
zilenc3I'm facing a silverlight requirement issue for Netflix on 19.04, can someone help me look into this?00:23
ducassezilenc3: you should upgrade to 19.10, 19.04 went eol yesterday00:24
sarnoldI think I heard that chrome may be able to do the netflix drm stuff00:24
ducassefirefox should too, shouldn't it?00:25
zilenc3FF works, but I don't want to have two browsers if possible00:25
zilenc3Will update to 19.10 in a few00:25
sarnoldah, nice00:25
tomreynsounds more like widevine then, not silverlight?00:29
zilenc3This is where I end up, https://help.netflix.com/en/node/2374200:30
ducassezilenc3: which browser do you want to use?00:30
ducasseafaik that's not an option00:31
tomreynmay need to use chrome then00:31
ducassechrome or firefox, those are the choices00:32
zilenc3Chrome is an option? I thought I had to use Chromium00:32
ducasseno, only chrome has the drm stuff aiui00:33
ducasseit's proprietary, so it can't be distributed with chromium00:36
arooni i see when i try to update gnome software "gnome platform app 3.32 unable to load summary from remote flathub : gpg signatures found but none are in trusted keyring"01:04
arooninot really sure how to address that01:04
sarnoldarooni: can you pastebin the output of apt-key list  ?01:05
mustmodifyI'm installing ubuntu server 18.04 on a new laptop. After keyboard layout, it asks be to set up a "bond" and doesn't seem to like my answers. Google doesn't seem to have a clue how to use the UI... just wants me to use the command prompt for network setup. Any advice / suggestion on how to get past this?02:08
sarnoldhow many NICs does your laptop have?02:09
sarnoldare you trying to bond them together?02:09
marmalade45Does anybody know where I can find the source for the "Select Audio Device" dialog that displays when a device is plugged into a combo audio jack? I'm trying to set the combojack's mic to be the default mic02:09
sarnoldmarmalade45: I don't know; try pavucontrol and see if it helps02:10
mustmodifysarnold: Well, it's an off-the-shelf Dell inspiron. sooo I would think just the one network card.02:10
mustmodifyI have no interest in bonding them. I'm not sure why this came up during setup.02:10
sarnoldmustmodify: I'd expect a way to skip the network bonding; it's been a few months since I've run through the server installer, but I've done it several times and never bonded any NICs together..02:10
WallyI saw the bond NIC option, just clicked "No"02:11
mustmodifyyeah, that's what I'd expect too. I guess I'll look again.02:11
mustmodifyoh... I didn't see a checkbox option. I'll revisit.02:11
marmalade45sarnold: How do you mean?02:11
sarnoldmarmalade45: type 'pavucontrol' into a command line or run line or something similar.. it'll pop up a gui that lets you control a lot of sound inputs and outputs02:12
sarnolddoes f2 work? I think windows used to use f2, maybe gnome does too02:13
marmalade45sarnold: I'm trying to configure an ubuntu minimal install which will eventually be automatically set up, so I won't be able to use GUI controls in the field02:14
sarnoldmarmalade45: ahhhh02:14
marmalade45sarnold: probably should've mentioned that sooner, sorry02:14
sarnoldmarmalade45: have you seen pactl and pacmd? they can do similar things but I never figured out how to work them02:15
marmalade45sarnold: I'm not very familiar with them either, but https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/194 leads me to believe that Pulse doesn't have a config option for this02:19
sarnoldmarmalade45: oh man :(02:20
marmalade45sarnold: When whether the device plugged in is a mic, headset, or headphones Pulse just assumes it's a headset unless told otherwise02:20
sarnoldmarmalade45: what's the dialog box say?02:21
sarnoldmarmalade45: when the dialog box is open, can you spot anything in ps auxw output that looks like it might be that dialog box?02:21
sarnoldsince the comment suggests the dialog box is an ubuntu thing that means we can't use debian codesearch to find it, and while I can poke around for specific strings, I can't search the entire archive in a timely manner02:22
sarnoldbut if I can narrow it down a bit..02:22
marmalade45sarnold: the dialog box is titled "Select Audio Device" and shows icons and text for "Headphones", "Headset", and "Microphone" in separate buttons, and "Sound Settings" and "Cancel" buttons02:23
marmalade45I'll try to do a ps, but it'll take me a minute b/c the dialog is modal and I can't get at a terminal while it's up, so I'll have to ssh in02:24
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sarnoldmarmalade45: ugh...02:24
sarnoldmarmalade45: but..02:24
sarnoldthat string at least *is* in debian :D02:24
marmalade45That's promising02:24
Wally"Here's the source, deal with it" :D02:25
marmalade45I'm happy to have anything to work with at this point02:25
InteloI am using obs studio in kubuntu but have base sound buzz in background. This is not the case with other applications like skype or zoom.us with same hardware. So difintily theres a problem with obs. I do not need its filters. It should work out of the box. Any suggestions?02:25
sarnoldmarmalade45: those dbus bindings around line 140 look promising; maybe poke around with dfeet or dbus-send?02:26
marmalade45Ok, cool02:27
marmalade45:sarnold I ran "ps auxw" before and after bringing up the dialog. I don't think there are any additional processes when it's showing02:37
sarnoldmarmalade45: alright, cool, that reinforces the feeling that this gnome-shell thingy is involved02:37
marmalade45sarnold: fun fact round 2 -- if I open top and watch the highest-CPU-usage processes, I see /usr/bin/gnome-shell shoot to the top of the list when I plug in headphones and initially get the dialog02:39
marmalade45guess that's where I'll look02:39
sarnoldmarmalade45: oh nice!02:39
marmalade45thanks for your help02:39
sarnoldI mean, it *shouldn't*02:40
sarnoldit's just a stupid dialog..02:40
marmalade45I only see it jump to like 7% usage, but that's still more than anything else there02:40
sarnoldoh okay02:40
sarnoldI was worried it was 80% or something silly :)02:40
marmalade45thankfully, no02:40
sarnoldmarmalade45: definitely try dfeet to '/org/gnome/Shell/AudioDeviceSelection' or 'org.gnome.Shell.AudioDeviceSelection' or both ... (I'm not fantastic at dbus_02:40
marmalade45sarnold: I'm probably doing this wrong, but I don't see any /org/gnome/Shell/AudioDeviceSelection or org.gnome.Shell.AudioDeviceSelection in D-Feet03:00
