if there is another way.  If you are saying that there isn't, that's fine haha03:26
pipegeekI just want to know if there isn't.03:26
pipegeekI don't think the question is unreasonable x)03:26
Wallyhave you done a dist-upgrade?03:27
geniipipegeek: do-release-upgrade won't proceed unless the version you're upgrading from is without dependency issues03:27
pipegeekthat said, I think the "other way" it now occurs to me is to disable /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list03:27
pipegeekand then do the upgrade.03:27
pipegeekif I do that, it won't see that there is a newer version.03:27
pipegeekthat is the answer I was looking for.03:28
Wallyyeah that'd be an option03:28
pipegeekthanks, Wally :)03:28
Wallynp I suppose :P03:28
pipegeekalright, let's try this03:28
WallyGrub doesn't even detect a network card -_-03:28
pipegeekyup, there it goes.03:29
pipegeekhahaha amusingly the upgrade tool actually disables all 3rd party sources.list.d/ entries anyway, it just refuses to proceed to the point of doing so in my case unless I do it myself first xD03:30
pipegeekgambl0re, feel free to ask your question :)03:48
gambl0reoh ok, does anyone use tlp?03:48
pipegeekit's best to just ask the question you're trying to solve --- people check back periodically and anyone who knows tlp will then be able to see it and respond03:50
pipegeek(I unfortunately do not)03:50
pipegeek(also, welcome!)03:51
WallyI've used tlp here and there but not the one to ask about it :)03:51
pipegeeknow finally dealing with the fact that I made the / LV too small years ago and it's now too full to upgrade xD03:55
pipegeekmy partition table is a mess resulting from having steadily encroached on my windows partition until I finally decided to remove it03:55
pipegeekbut pvmove is magic!03:55
pipegeekgambl0re, feel free to just ask your question.  If someone can answer, they'll respond when they can.  It may be a while x)03:58
gambl0reyes but by the time somebody answers i wont be online04:01
gambl0reif anyone can help me, just PM me. thanks04:02
sparrI just upgraded from kernel 4.15 to 5.3 and installed the backported iwlwifi driver package to get my wifi card working again. Now it's recognized and I can see networks and I can try to connect, but all wpa2 passwords are rejected. How can I troubleshoot that?04:19
pipegeekif you haven't, might be worth seeing if anything that looks relevant is showing up in journalctl or dmesg04:21
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pipegeekI expect the connection attempts are likely being logged to journald and you may see the reason for the failure in there04:24
sparrthat's the span of time from selecting a network, authentication failing, I am prompted for the password, I cancel the prompt04:30
sparrsometimes the failure takes 1 second, sometimes 1004:31
tatertotssparr: your password for Loopback Lab is accepted04:32
tatertotssparr: and you are successfully associated and authenticated with Loopback labs wireless network04:32
sparrat no point do I have a fully successful authentication. a new password prompt pops up 1-10 seconds after I try to connect.04:33
sparrI'm having other problems with the 5.3 kernel. I'm gonna try 5.2 to see if this or other problems go away. back shortly.04:34
sparroh, I guess not...04:35
sparr5.2 doesn't seem available04:35
tatertotsJan 22 20:27:40 shaggy NetworkManager[1102]: <info>  [1579753660.2167] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: authenticating -> associating04:37
tatertotsJan 22 20:27:40 shaggy kernel: wlp2s0: authenticated04:37
tatertotsseems you get disassociated at some point and then a handshake failure04:37
tatertotswierd...maybe  jeremy31 is around04:37
sparraha, gonna try the oem kernel, apparently it actually ships with iwlwifi drivers04:39
pipegeeksparr: have you tried disabling hardware encryption?04:39
sparrworst case, I have to go back to 4.15 and keep troubleshooting the much bigger wifi problem there04:39
pipegeeksudo modprobe iwlwifi nohwcrypt=104:39
pipegeekafter rmmod iwlwifi of course04:40
pipegeekI'm just curious if that causes it to start working because if it does you may at least know where to start looking for what is broken04:40
pipegeeksparr: oh, or yes that (the oem kernel) x)04:40
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sparrwith nohwcrypt=1 I am re-prompted for the password in <1 second almost every time04:41
pipegeekhuh.  odd.04:41
pipegeekand I assume you *are* able to connect to unsecured wireless networks and that you've double-checked that the password is correct04:41
pipegeek(though I assume that it must be if it's the same one that was working before the upgrade)04:42
sparryes, I am able to connect to unsecured networks04:42
pipegeekand yes, if there's a known-good kernel that may be the simplest option x)04:42
sparrand yes I've many-checked the password, despite it being the saved password that worked before the problem that prompted the upgrade04:42
pipegeekright.  I mean, I figured04:42
pipegeekjust didn't want not to have asked haha04:42
pipegeekgood luck.04:42
sparrthe pre-upgrade problem was also wifi related, the card wasn't recognized at all because I couldn't get iwlwifi built for kernel 4.1504:43
sparrbackport-iwlwifi-dkms would install and build... a module not compatible with the running kernel04:47
sparrmaybe I need to go back to 4.15 where everything else worked fine and work harder to fix THAT04:47
tatertotsor get yourself a $15 USB wireless card04:47
tatertotsand call it a day04:48
sparrthat would make my laptop significantly less portable04:48
tatertotsyeah..but what good is being portable without connectivity04:48
sparrok, new question!04:48
sparrmy grub menu has just one main "Ubuntu" entry and a few maintenance entries, not one entry per kernel like I am used to seeing04:49
sparrhow can I persistently change the kernel that's used by that entry?04:49
tatertotsI think the older kernels go away on their own now in newer ubuntu version04:49
tatertotsunlike the old days04:50
tatertotssparr: are you chatting from the computer right now?04:51
tatertotsdo you actually have more than two kernel versions on the system?04:51
sparrI am05:00
sparrI'm and yes I do05:02
sparrI'm getting internet via bluetooth tethering05:02
tatertotssparr: in terminal> awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg|nc termbin.com 999905:02
tatertotssparr: share url/link here05:02
tatertotssparr: if you do not get a url/link....say so05:02
sparrI have installed 4.15.0-1065-oem, 4.15.0-1066-oem, 5.0.0-1033-oem-osp1, 5.3.0-26-generic05:03
tatertotssparr: my grub menu has just one main "Ubuntu" entry and a few maintenance entries, not one entry per kernel like I am used to seeing05:05
tatertotssparr: that's not what I see05:05
tatertotssparr: i see one entry per kernel05:06
sparrthe list that command produced is what I am used to the grub menu looking like in past years05:06
sparrI'll reboot and take a photo, brb05:06
tatertotsokie dokie05:06
tatertotsi'd expect the photo to be the same05:08
tatertotsbut i guess we'll see05:08
sparrfour entries, first is "*Ubuntu" which boots the default/current/whatever kernel. Second is "Advanced options for Ubuntu" which is a submenu that contains the list of kernels (yay for finding that!), three is System setup and four is Restore OS to factory state05:10
