[05:10] Eickmeyer: where's the code for this sit? [05:10] i need to reclone and beat my head against sbuild derping [05:13] Told you in a PM, but you found it anyhow. :P [05:17] yep [05:17] coincidental timing :P [05:17] BUT [05:17] i have it in sbuild right now [05:17] so we'll be able to see if infinity's suggestion fixes it :) [05:18] Imagine if this simple fix does. [05:23] hey it's always the simple shit that makes the worst headaches xD [05:23] FTBFS [05:28] @Eickmeyer so that didn't fix it [05:28] it fully FTBFS [05:29] Laaaame. [05:31] excerpt of the failing part of logs made available [05:31] build logs are 36k lines [05:32] (Document) http://studiobot.ericheickmeyer.com:9090/iHp60v35/file_81.build [05:36] Yeah, I saw what you posted in u-devel. [05:37] http://people.ubuntu.com/~teward/ardour_5.12.0-3ubuntu1_amd64-2020-01-24T05:12:38Z.build also is the full link to it for others to use [05:37] but it's weird [05:37] @teward001 Yep, s390x FTBFS, but I have the feeling it's going to be a full FTBFS. [05:37] @Erik [05:37] and it FTBFS [05:37] my question is [05:37] whether this is indicative of missing built libraries [05:37] or other package problems [05:38] or whether the package is just totally fubar and no longer maintainable [05:38] No, because if you look further up in the logs it's building those libraries. [05:40] @teward001 [05:43] hmm then I wonder why it can't *find* the libraries anywhere [05:44] unless it's not putting them in the build paths in which case something is REALLY wonky [05:46] Yeah, it doesn't make any sense at all. [05:52] Go to bed, @teward001 , it's after midnight. [12:32] (removing my telegram account from this channel now that i have it in matrix) [12:33] Sakrecoer was removed by: Sakrecoer