sarnoldmarmalade45: damn :(03:01
marmalade45The only org.gnome.Shell stuff I see is .CalendarServer, .HotplugSniffer, and .PortalHelper,03:01
marmalade45sarnold: Ok, I was definitely wrong. I can find the AudioDeviceSelection entry in dfeet if I run dfeet as non-root03:30
sarnoldmarmalade45: ah!03:30
marmalade45There's a "DeviceSelected(String)" signal in it03:30
marmalade45marmalade45: Ok, I'm going home. Thanks for your help! I think this might give me something usable03:36
Sir_Letoanyone familiar with fio? how do you actually specify what drive you are benchmarking?04:30
MattxHey. I'm having this problem. I want to set custom shortcut that runs a command (adb shell input keyevent)07:38
MattxSomehow the command is run, but it's not working (and of course I don't see its output)07:38
MattxSo I placed instead "adb shell input keyevent 82 >> /home/mattx/log 2>&1"07:39
MattxBut nothing is logged!07:39
MattxThat command does work in konsole07:39
MattxWhat else can be wrong?07:40
MattxI know shortcut commands are run using sh instead of bash, and I made sure it does work in sh as well07:40
geirhaMy best guess is that adb either requires certain environment variables to be present, or that it be run from within a specific directory08:19
davegarathHi all, I have a strange problem with my 18.04 and DNS (network manager). I get ip by dhcp and I configured additional search doman but today I cannot resolv host without specify domain.08:26
davegarathI moved dns after files in my /etc/nsswitch.conf08:27
C0bbI've recently installed Ubuntu 19.10 - any of you can tell me why the file operations on the Desktop are so different from the previous versions? ie. the Extract All command, or any other when right-clicking on a file on the Desktop?08:31
ducasseC0bb: aiui it will change even more, desktop icons are going away08:33
C0bbaiui? I dont know what that means. Is there any way to change the Desktop behaviour back to a previous version?08:34
ducasseas i understand it08:34
C0bbDesktop icons are going away? Is this for real, or you are just pulling my leg? :)08:35
ducassethe gnome devs have decided you don't want them08:36
C0bbI just dont know what to say to that08:38
ducasseme neither, but it's true08:39
C0bbis there any way to reverse/rollback the Desktop operations to a previous Gnome version?08:39
ducassenot really, other than running an older release08:40
Ben64what's the difference?08:40
C0bbthe dumbed-down right click menu for example, does not offer me Extract all. The Desktop itself is laggy, when I move around an icon, or delete it08:41
C0bbit does not behave as the File Manager08:41
C0bblike in the previous releases08:41
Ben64I have an "Extract Here"08:43
C0bbif you right-click on a zip on your Desktop?08:44
C0bbdid you do anything particular to achieve this outcome? installed anything etc?08:45
C0bbare you using 19.10?08:45
C0bbdont upgrade08:46
Ben64but you said "Extract All"08:46
C0bbI said Im using 19.10 The previous versions were fine, they did the job08:47
Ben64you said you were lacking "Extract All" I pointed out that I do not have that08:47
C0bbI lack Extract All, and Extract Here, if I right-click on a compressed file on the Desktop08:48
Ben64and what does extract all do08:49
C0bbit extracts the contents of a compressed file in place08:52
C0bbhttps://imgur.com/a/wFJgeYO this is what I see when right-clicking on a file on the Desktop08:52
Ben64sounds like extract here08:52
quadrathoch2C0bb, so it's 'Extract Here' ?08:52
C0bbit does not offer any of those08:53
quadrathoch2hm, sorry can't help you as I don't use any desktop icons :/08:55
Ben64does it work in a folder08:55
C0bbIt works just fine, and offers all the options when opening in a File Manager09:05
C0bbthe Desktop however in its current state is nigh useless09:06
clarkkOn Ubuntu 18.04, the keyboard shortcut makes a sound, but I can't work out what it's doing.  Does anyone know?09:06
sarnolddepending upon which application has focus, that might be the same as hitting enter09:08
sarnold^M and ^J are quite often the same as enter09:09
clarkksarnold, I'm just on the desktop09:10
sarnoldclarkk: but I'm not :) so I can't give very precise answers, just suggestions09:11
clarkksarnold, thanks, but it would be good if someone who has 18.04 installed could try this09:12
sarnoldclarkk: be sure to say which applications you have open, which applications have focus, which desktop environment you're using if any, if you're using x11 or wayland, etc.. that'll give other folks who might be in a position to try it out the best chances of reproducing what you're seeing09:13
sarnoldor perhaps, what you're *not* seeing :)09:14
clarkksarnold, ok, I deduced what was causing it by closing down applications one by one, starting with those in the system tray.  It was discord - it's a keybind for Mute mic09:18
Hanumaan[Kiran Kumar Telukunta, IndiaYouth] how to save the smb printer authentication in gnome cups printing09:28
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doublel93hello, I can't seem to find any info on this, is there a way to change the dock keybinds ?  If I press super+1-2-3 it opens dock applications, I changed keybinds to change workspace instead but the problem is super+2-3-4 still open applications of docks instead of changing workspace, someone knows how to fix this ?10:26
BadGuyAlexHow to disable wireless mouse battery notification *programmatically*?10:27
oerheksyay, 19.04 is EOL11:24
BluesKajHi folks13:05
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speeder39_Good morning anyone around14:05
TvL2386Good afternoon!14:06
speeder39_Good afternoon TvL2386 can I ask what country are you in14:06
BluesKajspeeder39_, do you have an ubuntu support question?14:07
speeder39_Tell me, is Ubuntu preferable to windows 10?14:07
TvL2386I guess that would be pretty subjective... I'd recommend trying them and comparing them for your use case and make your own decision.14:09
lotuspsychjespeeder39_: join #ubuntu-discuss14:09
RoyKhi all. trying to setup ubuntu 18.04LTS on a Presario CQ57. I've tried with newer kernels and also 19.10, but the result is the same. It shows the airplane mode icon and I can't enable wifi. When attempting to enable wifi, I get some kernel messages I don't understand. More info here http://paste.debian.net/1127402/14:12