sparrso, good news, I found the kernel list and selected 5.0.0-1033-oem-osp1 and my wifi Just Works, and my other 5.3 problem may also be gone, so yay05:11
sparrthat leaves me needing to figure out how to make this kernel be used by the "*Ubuntu" grub menu entry05:11
sparrI'm sure I'll eventually run into a problem with 5.0, but maybe by then there will be a newer 5.x.x-oem05:12
tatertotsyou can set the default kernel to boot into using the grub-set-default X command, where X is the number of the kernel you want to boot into. In some distributions you can also set this number by editing the /etc/default/grub file and setting GRUB_DEFAULT=X , and then running update-grub05:13
tatertotssparr: that should address that05:13
sparrI found that instruction online, but that seems to mean that X is really the number of the menu entry?05:14
sparrso I either need to know how to represeent an item in a sub-menu, or I need to change the kernel the entry on the top level menu uses05:15
tatertotssparr:  X=4/15 blah blah blah05:16
sparrwait, what?05:16
sparrnone of the docs appear to suggest I can use a kernel version to refer to a menu entry. how would that even work, since you can represent non-linux stuff as grub menu entries like booting to windows or from a diskette?05:17
tatertots"Setting a Main Menu entry as the default05:19
tatertotsThe title can also be used to specify the menuentry to be used.05:19
tatertotsGRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic"05:20
tatertotssparr: like that05:20
tatertotssparr: good luck...have fun05:21
sparrthanks, will see if I can get it to work05:22
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quadrathoch2hey Intelo, if you have a question, just ask away06:08
InteloIs there a way to install ubuntu UI on a different computer and backend/server on a different computer and then make the communicate over LAN?06:08
quadrathoch2as far as I understand your question, yes. but I am not 100% sure I understand the question06:10
Inteloquadrathoch2, If you tell how, it will cross tally my question too06:10
quadrathoch2Intelo, maybe try to explain your question in another way06:11
InteloYou install server ubuntu on one machine, you install kde on another.06:12
Intelomakes sense?06:12
Inteloquadrathoch2,  just like a web page. html and backed database are separate things. Don't need to be on same machine but can communicate06:12
Inteloquadrathoch2, How is it possible for an OS like ubuntu06:13
quadrathoch2Intelo, yes it's possible, without any issue. you just need to tell the programs what to do (if something certain happens)06:14
tatertotsi doubt it06:14
Inteloquadrathoch2, give me one example06:14
Intelotatertots, me too but curious06:14
quadrathoch2hm any bigger homepage has multiple servers in the back06:15
Inteloquadrathoch2, not neccesarily06:15
quadrathoch2as I said, most bigger sites. not any06:16
Inteloquadrathoch2, ok06:24
Inteloquadrathoch2, whats the difference between X forwarding and thin client?06:43
quadrathoch2Intelo, oO you can't really compare them. as X forwarding is software, a thin client is a pc06:45
quadrathoch2so hardware06:45
Inteloquadrathoch2, how does thin client uses resources?07:12
Inteloof server07:12
quadrathoch2Intelo, thin clients only show you the GUI, the heavy lifting is done on the server. So you need a very powerful server if you have multiple thin clients07:14
quadrathoch2But you could configure it to a point where maybe the thin client has a full OS.07:15
quadrathoch2as thin clients are pretty powerful nowadays07:15
InteloIs there a browser based UI for ubuntu os?07:16
quadrathoch2Intelo, depends on your needs. I would just use for example openbox, i3 or sth like that and put firefox into kiosk mode07:18
tatertotshe doesn't actually own any thin clients so..07:23
quadrathoch2Intelo, something07:24
quadrathoch2tatertots, I assumed that as well07:24
Inteloquadrathoch2, what will openbox and ff do in a nutshell?07:27
Inteloquadrathoch2, trying to understand your setup07:27
tatertotswhat ubuntu issue are you actually having?07:28
quadrathoch2Intelo, openbox is just a window manager so you can show firefox. And you were asking for a browser... that's why I was mentioning firefox in kiosk mode07:29
tatertotsI think there's a whole ubuntu-offtopic room07:29
tatertotsfor casual non technical support related convo07:29
quadrathoch2tatertots, that's what I am also myself asking07:29
tatertotsif Intelo wants to do a poll or ask what other users are doing he needs to go to ubuntu-offtopic07:30
tatertotshe doesn't actually have a ubuntu technical issue at the moment07:31
furycd001HI.. I'm starting a quick n' dirty webserver inside a directory using python.3. Is there any way I can make the server accessible to all devices connected on the same network ??07:47
furycd001How I'm running the server is by  >>  python3 -m http.server --cgi 808007:47
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NeoHamledIs it expected that the amount disk space required for the filesystem bookkeeping/metadata, for a 4 TB ext4 volume which is empty, is on the order of tens of gigabytes?09:24
tatertotsthere's always going to be some overhead used so you'll never get the advertised capacity after disk is in use09:28
NeoHamledYeah, I was just worried... I'm doing this on a sparse virtual disk for a VM and I'm watching the size of it grow as it formats, I think I just never noticed before how large that overhead is09:29
JadedJHi. What is a good network monitor tool that allows you to track data used on a network interface11:02
JadedJIdeally stats for per day11:03
tatertotsJadedJ: ntopg, nagios11:31
tatertotsJadedJ: zabbix11:32
eliyahuTBRhow can i do gnome-screenshot -a from gnome w/o using the command line?11:37
quadrathoch2eliyahuTBR, alt+f2? idk if it works11:37
eliyahuTBRalt+f2 is a volume control for me. alt+printscreen captures the entire screen11:38
tatertotseliyahuTBR: just press print screen button on the keyboard or ctrl+alt+printscreen11:38
JadedJtatertots: Are those desgined for ubuntu server?11:49
CheezJadedJ: they're more generic than that but there isn't much about ubuntu networking that's particularly different to other linux distros.12:02
The_LoudSpeakerHii. I am trying to install eoan on a lenovo legion laptop. Which has 16gb optane memory. The installer just hangs while scanning drives for partitions. Even grub got stuck while searching for partitions. Any ideas on how to go about?12:05
tatertotsThe_LoudSpeaker: try a different version/edition12:11
The_LoudSpeakertatertots: k. Will try.12:11
thyriaenHello, i am looking for a simple approach to send pdfs as emails - embed an pdf in an email so to say. not as an attachment12:15
thyriaenI would imagine to use html in my email which displays a pdf document but there might be another way i am not familiar with12:15
thyriaensince digging around a little, using html seem to be problematic due to a missing standard and different rendering engines so i can never be sure it will display my content12:16
tatertotsdoesn't get much simpler than that12:18
thyriaenif i copy a pdf and paste it into my email client it just writes oout the link12:18
thyriaeni am using geary, if that matters12:19
thyriaentatertots, which client are you using ?12:19
tatertotsthat means you're not copying the pdf contents12:20
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thyriaenThank you for your help !12:22
