
lotuspsychjegood morning02:06
lotuspsychje!info grab xenial03:28
ubot5Package grab does not exist in xenial03:29
lotuspsychjenerdjones: we cant generalize snaps are bad easy04:44
lotuspsychjethere are alot of snaps, by different maintainers, and some have bugs, just like other packages04:45
lotuspsychjeits the users choice also to use snaps or not04:45
nerdjonesi think the conversation was more along the lines of snaps in general are not a good idea, i dont remember. what brought it back to me was i noticed that the software app has me downloading a lot of snaps and there are a lot of /dev/loops in blkid.04:48
Bashing-omKeep in mind too that snaps depends on the use case; in IOT snaps are the thing; and "might" be useful on the desktop.04:49
Bashing-omnerdjones: If one really has no desire for snaps, the tool can be removed ;)04:56
nerdjonesif it works i dont really see a problem with it, i was just a little alarmed by all the /dev/loops in blkid and there are also a lot of entrys in dmesg for chrome, but im not sure if thats snap related or just chrome being chrome, but it does make it harder to find info i have needed in the whole 2 hours ive been using ubuntu again04:59
Bashing-omnerdjones: chromium has gone the snap way- and we (me) have parted ways.05:03
nerdjonesBashing-om: because of the snap thing? are you anti-snap?05:07
Bashing-omnerdjones: Not so much anti-snap as pro-apt on the desktop. Bear in mind I do have limited assets in this ole box :P05:08
nerdjonesits been years since ive used ubuntu but im already finding myself leaning more towards apt, just because i remember using it mostly, is there a way to convince the app store to use apt? or is it how the dev package thigns so i cant do much about it?05:12
Bashing-omnerdjones: No experience withthe "app store" so cannot comment there. I have become conversant with the command line :P05:18
guiverc2has Kubuntu switched to use calamares installer? (instead of ubiquity)05:56
marcoagpintoWhy isn't there an option to show the resolution of videos in the folders07:47
marcoagpintoWindows 10 has that feature07:48
marcoagpintotested with 18.0407:48
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: you mean the size of thumbnails in nautilus?08:17
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: no, a tab showing 1280x72008:18
lotuspsychjeguiverc2: ive read 20.04 made a revamp of ubiquity, is that what you mean?08:18
marcoagpintoor the duration of the video08:18
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: right mouse on the video/properties08:22
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: wouldn't it be simpler to have a tab with resolution+duration?08:23
marcoagpintoright-clicking in the folder tab should allow to select it08:23
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: you could check around with dconf-editor on nautilus perhaps08:24
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: and if you dont find any tweak, you can always propose a wichlist !bug08:24
marcoagpintowhat is the bugzilla platform url?08:25
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: bugs on ubuntu, always create with ubuntu-bug packagename08:25
marcoagpintofound it08:26
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: could you tell me in which part of launchpad should I create the ticket?08:27
marcoagpintosorry for bothering you08:27
lotuspsychjescroll back to what i just said08:27
lotuspsychjefrom a terminal: ubuntu-bug packagename08:28
marcoagpintobut I am already in the site logged in08:28
lotuspsychjein your case ubuntu-bug nautilus if you want a wishlist for nautilus08:28
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: when you use ubuntu-bug, relevant (system)info will add into your bug wich the devs will need, if you file it directly from launchpad, that info will be missing08:30
marcoagpintoI want to file the wishlist using launchpad... but it is so hard to use08:31
lotuspsychjeplease dont08:31
marcoagpintothen: terminal -> ubuntu-bug nautilus ?08:32
lotuspsychjeif nautilus is the package you want a wish for yes08:33
marcoagpintolet me try08:33
marcoagpinto"send problem report to developers"?08:34
marcoagpintoit allows a yes or no08:34
marcoagpintobut, where can I write the wishlist?08:34
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: first you need to proceed with the normal bug procedure, after that you can ask an admin/dev to convert it to a wishlist08:35
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: after choosing yes, browser will jump open to add a bug title + description08:37
marcoagpintoyes, I am already there08:38
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/186089908:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1860899 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Add extra information to tabs in folders" [Undecided,New]08:39
marcoagpintoare you an administrator?08:39