RoyKall help appreciated14:13
ramsub07Hi. having a bad day here, accidentally did a shift+delete. trying to recover using ntsfsdelete : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery/NtfsUndelete . But I'm unable to find the package. can someone please help me here ?14:15
tomreynRoyK: can you (a) look for a firmware update and (b) post journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999914:15
asdfghanyone can help me with woeusb? i cannot create a bootable windows usb stick on ubuntu14:16
asdfghi always get that the devide is already mounted14:16
pragmaticenigma!info woeusb14:16
asdfghbut when i insert it ubuntu automatically mount it..14:16
ubottuPackage woeusb does not exist in eoan14:16
asdfghif i unmount it then i cannot see the usb stick14:17
lotuspsychjewoeusb is a snap now14:17
speeder39_Good morning14:17
asdfghlotuspsychje, What can i use?14:17
speeder39_Hi JoeLlama Moo!!14:17
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: snap find woeusb14:18
speeder39_Good morning14:18
JoeLlamamoo speeder39_ :)14:18
Sven_vBin xenial, is there a way to start a script in a way that I can have a guarantee I will be able to stop/abort all its operations, including its children, even if they sudo-ed?14:19
Sven_vBI especially expect processes to become stuck because disks disappear without warning.14:19
asdfghlotuspsychje, pardon?14:19
asdfghis there another application?14:20
asdfghlike rufus?14:20
GreyXorhi everyone :) there is no landscape for ubuntu 19+.14:21
GreyXor19.10* *?14:22
pragmaticenigmaasdfgh, woeusb is not supported in this channel. I think lotus misunderstood your question. However, for help you will have to contact the development group directly14:22
Sven_vBalso is there an easier way to umount everything that my script had mounted, easier than comparing the mount list before/after?14:22
ramsub07Hi. I accidentally did a shift+delete. trying to recover using ntsfsdelete : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery/NtfsUndelete . But I'm unable to find the package. can someone please help me here ?14:22
BluesKajasdfgh, check out etcher14:22
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, etcher doesn't work for building Windows install disks14:23
freakynlramsub07: Did you delete it from a windows (ntfs) partition then?14:23
ramsub07freakynl my ubuntu is installed besides a windows, yes. Did I understand your question correctly ?14:24
tomreynGreyXor: /join #ubuntu-server14:24
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, oh, ok, my mistake ...asdfgh nevermind :-)14:24
GreyXortomreyn, landscape cannot be installed in desktop edition ?14:24
ramsub07my ubuntu version is 18.0414:25
freakynlramsub07: I don't care what is installed next to, from what partition did you remove the file? Was that a windows partition? The filesystem on the partition from which you deleted will largely determine your possibilities. ext4, which is mostly used by linux, isn't easily recovered. It if was on a windows partition (and it's formatted with NTFS, not FAT(32) or ReFS for example) the tool you're looking14:25
freakynlfor is ntfsundelete14:25
RoyKtomreyn: HP doesn't list any firmware/bios updates. b: from the journal, three more lines appear around the kernel block, all from networkmanager - see http://paste.debian.net/1127406/14:26
tomreynGreyXor: it probably can be but i suspect it's developed by the server or foundation folks who will more liklely hang out there.14:27
freakynlramsub07: but if it's a linux partition (ext[234], xfs, jfs, btrfs, whatever) ntfsundelete isn't going to do anything for you14:27
ramsub07freakynl okay, i get it14:28
ramsub07 Partition type: Linux (83)14:28
ramsub07it isn't one of what you've mentioned. or am i looking at the wrong one ?14:28
RoyKrfkill unblock all doesn't seem to have any effect. turning on and off rfkill from keyboard neither has any effect. it's turned off now. http://paste.debian.net/1127408/14:29
freakynlPartition type doesn't tell what filesystem it is. It's unlikely (but not impossible) that it's NTFS though14:29
RoyKfile -s /dev/sdX should tell which filesystem's there14:29
freakynlramsub07: run blkid on the partition14:29
freakynlramsub07: or what RoyK said14:30
tomreynRoyK: Version F.48 Rev.A (Dec 13, 2013) at https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/compaq-presario-cq57-200-notebook-pc-series/5091489/model/5111956/swItemId/ob-129453-2 is the latest i can find for "Compaq Presario CQ57-229WM" (hope that's the right model)14:31
freakynl/dev/sdX is no longer safe btw, many have m2 SSD's now which show up as /dev/nvme?n?p? most of the time14:32
ramsub07freakynl : http://dpaste.com/3XWF5W414:32
ramsub07I guess this partition is ext414:32
tomreynRoyK: linux reports two wireless devices on this system, which is not uncommon. the windows drivers would expose only one. on linux, i think you need to blacklist one and manually enabel the other, but i don't remember the details. try playing with rfkill14:33
ramsub07in which case, I can't recover it ? :(14:33
tomreynRoyK: these ACPI errors don't look nice, though, consider also !acpi_osi14:33
tomreyn!acpi_osi | RoyK14:34
ubottuRoyK: If your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html14:34
freakynlramsub07: You might be able, but it's hard on ext. Have a look here for example: https://gist.github.com/ebautistabar/cca12863e6335d08a019f015f53fac4a14:34
asdfghBluesKaj, Etcher no?14:34
asdfghi need to find something that works with ubuntu 18.0414:34
freakynlramsub07: http://ext4magic.sourceforge.net/howto_en.html14:34
BluesKajasdfgh, I was mistaken about etcher, it doesn't work for building Windows install disks14:35
ramsub07Hard in the sense, there is no guarantee or because the procedure is tedious?14:35
asdfghBluesKaj, ok but is there another "solution" ?14:36
asdfghwoeusb is old....etcher does not work for that purpose...then?14:36
freakynlramsub07: Most filesystems aren't made to recovery from user errors. That's what back-ups are for. It has to do with how the filesystem works internally, don't have time to explain that I'm afraid. Plenty to be found on the internet though.14:36
ramsub07freakynl thanks for the pointers, i'd pick up from here. Cheers!14:37
pragmaticenigmaasdfgh, correct.. woeusb is the only tool currently known to do the task you want it to do. It's not supported here because the volunteers rely in the documentation supplied by Ubuntu developers for the software packages available in Ubuntu.14:37