BluesKajHowdy folks12:29
myuser__Is there going to be any support for kernel 5.4 in Ubuntu 18.04?12:32
lotuspsychjemyuser__: why do you need 5.4?12:33
quadrathoch2myuser__, when 20.04 is out, it will happen after some time afterwards12:34
myuser__lotuspsychje = More support for Ryzen 3000 hardware12:36
myuser__Any other way to get Ryzen 3000 sensor support? e.g. userland app, LKM, etc?12:37
quadrathoch2myuser__, I would just wait till 20.04 is out12:37
myuser__quadrathoch2: Any timeline on that?12:37
lotuspsychjequadrathoch2: 20.04 already have 5.412:38
quadrathoch2well, in april ^^12:38
myuser__Oh, sweet12:38
quadrathoch2that's why you have the 4 after the dot ^^12:38
eaxxaewhat's the best free way to easily add 2 factor authentication to a Ubuntu Desktop box ?12:38
myuser__Oh, I never knew that12:38
eaxxaecan you use duo.com, with ubuntu desktop ?12:38
myuser__eaxxae: is duo free?12:39
pragmaticenigmaeaxxae: Yes, you can use many different 2FA options... Look into pam modules12:39
eaxxaepragmaticenigma, thx.12:40
eaxxaemyuser__, yes, I used it on my mac it's mostly free12:40
eaxxaeI want to use something that can send text messages to a cell phone thou12:41
pragmaticenigmaeaxxae: None of those options are free... as a SMS service provider has to be involved. Also, SMS is NOT secure and shouldn't be used for 2FA12:42
eaxxaepragmaticenigma, why do you say it's unsafe, you mean an app on a smartphone is more secure ?12:43
myuser__Is there a set of standard tests that can be run for stress-ng. I don't really know what options would be use to determine the hardware is solid, but not fry it.12:45
pragmaticenigmaeaxxae: Unfortunately that isn't a topic for this channel. But SMS is trivial to circumvent, seach for "SIM Swapping Attack" on the web and you'll see why.12:47
eaxxaepragmaticenigma, makes sense. thanks.12:50
frank1eis there anyone here who can help me with google chrome sync and ubuntu 19?13:12
tatertotsdid you log into chrome?13:13
frank1ehi tatertots! yes. also I entered the password from chrome sync13:13
frank1ewhen checking on google.com how many passwords are stored, it says arond 800.13:14
tatertotswas your log in successful? did you see error?13:14
frank1ebut it syncs 0 passwords to my ubuntu chrome13:14
frank1emaybe useful information: on booting ubuintu chrome said that it was not shut down correctly.13:15
pragmaticenigmafrank1e: Chrome is supported by Google, support for chrome is available here: https://support.google.com/chrome/?hl=en#topic=743800813:15
pragmaticenigmafrank1e: This channel focuses support on software made available through the official Ubuntu software repositories13:16
oerhekschrome does not say something on boot, that must be ubuntu itself13:17
Ooluse chromium :)13:17
frank1eoerheks, it did say that when booting ubuntu and starting chrome right away13:17
frank1eanyway, will use the google help site then. thanks for your time!13:17
oerheksfrank1e, wipe the ~/.config/google-chrome folder, and restart chrome, login and sync13:21
oerheksmaybe some cruft under ~/.cache too13:21
frank1eoerheks, the .cache folder was it, thanks!13:32
oerheksyay, have fun!13:33
bbigrasAnyone knows if sssd will be affected be the upcoming Microsoft LDAP change in March? It seems it will. I was wondering if the Ubuntu devs were tracking that.14:49
siwicaI am on 18.04 LTS, how can I install a specific package from 19.10 while staying with 18.04?14:51
quadrathoch2siwica, i wouldn't do it, it could break alot14:51
BluesKajsiwica, that's bad practice, as quadrathoch2 said it could break your system and put you in dependency hell14:53
siwicaI am debugging a Samba problem and want to try out whether or not the Samba version from 19.10 solves it.14:53
zanshinsiwica: Use a VM for your testing?14:53
BluesKaj just not advisable14:54
siwicaWell, maybe I'll just update to 19.10 then since the next LTS seems to be coming soon.14:55
BluesKajsiwica, what's wrong with your existing samba version, what kind of errors are you getting, if any14:55
siwicaWell, basically we're experiencing some weird behaviour on two Windows machines that are potentially connected to Samba shares. The IT person we hired to resolve the issue asked me whether I could upgrade Samba on the Server.14:57
siwicaI doubt a newer version will resolve it though.14:57
quadrathoch2and what issues are those?14:57
siwicaThe Windows Explorer does not refresh after any changes (file creation, renaming, ..) and the computer gets stuck during shutdown. The issues are gone when there is no network connection.15:00
siwicaIt's very puzzling to me that the symptoms are related to something going on on the network, but it seems with Windows anything is possible.15:01
quadrathoch2siwica, I would try with a vm, container, or really upgrade (which is probably the worst idea)15:01
quadrathoch2if you really want to upgrade the samba server15:01
quadrathoch2siwica, if you already have a container (docker) playfield it shouldn't take long15:03
pragmaticenigmasiwica: an update to samba is not likely to solve that issue. and it honestly sounds more like a problem with authentication, you mentioned earlier that you're running LDAP... does windows use the same credentials to access the smb shares?15:03
siwicaHm, not running LDAP. Where did I mention that?15:04
quadrathoch2he didn't mention ldap pragmaticenigma15:04
siwicaI also thought it might me connected to authentication.15:04
pragmaticenigmaquadrathoch2: The very first thing they stated in the chat15:04
quadrathoch2but I also assume it's windows :/15:04
pragmaticenigmaoh... woops15:05
siwicaI could post a my smb.conf?15:05
* pragmaticenigma apologies for the assumption... hexchat color coded two people with the color15:05
quadrathoch2siwica, that would be great15:05
pragmaticenigmapaste.ubuntu.com is a good place siwica15:06
pragmaticenigmasiwica: just a thought... anything in the samba logs? /var/log/smbd.log (I think)15:11
quadrathoch2siwica, the samba server is running on 18.04 or?15:12
siwicaYes, running on 18.0415:12
quadrathoch2so maybe the technician is not wrong :/ https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files/windows-10-explorer-doesnt-refresh-after-copying/75855db6-993f-49d1-80a8-d2ee6b46e30915:12
quadrathoch2he fixed it by using a newer samba server version, and probably this happened again, as ms was 'updating' the samba client side maybe15:13
pragmaticenigmaWasn't there some samba updates just pushed to ubuntu in the last week?15:14
tatertotssiwica: what is the actual issue?.....2x windows PC's "potentially" connected to a SMB share on ubuntu?...they either are or they aren't but that still doesn't shed any light on the actual problem15:15
quadrathoch2no idea, not using ubuntu :/15:15
pragmaticenigmasiwica: I presently have several samba updates waiting for updates on my machine that were pushed out in the last week. Have you made sure your server is fully patched?15:16
quadrathoch2pragmaticenigma, i assumed the server was fully patched15:17
tatertotssiwica: an example of a problem would be something like "I'm trying to share files with windows PC and it does not work"...or "I am sharing files with windows PC and they can read but NOT write"15:18
siwicaThe server is fully patched. Just installed the most recent samba updates.15:19
