
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot2Miguel Dorsett was added by: Miguel Dorsett01:27
_genuser1_hey people01:47
_genuser1_is there an easy way to get alt-space to show teh window menu instead of using alt-f3?01:47
=== jose is now known as Guest75881
user|20280Hello all I need a flavour of Linux that will run on a P-233 with 64 Megs ram02:31
valorieuser|20280: you can easily use a live session of your top choices to test it out02:40
valoriebefore committing02:40
tomreyn64 MB RAM? i was thinking 640 KB was the max?02:51
=== nauticalnexus is now known as rb25girl
IrcsomeBot2Hailey Freeman was added by: Hailey Freeman04:57
sumit_how can i install WM10:49
IrcsomeBot2<Linuxophil> @sumit_, Download "virtualbox" from discover.11:28
IrcsomeBot2<Linuxophil> Then download the ".iso" file from the website of the distribution of your choice. Then follow the instructions of virtualbox.11:28
IrcsomeBot2<Linuxophil> Fwd from Linuxophil: Hey guys! I am trying to get a Epson scanner to work on Kubuntu 18.04. After installing drivers from the epson website I can select it in gscan2pdf but then this comes up:11:30
IrcsomeBot2<Linuxophil> (Photo, 870x307) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/m7wLR5Qn/file_22722.jpg11:30
IrcsomeBot2<Linuxophil> Any pointers on how I can make this work?11:30
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== l is now known as Guest69998
IrcsomeBot2FernandoSza was added by: FernandoSza12:43
BluesKajHowdy folks13:12
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest82133
Oderushey fast question. how do I automount an ext4 drive on boot?16:10
diogenes_Oderus, use gnome-disk-utility.16:10
Oderusthank you16:11
Oderusdiogenes_: i tried with the kde partition manager but there was no option16:12
Oderusdiogenes_: that worked perfectly thank you16:18
diogenes_you're welcome16:18
nicheCategoryhow to use this damn service16:56
=== null_ is now known as Xyz-Tesrun
franzpow_Hi all17:38
BluesKajhi franzpow_17:41
IrcsomeBot2Mina Arban was added by: Mina Arban17:58
IrcsomeBot2<Mina Arban> @Ethereum2_017:58
franzpow_BluesKaj how it's going?18:03
BluesKajfranzpow_, doing fine here, and you?18:04
IrcsomeBot2KrisZadra was added by: KrisZadra18:04
franzpow_BluesKaj: I am fine thanks18:06
franzpow_Anyone tried to overclock an Intel core2duo cpu on linux? (Kubuntu)18:22
franzpow_I don't know if there are any programs to do that. Would it be painful or not to overclock such an old cpu?18:23
oerheksoverclocking should be done in the bios18:34
franzpow_I know but I see that I can't change the values in the bios18:38
franzpow_But I am confused because it seems that this cpu can be overclocked18:38
oerheksthe motherboard + bios version is important in this.18:53
oerheksall software can d is using the limits, in presets https://askubuntu.com/questions/1021748/set-cpu-governor-to-performance-in-18-0418:54
IrcsomeBot2freefreeno was added by: freefreeno21:06
=== Bikos is now known as Bakkar
Bakkarhello guys21:12
Bakkarcan anyone let me know if possible to convert my HDD from MBR to GPT without losing my installation? :)21:13
bpromptBakkar:  how big is your HDD?21:21
user|16035hello I would like to ask if kubuntu is more stable than manjaro in  general22:28

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