BluesKajasdfgh, on windows you can try rufus14:38
freakynlramsub07: to increase likelihood of recovery, best thing is to boot a live CD, use another computer, or something similar, whatever makes sure nothing else is written to the partition should work (if you can dismount that would be sufficient, but no clue what partition is it and what's on it, my /home is separate for example, I could just log in as root and dismount that, not an issue for root as it's14:39
freakynlhome is in /root, not under /home)14:39
RoyKtomreyn: thanks for the link14:39
asdfghBluesKaj, yes14:40
asdfghi hope i can read usb from virtualbox14:40
BluesKajasdfgh, does your vm see other drives, if so then it should be accessible14:41
tomreynRoyK: to check your current BIOS version:  journalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'14:43
asdfghi try14:48
RoyKtomreyn: BIOS F.34 07/27/201114:56
* RoyK found his DOS USB stick14:56
RoyKshite - "this program cannot be run in dos mode"14:58
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | RoyK14:59
ubottuRoyK: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate14:59
oerheks!info fwupdate15:00
ubottufwupdate (source: fwupdate): Transitional package for fwupd. In component universe, is optional. Version 12-7 (eoan), package size 3 kB, installed size 13 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; armhf; arm64)15:00
RoyKlotuspsychje: I'm using dos, or freedos, doesn't matter, it doesn't want to15:16
pragmaticenigmaRoyK, what lotuspsychje is pointing out is there are a couple software packages that can sometimes work to run the BIOS update within Ubuntu15:17
RoyKpragmaticenigma: which ones?15:22
pragmaticenigma!fwipdate | RoyK15:23
pragmaticenigma!fwupdate | RoyK15:23
oerheksskip 8. wine15:23
pragmaticenigmaRoyK, the package fwupdate is sometimes compatible with windows firmware update binaries, and can apply the BIOS firmware update from within Ubuntu15:24
pragmaticenigmapersonally, I just keep a windows partition or boot drive around for flashing BIOS/Firmware15:25
RoyKpersonally, I don't use windows15:25
RoyKand this isn't even my machine15:25
PriceyMy xps 13 9380 gets firmware updates through the ubuntu store. Magic.15:28
PriceyFor many manufacturers, You can often just stick the exe onto the efi partition and select it during boot.15:29
RoyKpragmaticenigma: you wouldn't have a windows system repair disc image lying around, by any chance?15:32
quadrathoch2Pricey, wow such security :(15:34
pragmaticenigmano, I do not... but you can down load windows 10 images from MS directly, and might be able to get it up and running long enough to do your BIOS flash15:34
oerheksprag +115:34
awilkinsAnyone else finding the nvidia 440 drivers a bit crashy? (even when using the intel chipset..) ?15:37
oerheksthat does not match, intel surely uses the kernel blob.15:40
zambai have some cron jobs that i need to get the output from15:48
zambabut since i have no MTA installed, i'm more or less in the dark15:48
zambawhich MTA can i install that is simple and lightweight.. i don't want to send and receive email externally.. i just want something internal15:48
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA15:50
zambayes, but postfix is a bit bloated for this15:50
TvL2386zamba: Why don't you redirect to the output of your jobs to a file so you can inspect them later. Since you are not mailing externally, it's easier I think?15:50
zambaTvL2386: how do i do that?15:51
TvL2386zamba: I would do something like: * * * * * * my_command 2>&1 > /tmp/job-output.log15:51
TvL2386zamba: cron runs your command, STDERR goes to STDOUT. Then you redirect STDOUT to a file15:52
TvL2386Oh tiny mistake15:52
TvL2386it overwrites the file every time15:52
TvL2386you need: my_command 2>&1 >> /tmp/job-output.log15:52
TvL2386to append15:52
zambacool, thanks :)15:52
TvL2386you could even just create a shell script that does everything you want (logging) and putting that in cron15:53
TvL2386what I also like is: `* * * * * * my_command 2>&1 | logger -t my_command` so it will just show up in /var/log/syslog15:53
RoyKTvL2386: five *'s, not six15:53
TvL2386sorry RoyK, from the top of my head15:53
RoyKTvL2386: m,h,dom,m,dow15:54
RoyKso five15:54
TvL2386showing up in syslog has the benefit of it being logged with timestamps and rotated away after some time15:54
TvL2386RoyK: yep you are right: # m h  dom mon dow   command15:55
pragmaticenigmaunless forcefully removed somehow... cron can send the e-mail generated to the owner of the scheduled task... you can then read the mbox file with "mail", "pine", "thunderbird" or some other mail client that can read the local user's mailbox16:03
pragmaticenigmaI don't believe there is a need to install postfix or sendmail for that feature16:03
pragmaticenigmaotherwise, I thought sendmail was always installed by deafult, in order to handle system messaging16:03
dionysus69how do I check what uses up 7gb of ram?16:08
dionysus69system monitor only shows stuff that add up to 3 gb or something, while 10 is used up in total16:09
cryptodandionysus69: you can try using htop or top and see what they show.16:11
dionysus69they show what system monitor shows percent-wise16:13
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cryptodanwhat does free -h show16:16
dionysus69I restarted pc since16:17
dionysus69but I will try next time thanks16:18
dionysus69right now it shows Mem:            15G        4,1G        6,6G        232M        4,8G         10G16:18
dionysus69the 10gb I was talking about was in used category, without buff/cache16:19
ramsub07freakynl thanks for your suggestion!! I was able to recover 1/4 directory, thankfully the most important one!16:38
fuzeKubuntu 19.10 will sometimes cause graphical glitches on my second monitor after a reboot or hibernate resume. Here is a picture of two programs split across each monitor, with red dots flickering all over. I don’t have this issue in Windows 10. I have Nvidia gt 710 with Nvidia drivers. Using nomodset didn’t help. What could fix this? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/vLFW1Ani/IMG_4706.JPG16:41
quadrathoch2fuze, sounds like an nvidia driver issue16:42
fuzequadrathoch2: any recommendations on where to get support?16:43
