
degahello quasslers02:10
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Namaste! dega04:59
lubot<tbs> hello, i need support,  i tried simple screen recorder, my voice was too low, not comfortible to listen, i thougt there was problem about my mic, 2 days ago as i shared here i put ram and ssd to laptop and they installed win10 to show me it works but there was bios problem cuz of ram, so i couldnt install lubuntu, that night, before going08:22
lubot compiter shop to repair bios, i tried my mic with OBS, it was good really, 4x better than when i use at lubuntu, now im trying it again at lubuntu with OBS and it s not working well again.08:22
lubot<tbs> in short there s problem at lubuntu about getting my voice via mic08:22
guiverc@tbs, I have no experience with recording voice via mic, but I'd suggest looking in pavucontrol (or pavucontrol-qt if using modern lxqt) to increase volume..   If i look in my own, i gives blank and "No application is currently recording audio" but I'd hope you'd have options there with OBS etc installed08:25
lubot<tbs> guiverc, it s not about increasing voice, cuz i also tried it before, but it just reduce its quality08:28
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nmzmHello everyone :)17:48
wxlheyo nmzm18:06
tipregHello, desperate here. I had lubuntu on a machine with 500G almost full hard disk. An idiot thought he could just take it and install windows on it. Is there any way to recover the data?19:01
wxlif they made a new partition, quite possibly. if they throttled over the install, no…19:02
tomreyntipreg: only what was not overwritten probably. create an image of it, store it elsewehre, use testdisk against the image19:02
wxli mean i guess there's some remote possibility some of the data could exist in free space, but it would take some hardcore forensics to even get to that19:02
tomreynand... you need to always have abackup of any data you consider relevant, not only when there are people around who might install windows over your precious single copy.19:03
tipregyes, just never imagined this could happen19:03
wxlthus the word "always" XD19:04
tipregSo is there a good chance i can recover most of it?19:04
tomreynthere are many other scenarios which could have had a comparable result.19:04
tomreynthere's a chance you may be able to recover parts of it, but without more details it's impossible to tell.19:05
tipreghe just installed windows overwriting lubuntu, nothing else (!)19:06
tomreynand recovery of those parts will most liklely involve work by someone with a minimal level of experience in forensics.19:06
wxlyes, that19:06
mycrapwill gparted recover anything in that situation?19:06
wxlyou would first need to do what tomreyn suggested: image it somewhere else (`dd` is what i would use but it's a dangerous tool)19:07
tipregI feel better for that "what was not overwritten probably"19:07
wxlwell that's the other thing: data is not stored sequentially19:08
tipregWhy is it better to use testdisk on the image rather than directly on the disk?19:09
tomreynthe most common mistake after such an event is that users continue to write to the storage which is afected, such as by rebooting form a system storewd on it, or otherwise mounting data from it in read-write mode. if you do this, you're actively working against the goal of data recovery. thus you need to create an image first of all.19:09
tomreynsorry about the typos, hope you can read it nevertheless19:10
tipregok, can i please ask you for an exact step-by-step19:10
tipregalso i am not sure what i will be using (usb?)19:11
tipregI cant afford aforensics expert, have to do it myself19:12
tomreynany storage which can handle several writes and won't loose the data soon (you can create multiple copies and store it on different storages once you have created one copy)19:12
tomreynwhich impact does it have to your life if this data is lost, if i may ask?19:13
tipregDo i create the image from windows or from a live-linux?19:13
nmzmGuys, is there a way to check which version of libsdl2-mixer is installed? Not from the repository19:13
tipreg5 years of work thrown in the garbage19:14
tomreynhmm, and you don't even have an older backup of it?19:14
tipregmaybe some parts, but not most of it19:15
tipregyes my mistake19:15
tomreyni don't mean to judge, i'm just asking.19:15
tipregI should have had it fully backedup19:15
tipregbut this scenario was completely unpredictable19:16