quadrathoch2tatertots, huh? he explained fully clear what's not working15:19
pragmaticenigmaquadrathoch2: I don't assume that when it appears requester is in a business environment... many business wait on patching to see if there are bugs (and also when patches were released within the last 2 days)15:20
tatertotsquadrathoch2: where?...copy and repaste his post..."weird behavior" isn't detailed15:20
tatertotsquadrathoch2: did you read more into "weird behavior" than i did?15:20
siwicatatertots: I clarified in a later post.15:20
quadrathoch2tatertots, The Windows Explorer does not refresh after any changes (file creation, renaming, ..) and the computer gets stuck during shutdown. The issues are gone when there is no network connection.15:20
quadrathoch2pragmaticenigma, oh, didn't know the patches were that new. so you are right :/15:21
pragmaticenigmatatertots: is smb used for shared printing?15:21
tatertotsquadrathoch2: thanks15:21
pragmaticenigmaI didn't see it in the config file15:21
siwicaquadrathoch2: Thanks, i'll look into that Microsoft post.15:21
quadrathoch2pragmaticenigma, nope, it's not15:22
siwicaI disabled shared printing to make sure the problem is not related to it.15:22
pragmaticenigmaerr.. .sorry tatertots wrong tab15:22
pragmaticenigmasiwica: here's what I'm wondering, if their was a shared printer, and there was a failed print job or something in the queue/spool... that could explain some behavior. I'd check the client machines to make sure those printers are removed and there is nothing in the printer spool directory15:23
siwicaWell there was never a shared printer connected to the Ubuntu-Server. I just used some default config that had shared printing enabled initially.15:24
pragmaticenigmaah okay15:24
siwicaMaybe I'll just update to 19.04 then.15:25
pragmaticenigmasiwica: and nothing appears in the log files at all? anything in windows event viewer show a log entry for the remote connection?15:25
tatertotsthat's small enough of a environment to spin up another ubuntu VM and share a folder and see if the symptom persists with a different version Ubuntu VM15:25
siwicaJust need to be at site for that. Too afraid of anything going wrong while being in a city 500km away.15:26
pragmaticenigmasiwica: 19.04 ended support, thought you have to jump into 19.04 to reach 19.10. A lot of risk to take for this problem. I would really encourage the use of a VM and setup a test server15:26
quadrathoch2siwica, that's why I would setup a quick vm, container to see if it's really the 'old' version15:26
quadrathoch2siwica, nothing should break with this15:26
pragmaticenigmaI would go as far as setting up both a 18.04 and 19.10 server... just to rule out a configuration issue15:26
tatertotsif the symptom occurs only with your non LTS Ubuntu share and NOT with the LTS Ubuntu VM used for pilot testing then there you go15:27
siwicaThere are two more computers (running Windows 10 Home) for which the issues do not occur (while having the same shares mounted). The issue only occurs on Windows 10 Pro.15:27
pragmaticenigmaThen I really doubt upgrading the server is the solution15:27
pragmaticenigmaDoesn't matter the windows version, they all have the same libraries and software... things are just locked out from user access in Home15:28
siwicaOk, I'll probably try to use a VM then. Have KVM running for a Windows VM anyways, so that should not be too hard.15:28
tatertotsso you only have an issue with 2 windows pc's while other windows PC's on the same network are fine and do not exhibit this behavior....that's very telling15:28
tatertotsthat kinda rules out thing right there15:28
quadrathoch2yeah, so it's more of a win problem imho, or configuration on windows issue15:29
tatertotsissue is isolated to two specific windows PC and not the rest of the windows PC's on the network.....15:29
siwicaAre you sure, Windows 10 Home/Pro use the absolute same libraries and have the same update plan?15:29
tatertotstotally windows issue15:29
quadrathoch2siwica, yeah 100%15:30
pragmaticenigmasiwica: Yes, I'm absolutely sure... they've been doing that since Windows XP... cheaper to make one program and turn features off for cheaper versions.15:30
rud0lfthey do the same with CPU15:30
siwicaAlright then.15:31
tatertotsyour symptoms stay with those two PC's while other windows PC do not exhibit the symptom...rules out ubuntu and the other windows pc's15:31
quadrathoch2siwica, if you want to really figure out if it's samba or not, just spin up a vm15:31
siwicaOk, I'll do the VM then if I have time.15:31
ioriasiwica, iirc win10 uses 2 kinds of SMB : smb direct and the old smb 1.0 ; maybe on the Pro version smb 1.0 is deactivated15:32
siwicaI looked at the Network traffic with wireshark. SMB2 seems to be negotiated regardless of the specific client.15:33
pragmaticenigmaioria: I thought Ubuntu 18.04 came with the 1.0 protocol disabled by default... I seem to remember having to turn it on for one of my network devices to beable to drop files into my server15:33
siwicaAlso, SMB1 is switched off after some Windows Update I think.15:33
ioriapragmaticenigma, not sure about that , sy15:35
tatertotsthe mere fact that all the other windows PC on the network are fine with the exception of two ..speaks volumes15:35
siwicaI am really disappointed nothing useful appears in the Windows logs, though. It really sucks to debug Windows issues.15:35
pragmaticenigmatatertots: you've already said those things several times now... let's focus on moving forward15:35
siwicaThe hardware is not identical, though.15:35
ioriasiwica, restart Workstation service on the not-working windows 1015:35
tatertotspragmaticenigma: he can't spin up a ubuntu VM any time soon to get any confirmation today....so rambling on about the issue or more speculation is all you can really mean by "move forward"15:37
tatertotspractically speaking15:37
PraecepsHey, I know you can chmod from a live cd to an installed instance, but can you do the reverse, chmod into a live cd instance from an installed instance?15:40
pragmaticenigmaPraeceps: what exactly are you trying to do?15:41
tatertotsif you're booted to LiveCD/LiveUSB how would you imagine to do that?15:41
Praecepspragmaticenigma, Our lab computers have 16.04 on them, the software I'm trying to use doesn't seem to work properly on 16.04 and I'd like to have a consistent persistent environment to do my testing in15:42
Praeceps(The computers wipe automatically at midnight)15:42
PraecepsI have root access but the boot menu is locked down to stop people messing with the auto wiping stuff15:42
leftyfbPraeceps: if you have root, you could add a bootable usb to GRUB. Or you could just run a VM or LXD container15:43
Praecepsleftyfb, I did think about grub, would an update-grub discover the usb device?15:43
leftyfbPraeceps: I don't know the details of adding the usb to grub, I just know it's possible15:44
PraecepsGoogle is my friend I guess, what about just a straight up chroot into the live cd environment? Is something like that possible?15:44
Praecepslive usb? I guess in this case15:44
leftyfbPraeceps: the live environment is a squashfs filesystem. Not easily chrootable15:45
siwicaioria: Do you know how to find out the German translation of Workstation Sevice?15:45
pragmaticenigmaPraeceps: It's possible, but I would go the route of Live USB with persistence15:45