fuzeim not even sure what this bug is called, the little red dots so idk how to look for bug reports16:44
quadrathoch2I would say display corruption16:44
quadrathoch2hm how did you install the driver, fuze?16:44
awilkinsoerheks, You'd not think so, but I've switched to nouveau and everything has been solid as a rock for hours in Intel mode, whereas I think it had crashed about 6 times today before on nvidia-44016:46
fuzequadrathoch2: not sure, i think just through the gui16:46
quadrathoch2fuze, so the repository, hm, I would probably file a bug with ubuntu, but honestly not sure if that is the right 'person' to talk to, as it's the nvidia driver :(16:48
fuzequadrathoch2: is there a different driver I can use that will still allow for desktop effects and smooth video playback16:49
quadrathoch2fuze, well with that gpu, you could (and probably recommended imho) use the open source driver nouveau. but no idea how you would enable the driver again after the nvidia install16:50
tomreynfuze: what's the output of: lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999916:56
fuzetomreyn: https://termbin.com/gisk17:02
tomreynfuze: and    apt list --installed 'nvidia-[0-9]*'17:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:04
fuzetomreyn: Listing... Done and no other output17:05
ioriafuze, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999917:05
ioriafuze don't you have 440 available ?17:06
fuzeioria: no https://termbin.com/bmgi17:08
ioriafuze sorry, but that is an empty list !17:08
fuzeI have 430, 390, 43517:09
tomreynnvidia-dkms-440 only exists in focal, not eoan17:09
ioriafuze  'cause you're using kde (with an old qt5 version), not sure the culprit is nvidia ....17:10
ioriafuze  what you can do is 1) another cycle of resume when you got that artifacts 2) switch to console and back to gui 3) try another Desktop 4) purge nvidia17:12
quadrathoch2as I said, with that gpu, I would run nouveau, as it runs faster than nvidia :/17:12
quadrathoch2and it doesn't break as often17:13
ioriathat might be an idea ^ so fuze try the 4th option fuze17:13
fuzeok thanks ill try17:15
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ioriafuze, if all the options fail, you can always install 440 from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa  or try a mainline kernel17:24
adrian_1908Hello, anyone having problems with the display not waking up with the latest Kernel and Nvidia drivers? I tried suggestions from existing forum threads but to no avail. I have a normal Intel Desktop machine with a GTX970, nothing niche.17:40
instigatorHello. Is it possible to continue an interrupted dd command when zero filling a hard drive? I used: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb17:42
quadrathoch2instigator, i would add the count flag, so it is faster17:42
ducasseand block size17:43
adrian_1908instigator: I would suspect there's no place stats were kept, so unless you KNOW where it left of, there's no way to start off where you stopped.17:43
pragmaticenigmainstigator, you can stop it... but to start it again, will require that you start over from the beginning17:43
instigatorAh I see. Is there an specific bs and count to use to speed up the process? Or does it depend on the drive?17:47
quadrathoch2instigator, idk I just use like count=10000 and it's pretty quick with my drives17:49
quadrathoch2and bs=4M17:49
tortalSo I just added "deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates/main" to my sources.list (as well as the key). After running apt update I suddenly now have 41 upgrades available.. I am running Ubuntu 19.04 disco... I already had "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security main restricted and universe" before adding the debian17:49
tortalrepo.... What can/will happen if I go and update from the debian repo ?17:49
SirNapkin1334welp I can't see messages, time to install a nother irc client17:49
quadrathoch2tortal, remove the repo17:50
quadrathoch2you shouldn't interchange debian and ubuntu17:50
pragmaticenigmatortal, DON'T!!!17:50
pragmaticenigmatortal, Debian packages will conflict with Ubuntu packages... you will break your install17:50
leftyfbtortal: remove that repo and update after removal ... immediately17:51
sirnapkin1334hi, is it possible to install a proper ubuntu install to an SD card? none of that 4GB "live partition" stuff, just an actual ubuntu install like on a hard disk17:52
tortalthx quadrathoch2 and pragmaticenigma .. I figured it could break stuff... but i really need a package. Maybe I should install it manually. I need https://packages.debian.org/jessie/amd64/php5-mysqlnd/download17:52
sirnapkin1334because I have a nice, fast, 128GB SD card that I'd like to use for Ubuntu17:52
sirnapkin1334but I don't want to be limited to 4GB of storage17:52
instigatorquadrathoch2: ok thanks17:52
leftyfbtortal: php5 is EOL17:53
tortali know.. we have a legacy system that needs it tho17:53
leftyfbsirnapkin1334: SD cards aren't meant for OS's. You won't get much life out of it. Especially one where you're storing/moving around a lot of data.17:53
leftyfbtortal: nobody, including php supports php5. You shouldn't be either.17:54
sirnapkin1334will it use up write cycles really quickly?17:54
ryuosirnapkin1334: depends on the SD card's design. your run of the mill ones will run out very fast due to being space optimized.17:54
adrian_1908tortal: See if this suits you: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php17:54
sirnapkin1334i have a SanDisk Extreme PLUS 128GB17:55
sulavLike Windows Credential Management for Windows, what would be for ubuntu?17:55
sirnapkin1334it's a quite nice one17:55
tortalas i said... we have a production, live, server that is running php5 code. crazy i know. Now I needed to move the server to the cloud. So I had to get all the old stuff17:55
sirnapkin1334high r/w for cameras and stuff17:55
ryuosirnapkin1334: that's probably TLC or so. you would want SLC or MLC for this purpose.17:55
ryuoor perhaps not.17:55
ryuosirnapkin1334: SLC has the most write endurance.17:56
ryuolike 100k or so17:56
sirnapkin1334is there any way to verify what kind of layer cells my SD card has?17:56
quadrathoch2tortal, hopefully you are allowed to cut it off from the internet?17:56
tortalyeah, used ondrejs PPA to get most of the php5.6 modules.. problem is that i cant find msql_nd17:56
ryuosirnapkin1334: not really but the price can tell you a lot.17:56
