[08:42] "Alt+Scroll wheel" for screen zoom triggers a scrolling within mousepad. Is this a system problem or a mousepad bug? [08:46] DarkTrick: if the cursor is in the mousepad window it will have focus so it'll scroll [08:54] well_laid_lawn, you say "it will scroll". Do you mean "it is expected to scroll" ? [08:56] if mouusepad has focus with the cursor in it then yes [08:57] try making sure the mouse cursor is sitting on the wallpaper not in a window [08:59] hm [09:00] well_laid_lawn, that would in return mean, that firefox, xfce4-terminal, hexchat and a couple of other apps have a buggy behavior [09:01] well_laid_lawn, that being said, I'd say it's much more "natural" if no scrolling would accur... [09:01] well_laid_lawn, other system shortcuts also prevent applications to fire their event. Why should alt+mousewheel be any different? === Mead is now known as mead [10:36] <__raven__> update to 19.10 disabled multi monitor mode using two monitors on nvidia and additional two on internal intel915 onboard.c how to expand nvidia view to the internal graphics card again? [15:40] How can I make numlock activate on lightdm start? [15:45] unlimiter, http://dpaste.com/1R2MAE7 [15:46] check that out ^^^^ [15:49] diogenes_ hello, the xubuntu install by default xubuntu-core, do u know the difference between the core and xubuntu-desktop? [15:50] i was thinking about xubuntu-restricted-extras too. i can play mp3 and i install fonts with other package.. so.. is it really necessary? [15:51] Noboru55, don't go around installing things you don't need at the moment. [15:51] i wont ^^ [16:00] diogenes_, it worked just fine. Thanks [18:03] Does the default login screen start after xorg is "ready" or before? [18:49] Hi. I'm having a pretty annoying issue with Eoan Ermine. Is this the right place for seeking help? [18:54] raven-14: When it is Xubuntu, yes. Just ask your question and if somebody knows the answer, he will tell [18:54] but stay w while a roun [18:54] d [18:55] Sweet thanks! [18:59] Installed a xubuntu 19.10 in dual-boot (other is Win10), and simply, after booting once into it, it won't go lemme log in again. As in, after entering my logins, it displays a black screen with a tiny blue square on the top-left. Trying to access console mode from log screen freezes everything. dpkg doesn't see anything wrong [19:00] raven-14, installed nvidia? [19:00] uh, absolutely not. [19:00] Dangit [19:01] raven-14, so after the installation it worked ok? [19:02] Had to change "quiet splash" to "nomodeset" for the install, but, completely forgot about it afterwards. You're right, it's prolly driver issues [19:03] yeah [19:07] Thanks for the help. Gonna try grabbing the right drivers [19:08] no problems, come with a feedback on how it went. [19:12] Just booted xubuntu from a usb stick. The xfce terminal is not working and I am lost without it. When started it says Fariled to execute child process (No such file or directory) [19:12] At what point are services started when booting and how do you best disable automatic startup for some selected services? [19:14] If that comment was intended for me, things are started as specified from how the USB stick set things up. I'm starting the terminal from the application window. [19:15] No, it's my own question directed to everyone present here. No relation with your issue FredK [19:16] pikapika, run: tree [19:17] and: systemd-analyze blame [19:18] to disable a servuce: sudo systemctl disable servucename && sudo systemctl stop sameservicename [19:18] Thats what I did but [19:18] Does 'disable' mean it would also not be started automatically next boot? [19:19] FredK, how did you write the usb? [19:19] I used unetbootin [19:19] @diogenes_ Installed nvidia drivers v.435. Booted and logged. Thanks again [19:20] pikapika, yes but some stubborn services also need: sudo systemctl mask servicename [19:20] Ok, thanks [19:20] raven-14, you're welcome. [19:21] FredK, try writing with etcher. [19:21] and check the checksum. [19:21] ...etcher? [19:22] yes [19:22] Just out of curiosity, could the checksum test done with a ...uh...simpler tool? [19:22] !checksum [19:22] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [19:23] Oh okay [19:23] Just a matter of checksumming the iso file right? [19:23] I thought you were speaking of some test performed post copying the image to usb [19:25] first checksum and if all is well then write the iso to usb again but this time use etcher software. [19:25] What tests does etcher provide if any after writing to USB? [19:26] pikapika, no tests it's just known to do the things better. [19:29] diogenes_, personally I'd be extremely careful recommending electron anything (or anything that has come from the web background) unless there's no better option. [19:29] Your views might be different but for example it was just a few years ago that the download sizes of say etcher would have been prohibitive to me [19:31] pikapika, a recommendation is an advice and it's up to you to either take it or not. [19:33] diogenes_, if recommendation was so harmless, to take an extreme example, people won't have any issues with neonazi propaganda. I am just saying one must understand the consequences and "free advertizing" that are caused due to recommendation. Not forcing anything, just asking you to reflect on some things. [19:58] I'm back. Computer crashed. I have not way to make the download of etcher executable on this machine, and on another machine get "./etcher-v1.5.71: line 7 syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'. Perhaps there is something else could try? [20:00] FredK, then try gnome-disk-utility to write the iso. [20:04] Sorry some how left this page. Still looking for bootable drive ideas, or a way to fix by xfce terminal. [20:05] FredK, then try gnome-disk-utility to write the iso. [20:05] only if checksum is ok. [21:05] Hi, [21:06] I am using Xubutu current LTS. [21:08] It seems I removed accidentally a package which is responsible to proper display of Xfce4 Desktop Environment. Windows behaves strange. [21:08] How can I fix this issue? [21:14] csanyipal: Just do "sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop" [21:14] krytarik: I am doing it now. Thanks! [21:16] Finished. I am going to re-login. Bye! [21:34] Hi again, [21:38] Still have strange behavior of some window, like the Software applications window, because eg if I scroll down the mouse wheel when over it"s window then the bottom of the window is "rise", or if I scroll with the wheel up then the top of the window descends. [22:25] Still asking for help here. As I said, I accidentally removed some packages for calibrating the display device. So now I can't see on some windows buttons, but only texts for those buttons. I reinstall xubuntu-desktop already. What else can I do to get back again a stable Xfce4 Desktop Environment? [22:49] I just did this: 'sudo apt install xfce4'. Maybe this helps me out. [22:49] Bye!