pragmaticenigmaPraeceps: but if the machine locked down to not boot from USB... then it sounds like you need to find a different location to do your work15:45
Praecepspragmaticenigma, I've already configured the Live USB with persistence using mkusb15:45
siwicaWell, thank's for your helpt guys! I'll try spinning up a VM to see if that solves the issue.15:46
Praecepspragmaticenigma, The ironic thing is this is the place to do my work, the locking down of the boot menu seems like an arbitrary restriction to me15:46
leftyfbPraeceps: if you don't need a GUI for anything you're working on, you really should just look at spinning up an LXD container. It takes minutes to setup15:46
pragmaticenigmaPraeceps: to you perhaps... but if you're not the manager of the lab... then it sounds like you need to reach out to the manager of the lap to get permission.15:46
Praecepspragmaticenigma, Yeah, I'm going to reach out to my supervisor15:47
PraecepsLike it's literally a lab for working with hacking tools and malware15:47
PraecepsIt's intentionally cut off from the rest of the uni network15:47
PraecepsI do not understand why they feel the need to lock down the boot menu, bios maybe, but the boot menu really can't do any more harm15:48
pragmaticenigmathat sounds like a topic for a different time and place. As for your current issue, it really sounds like you'd be better talking to the lab supervisor. I can see many reasons why those machines are locked down in the way the are15:49
ioriasiwica, i can only guess :  Windows Arbeitsstationsdienst   ?15:49
quadrathoch2that sounds weird ioria :)15:49
quadrathoch2at least from a german point of view :)15:50
siwicaThat's what I thought too. Not listed though.15:50
quadrathoch2but no harm ioria :)15:50
Praecepspragmaticenigma, I was gonna shoot out an email on that front anyway. I was still kinda hoping linux would have a way just to move to another OS like that15:50
quadrathoch2siwica, what specifically are you looking for?15:50
siwicaI'll install the language pack I guess15:51
siwicaquadrathoch2: ioria told me to restart the Workstation Service.15:51
quadrathoch2give me a sec siwica15:52
pragmaticenigmasiwica: I double checked and Ubuntu by default has ntlmv1 disabled by default, as does your config file... you might want to double check that the windows machines have v1 disabled as well. Windows could be trying to use v1, when it's not allowed15:52
quadrathoch2siwica, sorry can't figure it out, as my windows installs are all english15:54
siwicaOk, thanks I'll double check!15:54
siwicaI need to do some other work now, unfortunately. Thank's a lot for your help though!15:55
siwicaI might be coming back here tomorrow eveninig.15:55
pragmaticenigmasiwica: You may find more precision help in the #ubuntu-server channel15:57
c03I'm connected with openvpn client to a vpn, but my ip doesn't change. I suspect my browser isn't using the tunnel network device.. how do I make it mandatory for all connections to use the VPN?16:11
pragmaticenigmac03: You read the documentation: https://serverfault.com/a/48009816:14
JimBuntuc03: being on a VPN doesn't mean ALL traffic is routed through the VPN. Are you sure the VPN is asking for all traffic to be routed through it?16:14
JimBuntu"but my ip doesn't change" If you are connected to a VPN, you should have an IP associated with the virtual network interface for the VPN connection, but your normal network interface IP will not change.16:15
pragmaticenigmac03: https://openvpn.net/community-resources/how-to/#redirect16:15
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu: I think the IP doesn't change because their checking their IP address through a website, expecting the exit IP address instead of their current public ip16:16
BluesKajsome browsers will store your old IP from a nonvpn connection, just refresh the the browser if you are on an IP tracker16:17
JimBuntuI agree that would make sense pragmaticenigma, I simply want to make sure they aren't expecting to see some other change.16:17
pragmaticenigmafair enough16:17
pjshow can I make a service disabled by default but I can still start/stop it with 'service foo start/stop' when I want to use it? basically I don't want it to automatically start at boot16:28
pragmaticenigmapjs: you can use "systemctl disable {servicename}" which will prevent the service from starting on boot, but you can still use it by calling "systemctl start {servicename}" after the fact16:29
pjspragmaticenigma: ah ok, I thought there was more to it :) Thanks!16:31
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unixengHi all...anyone here really good with logrotate configuration?17:50
lotuspsychje_unixeng: we usually focus on ubuntu support questions, if you feel its related, please ask your specific issue to the channel please17:51
unixengOk no worries...thanks17:51
oerheksask, wait and see?17:53
unixeng/join ##linux17:54
pragmaticenigmaunixeng: If you could specify the problem that you're trying to solve, the volunteers here will do their best to try and offer a solution or resources that may help you17:56
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje_: logrotate is part of Ubuntu. it's what takes care of managing the log files. so help wouldn't be out of scope here17:57
lotuspsychje_pragmaticenigma: my reply was to let him elaborate, not skare him away17:58
fuzekubuntu 19.10 i am experiencing graphical glitches after resuming from hibernate18:12
quadrathoch2fuze, without more info, there is no way to help18:15
fuzegpu is nvidia gt 71018:15
fuzeTheres red dots all over my second monitor18:15
ioriafuze, does it go away if you restart your DE ( i think kill plasmashell  in your caseand restart) ?18:15
pragmaticenigmafuze: Can you describe "glitches" ... The more details you give us, the better the volunteers can try to figure out what is going on and how to potentially fix it18:16
fuzeioria: no, but i just tried restarting sddm and it made my screen black with cursor so i had to reboot18:21
fuzepragmaticenigma: visual distortions on my screen like flickering or colored dots18:21
pragmaticenigmafuze: Any particular reason for using Hibernate?18:22
pragmaticenigma(assuming hibernate means suspend-to-disk)18:23
fuzeWhen im doing work its easy to shutdown and resume the next day18:23
ioriafuze, nvidia driver in use ?18:23
fuzeioria: yes18:23
ioriafuze, boot with nomodeset and hibernate/suspend and see what happens18:23
pragmaticenigmafuze: One recommendation is also not to hibernate. The power options Standby (suspend-to-ram) and Hibernate (suspend-to-disk) cause more problems than they solve. Also, if you are using an SSD for your main drive, you're pontentially reducing it's life as some configurations will write to the same memory cells over and over18:26
fuzepragmaticenigma: I believe ssd usage is configured at the firmware level18:29
fuzeI would suspend to ram but i have rgb ram which is annoying at night18:29
pragmaticenigmafuze: Right, but some controllers wear leveling see the same block of data being accessed, and continue to write over the same blocks18:30
fuzeioria: how can i tell if nomodset is enabled?18:34
ioriafuze,  cat /proc/cmdline18:34
VLMCHello #ubuntu! I'd like to install Ubuntu 20.04 on my 2015 A1466 Macbook Air, which issues / missing features can I expect to encounter?18:35
lotuspsychje_join at #ubuntu+1 VLMC18:35