ryuosirnapkin1334: cheap, high capacity? it's not SLC.17:56
ryuosirnapkin1334: SLC is expensive relative to its capacity.17:56
sirnapkin1334let me see if I still have the receipt17:57
ryuosirnapkin1334: yours is probably MLC if it's really meant to be written to a lot like for security cameras.17:57
tortalquadrathoch2: I wish I could. But we have IoT nodes running 24/7 that uses that physical server. to begin migration to PHP7 and micro services we begin by replicating the legacy configuraiton in the cloud.. But I need those native mysql drivers for PHP!17:58
sirnapkin1334well, if I remember correctly it was advertised for holding 4K footage and being able to be written to quickly17:58
sulavIs this the right place to ask the question, I am brand new here.17:58
ryuosirnapkin1334: I use sandisk high endurance which is MLC for an old ARM device that only boots from sd card. i also do everything in RAM so it won't do writes much.17:58
tortalMaybe I will ask in #PHP17:58
sirnapkin1334how do you do everything in RAM?17:58
ryuotortal: you mean the ancient ones that were removed?17:58
ryuotortal: mysql is still available in newer API bundles.17:59
quadrathoch2tortal, maybe you shoudl switch to debian jessie? if the php5 stack is usable in jessie17:59
sirnapkin1334are USB drives considered better for such things?17:59
quadrathoch2as it's still supported17:59
ryuosirnapkin1334: you install and set it up like normal and then install a package that allows you to do a RAM fs overlay.17:59
tortalyeah. not php-mysql but php-ndmysql or php-mysqlnd something17:59
quadrathoch2at least you should get 'some' security updates for that18:00
adrian_1908tortal: Are you sure those aren't just different names for the same underlying stuff?18:00
pragmaticenigmasirnapkin1334, USB drives and SD cards are not meant for the usage an Operating system requires. They have fast burst speeds but performance drops dramatically over sustained usage18:00
ryuosirnapkin1334: the package you'd want for ubuntu is overlayroot i believe.18:00
pragmaticenigmasirnapkin1334, They're designed to handle one file at a time, where an operating system will be trying to access thousands of files at any given moment.18:00
ryuosirnapkin1334: it may need configuring though.18:00
ryuosirnapkin1334: and like they said, sd cards and flash drives are both slow; not ideal but they can be used. i mainly use mine for data storage in a RO setup. i rarely update it18:01
ryuobut i can18:01
tortaladrian_1908 I wish they were.https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqlnd.overview.php18:02
sirnapkin1334even an SLC card wouldn't be ideal?18:02
tortalI guess I will have to downgrade my MySQL server.. Or rather change back to MySQL .. I have a guess that this happened because i switched to MariaDB18:03
ryuosirnapkin1334: SD cards are by their nature very slow compared to regular storage devices.18:03
sirnapkin1334i see]18:03
ryuosirnapkin1334: even eMMC is better.18:03
sirnapkin1334but if I were to buy an SSD, would cell type matter?18:03
adrian_1908tortal: Ah ok. Probably best to try Jesse then, as someone said. If you'll set it up once and not fiddle around with much it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.18:03
tortalYou mean run Jessie instead?18:04
ryuosirnapkin1334: somewhat but less important. SSDs have controllers that mitigate the problems posed by the less reliable methods of storing data in flash.18:04
adrian_1908tortal: You can also set it up a Jessie container on an Ubuntu host as an option.18:04
ryuosirnapkin1334: SD cards are dumb and don't have any smart circuitry.18:04
tortalyeha, that was the goal of course. but it makes sense18:04
tortalcrazy tho..18:05
quadrathoch2there's not too long before even jessie is not supported anymore :/18:05
quadrathoch2i mean 5 months?18:05
ryuosirnapkin1334: SSDs can better distribute writes and shift around cells as they wear out.18:05
sirnapkin1334yeah, I've heard of that18:05
sirnapkin1334so I suppose what's best for me is an MLC SSD18:06
Niyazii need help collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status18:06
ryuosirnapkin1334: they also often have RAM caches that can buffer writes to make more optimized writes.18:06
adrian_1908Yeah, then it's time to move on to a new stack or rewrite part of that old server18:06
sirnapkin1334oh, that's cool, didn't know that18:06
tortalby then we will have compatible code.. so no worries about EOL jessie18:06
ryuosirnapkin1334: you can't really buy MLC SSDs anymore. new that is.18:06
ryuosirnapkin1334: 3D NAND is just fine afaik.18:06
quadrathoch2tortal, hopefully :)18:06
sirnapkin1334okay, thank you so much18:07
ryuosirnapkin1334: check their write endurance. their capactiy is so massive they can just distribute it over more cells for most users.18:07
sirnapkin1334I learned a lot today, that SD's are not just tiny SSDs18:07
ryuosirnapkin1334: they're similar but a lot different in performance and such.18:07
ryuoSD cards are mostly for embedded devices.18:07
adrian_1908tortal: So if you feel more comfortable with having an Ubuntu base, I would really suggest trying a Jessie LXD image. LXD comes default with Ubuntu and is set up to "just work" mostly. So the mental overhead should be restricted to whatever you do inside that Jessie container.18:08
sirnapkin1334hmm, I suppose I'd just be better off sticking with crouton then shelling out a bunch of money for a nice external SSD18:10
tortaladrian_1908 : thx.. ive already used lxc many years ago so I shoud manage.. It was super sleek even then18:10
adrian_1908tortal: Definitely, LXD tries to make everything even simpler. Good luck!18:12
adrian_1908Images here, including Jessie: https://us.images.linuxcontainers.org/18:12
tortalbah.. this would mean setting up everything again (apache, php, custom confguratoins).. luckily i create some bash scripts to automate much of it.18:13
tortaladrian_1908 thx18:13
sirnapkin1334ryuo: thank you so much for your help. have a nice day :)18:14
adrian_1908tortal: Or if you can snapshot the current machine, maybe there's away to move it to a VM?18:14
adrian_1908If it's mostly about a bandaid solution until the alternative is up and running.18:15
tomreyntortal: i didn't follow the full conversation, were you already told that 19.04 is EOL?18:20
tomreyntortal: package "php7.2-mysql" on ubuntu 18.04 LTS contains /usr/lib/php/20170718/mysqlnd.so18:20
