
zygaijohnson: I'll update the data tables to be correct and push00:04
ijohnsonzyga great but also feel free to wait until tomorrow :-)00:06
zygaijohnson: small review on renameat2 https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8044#pullrequestreview-34768811800:07
mupPR #8044: grub: support atomically renaming kernel symlinks <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8044>00:08
ijohnsonzyga: thanks for the review, tldr is that it's not a big deal if the random source is poor, as it's just being super extra super safe anyways00:12
zygaijohnson: and the renameat part?00:14
ijohnsonzyga: the paths are absolute so the fds are ignored00:15
ijohnsonI would have used rename2 but the only way to get atomicity is to use renameat200:16
ijohnson(with the RENAME_EXCHANGE flag)00:16
zygaijohnson: I think that's okay but I would still use the special value, technically the 0 descriptor is valid and means something but the code that ensures arguments are absolute is not close to the call00:18
* zyga nods00:18
ijohnsonzyga I'll add a comment where it's used00:19
zygaI think using the special value is preferred00:20
zygaeven with a comment00:20
zygait's more like what you wanted00:20
ijohnsonOkay I'll use that then00:25
zygaijohnson: double check with jdstrand but I think that's safer00:27
ijohnsonOkay, the man page says the FD is supposed to be ignored when it's an absolute path00:28
zygayes, that's true00:30
zygamy point is not that this is incorrect00:30
zygait's just that it can be safer00:30
mupPR snapcraft#2889 closed: meta: always generate snapcraft-runner to workaround classic PATH bug <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2889>06:58
mborzeckizyga: interesting forum topic https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/permission-denied-in-general-ubuntu-19-10-snap-2-42-5/1516107:03
mborzeckihmm not sure anything happend on the desktop front, snaps still render with boxes instead of actual fonts: https://i.imgur.com/V3mKUt8.png07:10
geodb27People : hi ! I have 9 machines (ubuntu LTS 18.04 server) that are split into 3 lxd clusters. Yesterday, at 15:13 all nine decided to update the snap lxd package. They are all stuck at task "Copying datas from the snap lxd package".08:00
geodb27So, since yesterday, the "lxc" commands provided by this snap are not available anymore, and I can't do anything. I don't want (and can't) lose all my lxd containers. What can I do to have snap lxd package up-to-date ?08:01
zygaBack soon08:05
mborzeckizyga: __chip__: hey08:05
mborzeckigeodb27: can you collect the output of `snap change --last=refresh` from one of the machines?08:05
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:05
geodb27Thanks for your answer mborzecki. I'll check this right now.08:05
geodb27Well, it remains the same as "snap changes" followed by "snap tasks nn" with nn the id of the change. And this leads to the step that is waiting since yesterday 15:13 as I said before.08:07
geodb27I've just checked all my 9 machines. 6 are OK. But 3 (the three of one same cluster) are in the same state. Stuck at :08:11
geodb27Doing  yesterday at 15:13 CET  -                       Copier les données du paquet Snap "lxd"08:11
mborzeckigeodb27: weird, iirc lxd keeps container data under the location shared by all revisions08:14
mborzeckigeodb27: can you check whether there any any files under /var/snap/lxd/current/ ?08:15
geodb27there is no /var/snap/lxd/current. All I have is /var/snap/lxd/{12317,12631,common}08:16
geodb27(On the first machine).08:16
mborzeckigeodb27: try /var/snap/lxd/12317/08:16
geodb27On the two others I have /var/snap/lxd/{12317,12631,13073,common). But the last two are stuck at "Doing  yesterday at 15:12 CET  -                       Démarrer les services du paquet Snap "lxd" (13073)"08:17
mborzeckigeodb27: anything in there? can you run `du -sch /var/snap/lxd/12317/` ?08:17
zygaI saw this08:17
zygalast night08:17
zygamborzecki: lxd cannot be stopped08:17
zygait sticks around forever08:17