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: Ubuntu 20.04 hasn't been released yet. Beta support in #ubuntu+118:35
VLMCThanks, what about 19.1018:35
oerheksVLMC try it in live mode?18:36
oerhekseasy peasy testing18:36
WaVI recently got my hands on a couple USB thumb drives. If I were to backup my various configuration files to said drives, what filesystem would be best for them?18:36
fuzeok i got kwin closed unexpectedly but no graphical errors18:36
VLMCoerheks: I have, works fine18:36
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: There is no way to know what issues you may encounter until after you have installed. You're best option is to try using the Live USB option to try it out first18:36
fuzei will reboot and test again without nomodset18:36
VLMCI'm just wondering about battery life and suspend/resume18:36
VLMCI just wanted the advice of someone who's used it on such a device for a while, since macbooks are pretty popular18:37
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: Those all depend on your usage of the machine. Suspend-To-Ram and Suspend-to-Disk are available, however even with PCs results may very18:37
fuzeok right after i updated grub i got graphical glitches18:37
VLMCSoftware development on the go, I need the 8-10 hour battery life macOS provided18:37
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: The volunteers of this channel focus on supporting individuals actually running Ubuntu and software supplied through the official Ubuntu software repositories. The volunteers can't predict what performance your machine will see.18:38
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: If battery life is critical... best to stick with what you know18:39
VLMCI'd think one of the volunteers would be running an A1466 Macbook as it's a rather popular machine.18:39
VLMCIf battery life is known to be bad on that machine because reasons, then I'll probably get the 2020 XPS 13 dev edition18:39
pragmaticenigmaVLMC: Again... channel support is for actual running instances of Ubuntu.18:39
VLMCThat's quite limited, where can I talk about Ubuntu in general then?18:40
pragmaticenigma#ubuntu-offtopic VLMC18:40
quadrathoch2WaV, it really depends on what systems you use, for example only linux or also windows etc18:41
oerheksVLMC, overall the battery life is less than high tweaked windows. though there is TLP and tons of other tweaks to lower usage.18:43
ducasseVLMC: ubuntu is very unlikely to give you the same battery life as macos18:43
oerheksgnome/kde are more resourcehungry than xfce/mate18:43
oerheksbut nicer to use :-D18:44
WaVquadratho: Let's assume I chose fat, would there be any issues writing the saved configuration files on to a new linux install?18:45
WaVExample: permissions and anything else important18:45
pragmaticenigmaWaV: FAT32 doesn't support the native linux permission set... so copying from the drive to you install will not carry with it the permissions18:46
fuzepragmaticenigma: ok the issue seems to happen even with reboot, not even hibernate18:46
fuzeioria: didnt fix it18:47
oerheksWaV, so ext4 it is.18:47
pragmaticenigmafuze: thats starting to sound more like a potential failing piece of hardware18:47
ioriafuze,  what did not fix it ?18:47
fuzeioria: nomodset18:47
fuzepragmaticenigma: I unplugged the hdmi and plugged back in and it fixed it18:47
ioriafuze,  you got artifacts even with nomodeset ?18:47
WaVpragmatic/oerheks: any other downfall aside from permissions not carrying over?18:48
fuzeyes. also after last reboot desktop effects arent working18:48
oerheksWaV, with your demand, ext4 is the only option18:48
pragmaticenigmafuze: well that would fall under failing hardware... the contacts in the cable can corrode over time... unplugging and plugging them back in helps to clean that corrosion off, as well as reseat the connection in case it has wiggled loose18:48
fuzealso I unplugged and plugged back the hdmi from the monitor that isnt having the glitches18:49
fuzepragmaticenigma: no since it was the cable to a different monitor18:49
fuzeit just forced graphical reset18:49
fuzealso that doesnt explain compositor breaking18:49
WaVOk, thanks.18:49
PeGaSuSQ: can I use Clonezilla directly from the booted system or should I use a live USB?18:50
pragmaticenigmaPeGaSuS: Clonezilla is designed to run stand alone, because it requires access to unmounted disks18:50
PeGaSuSpragmaticenigma: right. so, live USB :)18:51
fwefHi, I have a laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad T480) plugged into the Lenovo Thinkpad Thunderbolt dock with 2 monitors attached. I leave my laptop with the lid closed when plugged in the dock. Whenever I unplug the dock and open the lid I'm left with a blank screen. The backlight is on but the screen is black. When I first open the lid it works, but then when I close the lid and open again I get the black screen again.18:51
fwefAny idea how to fix this issue?18:51
pragmaticenigmaPeGaSuS: For further assintance, please seek the resources on clonezilla project page: http://clonezilla.org/18:51
PeGaSuSpragmaticenigma: tyvm for the quick answer and tips :)18:52
pragmaticenigmafwef: I've seen similar issues resolved by updating the firmware for the docking station18:53
fwefpragmaticenigma: can that be down within ubuntu with the firmware update tool? Because I'm not seeing any updates.18:54
pragmaticenigmafwef: I have a feeling it's something that you have to do from a windows machine... the firmware would be available on lenovo's website18:55
fwefpragmaticenigma: ok, will try, thanks for the info18:56
Rabid_Ravenso... has anyone figured out a way to make sure that computers with nvidia gpus sleep properly?19:03
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: This channel is more focused on support for issues. If you could explain what issue you're encountering, in as much detail the community volunteers here will do their best to try and help you fix it.19:05
Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, gladly.19:05
Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, I am using an MSI GT72 2QD with the firmware updated to the highest version. It runs Kubuntu 19.10 and uses the Nvidia proprietary driver installed automatically through Ubuntu. Whenever I request for the machine to go to sleep whether by executing the command or by closing the lid, the machine sleeps but nothing I do will ever wake it19:07
Rabid_Raventhe driver is 435.xx btw19:07
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: The best I can offer is to ask if you have looked into Graphics Drivers Team's PPA where they provide better tuned versions and setups for the Nvidia driver: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa19:12
Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, it's helpful advice. i was considering using the ppa version for a while, admittedly19:13
Ben64It's possible that the gpu has nothing to do with your issue though19:13
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: I have a much older card, but have found using that PPA very helpful in reducing the number of issues I felt I was having in the past. Biggest issue i encountered was with video playback and severe screen tearing19:14
Rabid_RavenBen64, how would i know?19:14
Ben64I always just end up disabling sleep on laptops, there's so many possible weird components in there that may or may not like to wake up19:15