tomreyni think you said your unsupportable php application depends on php 5.x though18:21
tomreyntortal: and sury's PPA (while not supported here) provides package "php5.6-mysql" for ubuntu 18.04 LTS https://launchpad.net/%7Eondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+sourcepub/10946271/+listing-archive-extra which provides /usr/lib/php/20131226/mysqlnd.so18:34
tomreyn(also for ubuntu 19.10, but you wouldn't run this on a production server, i'd say)18:35
wondowswhat is this https://i.imgur.com/F3vhip7.png?18:44
wondowsshows up every time after start up18:44
adrian_1908wondows: what happens when you click, any details popping up?18:45
wondowsnothing happens18:45
adrian_1908Sorry to hear, typical Gnome.18:46
swcdxdoes anyone here use Resilio with ubuntu?18:47
adrian_1908wondows: you could try `journalctl -b` and seeing if any error pops out at you, I suspect some daemon failed to start18:47
wondowsadrian_1908 it outputs loads of stuff18:49
adrian_1908wondows: Try `journalctl -p 4 -b` to narrow it down a bit18:49
wondowsCRITICAL: Unable to create a DBus proxy for GnomeScreensaver: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.ScreenSaver: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Err18:50
wondowsa few messages in red18:50
adrian_1908Hmm, I don't have to time to help figuring this out right now. Hope you find the problem. As I said, my suspicion would be that a startup service fails each time and triggers the report. "colord" is a common offender as of late it seems.18:52
adrian_1908*the time18:52
tomreynwondows: see what's in /var/crash - thi sis likely what crashed and what this prompt is about18:53
illuminatednot really sure how to do this... could you create a veth tunnel with a .netdev file and then use yaml to configure that virtual interface.. like create a veth interface named veth1 in .netdev and then under ethernets: do an entry for veth1?19:00
illuminatedbasically I have one nic in this box, but I want to configure 2 ip's for it, but I don't want to make them both static.. in order to assign 2 ips to it, you have to statically assign the ips.  So, I want to create a veth tunnel between a virtual ethernet interface and the real one and simply assign a static ip to the virtual interface.19:02
wondowstomreyn the only thing I have in there is broadcom-sta-dkms.0.crash which is apparently related to my other wifi card which stopped working with ubuntu19:02
tomreynwondows: so it's probably that then19:05
wondowsI have since uninstalled that wifi card, I should uninstall drivers19:06
thoraxeok, weird one -- i'm trying to use openfoam and mpi in parallel. this involves ssh executing commands on a remote host, as best i can tell. but i am having an issue where the path on the remote host doesn't seem to be properly set because with an ssh execution, .bashrc isn't loaded (so env is missing)19:16
thoraxei tried putting a source command in ~/.ssh/rc but then when I ssh into that box i get an error about 'source not found'19:17
thoraxeusing . instead of source gets further, but then there are other weird pathing errors19:17
FrankyGovwhich app do you recommend for running Android on Ubuntu 18?19:20
oerheksthoraxe, what guide did you follow?19:22
thoraxeoerheks: i'm troubleshooting a friend's system. i don't know what guide he followed. openfoam5 is installed at /opt/openfoam519:23
thoraxe/opt/openfoam5/etc/bashrc needs to be soruced to pick up all the vars and paths19:23
thoraxewe are hitting an issue when trying to do the mpirun command where it's complaining about the executable not being in the path despite even having the full path19:24
thoraxeso my assumption was environment avriable problems19:24
oerheksoh, openfoam is at v7 since 2018 ...19:25
thoraxethat's not particularly helpful nor does it address the question, really19:26
thoraxebut i appreciate the info19:27
ioriathoraxe, if you have it in /opt that means that you're not using the ubuntu package available in the repo ?19:28
thoraxealso not helpful19:28
thoraxeyou can literally ignore everything about foam, mpi, and everything else19:29
ioriathoraxe, that was a question19:29
oerheksyour bashrc issue is stated here. use .bash_profile https://stackoverflow.com/questions/820517/bashrc-at-ssh-login19:29
NeoHamledHow can I see what processes are currently writing to disk the most19:29
thoraxeioria: i tried sourcing it in profile to no avail19:29
Ben64NeoHamled: iotop19:30
thoraxeputting that into .bash_profile and then doing: ssh user@host 'env' results in none of the stuff in the env (clearly not sourced)19:31
ioriathoraxe, https://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/openfoam-installation/178732-4-1-bashrc-file-problem.html19:31
thoraxeI'm not sure how that link is relevant. i don't have a problem with where the file is or what it does19:32
NeoHamledthanks Ben6419:32
thoraxei have a problem with not being able to come up with any way that the actual content is sourced19:32
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rfmthoraxe, does the user have a shell other than bash (/bin/sh, for example.)  That would explain why .bash_profile isn't read...19:41
blip99hi all. I'm on the latest 19.10 and want to make my screen greyscale, does this solution work or not because of Wayland? https://askubuntu.com/a/44334620:02
blip99How can I generate an Xorg.conf so I can edit it as described in the link20:03
blip99(generate from current OS graphics config)20:03
RoyKtomreyn: it took some time to get that BIOS upgraded - no change20:04
SamWhitedWhere would I find a list of patches applied on top of the source for an ubuntu package? I've got a performance regression in a library and I see a fix has been backported into Debian but didn't see any open bugs for Ubuntu and wanted to see if the patch has been applied already before submitting one20:04
tomreynRoyK: didn't you say "HP doesn't list any firmware/bios updates"?20:06
tomreynRoyK: also i don't think you ever did (b) post journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999920:06
tomreynRoyK: if you prefer not to share this information (that's fine, but can make it harder to support you) then look for ACPI and BIOS errors in the log. also report your findings in playing with rfkill.20:08
ioriathoraxe, is the .bashrc set to stop if not interactive ?20:08
