
wxl@HMollerCl you might have some input ont his one https://github.com/palinek/nm-tray/issues/4700:58
ubot93Issue 47 in palinek/nm-tray "Unable to connect to openVPN" [Open]00:58
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl you might have some input ont his one https://github.com/paline …], done01:40
wxl@HMollerCl thanks :)01:43
lubot<HMollerCl> since I'm on the art repositories02:12
lubot<HMollerCl> I will add another openbox theme with different close button and inactive window color02:13
lubot<HMollerCl> do you like LubuntuArc2 name?02:14
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Looks good to me.02:28
lubot<HMollerCl> changed to "Lubuntu Round"02:44
lubot<HMollerCl> https://phab.lubuntu.me/D7002:44
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Needs Review] Add Lubuntu Round Openbox Theme and change background and hover color for in menu search: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D7002:44
wxl@teward001 i think mail might be stuck. i didn't get notified of the above and i'm set as a reviewer04:06
lubot<teward001> @wxl [<wxl> @teward001 i think mail might be stuck. i didn't get notified of the above …], i'll check.04:09
lubot<teward001> having some issues with mail on my end too04:09
lubot<teward001> but that's due to some other issues on my side04:09
wxlfor that matter i missed some discourse notifications, too, although that could be for different reasons04:09
lubot<teward001> remind me the address used?04:11
wxlmy email?04:11
lubot<teward001> ahhh i see what happened here hang on04:11
lubot<teward001> it's been flagged as an open relay04:11
* wxl grabs on tight04:11
lubot<teward001> which... is not surprising given we have to open-relay for phab.lubuntu.me04:11
lubot<teward001> ewww, the other problem is logs and journals ate everything04:24
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> @teward001 i think mail might be stuck. i didn't get notified of the above …], I also didn't get notified about a task in which I was mentioned.04:25
wxlall the disk space???04:25
lubot<teward001> yeah it's not a huge disk04:25
lubot<teward001> trying to figure out what's eating space now04:26
wxl$HOME/.xsession.errors is always a fun one but probably not applicable XD04:26
lubot<teward001> nope04:29
lubot<teward001> it's just a small disk space04:29
lubot<teward001> and I fubar'd the config and made it an open relay oops04:29
lubot<teward001> so smtp.lubuntu.me is now offline for general mail until I dig deep enough to fix this04:30
lubot<teward001> may migrate it to another host...04:30
lubot<teward001> ehhhhhhh yheah i maaaaaaaaaay have fubar'd it for a while04:34
lubot<teward001> it WAS running as an open relay (OOPS)04:34
lubot<teward001> so i'mma spin a new smtp.lubuntu.me i think04:34
lubot<teward001> with more space04:34
lubot<teward001> and migrate stuff there04:34
lubot<teward001> so E:PATIENCEREQUIRED04:34
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Let me know when it's fixed. I have my github email as lubuntu mail id. Also at a few other places.04:58
lubot<teward001> so05:08
lubot<teward001> @lubuntu.me won't be affected05:08
lubot<teward001> it's @*.lubuntu.me (phab, discourse, etc.) that will be affected05:08
lubot<teward001> SMTP access is restricted currently to just our infrastructure and my test system05:09
lubot<teward001> but i'll fix that in a little while later05:09
lubot<teward001> migrating the services over currently, and will need an emergency call into canonical sysadmin for the DNS change05:09
lubot<teward001> once i get things operational05:09
wxlyikes perhaps it might not be wise to give them a heads up to let them know it's coming down the pike? maybe ask them to prioritize the ticket ahead of time05:17
lubot<teward001> i'm actually tempted to give it a different identifying hostname and rDNS but i'm a lazy sod xD05:19
lubot<teward001> it'll take some time for me to finish migrating things anyways so05:19
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @teward001 [@lubuntu.me won't be affected], K.05:38
wxli think at the end of a successful install18:27
wxloops there i go again18:27
kc2bezI feel better now18:49
wxlnow that i managed to ding the wrong channel again? XD18:49
kc2bezYes XD18:49
* wxl threatens kc2bez with a wet fish18:50
* kc2bez runs18:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T54: Properly implement different wallpapers for different monitors] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T54#302421:49
lubot<HMollerCl> how can we change SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN to qt5?23:23
lubot<HMollerCl> I know we can make it in lxqt, is that the best option?23:23
lubot<HMollerCl> found it in startlxqt. Do we have our own or it comes from lxqt?23:50
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [found it in startlxqt. Do we have our own or it comes from lxqt?], IIRC we use theirs but have our own desktop file with our own env vars in default settings23:51
lubot<HMollerCl> will look at it23:52
lubot<HMollerCl> but, upstream already has done it, in may19. https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-session/commit/55a59f8c9d42a4fefbcd300ff62eee4b621fe6c423:56

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