Rabid_RavenBen64, i'm at the same stage but I recall being able to sleep with my old Dell laptop using an AMD driver back in 200819:16
Rabid_Ravenso i know sleep can work in Ubuntu. Not sure why it's still an issue in 2020.19:16
pragmaticenigmaI do the same on many of my machines... the suspend-to-ram and suspend-to-disk require so much of the hardware in the machine to be in sync with each other, I just avoid it... machine is either left on, or I make use of other tools that allow me to restore a session state, specific to the applications I use19:16
Ben64Rabid_Raven: because of the aforementioned weird components19:16
Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, ah, I never considered the necessity of a sync19:16
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: hardware manufactures assume everyone is installing Windows... Some machines go as far as to act completely differently if the OS reports itself as anything other than Windows (see ACPI)19:17
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: This person has a great write up about the topic (and a regular volunteer here) https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html19:19
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Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, that's probably why some people add the acpi_os='Windows 2009' line in /etc/default/grub then19:22
pragmaticenigmaRabid_Raven: That is one of the reasons, yes19:23
Rabid_Ravenyeah, I guess I'll just leave it deactivated19:24
pragmaticenigmathere is no harm in trying it... but that article should help you to understand how it works and why it works19:25
Rabid_Ravenpragmaticenigma, ok, the script offered on that page is definitely worth a try19:30
Rabid_Ravenonce i'm back home, i'll make it a priority to run it and get the strings I need19:30
Rabid_Raventhank you kindly for your help and God bless you all19:30
neyderHi, I have a shared /home partition, with same username and UID, but when i boot to RHEL it shows me login error: no shell: permission denied20:06
ducasseneyder: we don't support rhel here20:07
oerheksshared home .. interesting idea20:08
oerheksi would not do that between ubuntu versions, so different distros is really interesting..20:08
sarnoldman that's gonna bust *all* your SELinux labels on /home20:09
neyderducasse, i'm from ubuntu20:09
pragmaticenigmaneyder: you won't be able to share /home partitions between different installs. Not every distribution starts the UID at the same value. Also the ACLs are going to get very confusing20:09
oerheksgood luck!20:09
neyderboth have 1000 UID20:09
neyderboth are the same username and $HOME20:09
pragmaticenigmaneyder: The ACLs are also a factor, which are uniquely tied to the install20:09
ducasseneyder: you just said you get the error under rhel20:09
sarnoldneyder: it's probably best to focus on either #rhel xor #ubuntu -- not try to do both at once20:10
neydersarnold, trying to check if someone has the same weird idea before myself20:11
pragmaticenigmaneyder: It would have worked prior to systemd ... now that systemd is available, which provides ACLs to the files, that is why you are encountering the issue. The ACLs are managed uniquely by each install, and if the ACL doesn't contain the right entry, it's going to assume you do not have permission for that resource20:12
iorianeyder, i have a weird idea; backup your .bashrc (or .profile) files20:12
HashtagI did something stupid and damaged my ubuntu installation. Feel free to laugh at me, but advice on how to fix it would be nice too. I was using python 2.7 and used pip to install a bunch of stuff in global namespace, and instead of figuring out what I installed and removing that, I just removed python. Broke a lot of stuff.20:22
oerheksreinstalling python, apt needs python iirc20:23
oerheksthis answer might be your help too https://askubuntu.com/a/89792520:24
HashtagI was able to reinstall it with apt. It also uninstalled a lot of things that use python such as gimp, and I reinstalled what I noticed but it's been a pain20:25
oerhekssudo apt-get install --reinstall python2.720:26
oerheksfor short20:26
Hashtagoerheks: thanks for the link20:26
tomreynthats if apt still works generally20:26
tomreynotherwise you'd need to use dpkg directly20:26
oerhekslatest gimp is on snapcraft https://snapcraft.io/gimp20:27
sarnoldHashtag: debsums -ac may help20:29
meonkeyson http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/18/stable/current/ , why are there specific builds for rasberry pi 2, 3, snapdragon, etc? (as opposed to only arm64, i386, armhf)20:32
ducassemeonkeys: try #ubumtu-arm20:35
kristian_on_linujust restarted my router, and now my laptop won't connect properly ... I get the dreaded question mark icon, but no wifi or wlan20:35
sarnoldmeonkeys: arms are weird20:35
pragmaticenigmaducasse: small typo there20:36
kristian_on_linuwhat should I do? I restarted the router a bit, and my laptop as well ... still no dice20:36
pragmaticenigmameonkeys: I think ducasse meant #ubuntu-arm20:36
ducassepragmaticenigma: damn laptop keyboard20:37
oerheksarmhf =v7 32 bit, arm64 = v8 .. i see that the manifest gives different numbers for repositories and kernel20:37
pragmaticenigmakristian_on_linu: Connect a cable from your laptop to the router and check your router settings20:37
oerheksso you will see no clutter of unusable snaps20:37
kristian_on_linupragmaticenigma: hurm, I guess I could do that ... but I have changed nothing20:37
kristian_on_linupragmaticenigma: I just turned it off because I needed to mess around with some cables20:38
pragmaticenigmakristian_on_linu: doesn't mean that when it came back online everything stayed as it was. Also... mess around with cables is changing something20:38
kristian_on_linupragmaticenigma: cables for my amplifier and television :)20:39
kristian_on_linuthe weird thing is, my phone connects flawlessly20:39
pragmaticenigmakristian_on_linu: we start with the simplest approach and work our way up from there... if you don't want to follow the advisement, that is your choice, but continuing to ask for the next step without trying what was recommended isn't going to move this along any faster.20:40
ioriakristian_on_linu, if the wifi settings are still in the router, i suggest to restart network-manager20:41
meonkeysoerheks: but I'm asking about raspi 2 (armhf) vs raspi 3 (also listed as armhf). Are those considered different machine architectures?20:47
meonkeysducasse, pragmaticenigma: ok, I'll try that channel too, thank you20:48
waveformmeonkeys, for the purposes of core they're (currently) considered different machines. We're attempting to move towards a unified core image for pi armhf, and a separate one for arm64, but the migration story is not trivial20:48
oerheksthere is no arm64 for pi220:49
kristian_on_linupragmaticenigma: I was not refusing to do anything, just pointing out the weirdness of the situation20:49
kristian_on_linuioria: what settings should I look for?20:50
oerheksanyway, look at the manifest numbers, those differ, and give a selected subset of software/firmware and such20:50
pragmaticenigmakristian_on_linu: and to sift through the weirdness, we need to set a baseline20:50
meonkeysoerheks: was that to me re: manifest numbers? Sorry, kinda fumbling around here as I learn...20:50
