
=== root is now known as Guest12973
lubot<tbs> hello, i need support,  i tried simple screen recorder, my voice was too low, not comfortible to listen, i thougt there was problem about my mic, 2 days ago as i shared here i put ram and ssd to laptop and they installed win10 to show me it works but there was bios problem cuz of ram, so i couldnt install lubuntu, that night, before going06:42
lubot compiter shop to repair bios, i tried my mic with OBS, it was good really, 4x better than when i use at lubuntu, now im trying it again at lubuntu with OBS and it s not working well again.06:42
lubot<tbs> in short there s problem at lubuntu about getting my voice via mic06:42
diogenes_tbs, check if pulseaudio is installed (last time i tried lubuntu it had alsa only).07:17
Steven21hello, I need help installing lubuntu07:20
Steven21I keep getting an error at around 15% that says error in job "unpackfs"07:22
JohnDoe_71Rusdo you test memory and image checksum?07:24
JohnDoe_71RusAnd test storage device too07:25
lubot<tbs> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> tbs, check if pulseaudio is installed (last time i tried lubuntu it …], i checked, it s installed07:27
lubotazyxter was added by: azyxter07:29
lubot<tbs> im sick right now, sorry for voice if its not your liking.08:20
Hauke40hallo ev109:19
Hauke40i am trying to get lubuntu 32 bit on an old Laptop of mine. downloaded an .iso with the size of About 55 MB and created an install boot cd. After the Installation Progress now the welcome screen is a somekind of msDos mask when i was expecting a mouse and Keyboard Surface. there is another iso of 1.1 GB i found on the net. I will get myself some09:23
Hauke40empty DVDs tomorrow to burn that or can somebody help me with the shown Situation?09:23
Hauke40screen says09:27
Hauke40Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS rechner tty109:27
diogenes_Hauke40, what system you got now?09:27
Hauke40then there is my Login demanded09:27
Hauke40i tried to install lubuntu, there was a choice during installation09:28
Hauke40still it says Ubuntu 18.04.309:28
diogenes_what are running right now?09:29
Hauke40in this Chat? my new laptop09:29
lubot<tbs> https://lubuntu.me/downloads/ did u download iso from here? it sure is not 55mb09:29
Hauke40no, thats the one with 1.1 GB09:29
Hauke40downloaded it09:29
Hauke40i just have no empty DVDs and it's Sunday ;)09:30
lubot<tbs> so u should try it tmorrow:)09:30
diogenes_Hauke40, i still didn't get what OS is on that laptop now.09:31
Hauke40after logging in it  says Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS which would be the same Version like on the official site09:32
lubot<tbs> he s askin what u use on new laptop i guess09:34
Hauke40there are some links to documentation, Management and support and the advice "to run a command as admin (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See "man sudo_root" for Details. then i can write.09:35
Hauke40my new Laptop here is running Windows 10. the old had XP and thats why i wanted to Fresh it up with a more reliable OS09:35
diogenes_Hauke40, don't you have any usb pendrives around?09:37
Hauke40not big enough sadly. i guess that 55 MB iso is initiating a base data Installation for ubuntu and Downloads the most data later. one of the first Things that was asked for was the Internet Connection.09:38
lubot<tbs> even net installation iso is bigger09:39
lubot<tbs> 335mib is debian net installer09:40
lubot<tbs> seems like u r begginner like me09:41
diogenes_Hauke40, there is still a way to install directly from your HDD using your small usb but it's a complicated process.09:41
Hauke4079.5 MB is the burned isos size09:41
lubot<tbs> i suggest you, while waiting tmorrow to buy dvd, try installing  lubuntu on virtual box09:41
Hauke40i will have a look at that. If it is too much to do i still have tomorrow ;) Thank you two for trying to help09:44
lubot<tbs> at virtualbox u can install distros like lubuntu and others in app, so it wont effect your system and u can try distros, with that way u wou l d try safely if u can install that distro09:46
diogenes_tbs you don't need even that, nowadays you can try any distro right in your browser on distrotest.net09:48
lubot<tbs> i didnt know this, i just tried it now and it looks good09:54
lubot<roheve> selvera12:54
=== akemhp_ is now known as akemhp