zygaI noticed this yesterday when rebooting08:18
zygasystemd eventually kills it after 10 minutes and just reboots08:18
mborzeckizyga: w8, so it hits all the timeouts, systemd still doesn't stop it?08:18
zygabut when I noticed the messages it was not able to unmount cleanly08:18
mborzeckizyga: but sunce we moved to the next task, systemd must have reported it stopped08:18
zygamborzecki: it seems there are no timeouts for lxd08:18
zygamaybe it's something special it does08:18
geodb27On the first machine, the /var/snap/lxd/12317 folder is empty.08:18
zygamborzecki: for me the reproducer case was ubuntu 19.10 (now 20.04) with lxd and a container08:18
zygastopping lxd doesn't work08:19
mborzeckigeodb27: right, as zyga mentioend, maybe it's related to lxd not stopping08:19
mborzeckigeodb27: can you ps -ef|grep lxd ?08:19
geodb27Indeed, it could be. Let me check.08:19
geodb27root        1518       1  1 janv.10 ?      05:36:05 [lxd] <defunct>08:19
mborzeckizyga: ^^08:20
geodb27What now ? If I reboot, will lxd complete it's upgrade and will I get all my containers back up and running ?08:21
zygageodb27: I'd not test in production, cannot say for sure08:22
zygageodb27: I suspect that snapd will recover08:22
zygageodb27: and carry on with the update08:22
zygageodb27: but depending on how your time works I'd evaluate this separately08:22
geodb27Thanks for your help zyga. Anyhow, I have backups of my machines (fortunately, the containers are hosted on a ceph cluster)... I'll give it a try and give a feedback here as the reboot completes.08:23
zygageodb27: thank you08:24
zygamborzecki: we should check this out08:24
mborzeckizyga: any clue whether stgraber and his team noticed this too?08:24
zygano idea08:24
mborzeckihmm `Instance name is: on-jackass`08:27
zygais there a way to wait for a change?08:28
zygafrom command line08:28
zygasnap watch --last08:28
mborzeckizyga: if you're addressing the commnents in your PR then retry-tool probably makes more sense in case the change does not complete08:29
zygaI must be doing it wrong08:29
zygawhile snap changes | grep Doing; do sleep 1; done08:29
zygathis failed just now08:29
zygawith snap changes showing a change that is Doing08:29
zygabut I'm very suspect of the test itself08:30
zygait happily REBOOTS08:30
zygawithout any synchronization on async snapd activity08:30
zygaI suspect it need to have snap watch --last=... in each stage08:30
zygaas otherwise nothing is certain08:30
geodb27Well... Fyi : I rebooted only one machine of the lxd cluster... It took some time (the reboot process had to kill a process related to filesystem mounted)... And... Tada : all three machines are up-to-date and running fine. Thanks for your kind help !08:33
geodb27I do not have time (and it is anyhow too late) to investigate further to find out what was hanging the system. One could suspect some lock (maybe on the cephfs side or on the lxd database at some point) that was holding things stalled.08:34
mborzeckiwe should write down the reasons for avoiding golang.org/x/sys/unix08:43
zygamborzecki: I'll grab some food and make tea09:04
zygamborzecki: I'm iterating on the wait/reboot problem09:04
mborzeckizyga: heh any ideas why /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.snap might exist?09:15
mborzeckizyga: meh, reading renameat2 implementation, not sure whether we need to sync the directory too09:21
zygamborzecki: yes09:22
zygamborzecki: I read about a case where someone had it09:22
zygamborzecki: _something_ definitely creates it09:23
zygamborzecki: not snapd09:23
zygamborzecki: I cannot recall the details of the case I remember but it was probably on the forum too, let me check09:23
zygahmm, not on the forum09:23
mborzeckizyga: so this guy got both snap and usr.bin.snap in apparmor profiles in case you missed it https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/permission-denied-in-general-ubuntu-19-10-snap-2-42-5/1516109:24
zygaI read09:24
zyga+ snap watch --last=revert09:43