tomreynno, loss of data from a single storage is very predictable19:16
tipregI mean who would do something like that... just idiot isn't enough...19:16
tomreynthe cause is unexpected, i agree19:17
tomreynbut you generally need to prepare better in the future19:17
tomreynwhich other storage media do you have available to store those 500GB on?19:17
tomreynflash storage is an option but an SSD or HDD would be better19:18
tipregyes externaldisk i mean19:18
lubot<wxl23> @nmzm [<nmzm> Guys, is there a way to check which version of libsdl2-mixer is installed …], Are you saying you know you didnt install from the repos? If not, where?19:18
lubot<tbs> 500gb flash storage? so they made it too. i wonder how expensive it s19:19
tipregconsider me a beginner, actually I am19:19
nmzmlubot: Compiled from source code and then: sudo make install. So dpkg -l | grep sdl can't see it19:20
nmzmBut it's installed in the system19:20
lubot<wxl23> @nmzm [<nmzm> lubot: Compiled from source code and then: sudo make install. So dpkg -l …], Where did you get the source?19:20
nmzmLubot: From the official website I believe. From here -> https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/19:22
tomreyntipreg: no worries, you're doing well. i need to persist on this, though: which kind of storage is this external, usb connected storage? is it a classic ultra-portable flash storage "usb stick", is it a (larger in physical dimensions, at least 1.5 inch width) SSD, is it a (even larger in physical dimensions, at least 2.5 inch width) HDD?19:22
tomreynwe can also find out when you have it connected.19:22
tipregyes the larger one (dont have it right now though)19:22
tipregit's a classic external hd maybetoshiba19:23
tomreyntipreg: okay, for now tell me whether anything is running off this 500 GB storage you need to recover data from19:23
nmzmLubot: I can see that ist's 2.0.4 on the website, but I need to add a check if it's installed in the script. Like: If sdl2-mixer=2.0.4 - continue, else: error(example)19:23
tipregsorry i dont undertsnad what you mean19:23
tipregrunning off?19:24
tipreg(also english not my first language)19:24
tomreyntipreg: you mentioned a windows installation, you are on this lubuntu channel so you probably also have an ubuntu installation on this computer. is it a dual-boot system?19:24
tipregno, this is another computer19:24
tomreynis the computer with the 500 GB disk attached to it currently running?19:25
tipregI dont have the externaldisk nor that "nowwindows machine" here with me in this moment19:25
tipregthe nowwindows machine is turned off (and not here with me now)19:26
tomreynah, so we can only discuss what your next steps should be, but can't guide you live now19:26
tipregyes - though would have been nice i guess19:27
tipregi mean nice to have you with me during the process19:27
tipregbut i'll try by myself and come back in case19:28
tipreghoping to find you again19:28
tomreynyou can just come back here when you're about to do it, someone may be around, or if not here, then in #ubuntu19:28
tomreyntipreg: so to keep it simple, you should have two separate external storages ready to image the 500 GB disk:19:29
tipregyes maybe I'll do - but they (this computer and the other) are in different locations19:29
tipregi have to move one19:29
tipregok so i am with you19:30
lubot<wxl23> @nmzm> Lubot: From the official website I believe. From here - [<nmzm> Lubot: From the official website I believe. From here -> https://www.libs …], See `strings` and `readelf` suggestions here https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/58846/viewing-linux-library-executable-version-info#5884919:30
tomreyntipreg: one should be a bootable (l)ubuntu live system (which you could prepare now), the other should be a storage (ideally ssd or hdd) which can hold those 500 GB data.19:30
tipregis it ok if the live system is on a pendrive?19:30
nmzmlubot: Thank you!19:30
tomreyntipreg: sure19:30
tomreynthis won't take many sustained writes.19:31
tipregpossible problem: maybe that computer won'allow usb-boot (it's old)19:32
tipregmaybe only cd19:32
lubot<tbs> i thought 500gb flash disk would be more expensive19:32
tipregis that also ok?19:32
tomreyntipreg: dvd should also work, i guess.19:32
tipregwhich distro?19:32
tomreyntipreg: what did you have running on it before windows got installed?19:33
tipregafornsics one or just lubuntu?19:33