ioriakristian_on_linu, maybe the passphrase and the SSID ?20:51
meonkeyswaveform: what is an example of a current incompatibility with the different pi armhf versions?20:51
oerheksit must be firmware, drivers or something.. platform dependent stuff20:54
pragmaticenigmameonkeys: I think it refers to the CPU instruction sets between the different versions and revisions of the ARM cpu architecture20:54
waveformmeonkeys, there aren't any (substantial ones, that really matter for core's purposes) but for whatever reason that's the way they were defined (this was before my time so I can't comment on what the thought process way - that said, on platforms *other* than the pi it's entirely common to have sufficient differences that distinct distributions for different boards are required)20:55
waveformmeonkeys, to give an idea of some of the differences: there are different device-trees for the different pis (e.g. the 3B defines the wifi interface)20:55
waveformhowever, if dtbs are available for all supported pis on an image, the firmware selects an appropriate one and sends it onto the next stage in the boot-chain20:56
waveformso, it is possible to support, say, pi 2 and 3 on a single core image, and that's what we're working towards but we've got to consider the migration story for existing users and that's where everything gets horribly complex :)20:57
meonkeysok, gotcha. What are "dtbs"?20:57
waveformdevice-trees - basically files that tell the kernel "you've got a wifi chip at address X which is compatible with driver Y, you've got an i2c bus at address A, with sensors B and C at i2c addresses D and E, etc. etc."20:58
pragmaticenigmawaveform, meonkeys: I think this conversation has moved into offtopic territory... perhaps it would be a good idea to continue in #ubuntu-discuss ?20:58
waveformpragmaticenigma, fair enough - I'll pop over there in case meonkeys wishes to continue20:59
meonkeyswaveform: ah, gotcha. So when an official amd64 Ubuntu LTS image (not core) is created, a ton of work has already been done on these device trees21:00
meonkeyspragmaticenigma: will do, thank you21:00
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lol768_why does `sudo apt install chromium-browser` install a package which installs a snap?21:43
pragmaticenigmalol768_: going forward, chromium is now available only as a snap21:44
lol768_when did this happen? :/21:44
WallyAnyone here had any success getting a kickstart / debian-preseed working via network?21:45
Wallygrub fails to detect any network cards however busybox does it fine..21:45
lol768_https://ubuntu.com/blog/chromium-in-ubuntu-deb-to-snap-transition I see21:45
WallyThat's the kind of world we're in today lol768_21:46
pragmaticenigmalol768_: the frequently releases of chromium are better suited for snap, where the dependencies and other components can be better managed without requiring the host OS to be affected by required changes21:46
WallyIt does make a lot of sense.21:47
lol768_pragmaticenigma: couldn't you make the same argument for Firefox?21:48
WallyAnything with rolling releases.21:48
lol768_Right, well I don't feel particularly strongly about it but it does appear to have broken chromedriver for me21:49
pragmaticenigmalol768_: You could, firefox has a different approach and doesn't require as many shared components of the OS like chromium does21:49
WallyPerhaps compiling it yourself would be a better option lol768_ ;)21:53
Bashing-omlol768_: Not supported here - slimjet is a chromium takeoff: https://www.slimjet.com/21:57
lol768_Right, fixed by installing chromium-chromedriver (despite the binary already existing as /snap/bin/chromium.chromedriver prior to me installing it)21:57
lol768_no idea why that would've fixed it21:57
Smaughey all, I'm on 18.04, kernal 5.3, and when I try to connect to a certain wifi network, instead of being asked for a password, my computer freezes, mouse can move, but no windows selectable, keyboard shortcut to bring up terminal does nothing.21:59
Smaugany idea what might be happening?21:59
mruffellSmaug: is there any messages in /var/log/syslog that might say why?22:12
gjaekelI was prompted here to report a bug on lauchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/1860268). I did this on Monday, but it's still unassigned. Howto proceed, please?22:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1860268 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "window titlebar is disturbed on all non-maximized windows" [Undecided,New]22:26
WallyBetter to just wait :)22:26
gjaekelWally: For what time?22:27
* Wally shrugs. I assume things are prioritised.22:27
mruffellgjaekel: it is best if you can determine what package caused the problem, and make sure the bug is filed under that package22:28
mruffellgjaekel: the bug is against the kernel, but you said it happens under 5.3 and 5.0, so its probably not  a kernel problem22:29
gjaekelmruffell: I can't. It's a graphic glitch which apperas after an usual update. I already extract the package list of this update.22:30
gjaekelmruffell: Somebody told me to use 'ubuntu-bug linux'22:30
gjaekelMight be the graphic card driver, might be MESA or something like that.22:32
mruffellyeah, looking at the package update list its probably something like that22:32
gjaekelmruffell: OK, I added the package mesa to the bug.22:36
gjaekelmruffell: I'm quite sure that it's not related to the kernel. Now, after adding mesa, the bugtracker offers to delete the "linux-hwe" package. Should I delete it?22:39
mruffellgjaekel: yes22:40
gjaekelmruffell: May you propose other packages?22:41
ducassegjaekel: it doesn't too much matter if you file against the wrong package, the devs will correct that if necessary22:41
ducassegjaekel: if you want to speed up the process, find other affected users and ask them to confirm the bug22:42
gjaekelducasse: Of corse -- if somebody take a look at it for real ;)22:42
gjaekelducasse: Howto? By posting: "Somebody affected to glitches in the menu area of non-maximized windows after latest updates, too?"22:44
gjaekelducasse: Oh -- Or by using the force! Like "ducase, you're affected, too! ducase, you're going to confirn for the bug right now" :)22:47
ducasseyou really need to talk to people, there is no other way22:47
gjaekelthe force is weak in /me :(22:48
gjaekelSomebody out here using an (somewhat older) Radeon HD 6450, please? This fits into an (somewhat older) Dell Optiplex 75522:51
gjaekelWally, mruffell, ducasse: Thank you so far for support!22:54
tomreyngjaekel: try on askubuntu.com22:55
ducassegjaekel: you can also ask in #ubuntu-offtopic if others are affected22:56
gjaekelducase: Isn't it off-topic there?22:58
gjaekelIt's close to midnight here, I have to leave now.23:00
ducassenot really, as it's not a support question23:00
gjaekelNot? You confuse me ...23:01
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Sven_vBhi :) I'm trying to debootstrap bionic. as I understand the manpage, I need a keyring file (--keyring=) to enable package signature checking. where can I find an appropriate keyring, or which keys do I need to add?23:30
Sven_vBwould it do to export the keys that my xenial apt knows?23:31
tomreynSven_vB: just run it and see which erro rmessages oyu run into23:44
tomreyni think it can simulate, too23:45
Sven_vBok, thanks!23:55

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