zygaerror: no changes of type "revert" found09:43
zyga+ snap changes09:43
zyga9    Done    today at 09:39 UTC  today at 09:41 UTC  Revert "core" snap09:43
zygathat's such a crappy behavior09:43
zygaah, it's called revert-snap09:44
zygaoh well09:44
mupPR snapcraft#2891 opened: meta: always generate snapcraft-runner to workaround classic (#2889) <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2891>09:47
zygaand I found a small bug09:52
zygaok, one more run09:53
zygaiteration on this is painful10:05
zygamborzecki: I wonder if that denial was from snap-store10:09
zygamaybe it does something weird10:09
mborzeckizyga: that diff loos like we could use a helper of sorts10:10
zygamborzecki: I changed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/803910:15
mupPR #8039: tests: remove revision leaking from ubuntu-core-refresh <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8039>10:15
zygapstolowski: ^ can you look again10:15
zygaI mainly added the snap watch --last=...10:15
zygaas otherwise we just race10:16
zygaI'm running a small loop of this to see if it is stable10:18
zygaback with coffee10:45
zygatests going10:45
zygastill good10:45
zygaok onto more branches10:50
zygaguys, please don't merge any of the test fixes yet11:03
zygaI'm iterating on comments and even though some are green and +2 I'll adjust them11:03
zygaweird failure11:27
zygasnapd is not installable11:27
mupPR snapd#8045 opened: osutil: add helpers for creating symlinks and renaming in an atomic manner <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045>11:33
zygamborzecki: ^ I  think AtomicRename without replace/not-replace is unsafe11:36
zygaas it's easy to use it to nuke stuff11:36
mborzeckizyga: isn't rename the same?11:36
zygayes, but that's my point11:36
mupPR snapd#8046 opened: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>11:37
zygait depends on how it is used obviously11:37
zygawhy is kernel remodeling so slooooow11:49
zygait's 10 per test11:49
zyga10 minutes11:49
mborzeckiunexpected failure https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D6n2g4MfwD/11:49
zygano idea,11:50
zygaI am really wondering if we do things right11:50
zygawe pull the rug from under snapd in teardown11:50
zyganot wait for things11:50
__chip__zyga: the kernel is very prima donna about its hair, so remodeling takes ages11:53
* __chip__ in Friday mode11:53
zyga__chip__: we should ... shave a few minutes11:53
__chip__zyga: rimshot11:54
__chip__zyga: google 'rimshot pirates gif' for the right thing11:54
__chip__mah interwebs are slow so i can only do meta-gifs11:54
zyga__chip__: how's Friday?11:55
zyga__chip__: I was super happy yesterday11:55
__chip__zyga: what happened yesterday? (let's do it more!)11:55
zyga__chip__: I fixed the three tests leaking stuff on core16711:55
zygasome lessons learned as well11:55
zyga__chip__: now mount-ns can run on core11:56
__chip__is that core based on ubuntu 2167.04?11:56
zygait took years to do this11:56
zygastar trek11:56
zygathe next remodel11:56
zygathese are the changes of the packaging systems11:56
zygato explore ... channels11:56
zygayada yada11:56
__chip__zyga: sudo apt install xscreensaver-gl-extra, and then /usr/lib/xscreensaver/starwars -program 'cat stufftxt'11:59
* zyga iterates on another PR12:08
cmatsuokamborzecki: #8045 failed on a travis test with a random store error so I restarted it12:22
mupPR #8045: osutil: add helpers for creating symlinks and renaming in an atomic manner <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045>12:22
mborzeckicmatsuoka: thanks!12:22
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
zygais the store all right12:51
zygamy tests are timing out on super slow traffice12:51
zygadownloading core takes close to an hour12:52
zygadegville: did you find anything interesting in the content interface?13:41
degvillezyga: I'm still working on it - but I did get my own slot/plug snaps working with it, and I've mostly added the details you suggested/linked to.13:43
zygacool! :)13:43