* bwew253tgzwhbd sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/QiSfbFIyycyhJkUpgVwIoeJn >20:57
wxlwhy not make a systemd service file that runs on boot and not use sudo at all?21:01
bwew253tgzwhbdah the thing is21:18
bwew253tgzwhbdok look:  i could also lock the resolv.conf so it wont rewrite after every reboot but thats not effective because the network here is so configured that i need to sign in wiht username and password to get internet (captive portal) so i normally did sleep 20 but it always asks for sudo password i just want to know how i can make visudo NOPASSWD but only for this script21:22
wxlyou don't have to use sudo with that. it starts on boot, even before x, when your network is actually starting.21:23
bwew253tgzwhbdyes but to change /etc/resolv.conf u need sudo21:24
wxlyes but systemd runs as root so you don't21:24
wxli've never bothered doing what you're trying to accomplish. i avoid messing with visudo unless absolutely necessary but here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers21:25
bwew253tgzwhbddo u like systemd a lot or why do u recommend me this? :o21:25
wxlwith visudo you're ultimtely fiddling with security. i wouldn't recommend it in general.21:26
wxlanyways you want something like `user all = nopasswd:noexec: /path/to/cmd`21:28
wxlor you could skip noexec and leave a nice vector to circumvent visudo itself :)21:28
bwew253tgzwhbdwhere should i add it21:29
wxllike i said, i've never bothered to mess with it. `man sudoers`21:31
akemhpHey, i got exclamation marks on desktop icons (that i drag n dropped from the menu), why is that? Can i get rid of that exclamation mark?21:31
akemhpIt feels like there is an issue, but there is not, programs are launching normally etc, i would like to have a regular icon, no exclamation mark on it.21:32
wxlthat's… curious. right click > trust executable doesn't work?21:33
akemhpwxl, Yes it works, problem solved! Thanks wxl!21:35
wxlakemhp: it should be trusted by default so i'm not sure why that is and will investigate more.21:35
akemhpwxl, I'm not using the last version, it's 19.04 i think.21:36
bwew253tgzwhbdwxl i have a question about systemd: i did read some things and its fact that systemd did set the dns fallback to by default and other stuff are these actually disabled in ubuntu/lubuntu?21:36
wxlakemhp: you better get to upgrading. that's unsuported!21:36
akemhpwxl, Do you have a link which describe the procedure to upgrade?21:37
kc2bezakemhp: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/D/upgrading.html21:38
kc2bezmake sure to backup first21:38
wxlbwew253tgzwhbd: you can see some subject on the upstream discussion here https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/878221:39
akemhpYeah, i have a backup already.21:39
akemhpThanks kc2bez.21:39
kc2bezNo problem akemhp21:40
bwew253tgzwhbdis full-upgrade not same as dist-upgrade?21:40
bwew253tgzwhbdwhat is the difference21:40
kc2bezbwew253tgzwhbd: They are essentially the same https://askubuntu.com/questions/770135/apt-full-upgrade-versus-apt-get-dist-upgrade21:44
kc2bezIf you want a deep dive into apt I recommend this video series https://highvoltage.tv/videos/watch/5113c935-1258-4f28-a92e-ab87e3fbe9c121:47
wxlabout google dns and systemd…21:48
wxlin order for it to be used, four conditions have to be true. all of them.21:48
wxl 1. systemd-resolved has to be used for internal DNS. Ubuntu does this.21:48
wxl 2. you don't have DNS via DHCP (that kills the majority of cases)21:49
wxl 3. you don't have DNS set up in /etc/resolf.conf21:49
wxl 4. systemd-resolved isn't configured with a different policy21:49
wxlobviously that last one is simple to fix21:49
wxlin fact, it's a like one character fix https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=76165821:50
ubottuDebian bug 761658 in systemd "Please do not default to using Google nameservers" [Wishlist,Open]21:50
wxl(scroll to the bottom)21:50
wxli mean you have tons of control over configuration https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/resolved.conf.html21:54
wxlfinally you'll see here there's no FallbackDNS on ubuntu at 18:13 https://archive.fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/dns_systemd_resolved/22:06
wxlalso if you want to see something interesting `file /etc/resolv.conf`22:15
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