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RoyKtomreyn: I didn't post all of it, and someone else posted a link to the newest bios - couldn't find it myself20:11
ioriathoraxe, reading an old post 'Since the remote login by OMPI is non interactive the OpenFOAM bash script is never loaded thus no executables can be found'20:11
RoyKtomreyn: as for journalctl -b, I guess you got the important parts. here's the rest https://termbin.com/kw9u20:12
tomreynRoyK: not really had all of the important parts, yet, this is much better. kernel version, for example.20:14
RoyKI've tried a lot of different ones20:14
RoyKincluding starting on the 19.10 installer20:14
RoyKI'm not entirely new to linux...20:14
tomreyngood. but none of this i knew so far.20:15
ioriaRoyK, paste also 'lsmod'20:15
RoyKlsmod https://termbin.com/kgj0o20:16
RoyKlshw https://termbin.com/nics20:16
ioriaRoyK, try to remove hp_wmi and maybe also wmi  (sudo modprobe -r hp_wmi  ) and reload your wifi module20:18
tomreynRoyK: if what ioria suggested fixes it, reboot after doing this:  sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-hp.conf <<< "blacklist hp_wmi"20:27
RoyKrmmod alone didn't help - I tried blacklisting it and gave it a reboot - that helped20:28
tomreynSamWhited: the easiest way is probably on https://packages.ubuntu.com20:31
thoraxeioria: yeah we had to move the source command to the first line in the bashrc20:31
thoraxethen it worked20:31
ioriathoraxe, good20:31
SamWhitedtomreyn: that's what I was on looking for bug reports, I couldn't find a list of patches or anything though. I did look in the sources that were linked from the package and it didn't look like it was applied, but I didn't know if that included all patches, or if it was a custom patch and not the same as the backport Debian did, etc.20:32
SamWhited(also I get an internal server error if I try to search on there right now, although it wasn't doing that a moment ago)20:32
tomreynSamWhited: packages.u.c is a bit buggy but when you run into server side errors just reload and it usually works20:33
tomreynSamWhited: note that you haven't disclosed which package you're looknig at, i'm not sure whether it needs to remain a secret.20:34
SamWhitedtomreyn: oh, no, just an oversight on my part sorry, it's libseccomp2: https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/libseccomp220:35
SamWhited2.4.x has a major performance regression, it's been patched upstream but they don't want to backport it and release a new minor version. Debian is applying the patch to fix it (which applies cleanly to the 2.4.x branch), but I didn't want to waste maintainers time with a bug report until I knew how to check if it existed in Ubuntu already or if it was even an option to pull the patch in20:35
SamWhitedLooks like the maintainers are the same though, so maybe it gets pulled in automatically?20:36
tomreynSamWhited: it's in "main" so that's good in terms of it being properly supported (as you certainly already found out). http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libseccomp/libseccomp_2.4.1-0ubuntu0.19.10.3.debian.tar.xz contains the patches applied on top of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libseccomp/libseccomp_2.4.1.orig.tar.gz for the ubuntu eoan (19.10) release20:41
tomreynmaintainers in debian and ubuntu differ.20:42
SamWhitedtomreyn: ahh, that's perfect, thanks! I don't see the patch in the patches tree in there, that makes it really easy to check in the future; thanks for the help!20:44
SamWhitedI'll file a bug about hopefully getting the performance regression patch in there.20:45
tomreynSamWhited: you're welcome. see also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libseccomp for more info20:45
SamWhitedyah, that's the thing I cloned that I couldn't really be sure if it had the patches or not, maybe I was looking at the wrong place in there though20:47
tomreynit's difficult to correclate the git branches to what is published for which release for me as well, ends up in a guessing game.20:48
tomreynfor proper responses you could get confirmations in #ubuntu-devel20:49
SamWhitedI didn't consider the fact that they'd be separate files still in the tarball though, so that makes things easy, I'll just download those20:49
SamWhitedOh cool, I hadn't found #ubuntu-devel. Thanks again!20:49
tomreynyw :)20:51
RoyKioria, thanks a bunch - been fighting this a lot today20:53
RoyKwell, (s)he left, but then20:53
squarecircleohai, running an ubuntu 19.10 here and I can't open attachments from thunderbird, saving to disk and individually opening with writer works though22:04
squarecircleis there a PATH variable to be set?22:05
squarecircleIt seems that thunderbird doesnt know any paths22:14
squarecircleso Thunderbird cant open writer22:17
squarecircleand I can't select an application for png documents22:18
sarnoldsquarecircle: does ps auxwZ | grep -i thund   show an apparmor profile in place for your thunderbird?22:19
squarecirclesarnold: yup22:20
sarnoldsquarecircle: check dmesg | grep DENIED output -- do you see anything there that looks like thunderbird trying to work with your files?22:20
squarecirclesarnold: yup theres a whole lot of DENIED entries22:22
algidanyone have any suggestions on getting bluetooth to work again22:23
sarnoldsquarecircle: does it look like it's a snap application or is .. not-snap? :)22:24
algidit just stopped working and says 'bluetooth disabled' although it is enabled in bios22:24
squarecirclesarnold: thunderbird seems to be a snap, as well as Writer22:25
squarecirclesarnold: I think about de-enforcing the profile for thunderbird, am I thinking in the right direction?22:25
sarnoldsquarecircle: if it is a snap, that will be difficult to do -- head into #snapcraft and ask around? they'll probably want to see a pastebin of your dmesg | grep DENIED output -- feel free to remove little bits of filenames if necessary, but certainly not the whole paths :)22:29
squarecirclesarnold: ok thank you :)22:29
sarnoldsquarecircle: you're welcome, good luck :) sorry you're running into this22:30
oerheksinstall thunderbird with the --classic option, snaps are in confinement.22:31
sarnoldthis bit worries me "In addition applications published as strict snaps may misbehave when installed with the ‘–classic’ switch."22:35
oerheksor it is something else, save doc first, local, then open?22:36
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