zygaI think the thing I've learned is that simple stuff tends to work13:44
zygabut is surprising when you start being very creative13:44
degvilleok, sounds sensible. I'll make a note of it. Certainly, my own snaps are simple, but they were just for my own understanding.13:45
ijohnsonmorning folks13:45
zyga- Download snap "ubuntu-image" (161) from channel "edge" (received an unexpected http response code (504) when trying to download https://canonical-lcy01.cdn.snapcraft.io/download-origin/canonical-lgw01/4RW78vIax8JW5S8HkYsa8lNbv68uPaYX_161.snap?token=1579885200_4dbf2a807d9b9a8d56cb263d6e7dcc6e61a45952)13:45
zygaijohnson: hey13:45
zygaijohnson: store is wonky13:45
ijohnsondoes that mean I can just go back to bed13:45
mborzeckiit is :/13:45
mborzeckierror: cannot perform the following tasks:13:46
mborzecki- Download snap "core" (8268) from channel "stable" (Get https://canonical-bos01.cdn.snapcraft.io/download-origin/canonical-lgw01/99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776_8268.snap?token=1579881600_d8a5fae185f0cf6884a96c15c566fc6876922512: EOF)13:46
zygaijohnson: or play in the snow13:46
ijohnsonmborzecki: so what's the story behind this AtomicRename ?13:46
ijohnsonmborzecki: is my implementation flawed? I see your comment about the dir syncing13:46
mborzeckiijohnson: want to talk before the standup?13:46
ijohnsonsure, like now?13:47
mborzeckior after/or during :P doesn't matter, it's only 5 of us today13:47
zygabtw, I'm next to lucy13:47
zygashe's sleeping13:47
zygaI may join standup and listen on very quiet level13:47
zygaeither I swap with my wife or it's silent standup for me :)13:47
mborzeckiijohnson: zyga: let's do it13:47
zygano no13:47
zygaI mean leater13:47
zygaI'm working on stuff now13:47
zygago chat!13:48
ijohnsonmborzecki: I'll join in just a minute13:48
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
ijohnsonzyga: why use `snap watch` instead of `retry-tool` ?14:35
zygaijohnson: because snap watch does exactly what I need14:36
zygaand retry tool would have to do snap changes and grep14:36
ijohnsonI'm still just a little worried that it will block forever14:36
zygaexactly what snap watch does inside14:36
zygaI wish we had a way to make retry-tool ask snapd something directly14:36
zygaretry-tool snap debug settled14:37
zygaor something14:37
zygaI see your point, it's just lesser evil right now (out of two choices this one is more robust in being precise)14:37
zyganot that the other would just grep Doing14:37
zygawhich doesn't catch Undoing14:37
zygaand is fooled by "Done Doing stuff"14:38
ijohnsonzyga: ok, it's fine for now then I guess14:45
ijohnsonI'll approve in a little bit14:45
zygaI think "snap debug settle" would be good14:45
zygaI'll ask about it next week14:45
zygaalso the shell code after reboot-causing activity14:45
zygathat scans logs14:45
zygato know when it can REBOOT14:45
zygawe should have a better way14:45
zyganot calling REBOOT is not good because then spread was not anticipating it14:46
zygait would be good to have ANTICIPATE_REBOOT14:46
zygaand then just do what normally happens14:46
zygabut there is no channel to send that information today14:46
ijohnsonAfk for little bit14:47
zyga- Download snap "core20" (331) from channel "edge" (Get https://canonical-bos01.cdn.snapcraft.io/download-origin/canonical-lgw01/DLqre5XGLbDqg9jPtiAhRRjDuPVa5X1q_331.snap?token=1579888800_379b23e2fe4d0bd8d7152c92943200e95a92deb0: EOF)14:47
zygaI think today is early EOD land14:47
zygaI will do reviews14:48
zygamborzecki, ijohnson: -1 on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045#pullrequestreview-34800556414:59
mupPR #8045: osutil: add helpers for creating symlinks and renaming in an atomic manner <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045>14:59
pstolowskiijohnson: i joined tgif the second you left15:02
ijohnsonpstolowski: sorry be there in a minute15:03
ijohnsonirl thing15:03
pstolowskino worries15:03
zygaijohnson: what does zsys stand for?15:05
zygaijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8043#pullrequestreview-348015574 + but please check my comment15:07
mupPR #8043: osutil: add Renameat2() <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8043>15:07
ijohnsonzyga: zsys is just what the go sources use for those definitions15:32
ijohnsoni.e. https://github.com/golang/sys/blob/1a3b71a79e4aff00d87e69e0744746d7d67a3f8f/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go15:32
ijohnsonzyga: what do you think about my implementation vs mborzecki ?15:33
ijohnsonzyga: mborzecki: I think I will push to 8045 a change to do try creating the symlink in a loop and then refactor my grub PR to use mborzecki's implementation and drop the osutil.Renameat2. we can always refactor to use that later if we find os.Rename it's not safe enough15:37
zygaijohnson: I think the looping should be in maciek's pr but otherwise I agree15:40
zygaijohnson: ah15:40
zyga(about zsys)15:40
zyga- Download snap "core18" (1668) from channel "edge" (received an unexpected http response code (404) when trying to download https://canonical-lcy01.cdn.snapcraft.io/download-origin/canonical-lgw01/CSO04Jhav2yK0uz97cr0ipQRyqg0qQL6_1668.snap?token=1579892400_a96a7203408107730307613e718e90209628f548)15:40
zygastore is so down15:40
ijohnsonzyga: okay sounds good16:02
roadmrzyga: wait 404?16:03
roadmrzyga: is that reproducible?16:03
mborzeckiijohnson: pushing in a bit16:03
roadmrit should NOT 404 (no found) on you - I might expect a 50x but not a 40416:03
ijohnsonmborzecki: ah okay if you're already doing that I'll wait for you16:03
roadmrzyga: wfm fwiw16:04
mborzeckiijohnson: zyga: pushed16:11
mborzeckitime to wrap it up16:12
mupPR snapd#8043 closed: osutil: add Renameat2() <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8043>16:17
ijohnsonzyga: are your leaky mount ns PR fixes all ready? if so I can merge them this PM after I review them16:42
ijohnsontrying to finish UC20 things this morning16:42
sdhd-saschahi, sorry to mention you. I already ask at #openstack and #ubuntu-kernel.16:47
sdhd-saschaShould a bond which is member of a bridge has a mac-address ? And if so, should it be the same mac ? (netplan use automatically the same mac)16:47
ijohnsonsdhd-sascha: I don't know the answer myself, but there's also the #netplan channel17:08
sdhd-saschaijohnson: thank you :-) meanwhile i found #lxc-dev, too.17:14
ijohnsonsdhd-sascha: glad to help17:14
zygaijohnson: no, not ready17:42
zygaijohnson: close but not yet, I'm wrapping up another branch and will return to get through feedback and do tests17:42
ijohnsonzyga: ack, np17:42
zygaijohnson: but I'm still up here17:42
zygaso I'll try to merge them if possible by EOD17:43
ijohnsonzyga: sure np17:43
sdhd-saschaIs it possible to approve this classic-snap : https://build.snapcraft.io/user/sd-hd/termite-snap . (I already asked in the forum for a `classicmode` track )18:05
zygasdhd-sascha: does it have required votes?18:05
sdhd-saschazyga: just talk today, per email, with someone who has requested support from me.18:06
sdhd-saschaWhat are required votes ?18:06
zygasdhd-sascha: it must go through the review process18:07
zygasdhd-sascha: and get enough votes18:07
sdhd-saschaI published it as strict before, with ssh and byobu. But didn't had the time to test and use it in production.18:07
sdhd-saschazyga: Ok, understood. No problem. I told the reviewer, that he could build the snap himself. (He knows how to strace it ;-) )18:08
sdhd-saschazyga: is this enough: ? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/termite-classicmode-track/1516918:10
zygaplease look at the process requirements18:11
zygait's documented on the forum18:11
zygayou must justify it18:11
zygathere are requirements and it's not always granted18:11
zygait also takes some time so don't expect instant replies18:11
sdhd-saschazyga: hmm18:16
sdhd-saschazyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/termite-classicmode-track/15169/218:31
zygasdhd-sascha: I'm sorry it's too late for me to focus on that18:37