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: in a few hours, please ping hggdh and ask gently if he wants to convert your bug to a wish08:40
lotuspsychje!19.04 is <reply> Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) is the 30th release of Ubuntu, supported ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html09:20
lotuspsychje!19.04 is <reply> Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, supported ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html09:28
guiverc2sorry lotuspsychje , nah.  Kubuntu uses ubiquity with a 'kde_ui' skin that looks like calamares... (i disappeared out for dinner, somewhere someone was asking kubuntu support question sending me pic of screen; I was wondering if kde neon that uses calamares.. it was legit though..)11:27
guiverc2thanks for reply lotuspsychje :)11:27
lotuspsychjeguiverc2: aha, no kde experiences myself here, maybe blueskaj or RikMills might know that11:54
guiverc2no need; I don't remember whatever it was, but it was legit & I gave whatever I could..11:56
marcoagpinto[08:40] <lotuspsychje> marcoagpinto: in a few hours, please ping hggdh and ask gently if he wants to convert your bug to a wish12:48
marcoagpintohggdh: Ping?12:48
marcoagpinto[12:48] <marcoagpinto> hggdh: Ping?12:48
marcoagpintoguys?! Is "Kingston" a good brand for MicroSD Cards for mobile phones?13:38
marcoagpintoThe Pakistani didn't have SanDisk13:38
SwedeMikemarcoagpinto: yes.13:39
SwedeMikeit's a well known brand13:39
marcoagpintoI ordered a Sandisk and two readers USB from Amazon UK but they lost my package and returned the $$$13:40
marcoagpintoso, I had to ask dad to buy it here in Portugal13:40
marcoagpintobut the store across the street doesn't have SanDisk13:40
marcoagpintohey hey14:31
marcoagpinto>:) <- cola demon14:31
daftykinsas long as they're not fakes15:17
marcoagpintothat is what I told dad15:18
marcoagpinto"the pakistani stores probably sell fakes"15:18
marcoagpintodaftykins: How do I know it is real?15:18
daftykinsplease stop referring to shop staff by race, it's really not pleasant15:19
daftykinsor nationality rather15:19
marcoagpintohow do you call chinese stores?15:20
marcoagpintodaftykins: The problem is that in Portugal we are loaded with Chinese and Pakistani stores... so, one says: "I am going to the Chinese to buy blah blah"15:21
daftykinsi would hope that's not common practice15:23
marcoagpintoit is common practice15:23
marcoagpintoat least here15:23
marcoagpintoEven in Portuguese Mozambique where I was born there was Chinese stores :)15:24
marcoagpintoback in the 1970s and earlier15:25
daftykinswhat i mean is i doubt everyone else goes around referring to them as such15:25
marcoagpintoin Portugal it is common practice15:25
marcoagpintodaftykins: How do I tell if the SD Card is real?15:27
daftykinslook it up15:28
marcoagpintoit is inside a box just like the ones in the supermarket15:29
marcoagpintoa case with lines to cut with scissors15:29
daftykinsrumour has it there's a free resource of interconnected computers that allows you to look things up15:32
tomreynlapion: i probably don't know more than you do, canonical is pushing more and more for snaps overall.17:26
lapionBut don't snaps use extra ram to just merge the snap fs into the regluar fs ?17:27
tomreynlapion: it feels to me (and others) that there is an intention to replace deb in the medium / long term17:27
tomreynno, i don't think so17:27
tomreynbut for technical details you'd better askin #snapcraft probably since most people aroun dhere don't want to support snaps17:27
lapionDon't snaps incur a performance penalty17:28
tomreyni have no benchmarks17:28
oerheksmy bet is that they gain performance17:33
oerheksperformance, security ( confinement), updates independent from apt17:34
daftykinsthey'd only be more secure if the developer/'snapper' is regularly keeping all components inside current17:37
lapionThey will surely use more ram and the system has to go through 2 layers of filesystems..17:38
lapionAnd a snap will use more storage space17:38
daftykinsdon't get me wrong i despise them and always purge snapd, but those are very weak arguments17:40
=== akemhp_ is now known as akemhp
oerhekswhat is the difference, a few kb?17:41
oerhekstry to roll back an apt package .. or remove a dependency. snap will work.17:44
=== angik1 is now known as angik
JanCthe difference between an application in a snap/flatpak vs. one installed with APT is more like several 100s of MBs usually19:43
marcoagpinto"dream on, dream on, dream on until your dreams come true" >:)22:36
jeremy31You don't always get what you want, if you try real hard you might get what you need22:44
oerheksif you need it, it will on your path. you certainly do not need all that comes on your path.22:47
oerheksc/ will be22:47
marcoagpintohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_kqUxPAGYI <- "Dream on"23:00
marcoagpintoa Dio song, very good23:00
marcoagpintoahhhh... one hour for my birthday23:01

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