lubot<tbs> there s some data recovery specialezed distros at distrowatch19:33
tipregbefore windows lubuntu19:33
tomreyntipreg: do you know which version of lubuntu you had?19:33
tomreyntipreg: it's ok to say "no" if you're not sure, i'm just wondering19:34
tipregwas an older lts, not sure19:34
tipregnot sure exactly which19:35
tomreyntipreg: just use the latest stable lubuntu then19:35
tipregOk so i launch tthe dvd with lubuntu on the windows machine and then?19:36
tipregI connect the externald drive?19:36
tomreyntipreg: actually it's probably better if you use lubuntu 18.04 LTS (atest LTS release), since 19.10 (latest stable release) has a different interface you're not used to.19:36
lubot<tbs> https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=clonezilla19:37
lubot<tbs> ş found this19:37
tomreyntipreg: once you have the system booted off it, you need to attach the other large storage device which can hold the 500 GB image file.19:37
tomreyntipreg: test whether and ensure that you can write to it, as root.19:38
tipregok - the other device must be empty even if it's say 1tb ?19:39
tipregor is it ok as long as it has 500G free?19:39
tipreghow should it be formatted? fat? ext?19:40
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tomreyni would recommend it, but it's not required to be empty. you just need to be able to store the 500 GB there. you woill later also need to have some place to restore data that you recovered form this image. so if you want to store recovered data on the same device you have the image on (actually not an ideal situation, a separate storage would be better) then you'll need more than those 500 GB19:41
tomreyni'd use an ext4 file system, or any journalled file system lubuntu supports, but it is less relevant19:42
tipregeven fat would be ok?19:42
tipregI am confused because it's windows now19:42
tomreynthat's not a journalled file system, but if you have to use fat that can work too.19:43
tomreyna windows alternative to ext3/4 is ntfs19:43
tipregI mean the fact that it's windows now doesn't suggest to use fat?19:43
tipreg(sorry for stupid questions)19:44
tipregso not even ntfs would be better?19:44
tipregI mean ext is just as fine or better19:44
tomreyndon't try to access your old data using any of the file system or partition strcutures the windows installation created on the 500 GB drive, in fact dont try to access it at all other than by using the dd command19:44
tipregnot familiar with the dd command19:45
tomreynassuming the file system you will recover to is mounted at /media/myusername/my_external_recovery_filesystem and the 500 GB storage you want to recover is located at /dev/sdZ, you would use this command to create the image file:19:47
tomreynsudo dd if=/dev/sdZ of=/media/myusername/my_external_recovery_filesystem/sdZ.image bs=8M19:49
lubot<tbs> will he create iso file of his 500gb? can i use this iso to reinstall same lubuntu system with its drivers and updates ?19:49
tomreynno, tbs19:49
lubot<tbs> i mean if i do it on my system, not his19:50
tipregok so that creates the image (was thinking of xfburn)19:50
tipregand then how to dotestdisk on the image?19:51
tomreyntipreg: the hardest part will be identifying the imaging source and destination. "sudo lsblk" may help you there.19:51
tipregshould i bring it on the other (this) computer?19:51
tipregI am not sure what you mean19:52
tipreg(last thing you said)19:52
tomreyntipreg: concentrate on doing hte image first of all, this wilkl be a difficult task already. once you have this testdisk is the next step.19:53
tomreynmost importantly, be aware that dd is a dangerous utility. if you get those options wrong you may well overwrite the wrong storage and destroy more data19:53
tomreynso make double sure (amybe get feedback here on this) that you got the if= and of= right19:54
tipregthe if is where i'm writng to and the of is where i'm writing from, right? (this is the possible mistake?)19:55
tomreyntipreg: i guess your first step should be to prepare the lubuntu 18.04 bootable usb stick or dvd, bring it to the other computer, boot it off it, and login to the chat from there.19:55
lubot<tbs> first he can try to use dd command to create bootable usb disk so he can pratice ?19:55
tomreyntipreg: if= IN file, of= OUT file.19:55
lubot<tbs> forexample with lubuntu iso19:55
tomreyntbs: yes, if tipreg has an usb stick for this purpose (and not just optiocal media) then this could be done, feel free to guide.19:56