zygaI'm trying to wrap up some fixes and spend some time away from work18:37
sdhd-saschazyga: no problem - i just try to look at github actions... maybe i can create it there, for now18:38
zygasdhd-sascha: someone recently tweeted about using github actions for snaps18:38
zygabut I'm off now, need to take the dog out18:39
sdhd-saschai know... christmas presend ;-) i remember ;-)18:39
sdhd-saschano problem ;-)18:39
sdhd-saschaHey folks - did you ever had a remote tree-tag on github. But no branch. How can i fetch this ?18:55
sdhd-sascha/me i know, i wish too, i had had people in the past to ask ;-)18:55
zygaijohnson: updated differential PR19:22
zygaswitching to the fixes19:23
ijohnsonzyga: ack thanks19:23
* zyga checks on tests20:03
sdhd-saschamarkstos: welcome :-)20:22
sdhd-saschamarkstos: well, termite on sway launched on my system20:26
sdhd-saschaYes, it runs on strict ... But you didn't have access on outher applications. Except you use some remote login, to another system20:27
sdhd-saschamarkstos: the most folks, here are gone, and be on gmt+3 back ;-)20:28
sdhd-saschaor, so20:28
sdhd-saschaBut, if i say something wrong, than they can criticism me20:28
sdhd-saschaIf i understand you, then, you would like to have some terminal which is strict protected with apparmor and seccomp. But its usable ?20:29
markstosAh, so it's good for SSH, but not for accessing the filesystem. That's a lot less useful.20:30
markstos I'm not surprised Sway works, since Sway uses Wayland and Wayland seems to work as the default for Termite.20:30
sdhd-saschaNo, no -- the most guys said to me, that `classic mode` with full filesystem (not only home) makes more sense20:32
markstosMy primary interest was simply to have a package that I could install on Ubuntu.20:32
sdhd-saschaI read, in your mail signature, that you have a security company - or you are freelance ?20:32
sdhd-saschahmm - ... maybe it was the easiest, if i create a `ppa` for you ? and termite plus libvte-ng20:33
sdhd-saschathen there is no snap needed ?20:33
sdhd-saschaFirstly, i thought you would like to have a snap.20:34
sdhd-saschamarkstos: What OS are you use ?20:35
markstosI'm using Ubuntu 18.04, but plan to soon convert a new persona laptop laptop to Ubuntu 20.04 alpha. I'll run containers to support 18.04 apps until  20.04 is released.20:36
sdhd-saschaOh, you just said them. I'm sorry20:36
* sdhd-sascha just remember20:36
* sdhd-sascha also have to try to use slack.... (thanks for the tip)20:37
markstosYes, a PPA would also be welcome. As much as possible I'm trying to automate my environment with Ansible, so whichever format it is, I'll automate installing and next time upgrades will just about as easy either way.20:38
sdhd-saschahey, markstos - my wife is come back. And yes, i can create a ppa the next days ;-)20:42
sdhd-saschaBut mention, that libvte-ng and libvte can be different version. (i try to do my best to resolve this ;-) )20:42
sdhd-saschasee us - tomorrow ;-)20:43
sdhd-saschamarkstos: of course, i'm glad to help (sometimes, i didn't have the time, for an one-person ... ;-) )20:44
mupPR snapcraft#2892 opened: Add snapcraft plugin for Qt Build Suite (qbs) <Created by bjorn> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2892>22:10
* zyga alters a test and spawns another run22:24
zygaijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038 updated22:42
mupPR #8038: tests: fix gadget-update-pc test leaking snaps <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8038>22:42
zyga4 is enough22:42
* zyga notices LXD test is broken22:44
zygaI guess that's not a good way to end the week22:44
zygasomething to fight on Monday22:44
* zyga eods22:44
ijohnsonHave a good weekend zyga!22:45
zygathank you, you too22:45
zyga(lxd is not broken, installing snapd in lxd doesn't pass through dpkg, some deps are wrong, perhaps the test starts to suffer from the build-on-A-and-install-on-B problem)22:46
* zyga goes to watch Picard pilot22:46

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