tomreyntipreg: so if) is the source, of= is the destination, you had assumed otherwise.19:57
tipregyes that's the possible mistake, any other possible mistakes?19:58
tipregbs=8M ?19:59
lubot<tbs> if == input file … of == output file … usage example: … $ sudo dd status=progress if=name-of.iso of=/dev/sdb19:59
tomreyntipreg: if of points to the wrong location, you'll write data there instead, possibly overwriting data or a full disk.19:59
lubot<tbs> this s basic usage of dd for creating bootable disk19:59
tipregOk, I will remember to double check there19:59
lubot<tbs> and i guess u may want to read it but im not sure ofcourse https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-create-bootable-usb-drive-using-dd-command/20:00
tipregwhat is bs=8M ?20:00
tomreyntipreg: bs=8M just means that the copying process will read 8 MB of data then write those, then repeat.20:00
tipregok, no mistake can be done there?20:00
tomreyntipreg: not unless there are typos. ;)20:01
tipregso this is what you meant when you said identifying the imaging source and destination20:01
tipregor is there more?20:02
tomreynthis was just a complicated way of saying "make sure you get if= and of= right".20:02
tomreyni'll have some food now, should be back later, good luck20:02
tipregnow we are at the testdisk part?20:02
tipregthank you20:03
lubot<tbs> have a nice meal tomyern:)20:03
lubot<tbs> as a suggest u can use 1/3 of ur stomach for food, 1/3 of ur stomach for water, 1/3 of ur stomach for air, also 2 times eating for a day20:05
tipregIs it easy to use testdisk?20:07
tipregI mean can a beginner manage?20:07
lubot<tbs> do u know virtual box?20:09
lubot<tbs> u can try it there i guess20:09
tipregThank you all20:21
tipregWill check log later in case anybody will have added something20:22
tipregGood thing is I feel a little better20:23
Sefahello everyone, i am experianceing trouble trying to install lubuntu on my device, i am on the particioning part and dont know how to progress. Help would be much apreciated thanks in advance21:03
tomreynSefa: hi, which lubuntu version is it, and what's the partitioning trouble about?21:06
tomreynhave you considered automated partitioning?21:07
Sefai dont have the option for automated partitoning21:07
Sefaits the lates version21:08
bwew253tgzwhbdguys if i upgrade lubuntu 19.10 to 20.4 when 20.04 is officially released, will my sources.list also be updated ??21:10
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Yeah, in 19.10 something is apparently broken. I also needed to partition manually.21:12
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> I created small swap partition (aroung 8GB?) and all remaining part was mount point for /21:14
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> It worked, but I admit that I am not sure is it the best solution.21:14
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> AFAIK for hibernation you need swap larger than your RAM size, but hibenation never worked for me in Lubuntu anyway.21:14
lubot<kc2bez> If you have swap enabled when you start the installer the erase disk option will not be presented.21:15
lubot<kc2bez> You can turn swap off in the terminal before you start `sudo swap off -a`21:16
lubot<kc2bez> Erase disk will be presented as an option after that.21:17
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> So it is side effect of removing "install lubuntu" from the main menu?21:17
Sefamy terminal tells me swao is not a command he knows21:18
Sefamy terminal tells me swap is not a command he knows21:19
lubot<kc2bez> Not sure I follow you there. It is because in Ubuntu based distros swap partitions are automatically mounted. The installer will not install on a partition that is mounted.21:19
Sefahow does one unmount?21:20
lubot<kc2bez> @Sefa [<Sefa> my terminal tells me swap is not a command he knows], sorry that should have been all one command. autocorrect got me there. swapoff -a21:20
lubot<kc2bez> We put a notice in our manual regarding swap. https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.3/installation.html21:22
Sefaokay done, but i still only have the manual partitioning21:26
kc2bezbwew253tgzwhbd: The upgrade script changes the sources but if you have any ppas enabled they will be disabled during the upgrade process and you will need to re-enable them when it gets done.21:42

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